Fur Olympics Part 2

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#2 of Fur Olympics

Part 2 - We find out what events everyone is doing :D

Blasting along through New South Wales towards Bathurst, Chet, Maiden, Kauto and the drivers stopped in the Bathurst apartments which were quite literally next to the race track. Maiden paid for the rooms they would be staying in for the 10 day stay before following everyone up to their individual rooms they would be staying in on the first floor. Each fur made themselves feel at home and unpacked. As Kauto finished, he looked out of the balcony and was amazed at the view he was looking at. Each room had a perfect, clear view of the Bathurst track. 'Oow tidy.' The stallion said to himself as he watched some of the race cars go around the track. Even though he had made himself at home, he didn't feel happy. Instead he felt as though their was something lonely about the room. Feeling slightly lonely, he huffed and sat on the bed. Almost immediately though the bed gave way and snapped under his fabulous body weight. 'Bollocks!'

'Whoa! What the devil was that?' Maiden said to himself before heading out of his room to the adjacent room were the noise came from. 'Kauto?' The wolf slowly opened the door and found a muscle bound Friesian stallion in a pile of broken material on the floor with an annoyed look on his face. Maiden rushed over to Kauto and helped him up. 'Awe Kauto are you ok hunk?'

'Yeah I'm fine woofy, that bed is bloody useless. I wouldn't even bother trying to sit on them, I just did and it collapsed hahaha.'

'Awe Kauto, you really are a heavy lump aren't you haha.' Maiden replied as he hugged the stallion.

'Hehe, I can't help being a big horse now can I. I must say it's pretty boring in here on my own.'

'Would you like to come in my room hunk? We can bring this mattress in and put them on the floor. We can sleep together that way.'

'Awe can we, that would be fantastic woofy. Do you reckon Chet and the drivers would like to join us?'

'Yeah we could all sleep together, what a smart horse you are. Just a little clumsy sometimes that's all hehe.' Maiden said as he rustled Kauto's mane. Kauto lifted the mattress up with one easy hand and placed it on the floor in Maiden's room before they asked the others about joining them. Chet agreed along with the drivers as they all felt bored in their own rooms alone and moved all the mattress's in the wolf's room so they would be able to sleep together and remain warm and snuggled up. As their flight had taken slightly longer than first thought, the time was now six o'clock in the evening. The evening sun shone through the rooms while the noise from the remainder of the cars on the track lowered until the whole area was calm and quiet. 'Err Kauto I wouldn't stand on that balcony!!!!'

'S**T!' The stallion wanted to get a better look of the area from the room and instead found himself falling through the balcony and down to the floor. Screaming as he fell, Kauto landed on his hooves before slipping onto his hard, sexy ass. 'Ouch.' Everyone rushed to the balcony door and looked through the hole at the clumsy Friesian on his ass.

'Kauto! Please tell me you're ok hunk!' Maiden shouted.

'I'm ok woofy hahaha. Man what a bloody useless piece of metal that is.' Maiden suddenly lunged through the hole and down to the floor next to Kauto. 'Holy cow!' As the crazy wolf landed, he picked Kauto off the floor and into his arms.

'You ok hunk?'

'Yeah I'm fine woofy, you can stop worrying about me now heh.'

'Oh thank god, you need to be more careful Kauto or you're going to cause some serious damage to something.' Maiden gave the stallion a kiss and carried him back through the hotel to the room. On the way they received a few confused stares, but took no notice. 'Right Kauto shall we try and stay on our hooves and have an early night ready for tomorrow's first event eyy.' The wolf said as he placed Kauto down on the middle mattress and laid next to him.

'Yeah I'm sorry woofy, I didn't know I would be quite that heavy heh.' They snuggled up together with Chet and the drivers looking on.

'Heh, well you've become quite the stallion recently and you showed us some of your power at Chet's farm yesterday. And from personal experience, I know that that wasn't you at full power haha.' Maiden turned and looked at Chet. 'Come on guys, come in the middle here and get some sleep.' Kauto and Maiden moved over slightly allowing Chet and the drivers to slip in between them before they wrapped themselves together. Kauto was especially happy as he was laying next to Chet and was able to snuggle and sleep next to him for the night. Ring Eye and Maiden were together with Falcon in the middle of the wolves feeling warmer than the wolves themselves.

Five o'clock the next morning, Chet and Kauto were the first to wake up. As they both stood up, the Sabre-Wolf next to them slowly opened his eyes and yawned. His huge teeth glistened before he gave a loud howl during his morning stretch. Suddenly the drivers woke up from the noise and grabbed each other in fright.

'What the hell was that?!' Falcon asked before Maiden went all red in the cheeks and stopped yawning.

'Oops sorry guys, it was only me yawning.'

'Yawning, god do you always howl when you yawn?' Ring Eye asked.

'Err yeah, especially when I have a good sleep like I did last night. I didn't mean to startle you though, sorry.' Maiden apologised with his arms wrapped around the drivers.

'Haha, don't worry about it Maiden we all had a good sleep. I guess you're more of a wolf than I am heh.' Ring Eye replied as he stood up.

'Well I am more wild than you I guess heh. As you saw at the race.' Maiden said with a pulled face. 'Anyway, lets all have a quick warm up and a little workout. Then we can get ready and head off back to Sydney for the events today.'

'Err woofy what's wrong? You look a little agitated this morning.' Kauto wrapped his arm around Maiden.

'I'm just a little sceptical about the event today, I don't have a clue what it will be. If it's the bodybuilding contest then I'll be fine, but if it's the strength contests I'm going to be very nervous about it.'

'Awe woofy come on, what is there to be nervous about. We're here to have some fun and compete, don't worry about having to do your best. Just have some fun and enjoy the occasion. I'm sure we'll do really well and you never know we might meet some new friends along the way. Personally I can't wait to meet the Aussies in the show heh.'

'Well yeah you're from Australia so you would heh.'

'Hehe, ok what exercises shall we do woofy?'

'You don't have to do the same as me hunk, you can choose your own.'

'Awe but I want to see if I can compete with you.'

'Oh so you're getting competitive already heh, well then lets just stretch and then do some press ups and see who can do the most in a minute.'

'Ok hehe.' After stretching off, everyone laid in a press up position and used the clock on the wall to time a minute. As the big hand reached the twelve they all began doing hard press ups and as many as possible. After a minute of fast but hard press ups, they each felt nicely pumped, Kauto had managed a total of fifty press ups while Maiden had managed fifty four. The drivers managed sixty and sixty four while Chet had somehow managed to reach sixty one. 'Jesus well done Falc haha. I think we need to do some one handed press ups eyy.'

'Hehe I like competing.'

'Well then Chet, see if you can do more one handed press ups than me heh.'

'Oh Chet, err woofy can do a million one handed press ups.'

'I'll give it a go heh, I'd like to see how I compare to you guys.'

'Oow we're all getting competitive now heh, ok when you're ready Chet.' As the big hand reached the twelve again, Kauto, Chet and Maiden began doing their one minute one-hand press up challenge against each other. Huffing and working hard, the drivers watched on as the hulks on the floor seemed to be able to perform endless press ups on one hand. After thirty seconds Kauto pushed upwards and switched onto his other hand. 'Awe Kauto, you can't swap hands in the middle of a challenge.' The pumped wolf commented as he continued pressing on his left arm while watching Kauto and Chet next to him pumping away.

'Why not, you can't just work out half of your body can you heh.'

'I suppose, but it doesn't make a lot of difference when you're a huge stallion such as yourself heh.' After a minute of one handed push ups, Kauto, Maiden and Chet were all huffing deeply, but were really pumped up in their arms as thick veins and huge sinews could be seen all over their immensely vascular muscles. 'Phew, man that was awesome, I love doing one-handed press ups they really get you working heh. So how many did you do Chet?'

'thirty two heh.'

'Oh great, I did thirty haha. Kauto?'

'thirty two as well woofy.'

'Oh yeah sure you did hunk. You swapped half way through.' Maiden said with a grin.

'Yeah swiftly, you guys slowed down towards the end while I swapped and did the same amount on each arm. Whenever I work out I make sure I do both sides of my body evenly.'

'Well then seen as you two stallions tied, we need a final heh. How about sit ups, do them on the mattresses since the floor is solid and we'll see who can do the most again in a minute.'

'Oow fantastic idea woofy, well Chet are you ready to lose hehe.'

'Not unless you are Kauto heh. I'm ready when you are.'

'Ok woofy say when to start.' Kauto and Chet sat on a mattress each and got ready for Maiden to give the call. As the wolf signalled the start, the two stallion's began pumping their abs and working their midsections as much and as quickly as possible. But not too quick as Maiden made sure they were both doing the exercises correctly.

'Well done Chet that's bloody awesome heh, come on Kauto work those abs hunk.' Maiden encouraged the two horses who were working relentlessly hard for the full minute until they were sweating nicely showing how hard they had been working. 'Wow is that horsepower or what.' With Kauto and Chet huffing and pumped hugely, Maiden pulled them both up and they took scores.

'Phew, man that was really awkward.' Kauto commented.

'Well hunk you do have a set of powerful orbs that make it a little awkward for you, but you did loads there I must say. How many hunk did you manage?' Maiden asked while stroking Kauto's mesmerising horse orbs.

'fifty four woofy hehe. Hay that tickles.'

'Wow! That's worked your abs hugely, they're absolutely impenetrable hunk. That's how I like to see my sexy horse look, all big and hard hehe, and from one hard and sexy horse to another heh. How many did you manage Chet?'

'Fifty four hehe.' Maiden suddenly looked blunt at Chet as he said this.

'You're not just saying that for a bit of competition are you Chet?' Maiden chuckled before Chet shuffled his hoof.

'No really, I did fifty four hehe.'

'Well we'll believe you on this occasion hahaha, it looks like you two have drawn heh. I think we'd better start thinking about leaving for Sydney or we'll not even be in the Olympics. Come on Kauto, get in the shower you big sweaty hunk.' Maiden picked Kauto up and sniffed his pecs before walking into the bathroom to clean his hot and sweaty stallion ready for the Olympics. Chet sneakily stood next to the door and watched them massage and clean each other. As they started to clean and splash each other, they were suddenly soaked and covered by a torrent of water from Falcon and Ring Eye as they chucked a bucket of water they had filled up in the kitchen. 'Holy S**T!!!' Maiden screamed and howled as he was drenched by the freezing cold water. Kauto meanwhile was laughing and hauling as he ducked out of the way and pulled Maiden into the water. 'What the hell man! Why did you do that?!' Maiden started to get rather annoyed, but tried to remain as calm as possible even though his voice had suddenly changed tone.

'We're sorry Maiden, That was meant for Kauto as he's all sweaty heh.' Falcon apologised as Chet looked at the soaked Sabre-wolf.

'Come on woofy it was an accident, anyway you were a little sweaty as well heh.'

'Yeah but now I'm F***ING freezing!'

'Maiden it was meant for Kauto, maybe you should go to the room down the corridor and get warmed up.' Chet said to the huffing wolf.

'Yeah I think I will Chet, anything to warm me up after getting bloody drenched.' Maiden replied as he looked at the drivers before he stormed out of the bathroom with a towel and grabbed a pair of huge shorts before walking down the corridor to the guest optional changing room to get warmed up and dry. Along the way he was passed by some very frightened looking furs, one of which, a lanky hyena decided it would be funny to walk straight at the annoyed muscle bound wolf and not move out of his way. Thinking he was being hilarious, the hyena was soon flat on his ass as Maiden barged through him and slammed the changing room door, almost snapping the hinges in the process.

The others meanwhile were puzzled over the wolf's actions and wondered what to do. They all looked at Kauto who finished his shower by himself and was now dried up and ready. 'Oh just leave him for now, he'll be back in a minute heh.' 10 minutes later, Maiden had dried himself and was warmed up after standing next to a radiator for five minutes. As he walked out of the door, he walked straight into the hyena again, who this time fell into the wall opposite.

'Hay would you watch were you're bloody going!' Maiden shouted as he walked past.

'Hay wolf, I think I deserve an apology.' The hyena demanded as he tried to pull Maiden's monstrous shoulder and turn him around.

'You want an apology?! Well here's your bloody apology.' Maiden picked the hyena up and tossed him into a large wheelie bin which was on the floor outside the changing room and pushed him down the corridor into the stock room at the end of the corridor. 'Now p**s off, bloody hyena's god I hate them.' Maiden had pushed the bin so hard the hyena flew straight down the corridor and ended up upside down in the towel stack. The angry wolf tried to calm himself down before he walked back down the corridor to his room. As he was about to open the door he was barged into by Kauto who ran out of the room to see what the noise and commotion was. The huge wolf fell backwards and tumbled into the empty room opposite, snapping the door lock and falling onto the bed. The commotion wasn't over as the bed immediately gave way and snapped under Maiden's awesome weight. Kauto and Chet ran through and picked the dazed wolf up.

'Woofy! Are you ok I'm so sorry.'

'What happened?' Chet asked as helped Maiden up.

'Ugh, man it's like walking into a bus with you Kauto heh. I'm fine don't worry.'

'What was that banging noise before woofy?'

'Oh haha, that was me and an annoying little hyena. He walked into me twice and fell on his ass, then he decided to stand up to me and demanded an apology. Well, I wasn't having any of that so I tossed him into a wheelie bin and pushed him down there into the stock room hahaha.' Maiden explained as he pointed down the corridor at the hyena who was still stuck in the towels.

'Hahaha, woofy you really are a crazy wolf sometimes.' Kauto laughed.

'I guess you don't like hyena's Maiden heh.' Chet asked stating the obvious.

'Haha no Chet I don't, they're a wolf's enemy and especially this wolf heh. I'll leave them alone and even talk to them if they're nice, but if they start anything with me I can't stand them.'

'Shouldn't a wolf be a horse's enemy?' Kauto asked.

'Well yeah, but again not this wolf heh. I love horses I think they're cute hehe, hyena's are just annoying and stupid a bit like rhino's and bears heh.' Maiden replied as he wrapped his arms around Kauto and Chet before they walked back into the bedroom to pack a few clothes and their gear for the days events.

'What event do you reckon we'll be involved in today woofy?' Kauto asked as they finished packing there gear.

'I really don't know, I guess I would prefer a bodybuilding contest. I'm in the mood to pose on stage heh.' Maiden flexed his abs and moved into a side pose in front of Kauto and Chet who licked their lips and grinned back. 'Where are Falc and Ring Eye by the way?'

'They're downstairs getting a quick bite to eat, what if we're doing a strength contest or something?' Chet wondered.

'I'm not looking forward to that heh, I'm worried about doing a strength contest. I've never entered one before, Kauto has a couple of times but not me.'

They are quite hard contests to compete in, especially when you have all the huge furs from around the world heh.'

'Thanks Chet that's given me loads of confidence hahaha. Shall we head downstairs and meet the others so we can head off?' The two stallions agreed and walked towards the door to head out of the room. Kauto and Chet left the room first followed by Maiden, as they headed towards the stairs the wolf received a glancing blow on the head from a cheap, thin-metalled bin. The bin was so cheap and crap in fact that it simply bent and shaped over Maiden's head, not causing any damage what so ever. With the bin stuck to his head, Maiden tore and bit through it before turning around, along with Chet and Kauto. 'What the hell!' Behind the wolf was a lean but muscularly built hyena who appeared to be very angry. But as soon as he saw Maiden destroy the bin and show his teeth, he soon became scared.

'Awe crap!' The hyena turned around and ran back down the corridor and into a room, slamming the door and locking it tight.

'What on earth was that all about woofy?' Kauto asked as he stroked Maiden's back.

'I have no idea heh. I guess that was a friend or something of the other hyena I threw down the corridor haha. Well he's gone now lets go.'

'Haha what are we going to do with you woofy.' Maiden blushed slightly before they headed down the stairs and met the drivers outside by the cars. This time, the drivers remained in the Porsche while Chet jumped in the Koenigsegg with Kauto and Maiden drove the superb Shelby of Chet's. After an hour long journey back to Sydney, they arrived at the AllPhones Arena where the Olympic events would be held for the day. The venue was quiet and had only a small handful of bulky muscular furs hanging around waiting to receive their information and when they would be competing. As this was the Olympics, there were many events which included Bodybuilding contests, swimming, Power contests and many, many more. But the only one's of great meaning or interest to the group were the bodybuilding events and strength contests.

'Awe wow look at this place.' Kauto said to Chet as they looked up at the large stadium arena.

'Oow this place looks like it holds quite lot of furs heh.'

'Yeah, I'm getting quite excited now Chet how about you are you looking forward to this?'

'Definitely, I wonder why its so quiet? Shouldn't there be more competitors here.'

'That's what I thought, maybe its not starting yet. It's only nine o'clock, I don't think they would start until about eleven.' They drove behind the arena and parked up in the reserved car park for competitors before getting out. 'Hmm where do we go woofy?' Kauto asked.

'Err....I guess we have to head to the reception heh. The events apparently start at 12 o'clock so we have a few hours to sort everything out.'

'Oh no wonder it's quiet then heh. Why did we come so early?'

'Well we need to get our information for the events we're in and sort out our rooms.' Maiden explained.

'Oh right, so we have our own rooms?' Chet asked.

'Well I'm not sure I think we have to share them between two, maybe three.'

'How do you know all this Maiden?'

'I've been getting e-mails on my Ipad over the last week or so which gave all the information we need when we got here. Shall we go in, it's a bit pointless staying out here heh.' As they walked towards and into the arena entrance, they noticed a bunch of very large and very athletic competitors walking around getting used to the surroundings. They were greeted and welcomed by most and made to feel at home by the staff as they walked to the front desk to sign in. They each received their own personal information for the days event, the information included weight classes, height classes, the type of event they would each be competing in over the coming week along with their changing room keys. ____________________________________________________________ Maiden's Information for the Day's Event

Event: Power/Strength Contest

Weight Class: Super Heavyweight (Top Level)

Contests involved in: Loading Race Airplane/Jumbo Jet Pull (Boeing 767 or Airbus A380) Overhead Press (Ask helpers to set the weight) Tug of War

Kauto's Information for the Day's Event

Event: Power/Strength Contest

Weight Class: Super Heavyweight (Top Level)

Contests involved in: Loading Race Airplane/Jumbo Jet Pull (Boeing 767 or Airbus A380) Tug of War Squat

Chet's Information for the Day's Event

Event: Power/Strength Contest

Weight Class: Super Heavyweight (Top Level)

Contests involved in: Atlas Stones Squat Airplane/Jumbo Jet Pull (Boeing 767 or Airbus A380) Overhead Press (Ask helpers to set the weight)

Ring Eye's Information for Day's Event

Event: Power/Strength Contest

Weight Class: Heavyweight

Contests involved in: Loading Race Long throw/Caber Toss Giant Dumbbell Press

Falcon's Information for Day's Event

Event: Power/Strength Contest

Weight Class: Heavyweight

Contests involved in: Loading Race Overhead Press (Ask helpers to set the weight) Giant Dumbbell Press _____________________________________________________________ After receiving their information, the group compared and discussed each others events as they headed down to their changing rooms. Kauto, Chet and Maiden went together into their changing room while the drivers went into theirs.

'Oh man an airplane pull contest, what's an A380 weigh, about 400 tonnes?' Maiden worryingly asked.

'Err yeah about that I would say woofy, what's the matter you're not worried are you? Come on you can pull that no sweat look at you, with that body man you could probably lift the thing heh. Remember when we went to that train museum and we played with those huge trains. They were close to a hundred tonnes each and we were throwing them around for fun, we've gotten stronger since then hunk and we're only pulling the plane as well not lifting it.' Kauto said trying to make Maiden feel more confident and less nervous with his arm around him.

'Yeah I guess you're right, I'm a little worried about the tug of war though.'

'Why woofy?'

'Well, what if I have to go up against you haha.'

'Well that means I'll be getting one hell of a challenge haha. If we do meet up and have to go against each other in that, lets just have fun and maybe we could tease the crowd and judges hehe.'

'Oow that would be fun haha, who will win though?'

'Well we could tie, if neither of us goes over the line after 2 minutes it's a draw so lets do that woofy.'

'Ok, I can't beat my best buddy heh.' Maiden said as he moved in and snuggled up against Kauto's huge body. 'Come here Chet, I want to hug you as well heh. What events are you looking forward to?' The chestnut stallion moved in next to Maiden and looked at his sheet.

'Err probably the overhead press. If it's with trains or something similar then I can't wait heh.'

'Haha I thought you might like that. You're doing the Squat like Kauto is, that should be fun you might meet each other at the same time as well. Two go at the same time so it could happen.'

'Oh god heh, Kauto you won't get aroused too much will you?'

'Well I don't know, I always get aroused when I'm either showing out or lifting heavy objects. It's just a natural occurrence of mine.'

'Maybe we could have a little bit of fun before the event to calm your arousals.' Maiden said sexually while stroking Kauto's pecs and looking up at his cute face.

'Are you sure we should do that in here Maiden?' Chet asked.

'Why not we have a couple of hours, and we're in here alone. The drivers wanted time to themselves as well so why not?'

'Well I suppose it would calm Kauto down a bit hehe.'

'Yeah we can't have him spooging everywhere while competing can we heh.' Maiden and Chet began teasing and fondling a very ticklish Kauto who was slightly nervous as to what they had in mind for him. 'Don't worry hunk we won't do much hehe.'

Fur Olympics Part 3

The two hours between entering the changing room to the preparations for the strength contest, Chet and Maiden had managed to get Kauto to become insanely aroused so he could relieve some of his powerful load. The large wolf and Chestnut stallion had...

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Fur Olympics Part 1

With the three days between arriving back in Virginia and meeting up with Chet filled with insanely heavy workouts and soothing seed baths, everyone felt like they were fully ready for the Olympics. With every passing day, Kauto grew more tetchy to see...

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Kauto and MW Race 6 (part 4)

After a stressful night, Maiden and Kauto woke up in the early morning sunshine together. Kauto was excited by the days race, while Maiden was still not in the best of moods after the previous night events. '\*huff\*' 'Ok woofy? You look rather...

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