Spawning Grounds

Story by Smiling Spider on SoFurry

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#2 of Vessel

Previously: [Private Property](%5C)

Spawning Grounds

Heaven. That was where she had to be. All Marie could see was white--white light, shining down on her, six distant suns overhead. Her watering eyes opened wide, her pupils blown, all she could see was that light, pure and brilliant. She wanted to move up and join it, but she was too tired, too tired to move, and very cold.

She closed her eyes, losing her grip on consciousness as the suns' light burned through her eyelids, lurid red. And so Marie slept.

Her mind drifted in the comfortable darkness of unconsciousness; the distant part of her that still knew rational thought realized that she was in shock. The rest of her mind--the rest that wasn't gibbering in horror--didn't care. She was in heaven. All would be well.

A reedy, irritating ringing filled her ears. She tried to ignore it, but it was insistent, pulsing in time to the beat of her heart. It's not morning yet, she thought, stupid alarm clock. She tried to roll to face away from the beeping, but couldn't--she was snagged in her sheets, obviously. But when she tried to lift her other arm, she found she was stuck. Her eyes popped open in alarm and she found herself blinded by near-featureless white. White... Marie swallowed, wincing at her sore throat and blinking against the light until her eyes adjusted. She was lying on her back, staring up at a lamp with six bulbs glaring down at her. Her legs had been bound as well, and if she craned her neck, she could see that she was in some kind of railed bed in a big room that disappeared into darkness. Lines ran from her to overhanging machines and an oxygen mask had been strapped to her muzzle; no wonder her sinuses felt so dry and cracked.

"Hkkhl?" Her throat was too dry for her to even speak. She was sore all over, like she'd run up and down a mountain (or maybe ran up and rolled down). Her joints felt swollen and, as she tried to shift, she realized her nethers were puffy and abused as well. She licked her lips, dry tongue rasping against the plastic mask. She tried to speak again. "Hhllo?" Her guts ached and something deep inside her was throbbing like she'd made love to her boyfriend all night, but almost painful instead of pleasantly used. Her tail curled up between her legs in agitation, tenting the sheet she lay under.

Footsteps approached from the side; she twisted her head around, but could only see a shadowed silhouette. "Awake there?" A pleasant female voice came from the figure; Marie nodded as her eyes adjusted, letting her see that a chubby panda in a lab coat was leaning over her bed, adjusting an IV drip. "We're just going to do a little check up on you, dear. You're doing fine, so don't worry, okay?" The doctor gave her a kindly pat on the head, then pulled down the white sheet that covered her torso.

That was when Marie realized she was naked and the room was, in actuality, almost freezing. Her nipples went taut at the cold and humiliation prickled her skin red beneath her fur. However, the doctor checked Marie over, making no remarks as she used the stethoscope to listen to Marie's heart, asking Marie to breathe deeply, hold it, and exhale a couple of times. It was like getting a physical. The impersonality of the situation would have been more soothing if she wasn't beginning to remember what had happened before.

"E'ekgs?" Marie tried to say. The eggs?

Evidently the doctor understood. She smiled in what was obviously meant to be a reassuring manner, but Marie was already beginning to sweat and nausea was running through her. Am I pregnant? With that thing's... Spawn? She knew that in normal rape, women almost never became pregnant, but... She tried to look down, but found lifting her head to be nearly impossible. Was she still full of eggs? The doctor was murmuring to someone, but even Marie's keen hearing couldn't make out the words.

"We're just going to take a look, Miss Johannes." The doctor patted Marie again, this time on the foot. With no more warning than that, Marie's legs were pushed up and apart, her feet bound to stirrup platforms. She yelped, trying to bring them down again, but she was simply too weak--her legs, like her head, felt too heavy to move. "I'm Dr.... Uh, White, by the way." The pause betrayed the lie.

Marie shivered while "Dr. White" pushed up the sheet and began examining her, pushing at the dry, sensitive skin of her pussy and tailhole with latex-gloved hands. The panda pressed Marie's lips apart with gentle but firm talons, obviously blunted to keep from puncturing the gloves. Marie swallowed convulsively as bile rose up in her ravaged throat. She yelped again when something frigid and wet was shoved into her without warning, roughly aligning her cervix. "Sorry, dear!" the doctor said cheerfully. "I know the speculum's a bit cold!" As if it wasn't bad enough that her nipples were hard enough to hurt and she was being violated again, she had to put up with someone who sounded normal about the whole ordeal.

Again, Marie began to cry. Soft, hiccoughing sobs that the other woman saw fit to ignore, either from lack of sympathy or perhaps for the sake of Marie's dwindling dignity. Meanwhile the doctor had called over two others, clad in the same white coats. "It's disappeared," Dr. White muttered. "Take a look."

A deeper voice replied, "Huh... Look at this darker tracery in the vaginal tissue..."

"Let me take a look," a second woman commanded, followed by a sharply painful shift of the speculum. "No, you idiots, look--see that dark part at the cervical aperture?"

Dr. White said, "No, that wasn't there just a moment ago."

"I'll just check it out." Thicker fingers spread Marie's clit outward. "Hm... Wait, it's moving. Something seems to be emerging... One of the ovoids?"

"Not an ovoid. Did you get your doctorate from a box of Wheaties? Perhaps an oospore..."

"Or more like roe," Dr. White added thoughtfully. "Miss Johannes, please give a push for us."

I hope you get one in the eye, Marie thought, contracting her abdominal muscles as viciously as she could. Immediately she felt something shoot from her channel and heard the startled exclamations of the three doctors; the speculum clattered to the floor as the thing kept coming out of her, spreading her wider than had her boyfriend put his hand in up to the elbow. One of the doctors screamed, which cut off with a sharp tug at Marie's insides that made her gasp with pain. More things came squirming out of her. She could see a dark coil loop above the bed and then shoot down, jerking her hips forward and making the whole bed rattle.

The male doctor roared and tackled her, crushing her tiny frame with his bullish body. The horrible pressure on her full belly made her shriek. She caught a glimpse of his curving horns over her head before the whole bed collapsed sideways, catching one of her wrists between the rail and the floor. She cried out, feeling bones crack. The other wrist restraint snapped and she immediately shoved at the bull's chest; he was grappling with a thick, wet tentacle that had slipped between him and was constricting around his throat. His labored, wet breathing hit her full in the face; she could see his wide brown eyes bulging in panic, but couldn't muster much sympathy as she struggled to free her other wrist. The pair writhed on the floor, Marie trying to loose her bonds, the bull doctor trying to free himself from the monster choking the life out of him. Her knees, still pushed up by the mechanical stirrups, were bearing most of the weight of the bed, an agonizing situation she couldn't free herself from. However, one of the tentacles thrust powerfully against the bed--something shattered several feet away, but the straps holding Marie's legs stretched until she was able to slip free.

Unfortunately, she couldn't get away from the dying bull. Snot and blood and saliva dribbled from his nose and mouth. His grip was failing; he could only paw weakly at the coils around his throat, which gave one last nasty squeeze that crushed his throat. He collapsed against her, jerking through his death throes. A bulge between his legs pressed against her belly and she screamed, the real horror finally penetrating her mind. "Oh please," she whimpered, "No, no, no...!"

But the ordeal was not yet over. Alarms were raging overhead; Marie tried to get to her feet, but the combination of a massively distended stomach and thick tentacles twisting between her legs had other ideas, moving around of their own accord without giving her the chance to orient herself. She landed on her back with a wet smacking sound. Bodies lay still around her, scattered like dolls--not just the three doctors, but a tiger and a deer in security blues and personnel in scrubs. The machines she'd seen were toppled, sparks flaring. The shattering sound she'd heard before was apparently a glass wall, isolating her from a bank of monitoring equipment. A few people still stood there, struck frozen by terror; a body hung over one console, unmoving.

The tentacles dragged her through the broken glass and into the lab floor; one of the two people fainted, while all but one fled. The one who remained, a petrified-looking gray rabbit, merely stared at the knot of tentacles that maneuvered Marie around the consoles and ever closer to her. "Run!" Marie screamed. "Get out of here!" The rabbit--Ren Juuko by her nametag--finally bolted, but it was too late. A tentacle lashed out, catching her midsection and sending her tumbling to the floor in a tangle of limbs and chairs. The slimy tentacle drew the women closer together; other tentacles reached out for the rabbit, pulling her legs apart and reaching up her flowing black slacks. Marie rolled herself forward and clawed her way forward to the rabbit, trying to help disentangle her.

The tentacles that had grown out of her pussy had widened it to the point that Marie's legs were splayed; the flesh felt as though it would surely split, and yet it hadn't. The glass from the broken observation wall hadn't even cut her. The thick mass roiling between the two women made Marie bob up and down as she more or less sprawled on it, trying to pry Ren loose to no avail.

Ren was screaming, a shrill, mind-numbing sound that made Marie want to curl up and cover her ears. The tentacles, impatient with attempting to pull Marie away, bound her hands to the rabbit's legs before probing between them and ripping through the fabric. The sudden double penetration shocked Ren into stillness; Marie could hear her tiny whimpers over a low moaning sound... That was coming from her own throat. A blunt-tipped tentacle hovered over the rabbit's face for a moment before plunging into her open mouth, angling away from the long incisors. It muted the woman's cries and renewed her struggles. She thrashed her hips, nearly breaking Marie's nose against her pelvis; the wet, suctioning sounds of the two tentacles moving inside the woman made Marie gag. The convulsion caught the creature's attention, for it quickly pinioned Marie to Ren so that one ear was pressed against Ren's torso and Marie's bulging stomach was squashed between herself and the oozing, wriggling tentacles.

The salty smell of Ren's sex combined with the loamy scent of the tentacles' excretion; the whole thing was horrible, the sound, smell, and sight of the violation Marie was made into a captive audience of. The pistoning tentacles made Marie's hips hump in a gross parody of lovemaking, bumping her knees against the tiled floor over and over.

Something buried deep between her legs shuddered and pulsated, pushing out from her womb and out of her entrance until it plopped on the floor. Then another followed, and another, until she'd pushed out six things. The width of the tentacles seemed reduced--in fact, there was only one thick appendage protruding from between her legs now, and her womb was shrinking down until it no longer looked as though she might explode at any moment. However, Ren found herself in a worse situation; her hips bucked up as two more tentacles entered her, two shoving into her pussy and two in her ass without a shred of mercy. The rabbit would have been shrieking if not for the tentacle jamming itself over and over in her throat. The tentacles that had lashed Marie to Ren loosened and Marie pulled her body free, catching a glimpse of angry crimson pussy that made her own clench in sympathy.

The main tentacle that held Marie to Ren seemed to be the one most aggressively pounding into the rabbit's vagina; Marie's hands were still bound to Ren's thighs, and so she was forced to face Ren's rape. The alternatives were to watch any number of other horrors occurring or to close her eyes, but that left her with the sensation of the tentacle sliding in and out of her own taut channel and the horrible sounds and scents. Denying one sense made all the others much worse. Thus she saw the bulging of Ren's stomach as the other tentacle in her pussy began pushing in and in rather than mocking regular intercourse; the two in Ren's ass did the same, though the main tentacle continued its lazy fucking. The other tentacles disappeared into the girl with faint slurping noises. The one in her mouth trembled, then spasmed, gray ooze trickling from the corners of her slack muzzle. Ren had since passed out; the only screaming was entirely Marie's own.

The ejaculating tentacle wavered, then fell and seemed to wither into dust. Ren's long ears twitched as she seemed to be coming around again. At the same time, the fat tentacle coming from between Marie's own shuddered, something fat traveling out of Marie and through it into Ren, making her stomach expand impossibly. The fat tentacle crumpled as well, withering into a dry stem no larger around than a stick in a matter of seconds, along with the binding tentacles. They snapped as Marie scrambled away, sparing no time for the prone rabbit.

The remaining dead tentacle crumbled away from between her legs as she began stumbling through halls, ignored by blue- and black-suited people running in formation down the hall to the area she was leaving. She limped through open doorways until finally she emerged from an innocuous-looking office front on a moon-lit street she recognized--only a couple of blocks from her home. The stricken cheetah began to make her way home...


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Private Property

Marie's tufted ears flicked in annoyance and paranoia as she slipped through a small hole in the construction site's chain link fence. It must have been cut by some kids, because it was a bit of a squeeze even for her slender body. She curled her long,...

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