My First Crush pt4

Story by SuperBlue on SoFurry

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#4 of My 1st Crush

\ Phew here the next chapter ^^. I hope you guys like it.//

Coming back from out date we drove to his house and stopped in his driveway. Nick noticed another car beside his moms in the driveway. He started shaking.

I noticed this and took his hand, "What's wrong babe?" I asked.

"Umm baby?" Nick said in a worried tone.


"Your parents know that your gay right?"

"Yea they do why, don't your parents know your gay?"

He looked down at his feet "Well my mom does but not my dad, me and mom have been keeping this secret from him for a long time and he can't know yet."

I looked at him in a concern matter "Well why not." Then he continued. "We haven't told him yet because we don't know how he will react, my father is sort of a hot head. One time I accidentally knock over a some juice and he went ballistic. Just because I didn't make it on a team on the little league he was so pissed of he almost beat up the kids father who took my place. If the coach didn't stop him he would have went to jail." Nicks eyes started watering.

I didn't know what to say, but my boyfriend needed comfort so I put my arms around him and cradled him kissing his forehead, and petting him as he continued.

"Plus all that he's a alcoholic my mom is to scared to do anything to stop him, we all are. He just..." he sniffed "He just can't know about us I don't know what he will do." He sobbed harder now.

"Shhh its ok, so you don't know if you father is a homophobic yet? Well he doesn't need to know." I rubbed his back trying to comfort my poor kitty. "Why don't we just spend a night at my place, I don't want you getting in trouble or worst" he looked at me and nodded. "Then it's settled, go get your clothes for the morning."

"Ok" He wiped his eyes and fixed his wet fur from his crying the best he could. "Ill be right back" he got out of the car and headed in his house.


Nick walked in his house and closed the door behind him. He took out his phone and checked the time. '12 Midnight; they should be sleep by now. God I hope my father didn't drink and terrorize them. Fuck what the hell is he doing here anyway' he thought while he silently headed to his room through the darkness, his feline eyes could see in the dark so it easy for him.

He opened the door to his room and looked on his desk and there was his backpack. He quickly grabbed it and went out of his room then headed for the front door. The lights quickly turned on from the hallway he jumped. 'BUSTED' I Nick thought he turned around. He let out a sigh of relief.

"Where are you going this late you know dad will be pissed off if he saw you?" whispered the older tigress in front of him.

"So dad is here, Naz you know I was on a date, I'm not going to be back till tomorrow after school I'm going to Nights house tonight." Nick said to his older sister standing in front of the door in her PJ's.

"I know you were on a date it just that you know that dad will get pissed if he found out what you were doing. Your lucky he didn't get a drink or he would be up." She said in a concern voice.

He growled a little "He won't know, ill make sure of it." Looking down on his feet, clenching his fist

"Just..." she came closer and pulled him in for a hug. "Just be careful... ok?"

Nick hugged back.

"I will thanks sis." he broke the hug then picked up his backpack and opened the door going to his car.


I looked at Nick coming back to the car and someone at the door waving him goodbye. When he got back in the car and put his backpack in the back seat I ask, "Who was that."

He smiled "My sister Naz were really close since my dad started drinking we got closer to help each other, went needed." He responds. He started the car and drove out of the driveway and headed to my house. I noticed a shadowy figure standing in the window, I couldn't make it out but it was staring at us as we drove off it made a shiver go down my spine.

The car ride was silent I wanted to talk to him tell him everything was going to be ok but couldn't find the words for it. We got to my house and pulled in the driveway, he grabbed his backpack and I got my bag then we got out the car and headed for the door.

I took out my keys and opened the front door; "Shhh my mom should be sleep right now." Nick had a questioning look on his muzzle

We sneaked in the house quietly passing the living room headed to the stairs.

"Where is your dad?" we started walking up stairs.

I sighed, "He's on a business trip. Won't be back till next month." We reached my room and I closed and locked my door.

Nick looked around my room then looked at all the games I had he set his bag by my closet. "Wow nice room"

"Thanks, so tell me."

Nick turned to face me "Hmm, What did you say Nights?"

I blushed "Well... you still haven't told me what you were going to do tonight." I put my hands be hide my back and looked down making my foot go in a circle with my tails swinging back and forth.

Nick smirked "Well ..." he went towards me bed and sat on the edge "I bet you know what I was going to do cause I can tell from the way your looking right now, you want to do it to." He padded the spot next to him on the bed. I went over and sat down.

"Well I never did it before and its something I wanted to try. But I don't know how."

"Don't worry its your first time, I wont take you, not yet. Lets just do something more easier, like a blowjob." I blushed even deeper. When it comes to talking about sex I always blushed and it was just to embarrassing to talk about for me, but Nick seems so open about it.

"O-ok, so how d-do we s-start?" I stuttered. God, I was so nervous. My stomach was filled with butterflies and I couldn't shake them. Nick only giggled at this.

"Well we start like this" he put his hand on the back on my head and kissed me passionately his tongue ease his way in my mouth our tongues met, with his other hand lowering slowly to my sack. His hand reached its destination and started fondling my balls. I moaned at his touch it felt good. Then he started unbuckling my paints. He broke the kiss "Just do what feels right, if you want me to stop at any time say so and I will." I nodded. He took off his shirts and threw them on the ground showing his strong muscular chest, 'my fucking god his hot' I thought. He hugged me close then kissed me hard and I put a hand on his chest, his chest fur was so soft and warm. He broke the kiss and took of my shirt and kissed me one more time before saying,

"So you want to go first or me?" I thought for a split second

"I want to go first" I said. He nodded laid on the bed unbuckling his paints reveling the tent he had in his boxers.

I gulped. I never saw another guy's dick before even one his length, "Oh come on Nights im not that big am I?" he giggled as I hovered over him and started to pull off his boxers. I was curious now and I needed to see how big it was. I got his boxers off and I fell in a daze. It was so... big it was easily 9 inches. I breathe deeply and caught his scent. He stroked my head fur, which cause me to come out of my daze.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" he asked.

"More then I ever." I said lustfully as I grabbed his dick with one paw causing him to moan at my touch.

"Now it's your first time so I wont hump your face or hold your head down, not a lot of people like swallowing." I nodded as I opened my muzzle to insert it.

Just the feeling of a cock in my muzzle almost made me have an orgasm right then and there, I held it back as much as I could but pre was dripping heavenly I didn't really care if I cummed or not cause right now all I was focus on was the length in my muzzle. I started bobbing my head, I wasn't sure if I was doing it right but Nick was moaning and purring, I guess I was doing ok. I bobbed my head fast using my tongue to lap over his dick.

"Baby... you sure... this is your... first time... this ... feels... Great" he grunted out. I didn't know what I was doing I just did what ever popped in my head and what ever I was doing must have been perfect cause he moaned louder. "Babe im gonna cum soon." He warned me but that's what I wanted to hear. I bobbed me head faster and a little deeper using my tongue as best as I could "Ahh Baby I cant hold it anymore." He blasted his load in my mouth I swallowed some but gagged the rest out as it fell from my mouth.

He panted "God that was great." His chest was going up and down I giggled. "Your turn." He said with a grin he got up and pushed me back making me fall on my back. He unzipped my pants and pulled them off exposing my still rock hard cock, "Awww, poor roo still need release. Well let's fix that. I don't care if you start humping. I like it when people do that." He instantly started sucking my shaft. I gasped with the warmth around my shaft

"That feels...good." I panted out "I never felt this before." He obviously had experience with this; he used his tongue like a pro it made me go over the edge with pleasure. I felt my orgasm come fast 'No not yet I want this feeling to last' I thought. Nick felt my cock twitch he knew what that meant; I automatically started thrusting my dick in his muzzle. Moaning a little louder I felt my orgasm with in reach, and with in seconds I blasted my load in his mouth. He swallowed all of my cum with ease, he came closer to my face and kissed me both of us tasting our own cum. Nick started purring then broke the kiss.

"So what do you think? How do you feel?" He said lying down with me.

I shifted so that I was laying my head on his soft chest " I think that was the best thing that ever happened to me and I feel great, thanks for...everything."

He kissed me on my forehead "I aim to please, you did great by the way for a first timer."

"Glad you liked it." I smiled.

There was silent in the dark room. Until I broke it "So... does this mean you're my boyfriend?" I asked rubbing his chest.

"Yes roo you're my mate, my lover. And you know I don't ever want to see you cry, mad or sad. Because if you are then I am too. If anything is bothering you please tell me ill do whatever it takes to make you happy that's a promise." Nick hugged me tight.

My eyes started to water I didn't know why, but I had a feeling I knew "So do you really love me?" I stared in his eyes.

He stared back and nodded, "Yes I do Nights with all my heart. You are mine and mine alone, as long as im with you nothing will hurt you."

I sobbed a little, putting my head on his chest "I love you to Nick, I really do." I sniffed.

"Good night mate." He said with me still in his arms.

"Good night, love" I kissed him passionately.

And we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

\ Well that's it for this chapter. Next one coming soon =T

Hope you guys liked it... comments piz ^^//

My First Crush part 3

\\Guys i'm sorry that this chapter took so long, i didn't really get alot of writting done. But then i finally finished it. Hope you guys like this one ^^// Time went by and I couldn't stop thinking of what we were going to do for our...

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My First Crush part 2

\\ Hey its the new chapter xD thanks for the comments on the 1st one i hope you guys like this one too be sure to comment on my writing. Enjoy// \*\*\* My First Crush pt. 2 Time flew by and before we knew it, it was lunchtime. I couldn't...

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My First Crush

\\This is my 1st story i hope you'll like it ::prays you'll like it::. Oh and leave comments so ill know what to do better next time cause i know i did something wrong... Oh well Enjoy the Story!// \*\*\* My First Crush Hi my name is...

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