
No Heat acceptance this year, but just like last year, you guys now have a new story of mine to read. ^.^ **TIMELESS** by Mog Moogle It was the second week in a row he'd been there. The red panda in his zipped up hoodie with a book in his paws...

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the otter depths part 1

I walk to the door of my apartment and get my keys out and started flipping trough them, trying to find the right one, lightning flashed behind me followed by thunder making me drop my keys in surprise, a few fumbles at the key ring trying to pick it...

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Bishop Takes Knight

Bishop takes Knight The worst part about being royalty, in any and every context, is that everyone assumes that you're more important than you are. Bishop was the nobility and royalty, and that means that 'anyone good be coming for him' or 'he...

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New Life - Part 1

The bed sheets ruffle and move around with a huge object underneath. Heavy and deep sounds boom from the mass hidden under the covers as it continues to toss back and forth. After a few more moments, the sun rises with a few rays streaming through the...

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The Club 2

The Club 2 Diego and Roy, the two big draft horse's currently carrying our hapless duo were to say the least a little unimpressed with the new material, not because they lacked attraction. But more because there hadn't been nearly as many screams or...

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Castle Crasher

It was a good thing he was a dragon. Otherwise he would be freezing his ass off. The thought drifted through Dragonfirey's mind for the thousandth time as he made his way through the drafty, cold stone corridors of his castle. Even with tapestries...

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Sweet Movie Snacks

Cody followed his nose to the couch. Sitting on Kobalt's side of the sofa was a large bowl, and on his side sat a smaller one. He remembered his housemate saying something about a 'movie night' earlier. Well, no...

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La vache trouve une amie pour jouer

Cela faisait maintenant quatre jours que j'avais bu le fantastique liquide bleu qui m'avait transformé en jeune vache anthropomorphique . J'avais désormais une magnifique poitrine bonnet F et de lourds pis énormes qui fabriquait du lait sans...

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BLACKMAIL - Chapter 2

**CHAPTER 2** 2 minutes later at Sonics house, sonic came down from the bathroom to the living room where shadow was supposed to be. "So I'm back, what are you waaatch- shadow?", sonic said noticing that shadow was gone. Worried the blue hedgehog...

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Spicy Night

Mander and Charlie sat on the couch, one late Someday, and watched an episode during a 36 hour Three Stooges marathon. Mander started snorting as she laughed at Curly nyuking away. Charlie heard this and started laughing harder. Soon the room was...

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the new guardians part six

LOSC: The New Guardians part 6 As the sun rises in the east over the city of Warfang as the city as it awakins with a buzz for the canidite exams were here finally and the city's merchant quater was alive with activity so the shops and...

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The Power of Time

THE LOVE OF DRAGONS SERIES TIME & SPACE PART THE SECOND: THE POWER OF TIME Damion chuckled as she leaned in and kissed his neck, but he cradled her against his chest gently, his strong arms wrapping around her waist and lower back,...

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