Interlude - Budding

Story by Smiling Spider on SoFurry

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#3 of Vessel

Ren Juuko clambered unsteadily to her feet, coughing up the remains of the tentacle that had been down her throat. The buttons on her pink shirt and lab coat popped open as her abdomen flexed, its sudden swollenness too much for her clothes. Between her legs was cold and sore and dripping with viscous fluids that made her pants stick to her matted fur. For the first time, she felt true sympathy for the research subjects--the people who went through this. Yes, people... She had always ignored the fact that their subjects suffered fear and pain and humiliation just like everyone else.

It was for her sanity, really... And now, if she didn't escape, she'd become a subject too or worse, and none of her colleagues would spare her any discomforts during research just because they used to eat lunch and joke and swap gossip together.

As she righted herself, leaning heavily on the console, the creature in her shifted. She could feel it moving under the muscle and skin; a gush of liquid splattered beneath her and she flushed with shame beneath her gray fur, damp with fear-sweat. Her ears twitched at the sound of marching feet--she could hear them moving in beyond the piercing alarms. No one had armed the lockdown doors, and heads would roll for it. I'm running out of time! Desperately, the rabbit jabbed at her system's keyboard, initiating the wipe protocols she'd put into place months ago. If she couldn't manage to escape, at least they'd lose all their research... And then she'd take care of herself. But first things first--she needed to make sure there was no record of the specimen... contacting her.

Ren didn't have time to stare at the monitor. She tugged her shirt closed, straining against her painfully full belly. There was no way her body would handle any physical stress like this--the subject may have been able to escape, but at least her body had had a week to begin to accommodate the rather sudden "pregnancy." Ren, however, had no such luxury. She was amazed that she wasn't bleeding out already. Too much stress would likely end up with her dying of internal hemorrhage--not the kind of escape she wanted.

The rabbit had no problem disguising herself as yet another fleeing scientist as she emerged into the hallway. The security staff had already arrived en masse; none seemed to pay her much attention as they took up positions, about to invade the already empty lab by force. One waved her back, seeing her wide-eyed, horrified expression and the blood in her mouth caused by the creature's violent taking of her muzzle. He must have just thought her merely one more casualty.

I may make it out after all... She made it through the corridor and took the next turn, wanting to get out of their range as quickly as possible. Out of sight was out of mind, after all. She took a left and then an elevator up, unsurprised that even that basic security precaution hadn't been taken.

The doors of the elevator opened and her heart plummeted into her stomach. Four guards had turned to the doors at the cheery ding of the elevator's arrival. She stabbed the "close doors" button frantically. "Ma'am!" One shouted. "Come out! We will not hurt you!" The doors weren't closing fast enough; two were closing in, while one covered her with a gun and the other turned to the only exit out of the main lobby.

Come on, come on! She squeezed her eyes shut, willing the doors to snap shut and keep her safe. They were steel, nearly impenetrable, and if they would just close she'd be fine, she knew she'd be fine... She still had a chance.

"We can help you, ma'am. Just come out of there. Let's do it the easy way, okay?" The doors whooshed closed and she slumped over with relief... In time for a hand to clamp over her shoulder vise-tight and jerk her forward. She lashed out, raking the rat's face with her short, blunt claws. She'd always kept them short for typing... Now they did nothing but aggravate the guard, who grappled with her and with almost insulting ease pinned her arms between them--but not before she got a sound bite in on his nose, causing him to squeal with pain and anger. He spun her out of the elevator, literally hurling her into the lobby.

Something pinched her shoulder. The last thing she saw before she sank to the marble floor was the mosaic behind the reception desk--two huge human hands extended toward each other, with barely more contact than the brush of fingers.

Ren woke up cold and paralyzed; everything around her blurred, but she could tell she was in one of the max security labs. Her tongue was swollen and dry in her mouth--the telltale cottony feeling of heavy sedation. She wouldn't have been able to move even if the heavy cuffs weren't keeping her pinned. Machines bleeped sleepily around her; she could hear the hiss of an air-cycling unit. They were taking the organism more seriously this time; well, that went along with her original recommendations, but Ren wished she weren't the one they decided to put the heavy guard on.

Rolling her eyes around to get a better look, she realized... This wasn't the first time she'd woken up here. She'd dreamed... No, she must have floated up from the drug haze before... Her muscles were stiff, as though she'd not moved much for a very long time. Tubes had been crammed in her mouth, a catheter's pinch down below, the... invasive sensation of having tubes to elimate through... She wanted to die.

Truly, deep down, she wanted to die. There would be no escape.

Something writhed in her womb and, if she could have screamed, she would have. That cheetah subject had not been the first the company had collected, but she had been the only to escape--if indeed she had. Ren had no way to know otherwise. But the girl was doomed either way--she couldn't hide, couldn't run. The organism had only sacrificed the external appendages and a few... buds. Pruning--a prudent survival strategy. Tales of ferals from Before indicated that even they would gnaw away a limb if caught in a trap. Better to be crippled and live free than wait to die whole.

A pneumatic whoosh brought Ren out of her musing. The scientists who came in regarded her from behind masks with barely a hint of recognition, though she knew them. Her jaw worked, but with the tube in down her throat, she could only make the weakest of gurgles. The two moved around her, one injecting a sedative into the IV, the second shoving her weak legs up the tracks of the mechanical stirrup. That one was Dr. Liu--he was never one to do something gently when it could be done quickly.

He pushed his lubricated, slender fist up into her vagina, feeling, she knew with a pang, her cervices. It ached and she knew before he spoke what that meant. "She's dilating on schedule. I venture to confirm that the reproductive cycle of lagomorphs does have an effect on the laying cycle."

"The part where her kind can ovulate just from someone shoving his knot up there?" And Dr. Whitefoot, Ren thought grimly, then winced as Dr. Liu began pulling something out of her. Her muscles involuntarily contracted, pushing against Liu and the tentacle he had to be dragging from her womb.

"That's a good girl," he cooed, much to Whitefoot's and Ren's disgust. Still, she couldn't help herself--not that she wanted that thing staying in her any longer than necessary. She moaned around the respirator until Whitefoot hastily untaped it and slowly pulled it out along with the feeding tube, allowing Ren to fully breathe on her own. A sudden wave of heat washed over Ren as at last the tentacle came out; it felt like a thick bulb at the end, which had corked the rush of hot fluid that gushed out of her and onto the lab floor. She could hear it rush down the drain as she leaked. She shuddered and pushed, though the tentacle was long gone.

"Labor," Whitefoot mused aloud. "A bit faster than usual. Generally the prostaglandin and pitocin take longer..." Why wasn't the tentacle killing everyone? That was what Ren wanted to know... It would be a good time, she thought muzzily, muscles contracting again. The first egg popped through and rolled out, quickly followed by more with a force that rivaled that of water tumbling through a tap. She was trembling with weakness long before the end, though there was little pain. The eggs were soft, or at least small enough to not tear her, she surmised. But when the tentacles had taken her in the lab, they'd just gone straight in... They hadn't laid in her then, had they?

Heat continued to course through her. Of course, estrus... She shuddered as Liu fingered her opening, fingers brushing over her clit as he examined her with Whitefoot looking on. Her breath came in short bursts that made the female scientist hmph with withering scorn, but Ren couldn't control herself. This was why females were allowed to stay home during heat--they were nearly completely ineffective without chemical suppression during the period, and so became many males they came into contact with. It was particularly rough for rabbits, though...

"Insemination?" Liu asked Whitefoot amiably. She grunted in agreement. There was a wet sloshing sound, and then... "You know," Liu said, "We could test out the digestive hypothesis. We have enough other subjects." A round-headed tentacle, cool and wet, poked at her cunt, squirming slightly before the brush of Liu's fingers there told Ren that he was guiding it in. She gasped as it slid in, filling her.

"There is no way. She'd die of sepsis if not from bursting." The tentacle seemed to bulge within her, then...

"Well, we could try a colonoscopy." Split. She could feel it sliding through both cervices and into the uterine horns, making her cramp. The tentacles began to undulate; a shuffling sound indicated that Liu was hefting up something heavy--likely the bulk of the creature that had been within Ren.

"They'd have to be situated in the upper intestine to get any--" Ren groaned loudly, hips hitching forward, "effective nutrition. The colon's simply too low." Irritated, Liu slapped at one of Ren's thighs, but the sensation of roiling thickness within her was too much for her to withstand. Unwillingly, her hips kept rolling, making her strain at the cuffs that held her down to the table. Her cunt dribbled with come and the excretion of the tentacles. They'd done tests on the substance. It was no more offensive than vasoline, little more than sap with qualities not entirely unlike gelatin. Lubricant...

"Hmm... I think we could make it work. Obviously it will take planning. I wasn't suggesting we do it right now." The tentacle slowly accelerated, attempting to fit the first of what would be many eggs inside her. The first one squelched against her opening, obviously not stretched wide enough for it. "You know, I think surgical alteration of the pelvis may not be amiss, either."

"I'll take it under advisement," Whitefoot stated, her low tone inviting no further comment. Ren whimpered as the first egg finally wedged inside, helped along by Liu. She cursed them, but it only came out as grunts, for the cottonmouth was too severe. "I'm on break. I'll send a replacement." With that, Whitefoot stomped out, and the pneumatic door hissed shut behind her.

Liu sighed. "What a bitch, huh?" The eggs began to come faster, spreading her labia and pressing against the pearl of her clit as the scientist facilitated her impregnation. "Not a very handy ovipositor," he observed. She wasn't sure if he was talking to her or just commenting to himself, and didn't care. She just wanted relief... Her pelvic muscles tightened, using the strength kegel exercises granted to clamp down around the tentacle as it humped against her, its egglaying for the moment frustrated as she instinctively sought her own pleasure. A line of eggs were smashed against her opening, the first slowly distorting as the tentacle's peristaltic movements propelled them upwards. The pressure dragged a reluctant moan from Ren's throat. Finally it popped in, frustrating her progress towards climax. But the next butted up right into her clit, then the next, and the next, each building the wave of heat and tension that finally swept through her as the tentacle convulsed and swelled after the last egg, a jet of liquid bursting into her.

Liu moved around the bedside as the tentacle quivered inside her. The last thing she heard before her sight darkened was, "Perhaps we'll let the next ones come to maturity in you..."


Whoa! Is a hint of plot invading my PWP?! Remember, comments are food for writers... Read, write, rate! I hope you all enjoy.

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