My 1st crush pt 6

Story by SuperBlue on SoFurry

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#6 of My 1st Crush

\I'm sorry that this took so long, but here it is ^^. Hope you guys like it =D//

We got to Nick's house and he pulled in his driveway. We got out of the car and headed for his door, when we got to his door he pulled me and hugged me into a deep kiss. He purred, "I love you so much Nights."

"I love you to kitty." He took out his keys and opened the door. When we got inside I looked around, his house was a nice size. In his living room he had a big screen TV not plasma though. His kitchen was like mine just a bit bigger. Nick took me upstairs and we passed a few doors and then got to his room. He opened the door and I looked around. His rooms a little messy like mine; he has some video games and has a computer. When I was done looking around I saw him lock the door.

"Now what were you saying about 'something I will love'?" Nick sat on his bed tapping the spot next to him.

"Oh yea. Well I was thinking... since you saved me and all I would...let you take me."

"Wait baby I don't want you to do this just because of what happened, are you sure about this?"

"Yes I am.... Nick I want you inside me." I said then pushed him down on the bed and kissed him.

Nick kissed me back and rubbed my back. Then I got up. He took off my shirt then started with my belt. Slowly sliding them down to the floor. Now I'm only in my boxers I kiss him again then he slides my boxers down revealing my fully erect cock.

"Oh so just stripping you get you aroused huh?" Nick said with a grin.

I blushed, then took off his shirt and fumbled with his belt and let his paints fall on the floor. I took a moment to look at my lovers beautiful body, from his cute face to his chest to his boxers...which seems to have a tent in them. I pulled down his boxers letting me see his half hard cock.

"Aww my kitty isn't hard enough yet. Lets fix that." I said with a grin. I took his member and quickly put it in my muzzle; I used my tongue and lapped his cock making him stiff in my muzzle. He put a paw on my head motioning it to make me stop.

"That will do roo." Nick chucked rubbing my head.

I smirked and turned around and got on all fours and lifted my tail. My body started shaking uncontrolable when I felt Nick chest on my back, breathing on my neck, and feeling his length on my butt, it all gave me chills going up my spine. I gasped as I was suddenly spun around on my back.

"I want to see your face." Nick smiled and I smiled back at him.

Nick put the tip of his cock in my tail hole. I shivered beneath him as I gasped and he stopped.

"Are you ok?" he asked in a concerned voice.

"Yea...hurts a little but I'm ok...go on."

Nick nodded and pushed his member inside me slowly; it was a mixture of pain and pleasure. Inch by inch his member went in me making me moan uncontrollably, Nick got all the way in "You still ok babe?" he asked.

"Yea... now give me all that you can, take me sexy stud. Make me yours."

Nick didn't need any more encouragement so he pulled out slowly till the tip of his cock was out a little then he pushed back in making me exploded with pleasure. This is something i've never felt before. Sure it was a little painful but it felt so good at the same time. As Nick thrusts in and out of me the small pain I was feeling slowly turned to pleasure.

I moaned and our bodies rocked in the same motion, Nick still was humping slow but then started to pick up the pace when he saw I was ready for more by the expression I had of my face. I griped the sheets feeling Nick's dick in my insides pounding me hard, fast and smooth. I panted as Nick pushed all his nine inches inside me then back, murring softly as he wraps his warm paws around my cock pumping me as he fucks me. My body shook with each hard thrust as the tiger's cock pounded though me. A low whimpering moan of pleasure escaped from my lips.

"Your dick feels so good in my hands." He whispered softly in my ears.

Nick growled as he humped me hard, he arched his back with pleasure. I moaned loudly and this made Nick's body tingle. Nick started to thrust faster, his body tensing with the pleasure. Each thrust sending a wave of pleasure though my body. I urge him to go faster by moaning his name.

"Oh Nick... go faster...faster." I moaned.

Nick thrust

"Baby I'm close." Nick said.

"Cum inside of me." I moaned out.

Each thrust brought Nick closer and closer to his climax and made me moan a little louder as I felt close to but I didn't want to cum before him. He fucked me the fastest and hardest he could and pumped me faster, then we both climaxed at the same time, his warm cum flowed inside me while mine shot all over his bed. We gave a finally moan. Then the tiger pulled out and collapsed by my side and we both panted hard.

As we lay there I felt his cum starting to ooze out of me.

"How...was that..." Nick asked.

" was....perfect" I smiled.

"Glad you liked it roo, you know that was really awesome. I love you Nights."

"I love you to kitty."

We shared a deep kiss in each other arms. Then soon we were asleep....


Nick woke up first with a small yawn and a stretch. Nick looked around the room; it was lit by the sun warm glow coming from the window. Then Nick looked at me still sleeping on his chest happily.

'Aww he looks so cute when he is sleeping.' Nick thought then gave me a small kiss on my forehead.

Everything was perfect. The only thing that could make Nick move from being with me in bed a trip to the bathroom.

'Ugh, well ill be right back wont take but 10 seconds.' Nick thought.

He quietly got up from bed, and then giggled as he looked down at his exposed sheath with a little bit of pink out. So he looked in his dresser and got a pair of boxers, slip them on then before going out of his door looks at me one more time.

'Such a cute roo.'

While he walks to the bathroom he doesn't here anything. Normally if someone is awake they would try to get the downstairs TV all to them selves.

'Hmm the TV downstairs isn't on, they must be still sleep.'

He uses the bathroom then makes his way back to his room.

"Hello Nick you know its rude to walk around in your underwear when other people are up." Said a voice.

Nick stop in his tracks almost frozen by the voice he hears. Then turns around to see who it was, and sure enough it was who he thought.

"What the hell do you want Roy?" Nick growled.

"That's it, no 'hi dad' or 'good morning'?"

"What the hell do you want Roy?" Nick growled again.

"Now Nick that's no way to treat your father."

"If I had a father wouldn't he be around for all the events in my life?"

"Such as?"

"Birthdays, Christmas, Graduations, etc. you never been to anyone of them.

"Now that isn't true I've been to my son's birthdays. I might have been busy not able to show up for..."

"Oh please." Nick interrupted. "You haven't been busy you've been drunk at the dam bar. And yea you've been to my birthday once when I was 6. But you ruined it... how can you get drunk at a 6 year old birthday party!" Nick yelled.

They argued for about 4 minuets before Naz and Clara (Nick's mom) woke up and both went in the hallway to find Nick and Roy arguing.

"Oh no there at it again." Clara said.

"Ok so I'm not perfect, neither are you. You didn't turn out to be the son I wanted." Roy said.

"What is that supposed to mean?" "Nick growled.

"I saw you that night, you left with that queer. I saw you kiss him to."

"So, you weren't in my life. Obviously you don't care about me so why do you care if m gay or not."

"Don't forget you came from my seed, so I'm not having a god dam tail raiser for a son." Roy looked over at Clara. "Did you know this? Did you know our son was a fag?"

"Y-yes I did, and I'm fine with it." Clara said.

He asked Naz and she said the same thing.

"So you all knew but nobody told me, eh"

"Because you're never here. Why would anyone tell you?" Nick said.

"Because I am you're FATHER I deserve to know if my son is a fucking cock sucker!"

"See this is why no one told you Roy, we knew you would act like this." Clara stated.

Roy looks at Nick, "I guess not having a father figure in your life turned you queer. I thought your mother would be able to raise you right but it looks like I will have to take over now."

"You can't change the way I am" Nick said.

Roy growled "The hell I can't."

Roy tried to charge at Nick but Clara held him back. Nick was going to sock him but Naz held back his arm.

"Stop it you to" Clara yelled.

Nick calmed down then asked Naz to let go of him. "I have had it with you I am leaving."

Nick rushed back to his room where he finds me waking up.

"Nights put some clothes on were leaving." Nick said in a rush.

"Huh" Still half sleep I stupidly get up and find my clothes. I yawned and stretched then I noticed that Nick was on the verge of crying. "Nicky what's wrong?"

Nick sniffed. "Nothing just get dressed please."

"Where are we going?"

"Anywhere but here."

We got fully dressed then get grabbed my hand and lead me through the hallway. There I saw Naz and 2 older looking tigers, the male gave me a 'oh hell no' look.

"You brought that...pussy tail raiser in my HOUSE." Roy yelled. I was scared so I moved closer to Nick.

We shuffled threw them went down stairs towards the door. I look back at the tiger his eyes were familiar to me somehow.

"Fucking fags get the hell out!" Roy yelled.

"Fuck you!" Nick yelled back.

We got to his car got in and before we put our seat belt on he drove off.

The car ride was silent, I wanted to ask him stuff like 'what happen' and 'what's wrong' and 'who was that tiger'. But Nick looked really sad and depressed so I didn't say anything. He drove to a park and got out of the car, he started to cry. I followed hesitantly.

"Nick, Nicky what's wrong? What happen?" I caught up to him.

"It's nothing..."

"Nothing, you call my kitty busting up in tears 'nothing'." I snapped back. He started to walk away from me. "Please Nick tell me, you can tell me anything you know. Who was that guy that called us 'fags' why are you crying. Basically I'm asking what just happened." I held his arm trying to comfort him.

Nick continued to walk until we got to a swing set. He sat down and swung slow. "So that guy the called us 'fags'. That was my father, Roy. And what just happened was he saw me in the hallway and we had the usual fight about him not supporting this family and not being here for us. But then I'm not sure how but he found out that I was gay..."

I was shocked to find out my tiger gone threw this. I sat on the swing next to him as he continued.

"...and we all knew that he wouldn't take it well. Next thing I know were going back and forth. I couldn't take it with that house so I went to get u and here we are now."

"Hmm well why did you choose the park?"

"Because... before Roy even started drinking and all that, we used to play here. Me, Naz, and him.

"Oh I see. You miss him huh?"

"Sometimes yes I do." Then Nick started crying again.

I didn't know what to do but then I found out a way to cheer him up "Nicky, I know a way to cheer you up."

"Please Nights I'm not in the mood to do it now."

I laughed at that "No you perverted tiger, come on I can't have my kitty sad. Come on were going to the mall maybe see a movie or something or just hang out."

Then I dragged him to the car put him in the passenger seat and headed to the mall.

My First Crush pt 5

//This chapter gave me writers block but I got though it and finally finished it. Hope you like it ^^\\ I woke up to find that I was being held by something and I couldn't figure out what. Then last night hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked...

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My First Crush pt4

\\ Phew here the next chapter ^^. I hope you guys like it.// Coming back from out date we drove to his house and stopped in his driveway. Nick noticed another car beside his moms in the driveway. He started shaking. I noticed this and...

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My First Crush part 3

\\Guys i'm sorry that this chapter took so long, i didn't really get alot of writting done. But then i finally finished it. Hope you guys like this one ^^// Time went by and I couldn't stop thinking of what we were going to do for our...

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