King's Glade

Story by SiberDrac on SoFurry

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Don't run! There's only cock vore in the last third! The first two thirds is much more normal smut!

So this is another attempt to write a sex scene, since I'm out of practice and I was informed my last one was kind of broken up and hard to get in the groove with. You will be faced with a choice, at the end, and if enough people care, one or both of those endings might be written! So, please enjoy - t3h p05t, 4 j00

Birdsong, ah... mellifluous arias, symphonic soliloquys...

Wait, no, that's not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about squirrels screwing.

Well. Screwing squirrels.

Well... Both.

The two of them were in a small glade in the middle of my forest. I say "my" forest because in the woods, the stag is king. I am the tallest creature who roams these vast acres of verdant glory, and the strongest, and as far as I can tell, I have lived the longest. My antlers are my crown - a forest in their own right. I can lift boulders, wrestle bears, run for miles without stopping, and I have dozens of children and not many fewer mates.

I am king.

Relatively few know it, though. The cervine species are not known for raucous behavior, although I guess mating season can get noisy when all the young bucks and I are chasing down does and butting heads. Most of the residents of my kingdom learn of my reign when they first meet me, except the birds. They do gossip.

So in my silent way, I stood in the midst of a small copse of trees at the edge of this glade. The short, creamy fur that so delicately showed off the tightly packed bulges of my abs and mounds of pectoral muscle was hidden behind bark, the chestnut fur that similarly lined my powerful shoulders, my rolling, wide back muscles, and my tight, flat ass blended with it, and my antlers... would have been seen if the two had not been so enthralled with one another.

I licked my lips. I loved to see this. I let one ebon, hoof-like fingertip touch my nipple on its way down the curvature of my chest, towards the often-coveted goal of the velvet fuzz of my inner thighs while I watched. They were two young men, as short as squirrels should be, on their knees, exploring one another. They had never done this before; it was clear. One was just barely taller. They looked fairly similar, though - brothers, maybe? Their short paws were extended to one another's chests, each of which was as slender and taught as mine was thick and compact, and they roamed with blushes and gasps, each moment daring deeper, lower, and further back.

Their tremendous tails curled adorably whenever one hissed in unexpected pleasure, and they both seemed to be tacitly ignoring the much pinker protrusions on the other side of their waists. Oh, god, did it rile me up to watch them. I felt my member drop out of my sheath before I realized it had even thickened that much, and stifled the urge to pant. The taller one, his back a dark, milk chocolate color that was edged in speckles of ivory and graced with a long, almost black stripe, finally got the courage to grasp his younger brother's maleness. It made the - preteen, I guess - squeal, and got his heavy nuts, which looked like a puff of fluff somehow pooled between his thighs, to jump. From this distance, I could already see clear, delectable juices oozing down their short, but potent pricks. I licked my lips again. This was almost unfair. The scene was bewitching even without their enchanting, glittering black eyes.

The smaller one whispered something while his hips slowly bucked and squirmed and his pudgy cheeks were suffused with scarlet. His brother grinned slowly while his thumb rubbed the viscous pre in achingly slow circles on the smaller one's glans, eliciting a small river of it that flowed down his throbbing, needy cock to his balls, matting the fur there. Finally, the younger one mimicked his older brother's actions, leaning forward a bit to do so and letting me confirm they were related by the identical patterns on his back. The older one clearly had thought he would be more prepared, because he automatically bucked his hips into his brother's paw and shot a little jet of pre onto his wrist before blushing furiously. I felt my member tap my lower thigh, and a drop of my own natural lubricant began oozing down the trunk of the closest tree. I looked down to find both of my paws massaging the insides of my thighs while my sac churned in eager anticipation. No. I would wait, and see how far these two went.

The older one began stroking his paw up and down after recovering from his embarrassment with a quiet giggle. His brother let out a high-pitched hum of pleasure that just barely reached my ears and began thrusting too fast, making his pre run in rivulets down the other's paw while his own jerked unsteadily on the other's pink shaft. With a triumphantly hidden wince, the big brother gently removed his sibling's paw, and used his other to delicately, oh so delicately, but with a firmness that made me grin and made my shaft jump and spurt in excitement, one that is felt more in the mind than in the body, pull on the back of his little brother's head until his lips were half an inch from the older sibling's dribbling member. The little one looked up, but at a warm smile and calm command from his brother, his cheeks finished coloring crimson and he lolled his velvety tongue out to gather a single lap's worth of pre, drag the tip up to the elder's lightly flaring crown, and hesitantly draw the load back into his maw. The whole action got another splash from his brother, though, and so he got the stuff splattered on his nose and sneezed, hastily trying to wipe it off even while the pheromones clogged his senses. His breathing quickened, and I swear I could hear his heartbeat racing. He swiftly, apologetically lowered his black lips to the pink malehood before him and engulfed it.

I nearly gasped. Squirrel teeth were all I could think of. The older one thought of it, too, and I saw the flash of panic in his eyes before it melted suddenly into a euphoric smile under closed eyelids. Somehow, the younger one knew how to drag the smooth, ivory fronts of those gigantic front teeth down the back of his brother's shaft while his slick, soft tongue cushioned the more sensitive flesh on the front. I imagined most of this - the wet, suckling sounds of the descent and the smack of the first time he pulled off, and each successive, careful, tender bob of his head - while suddenly realizing I had begun slowly stroking myself off with one paw, the other caressing my hanging sac. The pleasure rocked my hips in rolling, ponderous waves as my hand made the long journey from my flared tip to my meaty base and squeeeeeeezed, but apparently my subconscious knew not to overdo it. I could hold out for a long time to watch these two.

The older brother's claws clenched and unclenched around his brother's ears as he moaned, his hips moving in a stiff rhythm to keep from bucking and startling his brother. The younger's lips couldn't catch the copious flow of pre completely and let it soak his elder's lap, but he only choked once, when his cute muzzle pushed into his brother's silken, thick-scented belly fur, encouraging his brother to test his limits and press the smaller one deeper, quarter inch by pleasurable, ecstatic quarter inch invading his throat, until he gagged and came up for air, holding his brother's thighs with his claws.

They grinned and blushed at one another, the younger one's face gleaming winsomely with the addition of his brother's juices, and the other seemed to have an idea - the same idea any nervous virgin would have while his senses were flushed with the heat of mating and the drunkenness of a new kind of need. In short order, the smaller one was on his hands and knees and had lifted his glorious, bushy tail to reveal a tight and unmolested pink pucker. I could almost see the older male's lips go dry, and I bucked hard once into my paw, again watering the tree in front of my with my preseed. They had chosen an area with thick, lush grass, so I imagine it was actually quite comfortable for the younger one as his powerful claws dug furrows in the earth the moment his older brother's tongue invaded.

I hadn't expected that, either, and had to suddenly drop my shaft and let it splash my shins as my entire body contracted. My mouth was so dry. It was a serious effort not to just jack off right there and let the unique rain I gave the forest coat its leaves like it always did, but I was determined to see this through, and I knew I would be sore for a pair of delicious, submissive little squirrels like that for the next week if I didn't take full advantage of the scene they were giving me. So I held back, clasping my hands under my balls while they rose and fell with activity and yearning to release what they'd been storing, while a squirrel rimmed his younger brother in my forest.

From the littler one's reaction, he had certainly never felt anything like it before. He squealed. He made a puddle underneath his belly. He pushed his rear against his brother's face, desperate for more, and his brother gladly gave it, ears perking at such a positive reaction. That thick, muscular organ lashed in against the smaller boy's prostate, making his cock jerk and drool, strings of pre connecting it briefly to his chest fur, until at last, unable to contain himself any longer and from the look in his eyes, completely lost in lust, the elder threw his younger brother on his back, tugged his legs up around his waist, aimed, and rammed home.

The younger one cried out in pleasured agony as he felt his brother go balls deep in his virgin hole, finalizing it with a firm smack. The elder groaned with unabashed pleasure, throwing his head back and opening his maw with raw, wild euphoria, before he remembered whom he had just plowed into. With a bashful chuckle, he looked down at the little brother pinned to his hips and grinned sheepishly. I saw, "Hey... you okay?" answered by a little smile and nod.

My hands had once again gone to pleasuring myself, and I stepped a bit to the side so my cock wouldn't rub against the bark when it lifted now and again. They didn't even perk their little rounded ears. The older took hold of his brother's nubile thighs, stroking them in adoration, but also gripping them as he nervously began to thrust. Each one ended in a whispered grunt from him and a soft whimper from his lover, but neither seemed to have any doubts. The little one's cock was drooling like a fountain caught in slow motion, the clear stuff pooling around his bellybutton and making its way up through his fur with the tug of gravity while his brother slid the smaller's upper back through the carpet of grass, forward and back, forward and back. My hooved fingers kept rhythm with their mating, sending those beautiful surges of pleasure coursing through me in steady, wonderful intervals. I wondered what it was like for them, to have all that pleasure condensed to members nearly a tenth the length of mine. It was no wonder they jolted and chittered the way they did - it must have been like a tiny explosion in their loins, rather than the delectable waves of heat that just radiated through me.

Their motions sped up far more quickly than I would have liked. I could have watched a slow pairing like that for hours, teasing myself and invisibly enjoying the show - I had, in the past, though this was the first time I had been privileged to see virgins going at it. Soon enough, those whimpers and yelps were coming at shorter and shorter intervals as the older brother tried to drive himself faster towards climax. I could only imagine the tightness in the passage, massaging and clenching around his little length, practically kneading it, begging to be filled. And oh, god, squirrel hips can move! It was nearly a blur. In the space of thirty seconds, he accelerated from beautiful, tender lovemaking to breeding that young boy's ass. My hand had a hard time keeping up with their furious, beautiful coupling and then- !

The younger one blasted his mind-bogglingly big load through the air with a weak cry, startling the older into stopping completely. I had forgotten how virile squirrels are with those heavy nuts of theirs. He came like a miniaturized geyser. He creamed his own face easily, his face a mask of tortured pleasure while he bucked and writhed on his brother's cock, spurt after spurt drenching his downy white chest and chin and setting a musky glaze on his nose and puffy cheeks. His older brother watched in amazement, his own body clearly on the very edge of orgasm, held back only by his fascination with the burning hot display being put on by his brother.

His back stiffened and his eyes somehow went wider when my first shot hit him. I couldn't help myself any longer. My climax detonated through me and I moaned loud enough that it was impossible for them not to hear me while my spunk marked a broad swath of grass leading up to them, soaked the older one's tail, and nearly hid the intricate patterning of his back. The second shot did the same, except it soaked his neck and head as well, and then I changed my aim by a fraction of an inch to get his brother, as well. Neither was more than four feet tall, and in short order, they were drenched in buck spunk and dripping it while I heaved a deep sigh and looked upon my work with a proud smile. My balls, decidedly smaller now, descended again while my cock drooled its last down my shins and dripped to the forest floor below.

"Hi," I greeted. They stared, blankly, then shook off their heads, making the goopy stuff sprinkle around them. Both wiped their sable eyes as well as they could, the older having more success than the younger since his back had been turned, and gazed up at my looming figure, just barely cresting seven feet, and then of course crowned by my antlers for another foot and a half or so.

"You're not gonna tell anyone, are you?" the smaller one gasped, his chest heaving as he started to panic. "Mom would kill us!" the older confirmed breathily, but he was damned and determined not to pull out. In fact, he lowered himself protectively over his younger brother, looking over his shoulder to meet my eyes. The smaller one's ankles crossed over his brother's tail as he seemed to shrink in against him.

I laughed a big, belly laugh, confident in my kingdom. "Of course not!" My grin broadened somewhat. "Not a soul is gonna know." I strode forward, feeling a stirring in my loins preparing for round two. "Keep quiet, and no one will ever have to know." Both of them suddenly locked their eyes on my groin. They knew those keywords from somewhere, and knew what it meant. Good. I wasn't feeling particularly evil, though - I even tried to exude a sense of calm, and trust. Sadly, squirrels do not trust easily.

It's what keeps them alive, I suppose.

I knelt down beside their cum-soaked forms and took the younger brother's tail in my hands. It was beautiful, albeit soppy wet. They tried their best to watch. I tugged a little on it and at the same time pushed on the older brother's rear end, hilting him even deeper in the small one and making both gasp, then used one powerful hand to spread the elder's cheeks and press one finger into him, the rest keeping a grasp on the tail. He whined and squirmed, and moaned, but I think it occurred to him that if his brother could take it, he could. Deeper and deeper I penetrated that soft entrance, finger disappearing into his sphincter inch by inch until I reached my knuckle. Oh, did he whimper. Music to my ears. A second finger joined the first, widening that passage, preparing it for what was to come.

"Good little tree bears... Mine, now." I twisted the fingers inside him, and insisted on a third, even when he cried out in pain. We sat there for a while, with my three fingers buried in his ass and him buried in his brother's. Neither of them spoke. They were terrified. I could feel his little heartbeat around my fingers, just my thumb and pinky holding on to the tail. They didn't move, either, but realized quickly enough the reason for that was less obvious. My seed was thick, and was thickening by the minute. It had already glued them together, if I knew my timing, and the younger was probably not getting off his back any time soon. I smirked. "Very much mine."

My cock was ready by that time, and I slid my fingers out of his rear end, then pushed him, hard, so that he fell on his brother, and positioned my over-wide head against his entrance. It was almost comically big against that little, shining, clenching pink pucker. I took the tail I had been so possessively holding and shoved the lowest part I could into him, then folded double while I stuffed the slick pad of fur it had become inside. He groaned, but seemed excited at the strange, almost exotic feeling of the silken carpet I was preparing. I didn't manage to fit all of it, but the last two feet puffed out as a sort of pillow beneath his own tail, and I had two layers lining my royal entrance.

My huge hands dwarfed his gracile hips. I could almost circle his waist with them. I could feel every quick pulse of his lungs as he prepared for what he knew was coming. "No, please don't..." he whimpered in a high-pitched squeal, and then cried out in pain when I grunted and jammed myself into him. It pitched him into his brother in turn, making the younger one moan.

I drew out that first thrust like a fine wine. The groan I let out was obscene while I just sank, inch after throbbing, hot, slick inch, inside his gulping ass. I got in over half a foot before even thinking of a second thrust while he positively writhed, thighs pumping up and down, feet grasping my thighs to push but unwittingly just making it easier for those parted cheeks to swallow me down. I was vanishing into that ass like a magic trick and just watched as his insides, pulsating with his heartbeat, took me to the hilt.

A simple spell later, and it didn't matter to his anatomy that I was hilted in his ass and his brother was stroking the bulge I made through his chest. The feel of that tail sandwiching my meaty cock between its layers was heavenly, and I took full advantage of it. I pulled out over twenty inches of throbbing, fat deer meat and slammed it down that fur-lined passageway. The veins of it were ribbing and texture in themselves, and I wasn't even four thrusts in before the treatment they gave his prostate had him bucking and stuffing his brother with his own batter. I dwarfed the pair, rocking them with my tree trunk thighs while they took it, pleasantly paralyzed. Over and over again I hilted him, bruising his cheeks and balls until my pre had swollen his belly so much his brother's groping fingers couldn't find the outline of my cock in it anymore.

When I came, his small body was nearly limp. My balls drew up towards me, my girth expanded and would have lifted the two of them off the forest floor if they hadn't been cemented there, and the first pulse flooded his insides. The electric blast of orgasm wracked my body and I bucked into him like a pile driver. He drooled, then spat, then burped up my cum, his eyes glazed over in shock and mortification, the pain having dulled due to my spellwork. It dripped thickly onto his brother's terrified features, and there was so much of it, his stomach fluids hadn't even changed its color. I think they'd both forgotten they were still bound at the hip.

I pulled out with a looooong, wet schlop, letting free what would have been more of a deluge had it been any thinner, and sat back on my butt to once again see what I had achieved. My cream spilled like molasses from his rear and over his impressive balls, and I licked my lips at the thought. Finally, the moment I'd been waiting for. My spent cock was flopped on the ground between my legs, and its slit gaped wide. The first round of my gyzym was starting to harden and crack, relatively easy to crumble once it was dry. The younger brother squirmed and twitched once he noticed, and his movements woke up his stunned sibling. Both of them started trying to escape while I almost idly picked up the other tail, stroking it with my thumb, and guided it towards my member. With a certain flexing of my groin, its entrance yawned wide and accepted the delectable treat that is a squirrel's tail.

Oooh... That silky tail slipped in and tickled my insides like no other can. I shivered and groaned, the fuzzy sensation sending delightful pinpricks down my shaft as I gulped it up, swelling out the front half of my cock pleasantly. The older tensed, making it jerk and drawing a deep low from me. I grinned maliciously and tugged back with my groin in response, sucking down another six inches. In no time at all, the broad tip of it was tickling my body proper into a frenzy.

"What are you doing?" he shouted, gaining more and more freedom as he struggled. I deftly scooped a healthy glob of my seed in my hands and coated their feet in it, effectively blunting their claws.

"What part of 'mine' did you not understand? There are only four letters, pup." I yanked hard again, then snagged the older brother's legs. They were strong, if short, legs, and he struggled mightily, but I made it clear earlier that there was nothing stronger than I in this forest. I wrestled his ankles together, wrapping both hands around them, and jammed them into the gaping, hungry hole of my cock, groaning again in pleasure. His brother was easier, and soon I had all four ankles and calves bulging out my urethra. The whole beast was growing steadily, and shone with a faint white glow that was fed by dozens of points of light streaming down my body towards it, each originating from a tip of my antlers.

The brothers watched, transfixed, as I lounged back, supported on my hands, and smiled. "Each one is a victim," I explained with an amiable grin, "living now only through me, only in me, and only to feed me more and more, and keep me living as long as I have." I tugged, hard, with those special muscles, and my titanic member pulled them forward along the grass, inevitably towards their end. Knees and now thighs were being claimed by my hungry libido - by their rightful king.

They kicked and barked while that tail tugged and whipped inside me, making me almost wriggle like a child with how it tickled me. Their legs slid in the hot, tight confines, helping to stretch my cock as it grew to three feet, then four, steadily throbbing fuller and fatter as though it had never been hard in the first place. It lay between my legs like an anaconda, just slowly, calmly consuming its already-defeated meal.

Once their arms were in reach, I easily blunted their fingers' claws, as well, and it was child's play to pin their wrists together in my muscular hands and shove them inside, along with their hips and waists as I spurted pre around the two bodies being sucked into me, growled, and humped mightily. A wet, schlucking sound accompanied their cries for help, though the elder's were admittedly much quieter. He was losing it again, the weight of my cum inside him clearly uncomfortable. He wanted to vomit, but couldn't, while his little brother just screamed. No one would hear them, though.

What with their lithe bodies, the slow, persistent slide to my groin was much faster after their hips had been taken. I stroked and rubbed along my member, petting it while their writhing sent sparks of pleasure rocketing through my body. The feeling of those two souls being impossibly but inexorably claimed by my cock, to be inside me and nothing more than a few inches of my maleness, a bit of extra potency to my seed, maybe a pound or six of muscle, and decorations on my antlers... hah! "Nothing but"? It was an honor, for them. I was surprised every day that I didn't have people requesting it, yet.

I groaned again, feeling their legs now folded up inside my body proper. I closed my eyes as I felt them pass through there and into my balls, the double thickness doing naughty things to my prostate while they continued their slow journey to becoming stag seed. I massaged my turgid flesh, the bright pink pulsing in waves around its meal while their outlines still squirmed underneath it. They shouted, they cried, and they shrieked, but joined at the hip like they were and constricted by the strength of my member, there was little they could do.

And then, my pheromones truly hit that older brother.

My pre was soaking their throats when it happened. I felt him suddenly go still, while his shoulders were claimed with a wet smack. Then, he started thrusting again. The power of my kingly seed had suffused his being, and I grinned fiercely as I felt him start humping into his younger brother again. The younger renewed his vigorous escape attempts, getting me to groan in unabated lust and put a hand on each of their heads to shove down as hard as I could, sinking them forever into me and shutting them off from the outside world. The younger squirmed and I heard his muffled cries, followed by whimpers of defeat, and then, as their hips entered my abdomen and their outlines began vanishing from my sated pillar of maleness, those soft whimpers of joy I had heard before. It was honest, loving ecstasy, and it thrilled me. The heavy, quick thrusts of his older brother pounded against my prostate, but I couldn't cum - not until they were safely in my sac, so I dug trenches in the ground with my hooves and my hands, suddenly on fire with need from their lovemaking. The force of it sped their passage and in no time, they had migrated to my balls, slipping in with a pleasant sense of completion, to pool between my legs. Their outlines were stark against the black, elastic flesh of my sac while they completed their second and final act together, and I watched with the same eager voyeurism that I had before, stroking my tremendous member as I held it against my breast.

They came together that time. I heard their barking and watched the suddenly erratic movements of the top one's hips, and kept stroking myself after they had collapsed, exhausted. They mumbled sweet things to one another as they embraced in their afterglow. Then, the magic that had been letting them breathe wore down, but they were too tired to fight the fatigue that quickly followed. They slept, still within one another, and I watched as their forms lost definition, then shape, while I jacked myself off to the sight. Gallons upon gallons of cum would be their contribution to my reign. A faint, electric hum filled my body as their essence seeped into me, contracting my balls from shin-low to merely knee-low. Two points slowly pushed out of my antlers to symbolize the new addition to my burgeoning whole, and I felt my muscles bulge in a sort of wave as they added to my power. The entire process was exotic and fanned my lust to a roaring inferno in no time at all.

The pale obelisk in my arms surged forward, as well, making me shout in pleasure, and I came with the force of a geyser, bellowing and drenching the trees above me with the squirrels' remains. It splattered down in heavy glops, soaking me as well, while I coated the clearing, blast after blast painting my forest white and making webs between the trees. I lolled my head back with a drunken grin while the orgasm powered through me for minutes on end until finally, awash in my own seed, I flopped backwards and dropped my hands to my nuts to massage the poor, sorely tried things. Three orgasms in succession in the middle of the day is a strain, even for me.

If you'd like to believe I am a good king who cares for his subjects after taking advantage of them, you would do well to ask me how in the morning, the brothers found themselves each in one of my arms, bodies reforged, cleansed, and healed completely from my forceful treatment of them, awakening to my gratitude, apologies, and blessings of being among the king's chosen.

If you'd rather believe their reward was to spend eternity as small pieces of something much greater, you may ask instead what happened when, hearing a yelp, I looked up to see that an ermine was somehow caught in the webbing of my cum high above me in the trees, and how I dealt with the impudent little spy.


It was a dark and stormy night. Screw you, it was, and it was a goddamn _gorgeous_ dark and stormy night. Normally that's not good news for the club scene, but I didn't need anyone else's news for the club scene tonight. I had _created_ news, and I...

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Empty, and Rippling - an Interlude

How can it be constant? When Damien breathes, he can feel the pauses too clearly. Breathing _isn't_ constant, when you think about it. It's full of starts and stops, and shuddering gasps, and sighs, and increases and decreases in tempo... he can hear...

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Empty and Rising: Second Movement

He does play with her. He comes the very next night with a galaxy in his eyes and the whole moon in his hair. He rushes to her with the howling night gale singing an opera of his coming. He leaps in the air, the grinning kamikaze itself, and lands...

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