Fur Olympics Part 4

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#4 of Fur Olympics

This part was changed a couple of times in various areas, but finally managed to get it done.

As the celebrations calmed, Kauto headed out of the pump room after looking at Maiden for a second before heading back to the locker room. Maiden noticed the door shut and slowly followed suit wondering were the stallion was headed. Chet and the drivers stayed in the pump room. As the wolf headed down after the stallion, he stood outside the door and slowly opened it and walked in. Standing in the room, Maiden couldn't see Kauto anywhere, he walked through to the changing area and found him sitting on the bench looking depressed all of a sudden with his hands over his face while looking at the floor. 'Kauto? What's wrong hunk?' Maiden walked forward and sat tentatively next to the horse. 'Kauto please, are you mad at me? You know, what I said earlier, I didn't mean it in a horrible way. I was just saying we should just get ready that was all.' Kauto raised his head slightly and looked at Maiden with a distressed look with the wolf looking back at him all sad and innocent.

'So you weren't rejecting me or anything?'

'Eyy? Rejecting you, what are you going on about?'

'Well we we're in the middle of loving each other and you wanted to stop.'

'Yeah that wasn't because I was....rejecting you. I just wanted to have a little workout, with Ring Eye and Falc for a bit of preparation.' Maiden moved over to Kauto and laid over his shoulders.

'But you didn't come at all when I went off, I was in here for ages on my own.'

'Awe you weren't, I'm so sorry. I was helping the others with their workouts and watching Chet. I thought you would be coming back, if I had known you were staying in here I would have come through. Look I'm really sorry, can I make it up to you somehow?' With the wolf leaning on his back, Kauto looked up and wrapped his arms around Maiden.

'How long have we got till our event woofy?'

'Err I don't really know actually, they're trying to make sure the roof is safe.' Suddenly they heard a bunch of noises coming from out of there room. Maiden jumped and peeped out of the door just as Chet and the drivers were coming down to them. 'Whoa, what's happening guys?' Maiden asked as they all headed inside the locker room with Chet looking a little rosy in the cheeks.

'Err the events have been postponed today as they need to fix the roof and make sure its safe. So everyone's leaving and err, we have to come back tomorrow heh.' Falcon explained.

'Oh great, so what are we going to do now?' Kauto asked.

'Err.....well we could head back to the hotel and maybe have some fun and maybe have a look at the track possibly.' Maiden suggested in a despondent tone. The two drivers jumped at the suggestion and immediately grinned.

'That's a fantastic idea Maiden, we'll go and sort out things for tomorrow so we know when to be here and meet you out in the cars.'

'Ok we'll see you in a bit guys.' The drivers excitedly trotted and ran out of the room and headed off while the three heavyweights stayed behind in their room. As they left Chet turned towards Maiden and his fellow horse and perked his ears back at there expressions.

'Err are you two ok?' Maiden looked towards Chet with a depressed smile.

'Yeah we're just sorting a little personal situation out that's all.'

'Oh would you like some privacy, I can leave you guys alone if you want.'

'Oh no stay here Chet, we could do with some warm company heh.' Maiden turned to Kauto while Chet blushed slightly. 'Kauto, can we head back to the hotel together I'd like to make it up to you somehow.' the big Friesian looked to the wolf and stroked his back before standing up and jumped in one of the showers to clean himself up. After they had all organized themselves, Kauto walked out to the Koenigsegg without Maiden or Chet noticing and left them confused together in the locker room. 'Have you seen him Chet?'

'No all I heard was the door shut as I came through. Maybe he's gone to the car already.' Chet ears perked backwards.

'Hmm that's strange, he's very unhappy towards me.' Maiden said as he looked down at the floor with a sad look. Chet walked over and comforted the sad looking wolf.

'Lets get all our things and go quickly then, before he decides to go somewhere or what have you.' Grabbing their things, Maiden and Chet both met up with the drivers and walked out of the stadium to the cars. Where, as they got closer noticed Kauto sitting on the Koenigsegg's bonnet. Even though the car had an unbelievably strong suspension, it still leaned towards the front under the Friesian's heaviness. Suddenly Maiden dropped all of his belongings and almost screamed at his horse.

'Kauto!! Hunk what are you doing?! Get off the car will you!' He shouted as he ran towards Kauto. The Friesian looked around and jumped to his hooves, the Koenigsegg groaned back to it's original state. The bonnet was left with two little butt cheek dents but wasn't too damaged.

'Err...Err I'm sorry woofy.' Kauto's ears folded back and his expression turned to one of a woeful and sorry horse.

'Awe look what you've done, it's dented now.' Maiden said as he ran his hand over the bonnet. Maiden tried to open the bonnet while feeling worried about the engine under the dented metal. As he lifted the hood, he could see the dent on the underside and punched it back through so it was straight again. Looking over the engine worryingly, Kauto stood next to him and nervously tapped him on the shoulder. 'What?! Kauto you're a lucky stallion you know, you could have caused some serious damage to my car.'

'I.....I.........woofy I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking.'

'Well obviously, you dented my car with your......' Suddenly Maiden stopped as he quickly got a picture of Kauto's plump rump enter his brain. His mind went into a state of confusion and admiration as the wolf entered his loving state for Kauto's ass cheeks. Maiden looked down at the engine again, seemingly desperate not to make it obvious to everyone what he was thinking of. 'Err......actually forget it Kauto it's ok.'


'Look everyone get in the cars, we should head off.' Maiden said in a guilty kind of fashion as he shut the hood and quickly jumped in the driver's seat. Kauto confusingly put all of his and Maiden's things in the trunk and stood by the passenger window as the drivers and Chet hopped in their own cars.

'Woofy what's wrong with you?'

'Will you get in.' Kauto gingerly sat in the car feeling a little uneasy. Maiden swiftly turned the engine on and raced out of the car park with the others following suit.

'Well woofy, are you going to explain that back then?' Kauto said just as Maiden huffed.

'Ok, well you know I have a fondness for you.'

'Heh, yeah.'

'Well, when I was about to say you dented my car, I was trying to say with your rump. But I couldn't say it.'


'Well, err.......kinda because I like it so much heh.' Kauto suddenly became shocked and a little blushy at the comment.

'Awe heh.'

'Look, everything I've done today, you know not coming to you and saying some things that may have upset you. I'm terribly sorry for it all.' Kauto leaned in next to the wolf and wrapped his arms around his midsection.

'I'm sorry as well for sitting on your car, I don't know why I did it. Can we forget about everything maybe and have a little bit of fun later?'

'Yeah we can forget all that, but why do we have to have our fun later. Now we're on the highway, all I have to do is press the cruise control and we can get back to our old loving ways.' Leaning close to each other, they began to kiss and snog as usual. They went at it for the whole journey along the highway back to Bathurst. A mile from their hotel, as they were driving through Bathurst Kauto noticed an old abandoned scrap yard full of old rusty cars. The yard was covered by endless cars, ranging from muscle cars to crappy Citroen's. It looked as though it had been abandoned for years and nobody had ever taken notice of it.

'Woofy stop, look.'

'What's wrong?' As the Koenigsegg came to a stop, Kauto jumped out and walked around to the drivers side before opening the door and pulling Maiden out of the seat. 'Hay Kauto haha, what's with you all of a sudden?' With the large, muscled Sabre-Wolf in his arms, Kauto trotted towards the rusty entrance gates and kicked them open. Chet and the drivers had gone straight past them and didn't realise they had stopped. 'Kauto can you put me down hunk?'

'No, I want to show you something I think I saw.'

'You think you saw, Kauto there's just a bunch of rusty old cars here.' Rushing around the deserted scrap yard, Kauto knew he had seen something.

'Awe come on I know I saw them somewhere.' Getting rather annoyed, Kauto suddenly began booting some of the clacked out old bangers, sending them crashing into each other. Maiden became a little worried and scared at Kauto's actions and quickly kissed him and gave a little tweak on his rump cheeks. 'Eek!'

'Kauto you're scaring me what are you looking for?'

'I'm sure I saw two rare cars as we drove down the road. One was bright yellow and the other was a dark green I think. They were right next to each other.'

'Hunk are you sure you weren't seeing things?'

'No I know what I saw.'

'Put me down I might be able to help you find what you saw.'


'Kauto!' Maiden said with a tone.

'No.' Kauto leaned down and snogged the Sabre-Wolf who had his humungous teeth bared. 'Ouch.'

'Oh s**t, I'm so sorry Kauto.'

'Oh don't worry I bit my lip haha. Look you're staying in my arms for now ok, it's not exactly warm to be honest out here so holding you is the only way I can keep warm.'

'Oh haha, well then let me wrap around you properly and we'll look for those cars you think you saw.' Kauto moved the wolf in his arms as Maiden wrapped his arms around the stallion. They gave one last snog before they started looking around again. As Kauto trotted around the front part of the scrap yard, Maiden noticed a yellow hood peaking out under a cloth. 'Is that it hunk?'

'Yeah I knew I seen something.' The stallion cantered to the car and while not letting his wolf out of his arms, pulled the cloth off. What they had found was a slightly rusty, 1970's Buick GSX. 'Awe wow look at that, woofy look.'

'I know its fabulous. Wait didn't you say you saw a green vehicle?'

'Yeah woofy, well a green sheet over a car.'

'What's under that green sheet there?' Kauto pulled it off and immediately fainted, as he was about to slam his head on the concrete Maiden swiftly moved his hands to the back of the stallions head as they fell to the ground. 'Holy cow, why the devil is that here.' What Kauto had seen before he fell to the ground was a red 1968 Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale. While gawking at the incredibly rare car, Maiden suddenly came to his senses and looked back down at Kauto. 'Awe no, Kauto wake up hunk.' The wolf gave his signature kiss to wake him up. Kauto's eyes slowly opened as he came around.

'Ugh, oh sorry woofy. Come here again.' Kauto waggled his finger to the wolf and pulled him back down to give yet another snog. 'Awe man, woofy you're awesome heh. What were we doing again?'

'Haha we were looking for these two cars before you fainted heh. Have you seen what you've found hunk, a Buick and an Alfa.'

'Whoa! Wow that Buick is sweet.' Kauto said as Maiden was staring at the Alfa. 'I guess you like the other one woofy.'

'It's absolutely beautiful, What do you reckon is under the hood?'

'Lets see.' Kauto opened the hood on the Buick while Maiden did the same with the Alfa, as they both opened them up it was Maiden who fainted. As he lifted the rear, the wolf lost his footing and fell backwards onto a rusty old pick up. The huge muscle bound wolf crashed so hard onto the vehicle that it simple crumbled as he fell straight through. Kauto heard the loud bang and swiftly ran to the wolf on the floor. 'Woofy! Woofy wake up.' The stallion picked his wolf off of the wreckage and held him in his arms before waking him up just as Maiden had done earlier.

'Mmmm ugh thanks heh. Take a look at that engine.' Kauto turned around and looked at the fabulous two litre V8 engine.

'Ugh! It looks almost like new. Man these two are amazing, why would anyone leave them here?'

'I dunno heh, but more importantly how are we going to move them?'

'What we're keeping them.'

'Well yeah, we can't let them rust here. Kauto that Alfa must be worth millions and that Buick is a beauty. Look there's a large trailer over there, lets hook it up to the Koenigsegg and we can take them to the hotel. It looks like a pretty big trailer as well, maybe we could have a quick look around and see what else is here.'

'Ok.' While Kauto grabbed the trailer and hooked up the two rare cars, Maiden walked around the yard to see what he could find. As he walked around, he found a few old cars but none of them really caught his eye. That was until he walked around the back of the old building, the muscular Sabre-Wolf screamed to Kauto who quickly strapped the cars to the trailer and ran to the wolf. 'What's up woofy, found something?' As Kauto trotted around towards him, Maiden stopped him in his tracks and covered his eyes with his huge paws and directed the stallion to the front of the car he saw.

'Ok hunk, brace yourself for this.'

'Woofy what are you doing?'

'Kauto what was your most favourite car again?'

'Err you know what it is, it's the Corvette Stingray.'

'Well hunk.' Maiden moved his paws and let Kauto look at the car. The stallions eyes beamed widely at the 1966 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. 'Try not to faint.' The wolf said while holding onto Kauto so he wouldn't fall over. Kauto gave the odd wobble as he dazed slightly at the sight of his favourite car, but eventually was able to remain steady and look properly at the vehicle. 'Are you in love Kauto?'

'You bet I am woofy, look at this thing its so sexy. Its almost as sexy as you heh.'

'Awe thanks hehe. Come on lets hook it up to the trailer and get back to the hotel before the others start to wonder were we are.'

'Err there's no room for another car woofy.'

'Oh great, what shall we do we can't leave it here.'

'Do you reckon I could lift it and take it myself?' As Kauto said this Maiden looked at him with a grin and kissed his nose affectionately.

'Is that the most stupidest question you've ever asked me Kauto, of course you can lift it haha. As long as you're careful and don't damage it you can lift it with one hand heh.' Maiden said with a wink.

'I'm excited now, can we go?'

'Yeah I'll meet you back at the hotel hunk.' Maiden kissed Kauto before connecting the trailer to the Koenigsegg and made sure the stallion had secured the cars on properly. 'Man you've tightened these well haha. Well I'll see you in a while hunk.'

'Ok woofy, I'll try and be as quickly as I can heh.' Kauto said affectionately as he stroked Maiden's pecs and shoulders.

'Yeah hurry won't you haha.' After one final big snog, Maiden jumped in the Koenigsegg and headed off with the trailer while Kauto trotted back to the Stingray and had a look around it to find a suitable place to lift it. But after looking all the way around, the stallion couldn't find one so instead decided to pick the front end up with one hand and pull it along behind him. His left arm exploded with muscle and thick veins as he effortlessly lifted the backend of the car and began trotting off out of the scrap yard and towards the hotel. A few minutes later, he arrived and placed the car very gently on the floor next to the trailer before heading into the hotel and up to the rooms. As he creaked the floor while going up the stairs, his eyes honed in on a muscular wolf's rump as he shut his door and proceeded down the corridor towards the shower room with his tail swishing from side to side. The wolf had no colourful marks that Kauto was familiar with on Maiden, and was a lighter shade of grey instead of the darker colours of Ring Eye. Kauto glanced around before he quietly followed the wolf down the corridor and stopped outside the door the wolf had entered. Inside the wolf had swiftly hopped into one of the showers. As he did, the stallion mysteriously opened the door and peeped in. Gazing around he saw the wolf in the shower and took note of his muscular build, and for some reason started to become slightly aroused. As the room became misty the wolf never noticed the huge horse watching him.

Suddenly Maiden and Chet were coming out of their room and saw Kauto with his head poking through the door. 'What the? What's he doing?'

'I have no idea Chet. Hay keep quiet and we'll jump him heh.' Maiden whispered.


'You go around him, and I'll stay this side and we'll push him through the door hehe.'

'Are you sure we should?'

'Yeah come on.' Maiden replied before he and Chet slowly walked down towards Kauto and stood either side of him. 'Shh, one, two, three.' Maiden whispered before they pushed the giant stallion through the door. As he tumbled through, the wolf inside had finished his shower and was getting out. The door swung open and Kauto crashed to the floor, scaring the wolf and making him scream and shout.

'AAAHHH! Get the f*** out you bloody horse!' Outside the room, Maiden and Chet ran back down the corridor into their room while Kauto scrambled to his hooves.

'Crap....I'm so sorry.'

'Get Out!' Kauto swiftly headed out as the wolf slammed the door behind him. Wondering who had pushed him, Kauto saw no one in the corridor and so walked to Maiden's room. Giggling like a pair of hyena's, Maiden and Chet tried to hide there laughter by tickling each other.

'Who the hell pushed me?!!' Kauto shouted as he barged through the door.

'Huh, I dunno haha.' Maiden laughed.

'Woofy! Why the F*** did you push me?'

'Well you were staring through the door and not moving hehe.'

'Yeah....well. There was no need to push me though.'

'I'm sorry Kauto, will this be enough to say sorry?' Maiden said before he pulled Kauto to him and planted a big kiss on his muzzle. 'I'm sorry buddy.'

'Yeah me too.' Chet quickly commented.

'Chet, you pushed me as well haha.'

'Yeah hehe.' Chet replied while blushing.

'Oh thanks haha, woofy come here a second.' Maiden walked up to the tall horse and wondered what he wanted.

'Whoa, Kauto what are you doing hunk?' Kauto grabbed the wolf and then Chet and left the room before heading down the corridor. 'Where are you going?'

'You'll see hehe.'

'Kauto we're sorry for pushing you, please don't do anything.' Chet said while he and Maiden squirmed in Kauto's arms.

'Don't worry Chet you two are only going in the............' Kauto stopped outside of a door and kicked it open before tossing them both inside. 'Ladies changing room haha, that'll teach you not to push me won't it hehe.'

'KAUTO!' Maiden howled as he and Chet fell into the towel rack opposite the door. The chestnut horse's cheeks turned a rosy red, this time along with Maiden who was also blushing.

'Why did he do that?'

'I......I dunno Chet, but we'd better get out of here before anyone sees us.' Maiden replied as his deep voice circled the room and echoed off the walls. Suddenly, the three female furs in the back wash room heard the noise and came through. 'Awe god, quick Chet lets get out of here.' The stallion ripped the door open and they charged out just before they were seen or caught.

'Phew, remind me never to follow your instructions ever again heh.' Chet stated with bright rosy cheeks.

'Heh good idea.' Making there way back down the corridor, they returned to the wolf's room with a pair of glowing cheeks.

'Hi guys, been busy?' Kauto asked smugly while lying on the mattress.

'I'll show you busy heh.' Maiden lunged on top of Kauto and tickled his body, the stallion squealed and laughed as he jiggled and shook under the wolf. Suddenly there came a loud bang from out of the open window. Chet hurried and looked out but couldn't see anything. 'What was that noise Chet?'

'I don't know, there's no one out here. The circuit has the odd car on it, but its not busy.' Maiden stopped tickling the Friesian and they jumped up off of the floor and looked out of the window. Chet quickly looked over towards the hotel car park and looked at the cars. 'How many cars did you guys bring back?'

'We found three, two are on the trailer and the other one is next to it.' Kauto replied.

'There isn't a car next to it now, unless I can't see.'

'Eyy.' Kauto snapped as he and Maiden turned to look at the car park. 'Where the hell has the Stingray gone?!'

'Where did you put it Kauto?' Maiden asked.

'Next to the trailer.'

'Awe god, we'd better get down there.' Maiden suddenly lunged over the balcony and down to the floor outside. 'Come on!'

'Stuff that we'll meet you down there.' The two stallions sprinted out of the room and down the stairs, cracking the marble under there hooves. As they went past the restaurant, the drivers spotted the two horses clip-clopping past the door and quickly followed them as they left the hotel. Outside they met Maiden by the trailer and looked around. 'Can you see it woofy?' Kauto asked worryingly.

'No I can't see it anywhere.'

'What's wrong guys?' Falcon asked as he skidded to a stop.

'The Stingray's gone, someone's taken it.' Maiden replied as he and Kauto began to get worried and angry. Chet was in a confused state while the drivers were now shocked. Suddenly another loud bang came from the Bathurst circuit opposite along with a few mysterious voices. 'What the hell is going on over there?' Maiden quickly ran over to the wall between the car park and the circuit and spotted a bunch of furs messing around in one of the garages. 'What the bloody hell is going on over there. There's a bunch of idiots having a party in the garage while throwing random pieces of metal and equipment out into the pit lane.'

'Huh.' Kauto replied as he, Chet and the drivers quickly walked next to the wolf and looked over at the garages. 'Hay are they hitting those girls?!'

'Holy crap they are! We should help them.' Instantly, Maiden lunged over the fence and climbed up and over the wall into the circuit.

'Jesus, woofy wait for us. How are we getting in there?'

'Maybe there's an entrance way on the road.' Chet replied quickly before they ran out of the car park and down the road. Ring Eye meanwhile wondered whether he could follow Maiden and jump over the fence and wall. Looking at the fence, he ran and literally hurdled the fence with ease.

'Ooow heh. I wonder if I can climb over the wall like Maiden did?' The wolf driver said to himself as Maiden turned around.

'Ring Eye what are you doing come on, jump over buddy.' Suddenly Ring Eye entered a determined state, followed Maiden up over the wall. 'There you go, good leap heh.'

'You made it look so easy though heh.' Maiden quickly wrapped an arm around the driver.

'So did you buddy, come on we can't dwell on that those girls need help.' The bigger, more colourful wolf said before they both ran towards the garages and met up with the three stallions who barged down an old gate and trotted through to meet the wolves. As they reached the outside of the garage, Maiden noticed a female wolf being almost abused it seemed by a rather large and intimidating, but fat looking reptilian. The reptile had the features of a crocodile but had some odd looking features that looked similar to a lizard as his scaly skin was not bumpy but smooth and roof like. He had been molestering the busty fem wolf for a short period of time and Maiden wondered why. They were the only two in the garage as the others had headed down the pit lane. Suddenly Kauto noticed something odd about the wolf.

'Woofy is that Ula?'

'What?!' Maiden replied before looking closely. 'Holy S***!!............................ Aye you F****** T***!! Get off her!' Without wondering why Ula was in the garage, the angry wolf walked straight up to the reptile and picked him straight up against the wall. Kauto and the others went to Ula and helped her up while Maiden almost squeezed the life out of the reptile. 'What the F*** do you think you are doing?!'

'Are you ok Ula?' Kauto asked as he picked her up.

'I'm ok Kauto, what are you guys doing here?'

'We're down for the Olympics remember, but what are you doing in this garage?'

'I arrived down here this morning for the V8 Supercars, I've been offered to do commentary on the race. I heard that someone had reported some stolen property and just thought I'd check it out, but I didn't expect this.'

'Well at least you're ok now.' Kauto replied as he hugged Ula before he quickly turned and looked at the raging wolf holding the reptile almost up into the roof. 'Woofy. Don't strangle him.' Kauto and Chet pulled the wolf away from the wall, but his grip was so tight the reptile came with him. Suddenly Kauto realised what Ula had just said. 'What stolen property do you mean Ula?'

'Err....I think some kind of car has been stolen or something.' Kauto then turned back to the reptile and pulled him closer.

'Where's that stolen car? WHERE IS IT?' The reptile feared for his life as he shook and pointed at the door to the back room of the garage. With the reptile still firmly in the wolf's grip, Kauto walked angrily to the door and ripped it open. Inside were two cars, the Stingray and a formula style racing car. 'Oh no you didn't, you complete and utter ****!' Kauto was now fuming and walked straight back to the reptile and flung his fist at him. Maiden quickly moved the reptile out of the way before he got hit by a million horsepower fist.

'Holy Cow! Kauto calm yourself.' The stallion was grabbed by the drivers and Chet and pulled away slightly. 'Right, you take the car back over to the hotel and go and make sure they're all secure so no one can take them...again! Then come back here because I have a feeling this isn't the only culprit involved.' Maiden instructed the stallion who had calmed slightly but still had puffed nostrils.

'Uuugggghhhhhh ok. You're a lucky swine you are.' Kauto said to the reptile before angrily strutting to the Stingray and took it back. As he walked through the garage, he gave a pulverising kick to the race car, puncturing a tyre and sending the car crashing against the wall.

'Oh god, Kauto there was no need for that hunk. Now go and take the car back you big horse.' Maiden tapped Kauto on the back as he walked past and then set about sorting other matters out. 'What happened to everyone who was here before we got here Ula?'

'They went down the pits with some other girls, I don't know who they are though.'

'Oh right.......you're ok aren't you? They didn't hurt you?' Maiden asked as he wrapped an arm around his girlfriend and kept the reptile firmly in his other hand.

'No I'm fine, you came just in time thanks honey.' Ula replied with a kiss and also thanked the drivers and Chet.

'You look a little tired, maybe you should go to the hotel and rest until we get back.'

'Yeah I think I should, thanks again honey I love you.' Ula gave another kiss to Maiden and then headed off with the drivers to the hotel, leaving himself and Chet in the garage. Suddenly the rest of the thieves appeared. They looked at the huge muscle woof with the reptile in his grasp and all tried to hold in there shocks. One glanced at Kauto as he rushed back and almost squealed while one other looked at Chet and immediately looked away in pure fear, but obviously in awe at the shape they were all in. But as they were not the smartest of fur thieves, they still had a go.

'What do you think you're doing eyy?!' One of the two lions said as they both walked up to Maiden.

'Be careful woofy.' Kauto said quietly.

'It's ok hunk. I think I could ask that question to you.' Maiden said to the lions as they walked right up to him. Both being just over nine feet each, Maiden still stood over them slightly. The lions were athletically muscular but had no were near the size or strength of the wolf. Or the intimidation.

'Oh being big are you in front of your friends.'

'Well I'm not trying to be, you're just being stupid and annoying.' The lions started to grunt and growl as they stood as close as possible to the Sabre-Wolf and bared there teeth. 'Eeeew you two need a mint .' They suddenly both growled loudly right in front of Maiden's face.

'Uh oh.' Kauto reacted as he knew the lions shouldn't have done that. Maiden suddenly howled at the top of his voice and produced a deafening noise which could break almost anyone's ears. Kauto and Chet held there ears along with the thieves until Maiden stopped and bared his own teeth.

'Maybe that'll teach you not to growl in my face, or steel cars.' Maiden angrily tossed the reptile at the lions, causing them to crash to the floor. Suddenly the other three thieves, a burly tiger and two panthers of equal size ran at the wolf and lunged into him. With lightning reactions, Chet and Kauto both tackled the panthers into the tyre rack opposite them. The tiger meanwhile shocked Maiden and wrestled him to the ground before trying to unleash some hard punches to his abs. This was obviously a bad idea as the tiger's hand almost broke as he made contact with the wolf's hard abdominal wall. 'F***..........OFF!' Maiden pushed the tiger with one hand towards and into the sponsor boards. With the panthers seemingly out cold under the tyres, Kauto and Chet grabbed Maiden before he did anymore damage, as he picked up a tyre.

'Woofy don't bother.'

'Yeah Maiden leave him he's out cold.' The two stallions said as they grabbed him. The wolf huffed and controlled himself.

'Ok, ok I'm good. Thanks.' Maiden said with his hands in the air. The lions jumped up off the floor and were about to lunge at Maiden. But before they could, the Sabre-Wolf looked at them and gave a hideous snarl, scaring them half to death. He stomped his foot and made them scramble out of the garage and back down the pit lane. As he turned back, Maiden noticed Kauto also looking a little frightened with Chet looking at him.

'Are you ok Kauto?'

'What's wrong hunk?' They asked the big shaking horse.

'Err...your look then woofy, it's bloody frightening.'

'What when I snarled at those lions?'

'Yeah you looked bloody creepy, it scared me.'

'Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.' Maiden said as he and Chet hugged Kauto. 'I was doing it so I would scare them not you. Hay Kauto, look at me hunk. All I did was raise my upper lip and show my teeth like that.' Maiden gave another snarl, showing his humungous teeth with a less scary look.

'Aaaahhh.' Kauto jumped slightly.

'Awe Kauto, come on I don't look that scary do I?'

'Well....yeah you do, doesn't he Chet?'

'Err...Kauto he's not that bad heh, it's still Maiden.'

'Haha, yeah hunk.' Maiden gave Kauto a kiss. 'It's still me. Come on lets go back to the hotel and get some sleep, so you feel better. Oh Chet.' Maiden leaned towards the chestnut horse and gave a quick kiss on his cheek. 'There's yours hehe.'

'Heh thanks Maiden.' Chet replied with a cute blush.

'You're welcome, lets go and get some sleep.' After destroying a garage, knocking out three thieves, finding Ula and getting their Stingray back, Maiden, Kauto and Chet returned to the hotel were they found the drivers and Ula in Maiden's room lying together. 'Haven't been doing anything have you, you guys? Haha.' The wolf joked as he and the stallions walked in.

'Heh no we've just been lying here that's all.' Ring Eye replied.

'Is there any room by you?'

'Of course, come in the middle Maiden.' Kauto gave the Sabre-Wolf a rather heart-breaking look which Maiden noticed.

'Awe Kauto now what's wrong hunk?'

'We're not sleeping together?'

'I said earlier I was going to sleep with Falc and Ring Eye, you can still sleep next to us come on.' Maiden kissed Kauto on his muzzle before he pulled the two stallions down on the mattress and laid in the middle of the drivers and Ula. The drivers laid either side of him while Ula plonked her enormous bust on Maiden's upper body as she looked at him devotedly. Kauto watched on as he and Chet laid next to each other.

'What are you guys doing tomorrow then?' Ula asked as she looked for a kiss from her boyfriend.

'Well we all have quite a few events, an airplane pull, tug of war, squats the lot heh. You will come and watch us won't you?' Maiden replied before kissing Ula.

'Oh of course I will. Who's involved in the plane pull event?'

'Err me, Kauto and Chet.'

'Awe wow, you guys will thrash the opposition.'

'Well, don't jump to any conclusions just yet heh. Chet won his Atlas Stone event today, before he kinda broke the roof and postponed the events haha.' Ula looked to Chet who suddenly blushed with a funny grin.

'Broke the roof, how did you manage that Chet?'

'Err....I got distracted by a fly and got a very bad muscle spasm hehe.'

'Haha it was a pretty big muscle spasm I tell ya, and then Kauto I think caught the huge stone outside and brought it back in.' Maiden looked over again and noticed Kauto laid facing away from everyone. 'Eyy Kauto remember you brought it through.' Kauto turned his head.

'Huh, err yeah I remember.' He replied before looking away.

'Kauto what's wrong?'

'I'm tired.' The stallion seemed in a little bit of a mood.

'Oh.......well maybe we should all get some sleep, see you tomorrow hunk.' Maiden said as he looked over again. Kauto didn't reply and quickly dosed off with Chet. The drivers too were quick to fall asleep leaving Maiden with Ula alone. 'I wonder why Kauto's in that mood? I think I'll have a chat with him tomorrow before we head off.'

'He's tired that's all. A bit like me heh.' Maiden wrapped his huge arms around his girlfriend and gave a kiss.

'Ula you don't mind me saying something do you?'

'Err no go ahead, as long as you're looking for something in particular heh.'

'Oh no nothing like that haha, I was just thinking. We've been seeing each other for a little while now, and well I was wondering.........whether you would maybe like to...you know.' Maiden suddenly got a little nervous.

'What honey?' Ula said while tenderly rubbing Maiden's hugely pumped pecs.

'Well how can I put this........you see I've really come to loving you and well I'd like us to be together more.'


'Would you like to get engaged?' Ula suddenly beamed her pretty eyes at the Sabre-Wolf and quickly planted a huge kiss on his lips. 'Whoa, I take it you would like that.'

'Oh of course I would honey.'

'It's not too soon or anything is it?'

'No, no I'd love to get engaged to you. Oh but what about Kauto, I know you two love each other as well.'

'Oh I'll still love him and have the fun we have together. It just means you'll be there as well with us.'

'You will talk with him and the others about it won't you.'

'Yes of course, I'll do it in the morning. You're sure you want to?'

'Yes I want to get engaged to you, I mean who wouldn't haha.' Ula suddenly yawned along with Maiden.

'Well I guess right now we should get some sleep.'

'Ok honey, I love you.' Ula said as she gave Maiden another kiss and laid on his pecs.

'Love you too, good night.' Maiden replied as he placed his on Ula's abs and covered her with his huge bushy tail. Ula soothed into Maiden's hugely furry body and instantly fell asleep while Maiden gave a final look over to Kauto before falling asleep.

Fur Olympics Part 3

The two hours between entering the changing room to the preparations for the strength contest, Chet and Maiden had managed to get Kauto to become insanely aroused so he could relieve some of his powerful load. The large wolf and Chestnut stallion had...

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Fur Olympics Part 2

Blasting along through New South Wales towards Bathurst, Chet, Maiden, Kauto and the drivers stopped in the Bathurst apartments which were quite literally next to the race track. Maiden paid for the rooms they would be staying in for the 10 day stay...

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Fur Olympics Part 1

With the three days between arriving back in Virginia and meeting up with Chet filled with insanely heavy workouts and soothing seed baths, everyone felt like they were fully ready for the Olympics. With every passing day, Kauto grew more tetchy to see...

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