Fur Olympics Part 5a

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#5 of Fur Olympics

A big warning now, this part has muscle worship, sex, swearing and violence so if you don't read this bit that's your fault ;)

So yes Maiden and Ula are getting engaged and obviously Kauto reacted a little negatively to the idea, so will he come round to the idea? Read on to find out lol

I've noticed I'm getting considerably more views on this story, so I must say thanks a lot guys and i'm glad you're enjoying it :)

As the sun shone through the window, Maiden, Ula, Chet and the drivers woke up to find Kauto not in the room. Maiden felt a little worried and got up and started looking for the stallion. Chet and the drivers looked around the rooms, while Maiden and Ula headed downstairs. The Sabre-Wolf asked the fur behind the front desk whether he had seen a tall Friesian horse.

'Err....I think someone went out about half an hour ago.'

'Ok thanks.' The two wolves quickly headed out to the car park were Maiden spotted Kauto sitting in his Koenigsegg. 'What the devil is he sitting in there for.' As they walked up to the car, Kauto looked at the two wolves a little disheartened. Maiden walked over to the drivers side and found the door locked, giving a tap on the window Kauto showed no movement. 'Oh come on Kauto, I wanna talk that's all.' He then walked around the car and tapped the window again. 'Kauto come on.' The stallion gave a huff before eventually unlocking the car. 'Err do you mind if I just talk to him for a second Ula.'

'No go on.' Maiden hopped in the driver's seat and looked at Kauto.

'Hunk what's wrong?' Maiden asked as he attentively put an arm around the grumpy looking horse.

'*huff* Oh its nothing, I'm just a little pissed off at those punks who took the Stingray last night.' Kauto replied with his ears folded back.

'That's not all though is it, are you worried about something?' Kauto looked at the wolf before looking down.

'Well, yeah a little bit. I'm worried about you not being with me as much, you know with Ula.'

'Oh Kauto, look I'm.............Hay wait a minute, do you mean you heard us talking last night?' Maiden asked as he jumped up slightly at Kauto.

'Err....yeah I did. Right up until you loved her, I fell asleep after that.'

'Oh...so you didn't hear the rest of it then?'

'No, why what happened?' Maiden wrapped his arms fully around the horse.

'Well would you be upset or happy if I was to say we are getting engaged?'

'You're WHAT?!!!' Kauto shouted as he suddenly became angry and got out of the car before slamming the door. Causing the window to crack and the inner trim to split in various places. Maiden couldn't believe what the stallion had done and quickly moved over to try and fix what he could, leaving Kauto to his own duties. Ula tried to say something to the horse but he waved his hand and walked off. As she ran over to the car, Maiden swung his door open and hit her.

'Awe no, Ula are you alright? I'm so sorry.' Maiden helped Ula slowly to her feet and checked to see if she was hurt.

'No I'm fine, just managed to stop in time.' Maiden picked his girlfriend up in his arms and kissed her on the cheek. 'What happened with you two in there honey?'

'Err.....I dunno whether it's really the time to say, it's not really the best of times either to fall out with my most loved stallion. Do you reckon I should go and see him?'

'I tried to say something but he just walked past. He seemed in a really bad mood, unless you want to go and see him I wouldn't just yet.' Maiden looked up at his balcony window and spotted Chet and the drivers looking at them. The wolf's expression turned to a woeful one as he placed Ula back on the ground and ran his huge paw over his face and huffed.

'Awe god, everyone's seen what just happened. I've got my best mate who now hates me, I'll have to fork out more money for a new door for the car and I've got three bloody cars with no way of getting them home. F*** sake what's wrong with my life, it's always going pair shaped.' Suddenly Maiden strutted off back to the hotel with Ula feeling worried behind him running.

'Honey wait up, where are you going?' Maiden turned around and suddenly caught Ula in his arms as she ploughed straight into him.

'Whoa, man you're quick heh. I'm going to find Kauto and try and sort this out.'

'If you do, you will tell him I love him as well and I want you two to have the same fun as you normally do.'

'Yes of course. It depends whether he wants to talk to me at the moment.' Maiden kissed his girlfriend, walked inside and up to the rooms were he searched around for big horse. As he entered his room, he found the drivers and Chet still by the balcony. They turned and walked up to a worried looking Maiden.

'Are you two ok?' Ring Eye asked.

'We're ok, have you guys seen or heard from Kauto at all?'

'Err no, no one's come up the stairs in a while.' Chet explained. Instantly Maiden heard his favourite noise coming from outside, a sound he was more than familiar with.

'Hay what the hell, that's my Koenigsegg turning on.' Maiden ran to the balcony and looked out. 'Kauto!! He's in my car, how did he....' The wolf looked in his hands and forgot that he had given Kauto a spare pair of his keys. 'Awe crap, where's he going?!' Kauto had snuck into the restaurant area and gone back out when he saw the two wolves go past. With his and Maiden's luggage still in the trunk of the Koenigsegg, Kauto drove off out of the car park and away. Maiden looked out of the balcony and felt distraught at the fact Kauto had taken his most priced possession. He bent over and looked down feeling worried and confused. 'I can't believe he's done that, I mean its my most passionate belonging and he's just taken it....somewhere.'

'You don't think he's gone to Sydney do you?' Chet asked.

'I hope so.' Maiden replied before turning around and looked at a hypnotised Ring Eye. 'Err......Ring Eye, where are you looking buddy haha.'

'Huh...oh sorry, I was just.......'

'Looking at my ass heh.' Ring Eye suddenly looked at the floor feeling a little embarrassed. Maiden walked over to him with a smile and picked him up. 'Why were you looking at my rump Ring Eye heh.' The bigger wolf rubbed against the driver with one arm around him.

'Err....because it's better than mine.'

'Eyy...what do you mean it's better than yours.' Maiden gingerly moved a hand to Ring Eye's own rump and gave a little squeeze. 'What are you on about buddy, you're as plump as you can be heh. You don't have to worry about anything Ring Eye, you're a sexy wolf haha.'

'Yeah but not as sexy as you.'

'Oh don't be stupid.' Maiden said before he snogged Ring Eye. 'You're incredibly sexy.' Suddenly Ula walked in after fixing herself up. Maiden turned with Ring Eye in his arms and nearly dropped the racing wolf. 'Oh err.....hi Ula heh.'

'Hi honey, aren't you trying to find Kauto?'

'Err no he's kinda taken my car and left.'

'He's gone, shouldn't we be going after him then honey.' Ula said as she walked up to the wolves and kissed them both.

'Well I can't because I haven't got a car.'

'I have my Mazda with me, it's on the road outside. Do you want a lift?'

'Err ok, we'd better go now then, I just hope he is going to the stadium.' Maiden placed Ring Eye back on the ground and they swiftly headed out. Chet hopped in his Shelby while the drivers jumped in the Porsche. Maiden and Ula meanwhile walked out of the car park and down the road to the Furai which was parked outside the circuit grounds.

'Here you go honey.' Ula tossed her keys to Maiden and hopped in while the large wolf squeezed and pushed the seat as far back as possible. 'Wow honey, you've gotten a lot bigger since you last drove this car heh.'

'Ugh....I know. Right I'm in haha.' Maiden gave Ula a kiss and drove off.

'Honey why did Kauto get mad at you?' She asked while laying on the huge muscle wolf.

'Err...I guess I'll have to be blunt with this. I told him about us getting engaged and well I don't think he likes the idea.'


'Well you see he's very emotional and sensitive, you know how much he loves me. He told me the other day that I'm the only fur he's ever had, well it tore me apart when he told me that. I never realised I was the only one he'd ever been with, I think getting engaged to you made him think that I wouldn't be spending anymore time with him.'

'Why would he think that, he should know that we'll both be spending all the time in the world with him.'

'I know, but he's like that. Lets get to Sydney and hope that he's there so we can sort this out. I don't want to be thinking about him like this through the events.' Ula snuggled up close to Maiden and an hour later everyone had arrived at the stadium. As he stopped, Maiden hopped out eagerly and looked around the car park for his Koenigsegg. 'Awe god.' Maiden noticed the car parked up on the opposite side of the car park. He ran over, creating a few cracks in the ground in the process and gasped at the sight in front of him. Everyone else rushed over and saw the huge wolf almost in tears. The left front door which Kauto had damaged, was now nowhere in sight. 'What the hell has he done to my car! Aaarrrggghhh that bloody horse.' After moving the car next to the others, Maiden strutted off towards the stadium after grabbing his bag from the Koenigsegg's small trunk and barged through the entrance, making a few of the workers and furs inside jump. The others followed and tried to hold Maiden back before he went into the changing room.

'Maiden stop for a minute will you.' Ring Eye said as Maiden turned around in anger. 'You didn't look around properly, the door was inside the car....somehow. It probably just came off.'

'Well obviously, he's damaged my car and he's going to pay for it.'

'Wait, you can't just barge in there and start threatening him or something. Look there has to be a reason why the door came off, the rest of the car is fine so don't worry about it, the door can be fixed. Now when you go in, don't be aggressive with him. God if you two ever got into a fight we wouldn't hear the end of it.' The wolf driver grabbed Maiden and pushed him inside.

'Jesus Ring Eye what happened to you then heh.'

'Well, you weren't going to say anything were you Falc. Now come on our event is in an hour, lets go and get ready. We'll see you in a bit guys.'

'Ok......err do you want to go in Chet?' Ula asked the big stallion gingerly. Before Chet could reply, Maiden came back out of the room.

'He's not in there, his bag and stuff are in there though so he's definitely here.....somewhere.' Maiden walked off down the corridor with Chet and Ula and began looking around for the ten foot black Friesian. 'I mean its not like you can't spot him, where the hell can he be? Ugh!' While looking at Chet, Maiden ploughed straight into the back of an almost immovable structure. As he turned, the immovable structure just happened to be the black horse they were looking for. 'Oh err......'

'Don't even bother speaking to me.' Kauto replied before barging Maiden out of the way and knocking Chet's shoulder as he headed back to the changing room. Slamming the door, Kauto locked it from the inside.

'Awe Kauto come on! Why are you being like this hunk, come on let me in I want to sort this out and explain everything.' Maiden said as he ran to the door and tried to open it.

'No get out of my life!'

'What! Did you hear that?' Maiden said to Ula. Suddenly Maiden noticed a few other fur workers staring at him. 'What are you looking at?!'

'Leave them alone, look let me say something.' Maiden moved out of the way.

'Look Kauto honey, are you mad at us getting engaged?'

'What do you think!'

'Kauto sweetheart you must know how much we all love you, just because we're getting engaged doesn't make any difference to the way we'll treat you. You'll still be our cuddly stallion.'

'Huh.' Kauto kind of squealed in reply.

'You heard me, come on open the door for us.'

'Look, I don't give a toss about anything. Now go away!'

'Right, move Ula.' Maiden walked up to the door and punched a hole through so he could unlock it from the inside. Kauto jumped out of his hooves as the door swung open.

'What the **** are you doing?'

'Right two things Kauto, one, I want to know why you're being like this because you know the reason why you're upset isn't true. And secondly why the hell did you break the door on my Koenigsegg?'

'Err...I....**** off.' Kauto tried to barge his way past everyone again and leave the room, but Maiden was quick to react and grabbed the horse.

'Kauto you are not leaving this room. Now sit there and explain to me why you're so upset.' Maiden looked to Ula and Chet. 'Do you guys mind if we have five minutes together.'

'Err ok we'll go and see the others for a bit.' Ula replied before she and Chet walked off. As the door shut, Maiden turned and noticed Kauto was crying.

'Kauto, now what's wrong?' The wolf asked as he placed an arm around him.

'Why are you being such a twat towards me?' Kauto got up and walked through to the shower room, with Maiden scurrying behind him.

'What? I'm not being a twat towards you.'

'Yes you are, it's like you're dumping me for Ula.' Kauto turned and didn't realise the pace at which Maiden was heading towards him at. 'Ugh' Maiden crashed into the stallion again, causing a major thudding noise to circulate the whole changing room. 'Now you're barging into me, you'll be sewing me for injuries next won't you. Go away and bother someone else.' Maiden was now in a state of shock and couldn't believe Kauto's actions.


'What?!' As the stallion turned around Maiden planted a huge snog onto his muzzle.

'Look I can't go and bother someone else, because I'm trying to get you to understand what I'm trying to say.'

'What are you trying to say?'

'*huff* I give up I really do, if you're not gunna understand by now then you never will.' Maiden said as he walked off. Kauto licked his lips and looked at the wolf as he went back through the door.

'Awe god, woofy!' Maiden immediately stopped and turned only to be ploughed into by Kauto, sending them both hurdling along the floor to the opposite side of the changing room.

'Jesus Christ!' While lying on the floor, Kauto dumped all the kisses he could give on the wolf.

'I'm so sorry, I understand now what you mean.'

'Heh, you do?'

'Yes, you and Ula are only getting engaged and I thought you were dumping me for her. But I can see now that you weren't, I'm sorry for ignoring and pushing you out of the way. Oh and taking your car, I shouldn't have done that.'

'Oh that's ok, as long as we can forget all this and be sure that neither of us is felt left out. Oh by the way speaking of my car, what did you do to the door?' Maiden asked.

'Err...well after I kinda damaged it before, it became very loose when I was driving down.'

'So you took it off?'

'Err.......yeah. You're not mad are you? I'll pay you for the damage.' Kauto said as he shook slightly.

'Oh Kauto I'm not mad.......well anymore heh. I just wanted you to explain it to me that was all. I can fix the door, it's no trouble. Come on why don't we go and see the others so they know we've sorted this out eyy.'

'No lets just stay in here for a while and be together. We have a while until the first event, can I make it up to you properly?'


'Well get your ass over here and I'll show you.' Kauto pulled Maiden onto him and planted his muzzle on the wolf.

'Oh so now you want some fun eyy, well first we'd better cover up that hole in the door hehe.' Maiden quickly placed the damaged piece of the door back in the hole and walked back to Kauto before placing his arms over the stallions shoulders. 'You don't want to stay in here anyway do you? Lets go in the shower area and have our fun there. That way we can forget about everything recently and I can show you why I'll always want you with me, whether I'm engaged or not.' Maiden heaved the huge horse off the ground and carried him through to the showers while keeping in contact with Kauto's muzzle. 'Come on big guy, get those trunks off.'

'Only if you do woofy.'

'Mine are already off hunk.' Maiden replied as he waggled his enormous bushy tail over Kauto's nose.

'Awe your tail smells so nice, are you tempting me for some sex?'

'Now why would I do that hehe.'

'What if I cum? You know how bad I get when I have sex.'

'So what it just means I'll be even more ready for our tug of war and plane pulling heh.'

'You will **** me as well won't you woofy.'

'I dunno, it depends how good you are at giving it.' Maiden suddenly turned all sexual as he put Kauto on his hooves and faced away from him before moving his tail up to Kauto's nose again. The stallion gingerly moved in behind Maiden after snapping off his trunks and began nosing and blowing on the wolf's thick neck muscles. Being extra careful with his enormous teeth, Maiden turned his head and looked straight into Kauto's soft eyes. 'Yeah no more arguing eyy hunk.'

'No woofy, not anymore.' Kauto replied as he rested his muzzle onto the wolf's shoulder. Maiden leaned his head to the side and rubbed gently against the stallion before he started to feel something large against his back.

'Awe, Kauto you stallion. Give me that muzzle of yours again.' With his own cock bulging and throbbing hugely, Maiden lustfully moved his hand to Kauto's cheek so he could kiss him. They were quickly interrupted however by an insanely huge muscle pole rising up in between them. 'Oh you're happy right now aren't you hunk.'

'Hehe, well I'm always happy when I'm having fun with you woofy. I can just not care about anything and let myself go heh.'

'As you are doing hunk, come on are you going to **** me or not?'

'Ok shish who's an eager woofy.' While feeling overly aroused, Maiden sexually laid on the ground with his huge pole and orbs pulsing and ready. With his tail shaking but out of the way, Kauto lowered his impressive bulk over the wolf and pressed his still throbbing seven feet cock against Maiden's hungry rump.

'You're not even fully aroused yet hunk, come on what's wrong with you. Not had enough sex recently.'

'No I haven't woofy.' Kauto replied as the wolf turned his head as much as possible and looked at the hugeness that was about to pound his insides.

'Awe man that thing is so thick and huge. Get it in me!' Finally reaching his full powerful nine feet size, Kauto pushed tentatively against the wolf and opened his ass up. 'Nnngghhhh! Now that's something I've missed.'

'Ugh, woofy you gotten tight.'

'Well stretch me open hunk, go deeper.' Kauto moved his body lower and thrusted Maiden, sending huge waves of sexual pleasure through his body. 'Awe I'm not going to be able to hold back with this load woofy.' Maiden suddenly wiggled and squirmed on the stallion's gigantic pole, trying to make it go as deep as possible.

'Cum you horse.' Maiden was so desperate at this point that he bit into his own cock and sucked hard while moaning in pleasure.

'God you want it so badly don't you, well get ready.' Kauto pushed harder into the tight ass and suddenly exploded his load inside. The stallion could feel Maiden's inner muscles flexing around his pole, almost feeding it to shoot more and more of his seed out.

'Arrghh! God that's hot, and yet so nice.' Maiden's moans grew louder and more frequent as he continued to wriggle and suck his own cock. Kauto was now in his own world as he too began to moan and send wave after wave of seed into the wolf. Not realising he was already bulging muscle wise, Maiden was getting bigger and also tighter in his rump making Kauto squeal as he flexed from time to time.

'I....I can't go...any deeper woofy.'

'Arrghh! Yes you can!' Maiden wiggled and squirmed as much as he could to get Kauto deeper inside him. 'Ugh! Awe you're so huge and sexy hunk. Thrust me!'

'Ugh with pleasure heh.' Kauto instantly pulled himself slightly out of the wolf and quickly pounded him over and over again. Maiden suddenly howled as he felt his body being fucked and thrusted by Kauto. The stallions thick and hot fluids were endlessly shooting inside, sending shivers through his muscles during each thrust. The howls were then matched with Kauto's neighs. Thrust after thrust gave Maiden the best sex of his life.

Suddenly, Maiden produced a screaming howl which almost shook the whole room as Kauto gave one insane thrust into his ass. 'Holy cow woofy, I'm so far inside you................woofy? Woofy say something.' Maiden was lying on the floor and had fallen asleep. Kauto pulled himself out and looked over Maiden's even bigger and sexier body. His back was so developed with muscle he was now bigger than Kauto, and had insane ridges and grooves all over even visible through his thick fur. Maiden's shoulders and neck had gone through a similar growth pattern along with his legs. Kauto peaked at the wolf's orbs and rump and almost fainted at the sight. 'Oh my god, he's enormous.' Maiden's arms were hidden under him, so Kauto turned him gently onto his back. 'Ugh god you're so heavy.............S***!!!' Kauto gasped at the site of Maiden's now crazy huge front side. Pecs like huge boulders, a wall of bricks which were as defined as they could possibly be while his arms couldn't be described due to their shear size. His humungous cock ran up his frame and to the shock of Kauto was still flaccid. After coming to his senses, Kauto looked at the wolf's handsome face and noticed his sabres were impeccably thick and more than razor sharp. The stallion pondered whether it was safe to actually kiss his favourite wolf anymore. 'Heh I guess he's asleep so here goes nothing.'

Pulling Maiden up off his back, Kauto gave a signature snog and helped the wolf come round. A two minute snog was enough to bring the huge wolf around, he opened his eyes and stroked Kauto's mane. '*huff* Man Kauto you're amazing.'

'Thanks woofy. But you're even more amazing, you might want to a glance at yourself in that mirror. But first you're not hurting or anything are you?'

'Err no I'm fine Kauto, you gave it to me hard haha. But I'm good.'

'You nearly had me all the way inside you, you do realise that.'

'Yes I know, it felt so awesome though thanks hunk.'

'Awe you're welcome woofy. Go on have a look in the mirror, you might have a bit of a shock when you see yourself.' While still huge and hung, they walked up to the mirror and looked over the wolf's fantastic size.

'Holy cow you're right.' Maiden leaned forward and looked closely at his teeth. His eyes opened widely as he gawked at them. 'Whoa! I'm....I'm'

'Bloody sexy. Woofy you're amazing.' Kauto said as he hugged the warm wolf and snogged him. 'It's a little harder to kiss you now woofy.'

'Wait, let me kiss you..........mmmm what was that like?'

'Bloody amazing heh. I never understand how it's possible for you to kiss so well with those teeth of yours. But I'm not complaining give me another woofy.' Another heavenly snog from Maiden made Kauto all soft in the eyes and made his ears fold downwards.

'Would you like me in you hunk, or do you just want to feed and make love?'

'Can we maybe have sex between each event woofy, fuck how big we may get lets just have fun eyy.'

'Haha that's the Kauto I know. As long as you can control your seed then yeah we can have all the sex you'd like haha. So do you want to see if you can take as much I can hunk because I'm still hung and ready heh.' Maiden said as he moved his huge paw over the vastly develops pecs of Kauto.

'Why not woofy, I don't know how you managed to take all of what you did but I'll give it a go heh.'

'You're a big sexy stallion of course you can. Now turn around for me hunk and show me that amazing rump of yours.' Kauto turned around and Maiden immediately stared at his rump. 'Awe man I can't.....' Maiden suddenly moved down the stallions back and bit into his ass muscles causing Kauto to squeal at the pain.

'Woofy get off that hurts!!!'

'Oh sorry Kauto.' Maiden apologised as he stood back up wrapped his arms around Kauto.

'Ouch, why did you bite me?'

'I'm so sorry, you know how much I like....' The wolf stopped in mid-sentence as Kauto turned and looked at him.

'You like what?'

'Err...your rump.'

'Awe is it that sexy to you haha.'

'Yeah I can't help myself sometimes. You're so sexy I just want you all the time heh, are you hurting?' Maiden asked as he looked at Kauto's ass again.

'I'm ok, are you still hung and huge woofy?'

'Err.....yeah heh, I'm always huge and hung for you hunk.'

'Well get behind me then woofy.' Moving around his neck and shoulders, Maiden rubbed Kauto's muscles and kissed him as much as possible. As he got behind the stallion, Maiden placed his arms over his shoulders and wrapped Kauto in his warmness. 'Awe how warm are you.'

'Very, you won't be needing covers in bed anymore hehe.' Maiden replied with a nose and a kiss on Kauto's muzzle.

'No just a big fluffy woofy, who is getting rather huge right now.' Kauto moaned as he felt Maiden's enormous pole rising up his body and up past his eye line. 'Holy cow you are bigger than me woofy.' 'Ngh, well I'm ready when you are hunk.' Kauto gingerly raised his tail and shook his rump to tease the wolf. But this just egged Maiden on even more as he slowly and sexually slid himself inside the stallion. Moaning and shaking, Maiden stretched Kauto wide open and continued sliding inside, further and further. 'Awe man you're tight Kauto.'

'Well, ugh when you're as huge...ugh as you woofy then its no surprise. But god you feel so good though, go deeper I want to feel more of you.'

'You slutty horse hehe.' Maiden stretched and grabbed Kauto's shoulders before pulling on him so he would go deeper. 'Ugh I'm gunna AHHH!' The wolf blasted inside the stallion, his load gushed out in unimaginable waves, coating the inner muscles of Kauto and gave him incredible pleasure as he began to thrust hard. Neighs and screams could be heard from all down the corridor outside, luckily only Chet and the others were in the changing rooms.

'Awe that's so nice.' Kauto moaned again as he squirmed and wriggled while feeling the vast flow of thick seed entering him and pumping his body. Thrust after thrust, and flow after flow of seed sent Kauto's arousals beyond normal levels until he fell to the floor feeling dazed and pumped at the same time. Maiden too fell to the floor after pulling himself out, he landed on Kauto's insane back and fell asleep.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door from Ula who had Chet and the drivers with her. 'That's strange it's locked.'

'Hang on a minute.' Chet pushed the broken up part of the door through and unlocked the door from the inside. They entered and looked around but couldn't find the two hulks. But as Chet walked slowly to the shower room door, he noticed them both stuck together on the floor. The room had a musky, heavy smell to it and one that Chet was probably familiar with. Ula and the drivers quickly headed towards him and looked in before gasping at the sheer size of them both.

''Good god.' Ula ran over to them with Chet and helped each of them up. The drivers grabbed Maiden and sat him down with Kauto next to him. 'it looks as though they've made up heh.' Ula suddenly gulped as she seen Maiden open his jaw while waking slowly up. 'Holy cow, Maiden?'

'Huh, ugh god were am I?'

'You're in the changing room still Maiden.' Falcon replied.

'Huh, where's Kauto? Oh there heeeee.......bloody hell!' Maiden reacted as he looked at the enormous stallion still asleep next to him. 'Err.......Kauto? Wake up hunk.' Maiden snogged Kauto and woke him up from a dazed sleep. 'Hi haha, how are you?'

'Err....good I guess heh.' Kauto suddenly looked up. 'Oh hi guys, and Ula heh. Aren't you two meant to be doing your Dumbbell press event?' 'Yeah we were, but we thought we'd just check up on you two first and I'm glad we did heh.'

'Yeah so are we actually thanks. So when are you going?'

'We're just about to go now, what are you going to do?'

'Err....' Kauto and Maiden looked at each other and both went blunt in the face. 'Err we may as well watch them heh, I'd feel a little bad if we missed it.'

'Yeah good idea, we'll come and watch you guys, are all your events first?' Kauto asked.

'Yeah, but Maiden you're involved in the Loading race. Thank god though you're not in our category hehe.'

'Awe why?' Maiden grinned with a blushy look.

'Well lets see, because you'll blow us away haha.'

'No I won't heh, anyway Kauto you're in it as well haha.'

'Oh yeah I forgot hehe, but seriously come on woofy, we're a hell of a lot bigger and stronger than them. No disrespect guys heh. Have you seen any of the other competitors yet?'

'Oh err yeah, the odd few we've seen are pretty huge. But I would say you two are the biggest so far heh.' Ring Eye explained.

'So far yeah, I'm sure there'll be a whole load of them coming in for the afternoon events. Do you know when our events are?'

'Err yeah, the Squat event with you and Chet is after our events, then it's the tug of war with you and Maiden.'

'Oow I can't wait for them, me and Chet working our legs and then beating you in the tug of war it could be a good day hehe.' Maiden looked at Kauto and knocked his shoulder.

'Think you're going to be able to beat us easily do you haha, me and Chet will give you more than a challenge you know. Remember he's already won an event, kinda heh and I'm more than capable of teasing you.'

'You wouldn't?'

'I could hehe.' Maiden replied as he ran a finger down Kauto's huge chest. 'No don't worry I won't, you're too cute to distract heh.'

'Awe, I can't help that heh.' Kauto suddenly stood up and grabbed Maiden. 'Oh god you're heavy.'

'What are doing?'

'Falc and Ring Eye need to get to there event, and well you're a lazy woofy so I'll carry you there hehe.'

'Lazy? I'm not lazy......am I?'

'Yes you are haha, come on lets go and watch you guys smash the opposition heh.'

'I dunno about that but we'll give it our best heh.' As they left the door Maiden looked to Kauto and asked him to put him back on his feet.

'Do I have to?'

'Yes please, I don't want to feel embarrassed in front of the competitors do I heh.'

'Oh ok.' Kauto unwillingly put Maiden back on the floor with his traditional sad look on when he's not happy.

'I'll walk as close as possible to you instead.' Maiden placed his huge left arm around Kauto as they walked down behind the drivers, Chet and Ula. 'Hay hunk, walk behind Chet and blow on his neck.'


'Watch him melt once he knows its you.'

'Err...ok.' Kauto quietly walked behind Chet and put his hands around the stallion's midsection and gently nipped and blew on his neck muscles. At first Chet wondered what on earth was going on as he blushed and jumped, but as he looked to Kauto on his left shoulder with his eyes shut he soon calmed and even melted in his arms. 'Hi Chet.'

'Hi Kauto, what's wrong?'

'Oh nothing, I just want to have a look at your muscles.'


'Because they're amazing.' Maiden walked past the two stallions and walked with Ula down the corridor leaving them behind. Kauto continued to blow gently and nip Chet's vastly developed neck while also running his hands over the deeply cut grooves on his chest. The smaller horse couldn't believe he was being worshipped by a bigger horse. He fell into lust for Kauto and loved the gentleness of his noses and nips. 'Chet's you're so powerful for a horse your size, I mean when I was your height I couldn't even imagine having the power or strength you have heh.'

'Awe shucks, look at you now though.'

'Heh err yeah look at me now.'

'You're very gentle for such a large stallion.'

'Awe thanks Chet, well you are the perfect stallion to be gentle with hehe.'


'Oh not in that way haha, I mean like this.' Kauto picked Chet off his hooves and began nipping at his hard and insanely defined pec muscles. Chet wondered why Kauto was so into his own muscles, but a second later he fell into lust again for his fellow stallions adoration of him. 'So powerful and sexy.' Kauto moaned and kept nipping at his muscles, his nose moved all over Chet's upper body and arms. 'Awe look at those arms and that wall of abs.' His muzzle ran gingerly over the etches and hard rocks in Chet's midsection, nipping still and sniffing from time to time to get his wonderful scent. Chet ran his hands through Kauto's mane and nosed him as he raised his head. Suddenly two wolf competitors came down from the changing rooms, they were big, muscular and looked very powerful.

'Haha, looks like we have a pair of lovers here.' One of the wolves said just as Maiden came back out of the pump room wondering what the stallions were up to. Kauto placed Chet back on the ground and they looked despairingly at the wolves as they approached. Being nearly eleven feet tall, even Kauto was smaller height wise but not in actual muscle size. But the intimidating look on the wolves was enough to make them feel a little touchy. 'What events are you in then eyy...some kind of egg and spoon race maybe hahaha.'

'AYE!!!' Maiden shouted as he walked past Chet and Kauto before pushing the two wolves back. 'What do you think you're doing?'

'Oow feisty one here haha, and look he doesn't even have any teeth hahaha.' Maiden had checked whether he could still fit all his teeth in his jaw, so the two wolves didn't see what lay inside. 'Why don't you go back to you're mum and tell her she forgot to give you some teeth eyy.' One wolf said as he flicked Maiden's nose.

'Oh god, he really shouldn't have done that.' Kauto said.

'Why?' Chet asked.

'Err.' Kauto pointed just as Maiden clicked his jaw open and unleashed a deaf defying punch to the wolf that flicked him. Squarely in the face, the wolf crashed to the floor and was knocked out cold. 'That's why Chet. Just a quick tip, never take the piss of his teeth or anything personal to him or you'll get that kind of treatment. Well maybe not you Chet, he's your friend heh, but anyone like them two will.'

'F*****G TWAT!' Suddenly the other wolf lunged at Maiden and tackled him to the ground before punching him square in the face. But as the wolf swung Maiden opened his jaw and his fist went straight into the jaws of hell. 'AHHHH!!!' Maiden quickly let go and pushed the wolf off of him and into the wall opposite. The two stallions quickly grabbed the crazed Sabre-Wolf and stopped him from doing anything else.

'Woofy stop don't bother.' The wolf against the wall suddenly scrambled to his feet and grabbed his mate who was knocked out before running back down to the changing rooms. Maiden huffed in anger and squirmed in their grip, but wasn't going anywhere. 'Calm down woofy, they're gone.' Maiden stopped squirming enough so he could be let go and turn around.

'Aaarrrggghhh! God I hate it when people take the f****** piss!' The angry Sabre-Wolf barged past Kauto's shoulder and slammed the door behind him.

'Jesus, see what I mean Chet, he goes crazy heh.'

'Yeah he's scary when he's like that heh.'

'Come on lets go and make sure he's ok and not doing anything else in there.' As they walked into the pump room, the drivers were about to walk out to the arena and Ula was with Maiden trying to calm him. 'Woofy? Are you ok?'

'I'm fine.' Maiden huffed as he replied.

'You don't look fine, look thanks for helping us back there. That was a little scary when you came past and stood up to those wolves.' Maiden looked up at Kauto with his big ice white eyes and softened them with a smile.

'I couldn't let them do that to you could I. I know obviously you two could easily take care of them but after what they said I just.....Ooooow those bastards!' Maiden growled at himself.

'How's your jaw feeling? That looked a nasty moment.' Chet contemplated.

'Oh it's ok Chet, I think I did more damage to his hand really heh.' Suddenly the two wolves entered the pump room and looked a little scared as they looked around the room. The one wolf that Maiden had knocked out still looked dazed and noticed the group looking at them. The wolves wanted to head to the bench press's on the far side, but they felt a little uneasy at going past Maiden and the others. With no other choice they slowly and a little nervously headed towards the weight machines. Looking at the group as they went past, the wolves noticed Maiden giving a quiet growl and a serious look back to them.

'Honey stop growling.' Ula said very quietly.

'You really do have anger problems mate.' One wolf said. Maiden suddenly jumped to his feet, but Kauto quickly held him back.

'Why don't you two just leave us alone.' Kauto commented.

'Or what?'

'Or you'll have a broken nose and you'll be ringing for an ambulance that's what.' Kauto walked straight up to the wolves and pushed them violently away into the dumbbells, crashing to the floor and making one hell of a noise as everyone in the room watched in amusement.

'Kauto come on lets go and watch the guys in the cafeteria, we'll only get into trouble in here.' Maiden said to the big Friesian before heading out of the room with Ula.

'Err ok, coming Chet before we end up doing something heh.'

'Yeah lets get away from this mayhem heh.' After looking back at the wolves with a chuckle, Chet and Kauto quickly caught up to Maiden and headed for the cafeteria for a bit of piece.

'Ok we'll stay here and then maybe have a workout or something later, after I've calmed down heh.' Maiden said as he sat down with Ula on his lap next to Kauto with Chet next to the Friesian. As the huge wolf sat down, he gave a kiss to Ula. Kauto saw him do this and looked away feeling a little left out, but he didn't realise Maiden was about to give him one as well. 'You don't think I was going to leave you out do you hunk heh. And you Chet hehe.' Maiden leaned over and gave the blushing horse a nose on his muzzle.

'Calmed woofy?'

'Yes I'm feeling a little better, enough to watch these two anyway heh.' Sitting in front of a large screen in the cafeteria, they watched on as the two drivers were about to start there first event of the day.

Fur Olympics Part 6

Back in the stadium, the two stallions were greeted for the final time by the capacity crowd and were asked for their required weight for the final. It took a few moments for each of the four competitors to pick a desired weight. Eventually the rhino...

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Fur Olympics Part 4

As the celebrations calmed, Kauto headed out of the pump room after looking at Maiden for a second before heading back to the locker room. Maiden noticed the door shut and slowly followed suit wondering were the stallion was headed. Chet and the...

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Fur Olympics Part 3

The two hours between entering the changing room to the preparations for the strength contest, Chet and Maiden had managed to get Kauto to become insanely aroused so he could relieve some of his powerful load. The large wolf and Chestnut stallion had...

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