Lost Souls, Chapt. 2: Loving Souls

Story by _Archangel_ on SoFurry

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Lost Souls

Chapt. 2

Loving Souls

He walked back through the white stone gate again, his brother following him close as them both crossed across the great room, going strainght to the entrance.

A worried look upon Alexiel´s face. 'Why the council requests my presence? Did I do anything wrong? She only smiled to me!' he thought, his mind filled with doubts as he crossed a large grass field, going straight to a huge structure, made on black granite, with a large entrance door.

As they came in the council´s room, Alexiel took his place, looking at the other six members of the council, a rare oportunity to talk to the other seven Archangels all at once.

"So, What is so important that requires my intervention?" Alexiel said from his chair, his voice full of authority.

"Sorry to disturb you, Alexiel, but in the last ten days, more demons escaped from Erebus than in the last ten years, we must do something, or in five years or less, they can strike the Earth, and after it, Heaven!"

"So that is the reason for so much worry?" Alexiel said angrily "Why didn´t you sent the Cherubi Army to take them down, only one division is sufficient to control Erebus!"

"That is the problem, Alexiel, the lower cast angels are turning against us, they are joining the demons who escaped from the erebus, they have been corrupted by them, and now we must do something about it!"

Alexiel looked towards Rosiel with a sigh "Not again..." he then stood up and spoke, his voice filled with authority.

"It is happening again, we have fought on the Great War once, the angels tried an uprising, they tried to take Heaven and Earth, so I decide we must strike Erebus and destroy all the fallen angels we can findwe must avoid anither war to happen, now go, you can take them down alone, you dont need me!"

The members of the council stood and went out the door, except for Rosiel, who went to talk with his "brother"

"Once more you leave the hard work for us, Alexiel" He said with a funny tone "You avoid the bloodsplattering as much as you can, dont you?"

"You know something Rosiel. Most of these fallen angels were my pupils once, I couldn´t kill one of them even if I wanted to, but it was their choice to betray us..."

"I know, I saw how you felt after the great war, I´ve never seen you so depressed..."

"I must avoid killing them, you know that better than me..."

The elbony winged feline smiled softly and hugged his brother

"The worse responsibility is yours, you decide who lives and who dies, I really dont want to be in your place, my friend..."

The elbony furred panther then left Alexiel to acomplish his orders, rushing out the room.

After he made shure that no one would see him, Alexiel rushed back to earth as fast as he could, all he could think right now is the image of that beautifull female smiling at him, he felt a warm sensation filling his body, he smiled softly with that image in his head.

He softly landed on the roof in front of her house, instantly assuming his earth form, watching her through the window, his eyes fixed on her face, a sweet smile upon his face as he followed her every movement. He used to spend days that way, without letting she find out the white feline sitting on a roof, watching her.

He gasped as he saw her looking straight out the window, looking straight at him, he wanted to vanish in that very moment, but he was too surprised to take any action, he was paralized on that roof, with the creature he loved most looking straight into his eyes.

She smiled, but not any smile, a really sweet smile, those that only really cute females can make. He tried to control himself and vanish, but there´s nothing he could do but smile back, he didn´t know why, but he smiled back, even as nervous as he was.

Then she turned back toward her sister.

He went crazy with her reaction, he thought she would be scared to notice someone on a roof staring at her, but maybe she did that because she has seen him before, on the river.

He really wanted to be with her, more than anything, for him, he didn´t care if the heaven was destroyed, if he was next to her, everything else could wait.

He got off the roof, he decided to talk to her, at least once.

He walked toward her door, wishing God would forgive his trangression.

He knocked, sweating nervously as he waited her to open the door 'What am I doing?' he thought, his mind in a whirlwind of doubt and fear. What if she didn´t like him, what if god find it out? These thoughts and a thousand others haunting his mind, making him even more nervous.

She opened the door with a sweet smile, then looked at his face. "Can I help you, sir?" her sweet voice was better than anything he ever dreamed, the silky voice penetrated his ears, word after word, making him feel like he was in heaven.

'What should I do now, What should I say?'

"Sir?" She asked him once again, he came back from his dreams, straight back to earth, back to reality.

"Sorry, I think it´s the wrong house, sorry" 'DUMBASS' he thought to himself, his mind dizzy, empty, he couldn´t think straight.

"Wait a minute" she said, looking deeply into his eyes, making him blush deeply "arent you that man who was on the river hours ago?"

"Y-yes" he mumbled, words came lowly and paused, he was too nervous to take an action, he couldn´t react to nothing.

"Rhariel. pleased to meet, sir..."

"Alexiel" he said between murrs, too nervous to do anything.

That was the best moment in thousands of years, he knew her name. Rhariel, such a beautifull name for such a beautifull creature, and he could swear she was an angel undercover, so much beautier than he ever thought.

"Alexiel, beautiful name, pleased to meet you, sir Alexiel" she extended a paw, he shook her paw nervously, cold sweating. Her paw felt so silky, her fur was so soft.

"T-thank you" he mumbled, his voice almost couldn´t come out, so nervous he was.

"Do you mind if I ask what you were doing on the river? You wasent stalking me, was you?"

"No, not at all, I was just cleaning my paws, sorry..."

"Well, it´s allright then" She smiled sweetly again, driving him crazy one more time. "Do you want to come in for a cup of tea?"

He gasped, he would never think she would ask him that, but he managed to say a low and weak yes.

She lead him in, toward the kitchen, the house was small, modest, but very comfy.

He grabbed the steamy cup filled with a good smelling tea, smiling back at her, a sweet look upon her face as she took a seat next to him, making him blush a little bit.

"So, what is wrong with your sister?" he asked, manageing to start a decent conversation.

"She is terribly sick, she said that a creature that lived on the monastery attacked her, she escaped, but was contamined by the creature´s bite..*

He gasped once again, the thought of Alkriel attacking her sister on his mind.

"She has been bitten?"

"Yes" she said sadly "And the wound just wont heal, it happened six months ago..."

"Can... can I see the your sister, I know how to heal these kinds of wounds"

"Shure" she said, leading him to a small bedroom, an oil lamp next the bed, a feline female laying on the bed, her golden fur soaked with sweat. She raised the sheets, showing a horrible open wound, a wound that only a demon would be able to do.

"okay, now step aside..." he said, placing his paws right above the open wound, a dim light coming from his palms as the wound started to heal and close, leaving no marks or scars.

Rhariel looked at the healed wound, the fur fastly growing back, she was really amazed, how could that stranger come into her home and save her sister so easilly?

"It´s done..." he said as he watched the golden furred feline come back to contiousness as he was suddenly hugged by Rhariel.

He gasped, sweating and blushing insanelly, he couldn´t do anything, he was stoned, he was in heaven, the object of his afection now hugging him hard, she was crying on his shoulder, the tears rolling down her face.

"I could never thank you enough, sir, thank you, me and my sister will always be in debt with you!" she said, crying and hugging him hard.

He waited for so long for that, but now he was truly happy, happiness he didn´t felt in thousands of years, his body filled by the warm sensation of the hugging, he hugged her back, smiling and cuddling the back of her head, his paw sinking among her hair, her silky warm hair.

He spent eight months visiting her regularly, bringing some gifts from time to time, being carefull enough to dont raise any suspects among the council members.

But one day, on a cold winter on December, he came to her house, decided to tell her how he feelt about her, tell her the truth, what he really was.

He walked in, closing the door behind him, hoping to find her at home. He heard a noise upstairs. He walked upstairs, hoping she was okay, then he heard the noise again, coming from one of the rooms, it was a noise of something hitting the wall.

As he opened the door, he saw her standing there, crying loudly and punching the wall, a really sad look upon her face. He rushed and hold her fist before it hit the wall once again, hugging her "What is wrong? What happened?" he asked, worried.

"Nothing, it was nothing..." she mumbled sadly, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I know that wasent nothing, tell me the truth, please, so I can help you solve it..."

"she pushed away, looking straight into his eyes, still crying helplessly.

"The truth is... is... that I... " she breathed deeply "I love you, I felt in love with you since I first met you, I´m sorry, you´re probably married and..."

"No, dont be sorry, I needed to tell you something too, but I wasent brave enough to tell you until now..." He gathered all the strenght he could find in his soul and told her, word after word.

"I love you, I loved you before you met me, I´m an angel, Rhariel, I´m one of the Seven Archangels, and I looked after you for a week almost a year and a half ago, but I ended up falling in love with you, I didn´t know what to do and..." He suddenly was interrupted, but not by her voice. He felt her lips against his own, kissing him passionately. Her head tilted to the side, deepening the kiss, both tonges rubbing against eachother.

He started to purr deeply, her taste was better than all of his dreams, her sweet kiss was better than anything he could possibly imagine, his paws hugging her close tight, feeling her full body against his, as them both were imerse in the sweetest tender kiss ever.

She pushed away from the kiss, smiling warmly at him, his thoughts confused, but with a great feeling inside.

"You dont imagine how long I waited for this" she said with a sweet voice, her body pressing against his, arms wrapped around his waist.

"I knew you coudn´t be from this world, nobody can be this beautifull" she rested her head on his shoulder, smiling, unaware of anything around them, just the feeling of her lover against her body.

He was sweating, his arms wrapped around her, holding her close, his heart pumping hard, his head empty, he couldn´t think of anything, except to consume his love with her, he rest his head on hers, purring very deeply, breathing deeply, wishing with all his strengh that this moment would never end...

He gasped as he felt her undoing his pants, letting it fall to his ankles, then she took off her dress, revealing her full breasts, a couple of beautifull firm breasts, with small perky nipples pointing to the sides. Her well built body standing in front of him, nude, her soft white fur covering her body, her beautifull thighs pressing against his, her nude body pressing fully against his.

He kissed her tenderly once more, willing to go further, apart of the consequences of his acts.

He rubbed her sides softly, his eyes looking straight into hers, a sweet smile upon his face as he laid her on her bed, nuzzling her soft neckfur, his paws gently stroking her sides, his arousal now very apearant, pressing against her abs, he kissed her once more, deeper than ever now.

She purred as she felt her lovers paws rubbing her, she hugged him close and returned the kiss, feeling aroused with her mate´s meat pressing against her tummy, she felt her sex getting wet and hot, she really wanted to be with him, she needed that.

He pressed the tip of his rock hard member against her tight virgin slit, slowly penetrating her, inch after inch, his head in a whirlwind of pleasure and arousal as he felt the velveting, warm and wet sensation around his meat.

She moaned lowly as she felt penetrated by the warm furhood of her lover, she scrtched his backs in pleasure, gently kissing his neck, licking all the way up to his cheek, as she felt him stroking inside her. She never felt like this before, her virgin sex embracing that delicious rod, she instinctly started to hump him, taking his member deeper inside her, feeling great with the sensation of being penetrated by the creature she loved the most.

He felt climax building up slowly inside him, enjoying every second of it, his paws rubbing her tummy, slowly going up to caress her breasts, gently tesing the nipples with his claws, he never felt so good before. There he was, mating with the only furson he truly loved, all he wanted was to be a normal furson, so there would be no problems, no consequences for his acts.

She moaned on his ears, purring very loudly, loving the feeling of her breasts being caressed, she huggled him close, kissing tenderly one more time, feeling her cunt getting wet, hot with her mate´s meat stroking inside it, she felt her climax building up fast inside her, she moaned once more, wrapping her arms around her beloved one.

He murred lowly in her ear as he felt the orgasm exploding inside him, letting his seed shoot inside her hot, tight sex, hugging her back as the second load came, filling her with his hot seed.

She moaned loudly, unleashing her orgasm, her fluids soaking up his lower area, feeling her insides filled with his hot cum, dripping some of it off her slit.

They stayed there, kissing eachother, loving eachother all night, enjoying eachother´s love.

By the morning he woke up with the sun on his face, he felt the warmth of her body pressing against his, her eyes close shut, a soft smile upon her face, he hugged her and kissed her forehead, then he went back to sleep, forgetting about the rest of the universe, concentrating only on his beloved one.

Continue on next chapter

Lost Souls, Chapter 1: True Love

Hi, this is the first chapter of a storyline I came up with, hope you enjoy. Lost Souls Chapt. 1 True Love He watched her walking down the dark path, following every step with his eyes. It was a beautifull fullmoon night, the...

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