
Story by SiberDrac on SoFurry

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So a few people encouraged me to write something sexy again, since I haven't done it in a while, and I finally gave in. I told my most excellent friend Drayne_the_Wolf a.k.a. Jet Coleman to make me some characters so I could see if I could write smut in half an hour. He gave me way more detail than I anticipated, which meant I got way more invested in the story, and a half-hour challenge became four hours. It's been a while since I wrote a story that revolved around sex, so... bear with me XD and enjoy! And critique. I lurves critique. Also, Jet is the DJ, 'cuz he is, in fact, a DJ, and my cyber-bro, so he gets a cameo. I'm the bartender. Duh. T3h p05t, 4 j00.

It was a dark and stormy night.

Screw you, it was, and it was a goddamn gorgeous dark and stormy night. Normally that's not good news for the club scene, but I didn't need anyone else's news for the club scene tonight. I had created news, and I was about to create some more.

Back to its being dark and stormy. Solstice and I walked without an umbrella through the cowardly yellow of sputtering street lamps in the gristly downtown of some city between Nowhere and Elsewhere. Nothing mattered to me more in that moment than the immediate future that was about to happen. I had been asking - begging - to get this chance from her for months, and a little rain splashing off my ocelli and matting down the fuzz of my rounded ears before trickling down my gracile back, threading along the gilded chocolate of the stripes and rosettes I wore with so much pride underneath the thin, drenched cloth of a teal vee-neck tee shirt and creeping its way past my khaki cargo shorts and between the supple cheeks my momma gave me as they swayed back and forth with my flickering tail trailing behind me like a curious serpent wasn't going to put me off the game I'd worked so hard to win.

She, meanwhile, was lost in her own world. She seemed nervous. I guess I'm not exactly the easiest person to grant favors - I'm flamboyant and chipper and god DAMN do I love a night out. But! and this is important: she was smiling. It was distant and subtle - something you usually see on, I don't know, a duchess, not a dingo. But there it was underneath a pair of jade eyes, and underneath it were bosoms that put the storm to shame. As she walked, they undulated. I knew she had dressed to tease me. Her bra was just a hair too loose and what with the rain, there was an ample waterfall flowing between her sand-colored cleavage and down to another cleavage that was decidedly better hidden. Heh. Not for long though, if I had my way. And I would. The swelling that had swiftly become visible along my inner thigh upon my appraisal of her breasts attested to that more than anything I'd have to consciously think about.

It always got its way.

I pushed open the door for her when we reached our target - I am always and forever will be a gentleman - and ushered her inside my domain, licking my lips. She had promised me this. Throbbing bass at first forced my ears back before I acclimated to it and perked them back up again. We took a moment to drip off in what was not nearly austere enough to be called an anteroom, then hung our jackets somewhere with tags and stepped into the bar.

It was nothing you've never seen before. At two in the morning, most inhibitions had been spilled on the dance floor or were gathered around ankles in the bathrooms, so it wasn't hard to pinpoint the one pair of ears that weren't swaying either to the persistent beat of the bass or their own private alcoholic symphony, especially when they stood four inches over the rest of the patrons. "Dirk!" I shouted, aching to be heard over the sound. Some tattooed timber wolf with headphones looped around his neck was blasting dubstep so hard it felt like the floor was wobbling. The Canis lupus rufus I was beckoning flicked his ear and turned his half-lidded gaze on the two of us. It brightened considerably when it landed on her, and made a not-so-subtle dip to her chest before he winked, eliciting a grin from her and a crimson flush from me.

She suddenly leaned in close to one of my ears and whispered, "You can't do it. He doesn't even undress in front of people in the locker room."

With a smirk and a flick of that ear to whap her nose, I leaned up and whispered back - whisper being club speak for almost shouting - "As I recall, you don't go to clubs. But you're here... weird..." Both of us turned back to him as he waded through the crowd to get to us. People parted around him, unwilling to challenge his wishes and frankly, unable to. More than six feet and two hundred pounds of muscle gracefully floated across the floor towards us. Dirk towered over me, and I felt my heart start racing at the thought that his scent would soon be mere inches from me. I swallowed and shifted uncomfortably, hoping I'd managed to choose boxers snug enough and, if that failed, shorts long enough. Endowment was nice, but it wasn't always subtle, and it always seemed to feel the need to compete with Dirk in vain. My mouth went dry when he reached us, even knowing what I was going to see. Dirk had never liked salami. There was no reason for him to have packed one in his blue jeans.

"Hey, Eric," he greeted me casually before turning the entirety of his attention on Solstice. Weird name. Hippy name, she insisted. "Hello, Solstice." Her face lit up, and his as well, with a smile I'd only ever seen him give her. I shifted my weight from one foot to the other while they exchanged a glance that would have earned any film an X rating, and slipped away to order us all a round of Irish car bombs and something to follow it for me. I had watched them make love with sloe-eyed winks and simpering syllables before; I hardly needed to endure it now.

"Eric, partying hard?" Dirk chuckled as I returned with the ermine bartender in tow, pouring the necessary shots and cups. The guy had nice eyes - deep, deep purple. But I only had one target tonight.

You have no idea, I thought in answer. "So are you, looks like," I snickered up at him good-naturedly as I grabbed my two glasses, flicking my eyes down briefly beneath his belt. I had the encouragement of seeing his eyebrows raise and a slow grin crawl across his face in pleasant surprise. He'd always known I was attracted to him - we'd even had a few private moments together, though it hadn't gotten further than playing doctor and the one peck he'd let me put on his cheek. God, I wanted him. And Solstice had lost a bet, so the time for subtlety was over. We all cheered, dropped, and chugged. I leaned over to "whisper" again in Solstice's ear. "First dance is yours; I'm a chivalrous man." She snickered, grinned a friendly grin, and tugged Dirk out to the dance floor while he gave us both querying looks. I just tipped him a finger over the white Russian I had ordered from the bartender and smiled.

I needed the time to calm the python that was crawling its way out of my boxers. Thirteen inches. Thirteen inches that went off hard, fast, and often as a Fourth of July pyrotechnics display, and I had to be careful tonight. So I let her squeeze her buxom, steaming chest against the handfuls of living steel he called pecs that he'd denied the world tonight behind a black tank top for the next six minutes while I let vodka and coffee liqueur numb my nerves and sink the beat into my hips.

It was a good club, I guess. It had sort of a reputation for the activities that kept the bathroom doors shut and locked except for the couples swaying into them and walking bow-legged out of them, but beyond that, the prices were fine, and the employees were finer. Dirk usually wasn't one for any type of social outing like this. He generally stayed quiet with Solstice, taking her out for romantic evenings and when they were in public, they each quietly showed one another off as though they were in court. Right now, she had her tail and one hand pressed against and around the anaconda that had inched its hungry way towards his knees while he had one meaty paw groping her toned belly and lifting her voluptuous endowments on his forearm. She was his. He acted like it, she acted like it, and there was only one person in the world who dared to stake a claim on either of them.

I set down my drink and sauntered onto the floor.

Nothing obscured my vision. Not the packed, sweaty dancers whose hips gyrated their vodka-stained, steaming clothes in my path. Not the strobe lights that gave a visual to the thrum that thrilled its way through my clothing and into my body from the DJ's table. Not the woman who had had the audacity to put herself in my man's arms. He was solid as the earth and she orbited him like the moon, and I gravitated towards them as unstoppable as an asteroid. She and I exchanged glances, each as patronizing and withering as the other, and I took her paw in my hand and kissed the back of it before guiding her away from his baffled embrace. It was as smooth as the transition between songs our lupine beatmaster threw down as I pressed my chest up against his. "Hi, Dirk." My feline eyes shone in the neon maelstrom.


"Name hasn't changed in twenty years. Put your hand on my ass."

"Eric..." he growled in gentle warning.

"Look at Solstice." He did, and I'm guessing that for a moment, his sapphire eyes were reflecting her giving him a look and slapping her hand on her own bubble of a butt.


"Hand to ass, doll. Come on." I leered up at him and slid one paw down his inner thigh, grasping what had until that night been one woman's alone. His gaze would have been impassive to anyone who hadn't seen him give it to his lady as his massive paw cupped my rear. I shivered. That paw could crush heads.

The beat became a whispering sussurus in my ears as I lost myself to him.

It was hard. Not just our cocks, I mean. I kept my paw around his, and after the first few minutes of getting him into the rhythm, once I had my ass glued to his crotch, was glad he couldn't see my face. I wanted him so badly. I had wanted him for years. It had taken months to secure this opportunity, yes, but years to even approach that. He was kind, he was wise, he knew cars and music and sci-fi books, he was gentle...

I nearly yowled to feel his paw grasp my more-than-ready member. More, I blushed furiously when I realized it was his bare paw. He'd reached under my shorts leg, and all he had to do was tug up to expose me to the hungry eyes of dozens of half-dazed ravers. The little dots of white on my ears seemed determined match the neon red scintillating through my dance floor.

"You're purring," he growled in my ear. I could hear the smile in it.

"That's the bass."

"Really?" His other arm wrapped across my chest, an immovable iron bar, and pinned me to him. Had I died there, it would have been a disappointment - Nirvana has never been anywhere but on Earth. Oh, to be encircled by that possessive warmth, to be his, like she was his...

This was no time for shame or poetry, though. "Really." With a few smooth steps, I guided him into the center of the floor. Still facing away, in a few fleeting motions, I'd undone his button and unzipped his pants. Before he could react, his belt buckle was loose and I'd used that imprisoning arm in combination with the one I suddenly threw around his neck to climb up his body, ankles around his outer thighs and trusting his abs to keep us balanced while I effectively sat on his sternum.

They did.

I had the brilliant satisfaction of watching Solstice's jaw drop open in time with her boyfriend's pants' swift journey to the floor, aided by my heels. He let loose an angry growl and tried to drop me, but readers dearest, it was too damn late for him. His loosened arm meant I could spin around, still clinging with one hand to his neck, and wrap my legs around his hips, pressing myself hard against his crotch and grinning up at him to whisper, "Don't be ashamed, doll. I can assure you..." I hung off him with one arm and unabashedly tugged his member from his bright green boxers. "Everyone in here wants to see this." I could feel the movement behind me stop as people backed away, almost in fear of that sense-defeating beast. Knowing they wouldn't be behind me anymore, I dismounted via a handstand with my natural feline nimbleness and, keeping his eyes locked with mine, stripped off my soaked tee shirt, curving and rolling my slender frame as I did so, and let it drop to the edge of the small circle that had swiftly formed for my antics. My cream-white belly was drenched with sweat and rain and the deliciously-dappled fur of my back was mussed and dripping. I felt... like a willow in a cloudburst, bending and soaking in this sweaty and stormy night.

Dirk just stared, with eight inches of bright red wolf cock hanging from his boxers. I'll clarify - eight inches were hanging out of them. Meaning the other five inches were still making room for a small family of chipmunks in his underclothes - that is, if the baseballs he referred to as testicles hadn't been taking up the space. I know what you're thinking. I know, because I used to think it, having a thirteen-inch member myself: you're thinking, "Damn. Poor guy." I know, right? But ladies and gentlemen, wolves have knots. My mouth went dry again and I swallowed, remembering that. Goddamn, ladies and gentlemen, do wolves have knots.

I kept his eyes while I undid my fly, belt buckle, and the button holding my shorts over my tail. They were mine. The spectators, the lights, the dark and stormy night, and the eyes that now scanned my body as he remained apparently placid to watch me undulate my hips, arms stretched up over my head. Mine. The waistband shifted down inch by slow inch, teasing every gaze suddenly rigid on the two of us, until it dropped, and the thick, pale pink meat strapped to my inner thigh by my sable, form-fitting boxer briefs was on display for everyone.

I think the DJ was listening to my heartbeat, because whatever shattered the silence of Dirk's eyes and sent him padding towards me across that floor blasted my briefly stilled chest into rhythm again. He wanted me, so nothing else mattered. Solstice was watching, stone-eyed, from the front row. By the time he got to me, my underwear was lost forever and I'd jumped in the air, a tiny bottle of lube clutched in my hand. Time sped up with the tempo. My toes curled around his waistband as his arms curled around my back and I slammed his boxers to the ground around his feet, making his meat slap up against my butt cheeks. I had no idea how it was going to fit between them or which god to pray to for my innards' well-being, but it didn't matter. As though it had been choreographed, he bore me to the ground. My back slapped the floor and he loomed over me, his heat dwarfing mine as he straddled my hips. I forgot, around that time, which one of us had arranged this. No one denied Dirk. Not a single person, and it was clear, up close, why.

Why would you want to?

His chest was a landscape of frosty white interspersed with granite, expanding and sloping up to the red-orange contours of his cannonball shoulders. Hills and rolling valleys of muscle moved in waves as he bent over me. His scent nearly drove me mad when the wave of its unmasked potency swept through my nostrils. I breathed deep to swell my chest and experience the pulsating weight of his member. Every moment had its familiarity, and its novelty, and its need, and that made it all the more intoxicating.

My fingers fumbled on the top of the bottle and poured the stuff over us before I realized I hardly needed to. As his final few burgeoning inches crawled out of his retreating sheath, his cock drooled a small river of pre onto my breast, the gaping tip of it inches from my famished lips. I ducked my head down to wrap my black lips around it, drinking down the sweet, heady, syrupy draught that dribbled from that log of masculinity. The onlookers all suddenly seemed to feel the need to look for their keys. That's why you stuff your hands in your pants, right?

His whole body swayed above me when I relinquished him from my mouth, a living mountain of gray and rust-colored fur sliding his malehood against mine. I was not exactly dry when it came to natural lubrication, but he was an oasis. It spilled, it pooled, and when he flexed, it shot and drenched my throat. "Oh, my God, Dirk..." Rivulets of mixed sweat and precum poured down my flanks and dripped onto the floor. I lost track of the little bottle and whether or not I was whining. My claws raced through his fur, desperate to trace every square inch of him I could dare to touch. I couldn't breathe from the perfusion of his musk in the air and the sweltering heat, but I didn't want to. I didn't need to.

He put his mammoth paw to our twin pillars of flesh and squeezed, and I cried out, sending a shot of pre flying past my face. For the second time that night, his eyebrows went up and I got that smile out of him. It lit up my mind with warmth as easily as his groping paw ignited my body, which was nice, because apparently he'd decided I need to be punished for surprising him with this, and my next sensation, after he'd swatted my legs to either side like so much plywood, was like a car battery being shoved up my ass.

It slipped in in ways that things are not meant to slip into other things. Pardon my incoherence, but my ass was on fire. Three inches thick. Among things that are three inches thick are the halfway points on baseball bats, cables for suspension bridges, and my fist. Lucky me for that lattermost.

It didn't stop. He thrust once, and if it hadn't been for the lights sparking through my vision, I would probably have registered the smirk on Solstice's face. Or the fact that she'd removed her top. But it didn't stop. Two inches went in. "Dirk!" Four more. I mewled and hissed, but was greedy for more. Two came out so he could reposition his knees and get his steamroller thighs in place again. Five more. Lightning erupted from my prostate and shot into my cock, and I gasped, my body bucking and surging. My first orgasm of the night spattered the ankles of the closest spectators and left dots of it on my face. I'd spend more time on that, but there are always more to come. Four more. We're back to inches, and I'm pretty bad at math and worse while I'm being impaled on bliss itself, so pardon me if when he finally had the grace to hilt me, most earthly concepts had evacuated my mind. Shakily, I put a paw on my abs and pressed down. He was there, behind them. I followed it up next to my solar plexus. He was there. I tried to follow it up to my ribs, feeling my breath shorten and my eyes widen. He cupped my balls, finding difficulty holding them both in one hand, and the back of my head in the other and smiled at me. "I'm there, too, Eric." He flexed his groin, and I felt my back leave the dance floor with the force of it. The crowd cheered.

And then he started. He pulled out, nearly the whole thing. That journey was miles long as I felt it vacate me, and I wanted so badly for him to fill me again. With a few short inches left, he began bucking his hips, slowly. I finally regained my senses, given that moment's respite. I put one arm behind me to hold myself up, gripped his biceps with the other, and snaked my legs back around his hips. The arm I had grabbed engulfed my shoulder as he held under it, and I finally managed to regain some semblance of control. He was breeding me on the dance floor. Dozens of people were watching. If you thought I was going to sit there like a rag doll and take it... you were only right for a few minutes.

We screwed. Hard. He didn't hilt me every time like in the stories because he had respect for the majority of my organs, but every time he bucked those hips and sank a foot of half a foot or eight inches or whatever he had chosen as he expertly set, broke, and rewrote tempos in my ass, I felt a new flow of voltage ream its way through my body. A seizure of his loins confirmed he could literally tug me up off the floor with the muscles of his core as he poured his preseed into me, making the passage slick and drool over my tail to spread a puddle on the ground. His balls, when they slapped into my taught cheeks, were like sagging water balloons, and mine were no smaller. The second time, I was far more aware of it when I came. I didn't know how long it had been since we ended up here. I had the chance to arch my head back and see whom I was going to hit this time while I felt the pressure building in my base, and was treated to an orgiastic, writhing ocean of bodies. I laughed. We had started an orgy. Check that off the bucket lis-DAMN.

The orgasm made me spasm around him, and he growled deep in his chest as he hilted me, letting me know his slowly swelling knot was still outside me, now parleying for entrance with a sorely-stretched rear end. The sound made me remember he was there. My hips bucked and I used the movements to massage my tight, clenching passage around his titanic shaft while I realized that. It's strange, that in the all-encompassing scent and vision of a person, you can forget he's there, but once I had put a new speckling of seed on my front, his chin, and the couple behind me, I suddenly had the urge to shove my claws into his back and lift myself up to clamp my lips against his, needing to remember that his was my friend. This was Dirk.

I kissed him, and Solstice stepped in.

She didn't say anything. Even if she could have been heard, I don't think she would have. The crowd said it for her, whistling and whooping as she popped her hips back and forth with every step. Music throbbed through me in tandem with Dirk's heartbeat, and mine fluttered as I saw the silence in her gaze. Even that was his. They... they... for a few moments, my face flared a furious crimson as I suddenly feared I'd done something for which they'd never forgive me. Never mind he had impaled me on his cock; never mind I was naked in a public room with him spilling my seed across a floor and onto strangers; never mind she had given me permission; never mind - she bent over me and her lips met mine. It was... tender. Strange, in counterpoint to the movement of his hips as he still, somehow still, seemed unaffected by the length of time he had spent pounding me, to feel those warm lips cool my embarrassment. It faded, she knelt behind my head, and my nose soon found itself pressed against a very different set of lips and drinking in a bouquet of feminine scent it had been a long time since I'd last tasted.

He rose on his knees slightly and I cried out as the movement lifted me, but it was another pleasant lightning bolt lancing its way through each nerve before releasing me to the freedom of burying my nose in her feminine groove and wrapping my claws upside-down around her supple hips. They shared a kiss, and the three of us suddenly were a love triangle. The powerhouse of his ever-thrusting body forced me to pleasure his woman as they both let me create this moment. Wrapped around both of them while he pawed her heavy breasts and made her whimper with need, I gave it my damn best. One of her graceful hands dropped to curl her delicate fingers around my fat, needy meat, and I thrust into her paw as he pushed me into her, over and over.

My tongue unfurled into her, the lightly barbed tongue eliciting sensations I knew for a fact her boyfriend couldn't give her. I curled, folded, thickened, and thrust it, using an open palm on her abdomen to gauge when she yipped her ecstasy and learn how to pleasure her. Suspended between them, I found myself splitting my attention, either putting my tongue on autopilot while I tugged him deeper, ever deeper into me, still shocked by the thickness that split my cheeks, or rasping my tongue through her depths, twisting it to alternate between the rough barbs or silk-smooth underside and make her writhe as she rode my lips.

My third orgasm of the night sent shot after shot of cum painting her sandy abdomen white to the applause of the crowd and made her man grit his teeth and dig his tongue nearly into her throat with the force of his command. At the same time, my blissful convulsions sent nearly my whole muzzle between her labia, getting her to yelp and eliciting a flow of sweet juices as my whiskers teased and danced along her inner walls. I didn't know if I'd be able to cum again, but goddamnit, I would get her to. After taking a few deep gulps of air and pushing two fingers deeper into her than my tongue alone could hope to achieve, I flooded my senses with the lovers over me by slamming his hips into me on his next thrust, demanding his knot and making him grunt, and burying my muzzle in her.

Her paw tightened its grip on my cock and she put her other hand on it as though for support. Both slid up and down the dribbling snake while my balls rolled and ached to prepare again. Dirk renewed his efforts. If he hadn't had the kindness to space his thrusting, I would have called him ruthless, but each time he rammed that cantaloupe of a knot against my ass, he gave me a few seconds to recover and dig my tongue in ever-new places in his girlfriend.

He hit... hit... hit and I felt it stretch, desperate to feel him and terrified... and hit... and hit and strained... and hit while the strobe lights flickered through my eyelids... and hit in time with the dubstep buzzing our beings... and hit as pain threaded its euphoric needle through my nerve endings... and hit and hit and hit and hit and

I screamed. I don't care. I screamed. He knotted me, and I screamed, and came again on his girlfriend's cleavage, firing creamy bullets of seed through the air to splatter on her heaving breasts. The vibrations of my howl of pain shot his woman into her first orgasm, and while she squirmed and gasped her pleasure, he let go of her to clutch my shoulders in the boulders of his hands and lean down.

He kissed me. He kissed me so damn hard I think I cried. He kissed me while his preseed swelled my belly and his pillar of cockflesh made an outline in the parts of my chest not protected by my ribcage. He kissed me with the hard ball of his knot lodged inside me, fusing my rear to his hips. He kissed me and I felt like I was a part of him. He kissed me, somehow both giving himself to me and completely claiming my maw with his tongue, and then when he broke it, he met my gaze with that same smile, for the third time that night, and calmly lifted his girlfriend - calm, while knotted inside me, screwing me in the middle of a dance floor - turned her around, and sat her on my cock. She let out a squeal of pleasure while I slid into her well-stretched pussy. Once she had settled herself on what I'm sure was only a passing challenge for her, after having dated him, she squeezed herself onto my knot with a little yelp, and he leaned over both of us. One titanic paw took a hard grip on her shoulder while she clung tight to me, and the other took my opposite shoulder. It was so natural. She swore to me he'd never done it before, later. Hell, he did, but not a single person in that room besides the two of us believed it.

Each short, jerking thrust of his colossal body sent my own throbbing piece just as hard into her while rammed us into his groin. Her womanhood was as strong as it was soft, and I felt like it tugged along my veined and throbbing length in time with her boyfriend's every thrust. My piece swelled out her belly much as his had mine. He was fucking both of us, and we knew it, and we loved it. Her breasts swayed against my chest, firm and beautiful and dun, and she demanded my lips on hers, so I gave them to her while my entire body sparked with pleasure. Our threesome gleamed with the sheen of sweat in the spinning laser lights, sex juices spilling from our joining for minutes upon agonizing, glorious minutes. While my consciousness writhed around the idea of a fifth climax, some corner of it wondered if he had cum, we hadn't noticed, and he just hadn't had the heart to tell us.

You may have guessed that this was the moment he chose to unleash the monsoon of his passion. It washed over us, more cleansing than the storm outside. I know she climaxed a second time more from the knowledge of his immitigable dominance than from my cock jerking and throbbing inside her. His soaring howl of challenge and dominion deafened the dance floor, as far as I was concerned. I felt him throb, through the whole of my body. I felt the first blast surge up from his base and swell out my ribcage. I felt it blast into me, a typhoon of his seed, the force of which tugged my whole torso further upright. I felt the second, too, and the third, the fourth, fifth, sixth...

I felt like I couldn't hold him. His climax was a force of nature, and the way he rode it through, with a beautiful confidence that let him set his own tempo, is something I cannot ever forget. It swelled my gut and permeated my mind. I could choose from any among natural eruptions, but there is nothing that compares to the eruption of a man with a will so strong, so sturdy, so unbreakable, that he manages to make you make his girlfriend double and triple climax while he's burying himself, over and over and over, in your ass. She howled in harmony with him, shameless, and shoved my face between her glorious bosoms as her sex flooded my groin with her nectar, wave after wave of her orgasms convulsing in ripples around my quivering flesh. Needless to say, the most violent orgasm answered her and concussive waves I'd never known wracked my body. I shot hard and deep, a ballistic missile salvo to Dirk's steady tempest. My fingers ran furrows in Solstice's back and lunged for Dirk's ribs so I could hold them both for as long as I possibly could, sustaining my joy, my euphoria... my triumph.

I guess it ended at some point. I also think, at some point, there were cheers, whooping, and applause, but when I searched my awareness to the extent that I could, I couldn't find a single fuck to give. Not one. Also at some point, he appeared to start panting and finally slow the motion of his hips to a sort of gentle, peaceful massage of a pace. His seed seeped endlessly from where his knot had plugged my rear. Solstice had collapsed in bliss on me and if I hadn't known it was my own weak purring sporadically buzzing her chest against mine, I would have sworn it was her, from the smile of pure warmth that set her face blazing in the afterglow. His paw caressed me with the heavy gentleness he displayed everywhere, even as it caressed her as well. There were no words to speak, and it would be a long time before he would be able to pull out, so I held her while he rocked us, stroking her body, adoring her. I met his eyes. He was smiling. A king in his court, well pleased, and tending magnanimously to his exhausted lovers.

The DJ had thoughtfully given us a slower pace and a quieter beat. Someone had stacked our clothing nearby us. This was twenty minutes later. I guess that made it four in the morning. I felt I finally had a bit of freedom to move my hips, and groaned when the motion reminded me in detail what I had let happen to it. Dirk was... he was romantic, in his dismount. Leaning over his woman and meeting my limpid gaze, he again met my lips in a kiss, and laced the fingers of one hand with mine. It hurt, reader. It hurt, and at the same time, it bewildered. I... you think you know this feeling until it happens. It left forever. Every few inches, I felt like he had to be out, and I was just feeling the aftershocks and nebulous memories of his maleness - like when you slap something in cold weather and your hand maintains the texture for a while. But no. Inch after inch, while I held onto his lips for dear life and dug my claws into Solstice's back, he left me. Torrents spilled from me, but I didn't care. I was his. I was his and he had made love to me and there was not a person in the world who could think less of me for the wash of lupine cream on my thighs, soaking my tail, drenching his shins where he knelt.

When finally his head had slid out of me, leaving my belly swollen with his cum, he sat back on his knees and lowered his paw to between my cheeks to massage me, relaxing the aching muscle with expert fingers, before, with a sort of wry grin, sidling beside me and drawing his girlfriend off me. She moaned with pleasure as my own impressive length left her, inch by slow inch, and I twitched at the sensation, but I was finally spent... probably. A heroic effort of my abs got me to sit up and look at him. He sat with her cradled to his chest, and in the quieter music that floated around us, he said to me, "Eric... you exhausted me. More than anyone has."

My eyes bugged out while she pinched his nipple - hard - and he yipped and hastily amended it to something about the best male or some other placating nothing. I stuttered. I'm a social butterfly. I make speeches and act in plays and sing sometimes and make a scene wherever I can and I stuttered. "I... I... what? But you... she..." It didn't help that I felt like I'd just fallen back down into awareness after a moment being a god.

He smiled. Four times, I'd gotten that smile. It was for his Solstice only, and I'd gotten it. Four times. He even laughed. "People get tired. I've never gone that hard, that long." Again, a pinch and a yip. "With a guy, I mean. Thank you." He wasn't. Panting. He wasn't. Panting. He had for about a minute, starting about two minutes into his orgasm. Thinking back, Solstice had had her tongue out and my flanks had been heaving as I desperately tried to siphon air past my own tongue to cool myself down, but he had just knelt there and made love to us, steady and passionate as an ocean.

"I... you're... welcome? No, Dirk..." I fairly crawled towards him, though I managed to make it look more graceful than that, coming up on my toes and fingertips to lean, if even for a brief moment over her and push my forehead up against his throat, purring like a kitten. "Dirk..." One of his great arms tucked me against his side, and the three of us lay there, recovering. I think I fell asleep, at least until the bartender came by, bearing a tray with three tall glasses of water and smaller cocktails of some kind.

He murmured, as politely as possible, "Guys, we're closing shop. We need to get cleaned up, and DJ isn't getting paid for after five." He flashed a smile and flicked his ivory tail at us, then cocked his head. "Oh, and you'll need this." I don't know if it was a painkiller in a tiny lancet or what, but when he touched my throat, the fear I'd had for the state of my insides vanished - somehow I trusted he'd taken care of it. He stood and wandered off to join the DJ while we picked ourselves up, stumbled into clothes, and left.

I don't think you care much about what happened next, but that was not the last time I was with the two of them. Dirk didn't even blink when we told him the original idea had been on a bet. Solstice was more than pleased to let me share her man after learning his opinion on the matter, and I'd lie to say she and I didn't have our own private time together. I... don't think a happier thing has happened on a dark and stormy night, readers. I honestly don't.

Empty, and Rippling - an Interlude

How can it be constant? When Damien breathes, he can feel the pauses too clearly. Breathing _isn't_ constant, when you think about it. It's full of starts and stops, and shuddering gasps, and sighs, and increases and decreases in tempo... he can hear...

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Empty and Rising: Second Movement

He does play with her. He comes the very next night with a galaxy in his eyes and the whole moon in his hair. He rushes to her with the howling night gale singing an opera of his coming. He leaps in the air, the grinning kamikaze itself, and lands...

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Ch. 5 - Discovery

Haden Draw was the most feared gang leader of his area of China. He had more than his fair share of children from far more than his fair share of women and girls. The blood of a hundred men soaked his hands, and their wealth lined his pockets. He had...

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