Kauto and MW Race 6 (part 4)

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#4 of MW and Kauto Race 6

Last part of the race. I'll say it now, this part is long lol

After a stressful night, Maiden and Kauto woke up in the early morning sunshine together. Kauto was excited by the days race, while Maiden was still not in the best of moods after the previous night events. '*huff*'

'Ok woofy? You look rather depressed still, you're still not worried about last night are you?'

'Na I'm ok, as long as nothing else happens over the weekend I'll try and be myself with you hunk.' Maiden moved to the Friesian to stroke him. 'If I start to get in a mood or anything again, at least you know what to do now heh.'

'Heh, I didn't like the first part of the kiss but it did get better as you calmed down. Then I could feel how sweet you are when you're in a loving mood and not a crazy mood heh.' Kauto looked affectionately at Maiden.

'Well I'll try not to show you that side of me again, I don't like it.'

'Me neither, but I must say when you were holding that motor home above you, you looked incredibly sexy heh. You didn't even look like you were trying, you're such a strong woofy. *kiss*'

'Haha now you're making me feel even more embarrassed. Do you reckon the others are up?'

'Err maybe, if you stay here I'll go and see.'

'Oh......ok. Please tell them I'm really sorry and get them to come out here for me will you.'

'Yeah sure.' Kauto nosed up into the motor home and found everyone awake and looking for him and the wolf. 'Hi everyone.'

'Oh thank god for that, are you ok Kauto?' Falcon asked.

'Yeah I'm fine, look guys, Maiden's sitting outside and he's feeling a little upset this morning so can you keep calm with him.'

'Is he ok, he won't do anything to us?' Ula asked.

'Don't worry Ula, he's ok. Just a little annoyed at himself and he's changed slightly in looks.' They headed out and saw Maiden crying in his chair. 'Awe what's wrong woofy?' Kauto moved his arms around the wolf to hug him.

'*sniffle* I can't feel or say how sorry I am for everything I did last night.'

'Oh woofy, the others are here do you want to say anything?' Maiden stood up and looked despairingly towards the others.

'Err.......I don't really know how to put it, but I'm really sorry for my actions to you guys last night. Ring Eye I'm so sorry for yanking you over me on to Kauto and Ula I'm sorry for being such a stupid wolf in front of you. Can you forgive me for my actions........please?' Maiden apologised with another tear in his eye. Ula and Ring Eye looked at the hulking wolf with a smile and walked to him.

'Oh don't worry about it Maiden, lets forget about it and enjoy the day eyy.' Ring Eye said.

'Yeah honey forget everything and move on.' Ula hugged Maiden and noticed something different about the wolf. 'Honey, you seem different. You're keeping your teeth in view I never knew you did that before heh. And your body seems bigger and warmer, wow that did a lot on you last night wolfie.'

'Heh I was very pumped after that amazing kiss by Kauto hehe. Oh and I really like having my teeth in full view now so you may have to get used to it haha.' Maiden replied with a rather fake laugh.

'Honey you sound like you're being.......I dunno......boastful haha. I love you hehe.'

'Boastful? I don't mean to be. I feel big headed now, I think I'll go and have a shower and leave you guys alone for a while.' Maiden walked up into the motor home looking very unhappy about himself while the others looked at each other feeling confused.

'Man he's in a weird mood this morning, I'd better go and see if I can do anything. You guys better head off and get ready, good luck.'

'Yeah we'd better make sure Frank's ok and get ready as you said, we'll se you later......hopefully with a happy wolf.' Falcon replied before heading off to the pits for the early preparations. Kauto slowly trickled up into the motor home, leaning to his side as usual when he walked in. Looking gingerly through to find his woofy, the stallion noticed a naked muscle bound rainbow wolf ruffling his head fur in what looked like disappointment.

'Err woofy? Are you ok why are you acting strange this morning hunk?' Kauto asked as he stood next to Maiden who turned around in shock, wondering who it was.

'Oh thank god it's only you Kauto. I was worrying a bit then that it was someone else. What did you say?'

'Oow look at my muscle woofy he's such a powerhouse hehe. Shame he's in a strange mood this morning.' Kauto said as he tried to hug Maiden. The wolf looked sparingly back to the Friesian as he got warmly hugged. 'Maiden what's wrong please tell me?'

'Kauto, I have several moods at once. I'm excited, disappointed in myself after last night, I need reassurance and I feel like I've let you down for some reason.'

'Huh I'm confused, what do you need reassurance for. Look lets go in the shower together and I'll try to make you feel better woofy.'

'Ok thanks Kauto you're a great mate.'

'Heh.' Kauto snapped his shorts off and picked up Maiden in his arms like a baby and walked through into the shower room in the motor home. 'Right, woofy I want you to forget everything about last night ok. And I'm not leaving this shower with you until you do, we're going to enjoy the day's race and then the journey home.' Kauto said very seriously to the wolf before snogging him, avoiding his huge teeth in the process.

'Awe that is so heavenly, if you keep kissing me I'll be forgetting everything heh. Oh god I forgot about the journey home, we're in our private jet don't forget.' Maiden flicked the large power shower on and began caressing Kauto's upper body as he moved close to him.

'Oh yeah, I can't wait. But first I want some fun with you in the shower, let me wash you, you dirty woofy.' The stallion grabbed the special shampoo for Maiden's fur and began rubbing his hands through the wolf's upper body and neck fur, caressing his muscles and relaxing Maiden considerably. 'Awe woofy how do you become so angry, and yet here you are right now relaxed beyond belief. I prefer you in a relaxed state, can you remain like this please.'

'Kauto, from now until we get back home I want to be the best mate and lover I can be to you and the others ok. And I'll start by washing you while you wash me heh, come here.' Maiden said as he and the stallion leaned against each other again and snogged. Maiden's hands then moved sensitively over Kauto's abs and pecs as he felt the impossibly huge and hard muscles relax under his fur. While keeping their muzzle and mouth together, they both washed and massaged each other under the shower. 'Kauto you sexy stallion, get big for me hunk.'

'Isn't 5 feet long enough for you woofy, if you want me at full size I'll need to kiss and caress you more hehe.'

'No problem, you're gunna get huge in a minute hehe. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm'

'Awe woofy, woofy!' Maiden moved down to Kauto's unbelievable orbs and began to massage them, sending the stallion deep into ecstasy. His member grew even larger and thicker, rising up his rocky body until it teased his muzzle and carried on past his eyes reaching it's full 9 foot length and 2 feet thickness. 'Nngghhhh oh man I feel so powerful. I want to cum so badly but we're in the shower.'

'You are a stallion god hunk, and you can only get bigger and bigger hehe. Produce as much as you'd like, just remember to share not that you'll ever run out or anything haha.'

'Oh woofy this feels like it's going to be an incredibly strong and thick load, you'd better get ready with me.' Maiden moved back up to Kauto's muzzle gingerly and gave another snog before they both raised up to the stallion huge bulging member head and sucked hard simultaneously. Kauto's seed seemed almost impossibly thick and heavy as it bulged up his monster and into them both. While being thick and heavy, it was also very hot and had a strong sweet scent which drove their arousals sky high.

'*pant* man Kauto, you're producing some potent seed here heh and boy it tastes so bloody good. Especially when it's soooooooo hot haha.'

'Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm it feels so nice as well producing it hehe. And then the sensations when it runs down and through your body before you start to feel the tingling in your muscles as they grow hehe. Oh and after a while you start to bulge and become ever more hung and huge. Woofy can you massage and clean me some more.'

'Awe with pleasure, take in as much seed as possible hunk and make those muscles bulge. We can have another hot bath on our jet later, this time we don't have to worry about making a mess heh.'

'Mmmmmmmmmmm sounds so nice. But massage me will you.' Kauto shot his load harder and faster with every passing second and took in every single gallon he produced while Maiden gently and vigorously caressed his member and nosed his ever bulging orbs. The passion shown by the horse as he sucked hard and drank his incredibly thick seed was evident with his shut eyes, purring noises and gentle nibbles on his meat. Kauto then turned around and raised his tail up, revealing his unbelievably sexy ass.

'Oh, oh Kauto I can never get over that sexy rump of yours.' Maiden squeezed the stallions hard muscular rump making him squeal loudly.

'Eeeeeek! Woofy! That tickles hehe.' Maiden squeezed Kauto's ass several more times until the stallion couldn't take it anymore. Pulling the wolf around him, he lowered himself and gave the wolf the biggest snog ever. After switching the shower off with his muzzle still stuck to Maiden, he noticed the wolf's eyes start to soften and then close. As Kauto slowly released the kiss, Maiden showed no movements in his arms as his eyes where still shut and his huge body was laid back. 'Woofy? Are you asleep hunk? Aaawwwweeeeee Maiden wake up.' Kauto tapped the wolf's cheek and watched as he woke up slowly.

'Hi Kauto heh, man you're so heavenly. So heavenly I fell asleep when you kissed me hehe.'

'Awe thanks woofy, I've had enough seed and I think I want some more of you heh.' Kauto picked Maiden up in his huge arms as he did earlier and snogged him until they reached the back room.

'OMG how warm and cuddly are you now Kauto, awe I love you so much. Whoa! What are you doing?' Maiden reacted as the stallion sat on the bed, dripping wet and laid the soaking wolf facing down on his lap.

'I'm drying you hehe and then I'm going to put your shorts on for you.'

'Oh, sorry give us another snog and I'll be able to relax for you then heh. *snog*' Maiden relaxed deeply on Kauto's lap before the horse started to dry his very thick fur and give the odd pinch to his muscular rump cheeks. 'Eek, Kauto!'

'Oh you don't like that do you hehe, well now you know how I felt in the shower haha. Except I liked it hehe.'

'Eek! It's not that I don't like, in fact I love your tickly hands. It's just I wished you would tell me when you're going to do it heh. EEK! Kauto!'

'Hehe it's not as good if I tell you, I must say your rump is bloody hard and sexy heh.'

'EEEEK!!! Stop it!!! *growl*' Maiden jumped up at Kauto and bit in front of his muzzle.

'Hay stop that! *snog* Jeez what has gotten into you lately, you're trying to bite me, scratch me and everything. Sometimes I wonder whether you really do love me.' The stallion said as his mood suddenly changed.

'*sniffle* I'm so sorry, I get annoyed quite easily at the moment and of course I love you.' Maiden replied as he apologetically wrapped his arms around Kauto.

'I know, but you seemed to have change over the last few days. I mean you have your teeth in full view which you never used to and your anger is well.......a little crazy at the moment.' Kauto replied before Maiden had no response and walked off leaving the stallion in the back room alone still dripping wet. He wrapped a very large towel around himself and walked through. 'Awe no, woofy where are you going?' Kauto ran out of the motor home and looked around but couldn't spot Maiden. Returning back inside, he noticed the wolf lying on the large couch. 'Oh heh, woofy what's wrong now I just don't understand you right now. You were in a good mood a second ago.' Kauto leaned over and nervously picked up Maiden again in his arms.

'*huff* Well I guess I should tell you.'

'Tell me what woofy *kiss*'

'Well see that fur on your hand.' Kauto looked at one of his meaty hands and noticed a small lump of red and green fur.

'What the....'

'Don't say anything please, you see I'm starting to lose the top half of my fur, I get it every year around this time were I kinda just lose some of it. A bit like a husky dog, but it's only the red and green fur on me that I lose.'

'Awe woofy no way. So you mean it'll grow back.'

'Oh yeah it'll grow back, it's just I hate this time of the year and I get a little grouchy.'

'When did it start?'

'Err yesterday morning before practice. I didn't say anything and it doesn't fall out very noticeably until about the second or third day after it starts. If you go in the shower and look you'll know what I'm on about.' They walked back into the shower and Kauto gasped slightly at the colourful fur on the floor.

'Oh god, now I can see why you were in different moods lately. So will it come all out at once or gradually?'

'Well I usually have to brush it out as it's all loose fur.'

'Would you like some help, I would love to see what you look like with black and white fur only.'

'Err ok Kauto, I'll need another shower though.'

'Oh don't worry there's enough water left and I'll help you get it all off. Here you stand there and I'll get all the things we need.'

'Err Kauto, there's some special shampoo I use in my bag, and a brush as well.' Kauto fetched everything and returned to the wolf.

'Ok woofy, I'll be as gentle as possible.'

'Thanks I appreciate this hunk, and I'm sorry about all the bad things I've done to you over the last few days.'

'Awe don't worry I understand now that you've told me about this. It would make me go crazy as well heh, ok let me dig in and clear you up woofy.' Maiden turned on the shower before Kauto began clearing all the loose fur off him and washed him thoroughly again with the shampoo. Fifteen minutes later Kauto left the wolf alone for a few minutes while he dried and put his shorts on. Looking in a large mirror in the back room the wolf had a slight smile as he looked over his huge black and white furry body. Kauto remained outside of the room.

'Oow I look quite good actually heh.' Maiden said to himself as he looked at the mirror.

'Are you ok woofy?'

'Yeah come in Kauto.' The stallion walked in and gasped again.

'Oh man, you look fabulous woofy. Your muscles are really visible now, flex for me.' Maiden flexed his left bicep and bulged it up high, Kauto walked to him and squeezed it. 'Ooow fuzzy hehe, well you look amazing shall we go and show the others before the race?'

'Err yeah would you be able to explain it to them first before they see me, I'm a bit nervous about it.'

'Yeah ok woofy. Give me another kiss and we'll go.'

'Ok mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wow heh. So you don't mind me looking like this for a while.'

'No I love you how ever you look. You do look a bit like a Siberian Husky heh, just with impossible muscles hehe. Ok come here.'

'Oow heh. I guess Axle n Diesel can stay here seen as they're still asleep haha.' Kauto picked Maiden up and they headed off to the pits. 'Ok hunk you can put me down heh. I'll be embarrassed otherwise haha.'

'Awe I don't want to.'

'Oh ok haha *kiss* It's not like I'm in your arms in front of the whole crowd who are coming in now hahaha.'

'Hay they're waving to us.' Kauto said as he and Maiden looked up towards the filling stand opposite the pits. They both waved back and heard a few good luck shouts. 'Awe wow.' suddenly one fur fan held up a sign with good luck in F1 written in bold writing. Kauto and Maiden both looked at each other all confused and quickly headed to the pit garage.

'Err guys, how do those fans know about us?' Kauto asked.

'It's been spread around quite a lot, it was on the news.' Falcon replied as he came out of the garage with his helmet on.

'Oh great heh, no wonder they were shouting and waving to us. That's our privacy gone I guess we'll be doing quite a lot with the fans then over the next few months heh. '

'Err Maiden what's happened to you?' Frank asked just as Falcon gasped.

'Bloody hell Maiden what the devil.'

'Err Kauto can you.' Kauto explained to everyone about Maiden's fur problem.

'Oh ok, sorry Maiden. We'll keep it quiet.'

'Thanks. Oh well forget that now, Frank are we on the radios still?

'Err no you don't have to today, you can do whatever you like. Oh and I want to thank you guys for last night, I would have been in hospital otherwise.'

'Oh no worries Frank, more importantly are you ok?'

'Yeah I'm fine now. Well go and do what ever you want guys I'll see you later on after the race.'

'Ok enjoy the race, well Falc would you like us to stay and watch?' Maiden asked hoping for a certain answer back.

'Err you can do what ever you like guys, we're racing so we don't mind heh. Go and have some fun.'

'Ok go and get the win guys and we'll see you on the podium heh.'

'Heh we have a race to do first, but hopefully we will and enjoy the day guys.' Falcon walked back into the garage as Ring Eye waved to the two hulks.

'Well then Kauto, what do you wanna do hunk?' Maiden asked as he placed his arm around the stallion.

'Hmmm lets go back to the motor home, put the race on the plasma and practice some more for the Olympics.'

'That's a great idea, up you go hehe.' This time the wolf had Kauto in his arms as he walked back to the motor home. As Maiden squeezed through the door with Kauto held like very big baby with a very cute expression on his face. 'Awe look at that face, it's just to irresistible heh.' Walking up through and into the small kitchen area where Kauto was placed carefully on the counter, causing a few squeaks under him. Maiden looked over Kauto's incredibly large rocky body and began gnawing and squeezing him.

'Hehe that tickles woofy, I thought we were gunna practice our routines.'

'We are in a minute, I want to have a good look at what I'm going up against hehe. Man I'm almost scared heh.' Kauto looked up to Maiden and waggled his finger to make the wolf go close to him. As Maiden moved to his muzzle, Kauto grabbed him and snogged aggressively. Moving slowly over towards the TV and large settee, Kauto flicked it on while stuck the wolf and they fell onto the chair.

'*huff* Man how awesome was that heh. Ok I'll switch on the NASCAR and we'll do some routines.............right lets try some lat poses hunk I haven't seen you flex those yet.'

'Ok, I do have rather large Lats woofy so watch out heh. Are we standing or sitting?'

'Stay seated and just flex your upper body, I'll be watching on and err....................admiring hehe.'

'Admiring, more like worshipping haha.' Kauto raised his arms and began flexing and posing his Lat muscles which spread out incredibly wide. Maiden moved his big paws over the muscles before sniffing the stallion.

'Hurrrr god you smell so clean and nice heh and yet so powerful. And then you look down and see those pair of humongous horse bombs it just makes you want to smell the rest of you.' Maiden then began wiggling his nose all over Kauto's upper body, tickling the equine in the process.

'Woofy your nose is tickling me hahaha. I'm trying to pose here.'

'Hehe, you'll have to pose with me on you then.'

'Oow I'll try to flex and pose hard for you so you get the best of me hehe.' Kauto squeezed his hands and arms to make them bulge, while also flexing his very large and wide Lats making them spread and bulge as well.

'****! hunk you were right about your Lats, they're huge. You have an amazing pose as well, god I'm really scared going up against you now heh.'

'Awe woofy, how can you be scared heh. Do a Lat pose.'

'Err ok.' Maiden raised his arms up, spreading his Lats out wide and flexing hard. His body bulged to nearly the same size as Kauto had earlier.

'And you're scared of me haha. Bloody hell woofy. Hang on a minute I'll get that large mirror I have an idea.'

'Oh god.'

'Right if we put it here, we can practice together in front of it.' Maiden lunged out of the chair and jumped onto Kauto's back. The stallion fell back slightly before regaining his balance. 'Hi woofy hahaha. What are you doing?' he said as they looked at each other.

'I'm getting a different view of you hehe, *kiss* flex your pecs in a chest pose hunk.'

'It's a little awkward with you on my back woofy.'

'Awe don't give me that Kauto, I can't be that heavy heh.'

'Well that's the thing, you are heavy haha. But because I love you, you can stay up there and I'll pose for you woofy. Hang on hehe.' Maiden wrapped around Kauto before the stallion stood and posed into an incredible equine statue of muscle and power. Maiden's hands ran gingerly over the bulging striations and ridges which as Kauto flexed grew bigger and bigger.

'Mmmmm they're so warm and huge, just like the rest of you really heh. You have a really nice pose there as well, but come on you can stick your chest out further than that surely.'

'Oh I'm not tensing woofy hehe, it's a bit awkward with you there but I'll give it a go. Don't let go of me will you.'

'I'd never let go of you if I had the choice heh, now stick that monster chest out hunk. *kiss*' With the huge wolf stuck on top of him, Kauto puffed out his chest even more and flexed incredibly hard. His boulder pecs bulged out far in front of him to the point were Maiden could rest his whole head on top of them and fall asleep. The wolf started banging his fist against the rock hard muscles, but neither moved or budged at all. Howling in awe, Maiden was loving his equine friends incredible display. 'Kauto look at me *snog*'

'Mmmm what was that one for woofy?'

'For being so sexy and for winning the Fur Olympics before they've even started hehe.'

'Awe hehe, I haven't won anything yet. I've got to go up against you, Chet and don't forget Falc or Ring Eye they can hold their own you know.'

'I know and I can't wait to see how we all do. But right now hunk I'll get off you heh and we'll pose together in that mirror. What would you like to do?'

'Hmmm how about a most muscular pose.' Maiden licked his lips and stood next to Kauto in front of the large mirror. Both of them only just managing to fit in view.

'Actually forget the mirror, lets do it towards each other and see who can produce a better pose.'

'Oh you just want to beat me don't you hehe, well try and beat this.' Kauto leaned forward towards the wolf and produced an intolerable most muscular pose with unbelievable size and definition in his arms and upper body.

'Crap, well try and resist this before I pose.' Maiden pulled Kauto's muzzle towards and snogged him again.

'Wow you're a dream kisser even with those teeth heh, now pose will you.'

'Ok, ok.' The wolf joined Kauto with the pose and they both flexed hard to reveal as much power as possible. Bulges, Ridges, Veins and insane size coated both furs as they stared and growled at each other in intimidation. 'I'm bigger.'

'No you're not, I am. I have more definition as well.'

'Only because you have thin fur heh, I have a better pose.'

'How do you, I'm doing exactly the same as you.'

'Yeah, but I give kisses hehe. *snog*'

'Awe I give them as well, so were even. How about we do some measurements woofy and see how big we actually are now.' Kauto said as he quickly moved into a single huge bicep flex.

'Yeah we should actually because we need to know what they are for the Olympics. They need measurements from everyone. Got a tape measure, and a large one at that?'

'Err yeah in my bag, I'll fetch it for us.' Creating a few loud bangs on the floor as he trotted to his bag and back. Maiden stared at the stallion's rear as he went away from the wolf, and then admired his god like front end as he came back.

'Wow you are such a god heh. Is the tape measurer long enough?'

'150 inches, I think so heh.'

'I dunno, your chest is pretty darn big and your shoulders are even wider heh.'

'I've got a 5 meter measurer, maybe that'll be long enough haha.'

'Heh why do you have so many tape measurers?' Maiden asked before Kauto suddenly blushed slightly.

'I err used to measure myself before a show and I've never taken them out of my bag hehe. I haven't done it since the last show so this should be interesting heh.' With Maiden shaking his head with a grin, Kauto took the shorter tape and gave the wolf one end before he wrapped it around Maiden's huge chest and pecs, giving a quick nibble at his nipples in the process.

'Hurrrr that feels so nice, how big is my chest then hunk?' Kauto held the tape ends together and read the number before gasping loudly.

'Whoa! Woofy it's err one hundred and thirty five inches heh. Go on flex.' Maiden tensed and flexed his chest and pecs making them bulge hugely. 'Holy ****! Err woofy you just bulged out to 144 inches hehe.'

'A hundred and forty four! Bloody hell that's more than 50 or 60 inches bigger than when I last measured myself.' Maiden reacted in shock.

'Hehe wow that shows how powerful our seed is haha. Measure me woofy.'

'Ok after a kiss. *snog* mmmm thanks heh, ok lets see.' The tape was wrapped around the equine's monstrous pecs and chest and a reading was taken in shock again. 'Oh man, how does 140 inches sound.'

'Oh jeez! That means I've grown..........err nearly 70 inches around my chest alone in the last month. God I feel horny all of a sudden haha.'

'You're always horny hunk hehe, but 70 inches is insane. That just shows how much seed you've had heh. Actually you've still not even flexed yet.'

'Oh, well hold on to the tape then.' Kauto suddenly flexed his chest, the whole of his upper body bulged and grew impossibly with veins beginning to show through his skin and thin black fur which had stretched to accommodate the growth.

'Err Kauto the ends are not touching hahaha. They must be about 3 inches apart so your chest is now a hundred and fifty three inches big, Woooooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeee heh.' Maiden howled as Kauto looked at him with his eyes wide open. 'As I said you're a god Kauto hehe. Lets see how huge your biceps are hunk.'

'God I'm horny now heh' Kauto replied as his arousal quickly started to build up. Slowly raising his arm to the side, Maiden wrapped the tape around it and measured his bicep at 53 inches unflexed. 'That's more than 30 inches I've gained right there before I've even flexed hehe. I was 30 inches fully flexed a month ago.'

'F**K! now I'm horny hehe. Go on flex hard for me.' The stallion began to bend and flex his arm, deep ridges and canyons formed all over but especially over his bicep. Snaking veins fed the boulder with incompatible amounts of blood from his locomotive heart. As he reached full flex, his forearm couldn't reach 90 degrees due to the boulder of a bicep in the way. 'Hurrrr Hurrrr now that is bloody insane haha. Ok lets see...................are you kidding me..........seventy five inches!'

'*GULP* wow forty five inches in a month not bad hahaha. Lets see yours woofy, I would have thought they were about the same.' Kauto grabbed the tape and wrapped it around Maiden's arm as he raised it up to the side. '52 inches woofy so only an inch smaller heh. Go on go big for me.'

'Ok.' The wolf's bicep bulged huge and high with power as he went into a full flex. 'Well hunk.'

'*gasp* seventy two inches woofy. They deserve a snog heh. *SNOG*'

'Awe thanks hunk, I love you heh. I've gained 30 inches unflexed and bloody 42 inches when I'm fully flexed, man we have some strong seed hehe. Lets see our leg measurements.......................your thighs are rather awkward to measure with your orbs and what not hehe, I'll manage though...god almighty 73 inches unflexed........................and GOD! 98 inches flexed, man they're some power in them heh.'

'Hehe, and my calves woofy?'

'Err.....Ooow 47 inches unflexed and...............55 inches flexed and hard. Now that's real support for your legs and hooves heh.'

'Awe woofy heh, lets see what yours measure.' Maiden passed the god stallion the tape while giving him another snog at the same time. Kauto licked his muzzle and began measuring the wolf's huge legs. 'Ok lets move your monsters out of the way and then I can see what your thighs measure heh.....................Ooow they're bigger than mine at 78 inches unflexed heh...............Christ fully flexed they're 104 inches. Wow my woofy has thighs which bulge over the 100 inch mark.'

' icon_redface.gif' Maiden looked with a shy grin towards the floor. Looking back at the handsome equine in front of him, Maiden lifted his half erect member and humungous heavy orbs before he stroked and tendered them gently, building his arousal up. Kauto lowered the tape to the wolf's calves and measured them at 49 inches unflexed, while fully flexed they reached an amazing 58 inches of diamond hard muscle. The stallion immediately stood up quickly and picked his wolf up before they sat on the couch again.

'So 104 inch thighs and 59 inch calves, you're bigger than me there woofy. I've grown around 50 inches on my thighs what about you?'

'Err I think around sixty inches hehe. I'd say we're very ready for the Olympics eyy haha.'

'Heh err I dunno, I reckon we can go as big as we want heh.' Kauto replied as he snuggled with Maiden on the couch and looked at the TV.

'Maybe you're right, we can still go bigger. But right now I think we need to catch up on the race we're missing it haha. Lap seventy two of three hundred, god we've missed quite a lot.'

'woofy it doesn't matter, we've still got about three hours of racing heh, oh and being with each other.' 'Yeah I guess so, ok then come up here.' Maiden said as he waggled his finger to Kauto. The stallion raised up the wolf and they connected together in love.

'Shall we kiss and snuggle for the whole race?'

'Err we'll do it until the last couple of laps and then go to the pits to see the finish.'

'Ok woofy, three hours of fun here we come hehe. Give me your biggest snog ever.'

'Ooooow you'll love this.' Maiden and Kauto's lips met with extreme passion as they snogged each other for the next half hour, with some stroking involved. After they had managed to let each other go, Kauto fell back in the chair with his tongue hanging out and his eyes closed.

'Kauto?' Maiden leaned forward to the stallion again and gave him yet another snog. 'Come on wake up haha.'

'Huh, oh sorry woofy haha. I've just thought, we haven't measured our shoulders.'

'Hay you're right, we'll need the big tape though heh. Stay seated we don't need to get up.' Maiden grabbed the large tape and slowly wrapped it around Kauto's crazily wide and muscular shoulders. 'What were you last time hunk?'

'Err I think I was around 80 or 90 inches before the last competition.'

'Well....HA........that's a hundred and sixty already hehe.'

'*whistle* Holy cow! I've doubled in size around my shoulders?! That's crazy!'

'Hehe, try me hunk.' Kauto unwrapped the tape from around him and put it around the wolf's shoulders.

'One hundred and fifty five woofy, how much have you gained there?'

'Err 85 inches, I was only 70 inches around my shoulders before the last comp we met at. I've never been the biggest of wolves, well until now heh but I've always been pretty athletic with a lean and muscular build haha.'

'Well you're not lean anymore woofy, you're a hulk of a wolf. I mean seventy two inch biceps, that's........sexy hehe.'

'Hay don't give me that, you're bigger than me.'

'In the upper part maybe but you have some insane power in your legs hehe. Actually pass us that other tape, I want to check something.' Maiden passed Kauto the other tape and the stallion suddenly wrapped it around one of the wolf's gigantic orbs.

'Haha what are you doing Kauto?'

'I wanna see how huge you are woofy hehe.' The stallion looked at the tape and gasped in disbelief. 'Err right. Woofy you have forty eight inch orbs.' Kauto said bluntly.

'F**K! you're not kidding either. God no wonder I produce so much hehe.'

'They're bloody heavy as well woofy, and furry hehe.' Kauto rubbed and tickled the blushing wolf's orbs, making him quiver and aroused.

'Nnngghhhh Kauto don't or I'll cum all over you. Measure your orbs hunk, I bet mine are bigger hehe.'

'Probably heh..............Bloody hell woofy they are. Mine are 45 inches.'

'Still bloody humungous haha, and heavy as boulders. *Rumble*'

'Jesus Christ woofy, you sound hungry.'

'I am starving, but not for seed just yet heh. Fancy a huge meal?'

'Yeah but what?'

'How about I go and get some things and make us both a very large tuna salad and then we can sit and watch the rest of the race until we head back out.'

'Mmmmm that sounds delicious woofy. Where are you going to get the ingredients from?'

'I'll run over to that large Wal-Mart just outside the speedway. Don't worry I'll be back within a few minutes and then we'll have a huge meal together.'

'Awe you're leaving me alone *sniffle*.'

'Only for a few minutes, the dogs are coming through hunk so you have company heh.'

'Oh. Well be as quick as possible woofy me and the dogs will get bored without you heh.' Kauto said as the dogs jumped on the couch and him.

'Kauto I'll run for you heh, you'll only be alone for a couple of minutes so don't worry.' Maiden said before heading out and sprinting off out, crunching the floor with his huge feet in the process.

'Yeah but that's a long time without you.' With Kauto already feeling lonely even with the dogs with him, Maiden sprinted to the Wal-Mart and back within 5 minutes and returned to a bored looking horse. 'Woofy thank god you're finally back heh.' Kauto said as he stood up and snogged the wolf who had a whole host of ingredients in his arms.

'Awe Kauto haha, I've only been gone for five minutes come on. You can't be lonely in that amount of time.......can you?'

'I did, I don't like being without you, you should know that woofy.'

'Awe shucks, I didn't know I meant that much to you heh.' Maiden puts the ingredients down and gave Kauto a quick stroke on his abs.

'You mean more than anything to me woofy *kiss*. Would you like some help with that?' Kauto asked as the wolf started preparing their meal.

'Yeah sure.' With two pairs of huge food inspiring hands, Maiden and Kauto fixed up two very large tuna salads for them both and sat back down before watching the rest of the NASCAR race together with the dogs. Two hours later after finishing their salads and the race coming to its final stages, they prepared to leave and head back to the pits. 'Man I can't believe Falc is still in the top 4. He's not been lower than 7th in the whole race and he has the same set up to what he did in qualifying.'

'I know he's been fantastic and Ring Eye's been his usual consistent self, he's in 5th now with three laps to go.' Kauto replied with them both stuck together with one arm around each other and the dogs following suit. Leaning over the pit wall outside of their garage full of pit crew furs, they watched the last two laps fly by and the final lap began with Falcon in second and Ring Eye directly behind in third after passing two cars on the previous lap. They were now rounding the first corner and chasing the leader immediately in front of them both.

'Go on you can both take him together!' Frank shouted down the radio.

'Go on Falc around the outside, he's slower than you in front. Ring Eye go up the inside!' Maiden began shouting at the screens in the pit lane as they mounted the final bend. Immediately into the bend, they both made their moves with Falcon blasting around the outside as the leader missed a gear and lost all momentum while Ring Eye shot past on the inside. Neck and neck around the final bend, the two drivers were clear from anyone else and only had each other to beat. Not even glancing at each other they crossed the finish line together with no clue of who won. 'Awe who won?!!'

'I have no idea haha, they're coming up on the screen now.' Everyone looked up at the time sheets in desperation with Kauto and Maiden grabbing each other. Suddenly everyone in the garage gasped as the times came up. 'Ring Eye!! Hahaha, bloody hell by one thousandth of a second is that possible?!!'

'RING EYE YOU'VE WON!! WELL DONE TO BOTH OF YOU!!!' Frank was now screaming down the radio's to the cars. Suddenly Ring Eye in jeer opened the door and punched the air. Falcon pulled up alongside and began clapping towards his team mate who returned with a blown kiss. As they returned to the pits everyone screamed and hollered as they congratulated them both. Ring Eye jumped out and straight away ran over to Falcon and hugged him.

'Fantastic race Falc! Well done.'

'Haha but you're the winner buddy.'

'No we're both the winner in my eye. Sure I won but by a thousandth of a second, I'd say that's pretty much even hehe.'

'Awe haha.' As they let go of each other, they immediately began looking for Maiden and Kauto. 'Where are they?'

'Hay we're behind you haha!!' Kauto shouted from behind the fence. The drivers turned around and ran towards them before hugging and kissing them both.

'Thanks for everything guys, you're the best.' Falcon said as he got engorged by Maiden.

'What do you mean?'

'We couldn't do any of this without your help could we. All weekend you guys have been so calm over the radio and its obviously helped us both so thanks.'

'Awe well sometimes we've gotten a little angry hehe, but thanks Falc. You guys better sought out weighing and head to the podium, you don't want to miss it do you haha.' Kauto said before watching the two drivers head up to the podium with each other. The celebrations were carried out with the anthems from Australia for Ring Eye and Finland for Falcon before the crowd emptied out of the stands and the whole speedway slowly calmed and emptied into the night. Back at the motor home, Ula also returned and was greeted with an incredibly sweet smell from inside.

'Hi everyone.'

'Ula! Great commentary heh, did you enjoy it?' Maiden asked as they hugged.

'Oh it was fantastic, and......I get to do the rest of the races this season and next season as well.'


'Thanks, what's that sweet loving smell? And what the devil has happened to you honey?'

'Err........' Kauto and Maiden looked at each other with a grin. 'Well you can probably guess what the smell is hehe, but I do I have to tell you something. You know last night how I went a little crazy, well I've been in that kind of mood throughout this week and this is why.'

'Do you mean you're fur colours have gone?'

'At the moment yes, you see I shed my fur once a year. Only the red and green parts though and they'll grow back quickly so it's not too much hassle but I don't like it when it happens.'

'Oh right, well honey you don't have to get all angry about it heh. Besides it'll grow back and then you won't have to worry about it. Anyway guys we need to get out of the speedway quickly as it shuts up in twenty minutes, so what shall we do?'

'Well we may as well go and see our private jet then heh. It's in the Vegas Airport so lets go and look at it shall we.'

'Oh man you guys have all the surprises waiting don't you haha, how much have you spent on it?' Ula asked.

'Err we both spent a *cough* dollars.'

'How much?'

'err five.....million.' Maiden stuttered.

'*whistle* Wow! Haha. Well then lets go I want to see what five million dollars worth of jet looks like.'

'Ok haha.' Kauto squeezed himself into the drivers seat and they headed out of the Speedway and off to the airport as quickly as possible. Everyone started to get goose bumps as they reached the car park and headed off to look at the jet. As they made their way through the busy airport, Kauto and Maiden both received a large amount of stares which made them feel proud as they had gotten used to it. Falcon and Ring Eye meanwhile where receiving taps on their shoulders as a few racing fans were travelling home. 'Ok guys? you look a bit nervous.' Maiden said to the drivers.

'Some of these fans are a little.....too happy sometimes. One of them just smacked me in the face as he walked past heh.' Falcon replied.

'Awe come here.' Falcon and Ring Eye both walked closer to the huge wolf and horse who wrapped an arm around each of them and continued walking. 'There, they won't hit you anymore haha.' The dogs had attached themselves on Kauto's shoulders while Ula was next to the stallion. Maiden walked up to the desk and sorted everything out before they were escorted to their jet. As they walked outside everyone immediately gasped. 'Whoa! Man how cool does that look, it's looks a little different though somehow. Well stallion you first.' Looking very heroic with the dogs on his shoulder, Kauto walked up the steps and ducked into the jet with everyone following behind. 'Hay hang on a minute, why does it say 605 on the side, I thought we bought a 604.' Maiden said to the airport controller at the bottom of the steps.

'Ah well sir, you see their was a slight mix up with the advertisement on the website as it showed a 604 Challenger. But the actual advertisement was for a 605. It's basically a much better version of a 604, as you can see.' The fur replied before Kauto turned around and looked at Maiden, with the dogs stuck on him still.

'That's a bit dodgy heh, but woofy it doesn't matter I mean come in here it's absolutely stunning. There's a mini kitchen, shower room and everything.'

'Yeah but..........Whoa! Wow it is stunning. Is there a Jacuzzi hehe?'

'Yeah in the shower room.'

'Are you two plotting something already haha, this is fabulous. So now what are you guys heading back to Virginia?' Ula asked.

'Err yeah I guess so. Aren't you coming with us?' Maiden replied.

'Well I have a few things I need to sort out back home.'

'Oh no worries, but we'll be in Australia with Chet for the Olympics next week so we'll have to meet you over there if anything.'

'That sounds good, I'll fly over on Thursday and meet you guys at the Airport in Sydney.'

'Ok, well we'll grab the car and be off I think.' They hopped the Gumpert out of the motor home and into the jet before saying goodbye to Ula and setting off. Having their own pilots gave them the opportunity to make the jet their own.

'Hmm, woofy I've just thought of something.'

'What's that hunk?' Maiden replied as he stroked Kauto.

'You know when we had that amazing seed bath and our fur seem to have an effect.'

'Yeah it was amazing.'

'I know heh, but do you reckon your colours will grow back quicker if we had one now?'

'Hmm possibly yeah. Why do you want one haha.'

'I'd love one, we have two hours. Falc, Ring Eye how about it will you join us?' 'A seed bath? That sounds a little weird doesn't it?'

'Oh you don't have a clue, I mean it's the most soothing bath you will ever have haha.' Kauto replied.

'Err ok we'll see what its like.'

'Fantastic, well you guys get ready and we'll fill it up.' Maiden and Kauto headed through to the shower room while the drivers got ready. 'Oh man this is going to be awesome. This one's going to be even more thicker and even more hotter than the last one hehe.'

'Yeah hehe, we have a bigger Jacuzzi as well. Lets get filling.' Feeling incredibly horny, they filled the Jacuzzi to the top in a matter of moments with steaming hot, thick seed. 'Ok guys come in.' The drivers walked in smelling the sweet scent in the air.

'Oh blimey that's amazing, have you mixed it guys?' Falcon asked.

'Yeah heh.'

'Fuck how thick is it, man you two produce some powerful fluid don't you haha. OUCH! God it's hot as well.' Falcon licked a drop and tasted it. 'Hurrrr wow that tastes soooo nice.' Suddenly Kauto picked Falcon off his hooves and threw him into the seed, splashing dollops of it onto everyone and the floor. 'Ugh! Kauto! That's bloody hot! Why did you throw me in?!'

'Because you were taking too long haha. Whoa! Maiden what the?!' Kauto was also picked up by the large wolf behind him and tossed in, splashing nearly all the seed out of the Jacuzzi. 'Ouch that is hot haha, but well done woofy you've emptied it out.'

'ME! That was you haha. Does it matter we have an unlimited supply, now get filling again.' Maiden picked Ring Eye up and jumped in before they all began refilling the Jacuzzi with piping hot seed. 'Ooohh boy that's nice heh. It's about time you guys spent some time with us, we've missed seeing you alone with us.'

'Yeah so have we, like this anyway haha. And seeing the mess everywhere, we've been in here for literally 10 minutes and its already messy and sticky hahaha.' Ring Eye pointed out as he soothed deeper into the Jacuzzi.

'Yeah well it's not going to change much hehe. We may have to clean it up for Chet though, we shouldn't have it messy for him. Unless he wants it messy of course heh.' Maiden replied.

'I dunno, but I'm more worried that he'll want to pick the jet up hahaha.' Suddenly Kauto looked at Maiden in slight shock. 'Woofy your fur's growing back to the way it was before with the green and red.' He pointed out with a grin. Maiden looked down at his huge pecs above the seed line and smiled. 'Awe yay heh. it's growing thicker as well.' Maiden ducked below and took in some of the seed, his fur became incredibly thick and rather fluffy over his monstrous body after 20 minutes of bathing. 'Whoa! Man I feel so warm.' The wolf said as he jumped out of the Jacuzzi and looked at himself.

'Woofy, how fluffy do you look now heh. Come back in and get even more warm and fluffy so I can snuggle up to you.' Maiden hopped back in next to the stallion, who wrapped his arms around the wolf and nuzzled his pecs. 'You're so sexy woofy.' Ring Eye and Falcon then moved over and also began nuzzling and stroking the serene wolf.

'Hay, guys what are you doing haha?'

'We're in love with you and showing it Maiden that's what we're doing.' Ring Eye replied who's black and white fur had also become fluffy and long. 'Can I have a err............' The driver leaned forward and the two wolves touched noses.

'Do you want a kiss Ring Eye?' Maiden replied with a loving smile.

'Yeah hehe.'

'You don't have to ask you know, I don't bite heh.'

'Well hahaha.' Kauto interrupted before nosing Falcon as the two wolves warmly kissed and hugged each other. Suddenly the two equines moved over and picked up a wolf each to kiss with. Falcon and Maiden laughed and cuddled while Kauto and Ring Eye went straight into kissing.

'Wow Kauto you're an unbelievably good kisser.'

'Isn't he, it's heavenly haha.' Maiden replied to his fellow wolf.

'Awe thanks heh, woofy can we.' Maiden looked at Ring Eye who smiled.

'Go ahead Maiden me and Falc will stay together heh.'

'Thanks, come here you big power horse.' Maiden pulled himself next to the black Friesian stallion and rubbed his huge hands under Kauto's mountain pec muscles, running his fingers and claws under the ridges and mounds that bulged over his chest.

'Hurrrr woofy!' Kauto moaned in pleasure as the wolf moved his hands to the front of his outrageous chest muscles.

'Mmmmmmmm man Kauto your pecs stick out so far. I just want to lick and kiss them heh.'

'You should try looking at your own pecs sometime haha. Don't bite..........Ugh!' Before Kauto could get a word out, Maiden dug his sharp teeth gently into one of the stallion's nipples while squeezing the other one tightly. Kauto neighed at the top of his voice as Maiden's teeth squeezed making him aroused even more. 'Ugh! Woofy stop please!'

'Oh I'm sorry Kauto, did I hurt you?'

'No but you were about to if you went any deeper.'

'Oh I'm so sorry hunk.' Maiden looked away in shame before Kauto placed a big hand on his shoulder and leaned forward.

'Woofy don't look away, I didn't mean to sound horrible. Come here and give me a big kiss.' Maiden turned around and looked at Kauto affectionately.

'Heh ok, have I ever said how much I love you Kauto?' The wolf replied as he put his beefy arms over Kauto's shoulders.

'Only about a million times haha. I love you to woofy, now give me a kiss.' The impatient horse pulled Maiden towards him even more and wrapped his lips around Maiden's. For the whole hour left of the journey, Kauto and Maiden remained stuck to each other, kissing and re-filling the Jacuzzi when they needed to. By the time they had reached Norfolk Airport, Maiden and Ring Eye had become incredibly fluffy and furry while Falcon and Kauto were shiny and looking very powerful like a racehorse. 'Mmmmmmm man that's made me feel unbelievable heh. Woofy how much has your coat grown, and you Ring Eye. Come and give me and Falc a hug, I wanna see how warm and snugly you two are.' Before they got off the jet, the furry wolves gave the stallions a hug. 'Whoa! Man forget blankets or anything else, you two are my furry blankets now heh.'

'Hehe, *kiss* well we're back home finally, and there's one thing that buggers me.'

'What's that woofy?' Kauto replied while not being able to let go of anyone.

'Well we have one car and that's the Gumpert which lets face it Kauto. Me or you won't be fitting in it much longer, so how are we all going to get home?'

'Hay you're right.' Falcon replied.

'Would you like a horsy back from me woofy?' Kauto asked.

'A horsy back? Don't you mean...........Oh hahaha, yeah I'll have a horsy back Kauto. You don't mind haha.'

'No of course not, Falc and Ring Eye can take the car if you'd like.'

'Err sure thanks Kauto.' With the car unloaded and the jet being toed off to their security hangar, Falcon and Ring Eye dashed off in the car leaving Kauto and Maiden at the Airport. 'Well woofy, are you ready?' Kauto asked.

'Are you sure you don't mind Kauto? You know how heavy I am.'

'Yeah and you know how strong I am hehe.' Kauto flexed both of his huge biceps in sequence, leaving the wolf with his tongue hanging out. '*kiss* Come on get up.' The stallion leaned down and hoisted Maiden up onto his back. 'There we go, ok up there woofy heh.' Maiden wrapped his huge warm arms around the stallion and lowered his head on top of Kauto's left shoulder before giving a smile.

'Yep hehe. Don't stress yourself for me hunk.'

'Oh don't worry, I'll only trot heh. Anyway we'll be back home in 10 minutes so hang on.' With the wolf firmly on his back, Kauto trotted off through the Airport with furs endlessly looking at them and out before heading off back to the mansion. 'Man it's so good to be back in Virginia. I've missed this place recently woofy.'

'Yeah me too, shame we're heading off again in a few days heh. I wonder what the lake is like hehe.'

'Sticky haha, thick and sweet as honey maybe. It's certainly not going to change heh. Man I can't wait to see Chet again either, I've missed him as well.'

'Haven't we all hunk, I wonder how much he's been working out? And I bet he's even more ripped than he was before heh.'

'Yeah more than likely haha.' Kauto replied with a small huff and puff of breath. Within 10 minutes Kauto had trotted the 2 miles through Norfolk and Portsmouth to Maiden's Mansion were Falcon and Ring Eye were waiting outside. Maiden jumped off of Kauto's back.

'Thank you for that amazing ride Kauto, god you're not even out of breath heh. Can I have a kiss hunk?'

'So I give you a ride all the way home and now you want a kiss, you really are a cheeky woof aren't you hehe.'

'Yes, hahaha.'

'Well I'm afraid you'll have to carry me up to bed first because I'm too tired to kiss you out here.'

'Hop on then hunk, and you two jump on.' Maiden said as he lifted Kauto on his back.

'Err ok.' The drivers nervously replied before climbing up onto the powerful wolf and went up to Maiden's massive bedroom and bed. As they entered, Maiden dumped them all onto the double King-size reinforced bed before lunging himself on top of Kauto who caught and bear hugged him on the bed.

'You're like a teddy wolf woofy haha. Just even more cuddly and warm, you can have your kiss now woofy and then I would like some sleep with you guys if that's ok.'

'That sounds perfect Kauto, and then tomorrow I'll be in my gym all day to check on everything and have a good workout if I can heh. Do you guys fancy coming at all?'

'Sure, I could do with a really heavy workout and a long one at that heh. Actually would you mind if we had three days at your gym so we can workout as much as possible.' Kauto kindly queried as he nuzzled Maiden.

'Yes of course, these next three days we'll work out as much as possible and have a seed bath every night haha to prepare ourselves as much as possible. We won't have any seed from each other, we'll just make our muscles pumped and hard for the Olympics. Not that they're already impossibly hard and big hehe.'

'Ok woofy, well give me your better than best kiss and we'll have a sleep.' The two drivers kissed and fell asleep within minutes while Maiden leaned forward and gave Kauto the best kiss he had ever received. Lasting for a considerable amount of time, Kauto was almost asleep due to the power of Maiden's kiss. 'Woofy you are so amazing in bed heh. Cuddle up to me I'm tired.' Kauto whispered down the wolf's ear.

'Awe thanks hunk, your amazing too.' Maiden replied before he snuggled up as much as possible to the Friesian and they fell asleep.

The next three days were filled with insanely heavy workouts at Maiden's gym, and a regular seed bath to help with toning and density of their muscles for the Olympics. Competing here we come!

Kauto and MW Race 6 (part 3)

'Ok guys lets go for this pole shall we. You were both the quickest in the last practice session so lets blast them in this one as well haha.' Maiden said down the radio while stroking Axle. 'Yeah we have everything set up perfect, and its all down...

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Kauto and MW Race 6 (part 2)

As the sun rose over the high hills in the distance and shone through the front windscreen, Maiden and Kauto both opened their eyes and woke up. The wolf had managed to snuggle against Kauto's huge pecs, and suddenly moved back into his seat with a...

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Ring Eye and Falcon Body Measurements

Ring Eye Measurements :D (Age is about 26, but he doesn't age :P) Height: 10 Feet tall Biceps unflexed: 28 inches Flexed: 38 inches Shoulders: 95 inches Chest: 85 inches Waist: 35 inches Thighs: 45 inches Calves: 28 inches ...

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