Words of Lust

Story by Serratiger on SoFurry

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Two worlds: one from the all-star athlete, another from the all-knowing bourgeois. Bound by love, met by sundown. Although they come from opposite sides, they find passion together.


This is a work I've had on hold for a long while. Finally, after a sudden burst of inspiration I was able to finish it, and after a few finishing touches here and there, I came up with what I feel is one of my finest pieces so far.

And yet, there's so many irons in the fire...

This would be what I call a "new work", that unlike some previous submissions, is current with my writing style and personal timing. Other stories were written years ago and simply got cleaned up, remastered or corrected. This one is absolutely spanking new.

I hope you enjoy it as much I as loved writing it!


-Rob, are you sure this place is ok?-

-Sure I am. It's not the first time I come here, you know?-

-It doesn't look that private... Wait! Did you hear that?-

-Hear what?-

-I swear I heard some leaves rustling in the bushes...-

-It's the wind, love. You're just being a scaredy-cat! There's a lot of noise at night, especially outdoors.-

-How did you find this place anyway? I thought you weren't that fond of camping and the outoors.-

-Puma instincts, of course! Well, we're here now. Lemme just get this shrubbery out of the way...-

-For the Knights who say "Ni"?-


-Monty Pyth--oh, nothing, nevermind... Oh look! This place is spectacular! It seems like the lake is shining...-

-It's just the full moon. But you know, it makes you look sexy and shiny.-

-It's just my white fur...-

-No, not really-


  • Heh, just walk along.-


-Hey, Rem! Hurry up! I want set up camp over there.-

-Camp? What camp? We only brought a couple of blankets.-

-Yeah, whatever. Let's just sit here, mmmk?-


The white cat dashed behind Rob trying to keep up with his pace. The panther's black fur made it seem like Rem followed his own shadow.

-Rob, slow down or I'll trip.-

-Should I carry you, kitty?-

-Don't call me that! It's embarrassing!-

-But you look so cute when you blush!-

-Stop that!-

-Ouch! Ouch! Fine, I get it! Heh... For a wimp, you hit hard.-

-Oh hush, you're just making fun of me.-

-I'm serious...-

-Well, disregard that, then. Did you bring anything to eat?-

-We just ate an hour ago! And besides, I was thinking on snacking on something else...-


-Hehe, you're so innocent. Come here; let me hold you tight-

-Rob, you're so gallant... I love how you've got such---

Rob interrupted Rem with a kiss, taking him by surprise as his arms closed him tightly against his chest. Rem closed his eyes and savored the panther's passion, with the panther's arms around him.

-Rem, tonight, I want to be with you, with no one to bother us, nothing to interrupt us. Let's forget about everything else. This night is ours!-

-Oh Rob... you say the most wonderful and romantic things...-

-Silence, kitty. Let me feel your body against mine.-

-But I...-

-Are you worried about something?-

-Well it is such a beautiful night, and it's really a gorgeous place... but I'm not sure I'm ready for...well, -that-, you know? Not here, I mean.-

-Oh, I see...-

-Oh please don't take me the wrong way. I love you, Rob. I really do. And I know in my heart I want to share my first intimate moment with you; but you must understand, I'm somewhat afraid... I do not know I can take that step just like that.-

-Listen, Rem. I'm not gonna let anything hurt you, now or ever. I'm here for you, ok? And it's ok, as long as we can be together, there's nothing else I need. I just want to be with you to love you and give you my everything.-

-You must have got me pegged as acting like a toddler.-


-Hey! I'm offended. That hurts, you know?-

-Oh come on, I'm just kidding and you know you love it. Besides, even if you were behaving like a child, you make a beautiful child.-

-Now you're just being creepy.-

-Oh hell no, man! I didn't mean it that way! I ---what are you laughing about? Oh you bitch! Will you please just---

-What? Are you going to get all puffy again? I love how your fur fluffs up when you start taking things too seriously.-

-Hey, I resent that! You're in trouble now!-

The panther pounced on the kitty, pinning him down.

-Hey Rob, the need might arise to use those hands later, you know?-

-I know, but it's just too tempting to resist.-

-Well, there goes my shirt.-

-Hmmm, your belt is kinda tight.-

-Don't be silly. Here, let me...-

-I got it, I got it!-

-Gee, well I can tell someone is happy to see me-

-Of course I am, have you looked in a mirror before? You're darn hot and unbelievably cute.-

-Now you're just being silly... ah!-

Rob bit Rem's shoulder softly, sending a pleasurable shock through his system. His left hand slid inside the cat's open pants, stroking his bulge from over his red briefs.

Both felines backed up against a nearby tree, hidden in the shadows as they kissed passionately. The moonlight bounced off the nearby lake, mirroring the moon, giving it a romantic summer glow. Rob soon lost his blue shirt, and Rem stroked his athletic chest, trailing his fur and playing with his nipples. Before long the lovers were rubbing together with naked torsos.

The white cat sighed with passionate throes and looked at his boyfriend; those beautiful hazel eyes looked back at him with a gentle smile, and Rem knew he was ready. He wanted to share that intimate moment with his boyfriend and no one would take that away. He pulled Rob's face and kissed his lips softly. The panther purred softly, closing his eyes as he stroked Rem's back, sliding his hand slowly against his firm rump. Rem moved his hands to the front of Rob's pants and unbuttoned them, pulling them down as he stroked his legs.

-You look breathtaking- he said, making his boyfriend blush. He leaned down and nuzzled against the dripping bulge concealed inside Rob's tight jockstrap. Rob growled, highly aroused. Without a word they exchanged looks and knew they wanted it to happen.

The panther wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, then slowly undid his pants, pulling them down to reveal those elegant sating black boxers. Rem gasped softly -Oh Rob!-

Rob looked up to wink at him, and pulled down his boxers, revealing his erect manhood. He admired the member for a couple seconds, breathing warmly on it and making Rem shiver as he gave it a few tentative licks.

Rem's tail flailed slowly, expectant to what his mate's every move. He gulped, his anticipation and lust growing by the second.

Rob finally grabbed his dick by the base and began to suck on it, swirling his tongue around it as he stroked his thighs. Rem leaned back and sighed as he relaxed.

-I wouldn't have thought I'd be this nervous...- he said

-You'll see, this will un-tense you right up.- replied Rob as he cupped his balls and rubbed them on one hand.

-That's not really a word---ah!-

Rem quited down just then as Rob's licking moved lower, spreading his legs and reaching between his ass. His practiced tongue probed slowly against Rem's virgin hole, rolling around it, making the cat moan.

After a couple minutes Rob pulled up against Rem and grinned. -Mrrr, tastes like cherry!-

Rem couldn't help but to chuckle, wrapping his arms around his lover. They kissed and rubbed their naked bodies together, their members pressed against each other dripping precum.

Rob nuzzled against his neck, trailing his sensitive fur up with his cold nose. He bit down on his neck as he pinned him down under his body, letting his mating instincts take over for a second. Rem moaned louder, aroused by the sudden dominant outburst. Rob then grabbed his left leg and pulled it over his shoulder. His fingers traced his crack, slipping in and rubbing around his tight hole, pushing the middle one in.

Rem clung firmly around Rob's back as he groaned, breathing heavily and trying to relax. As his hole began to stretch another finger pushed in, moving back and forth just a little bit, helping him feel at ease. Slowly, Rem searched for Rob's lips; he found them eager and pleased as they locked into a passionate kiss, their bodies blending together in an intense heat.

Finally, Rob pulled his fingers out and whispered in his ear -Are you ready?-

Rem nodded and breathed slowly, expectantly.

Rob began pressing the tip of his member against Rem's hole, positioning it as it opened its way against his delicious bottom. Rem felt a slight tickle and a jolt of nervousness, eager to have his boyfriend so close to him.

After what he felt as an eternity, he felt Rob begin to push inside. Rem unconsciously clenched, but he tried to breathe slowly and relax to let him dig deeper. In a few seconds of steady pushing, he finally felt Rob's robust ballsack pressed against his cheeks. He was completely inside, and Rem felt wonderful.

Rob stood still for a minute or two, letting his kitty get used to having a throbbing hot dick inside. Soon enough he began to move slowly back and forth, moving his member all the way back to the tip, and then back again to the base.

They kissed again as Rob increased his pace and began to stroke Rem's shaft. Both felines panted and gasped, feeling every movement and every second intensely. Rob groaned every time Rem clenched, pushing him into a wild frenzy of lust. With every rapid thrust a wave of pleasure enveloped them, with every kiss and caress an orgasmic sensation shocked them.

Finally Rem cried out -Oh Rob, I'm about to reach climax!-

Rob increased his pace, holding Rem's member firmly as he stroked it some more. Rem yelped as he finally reached his orgasm, shooting a trickle of cum that hit Rob's chin.

Rob flinched back slightly but kept pounding Rem's ass. After a few moments he roared loudly, digging his claws into the ground as he held his breath, his bulging member feeding his cum into Rem's ass.

They held their position for a few minutes, panting, their ecstasy so intense they could not move an inch. Their bodies exuded exhaustion and desire, quivering from the pleasure as they caught their breath.

When they finally snapped out of it, they rolled back on the ground, embraced, and kissing tenderly.

-That was magnificent, Rob.-

-I'm glad. Makes me happy you're happy-

-You've got something on your cheek; here, let me get it- said Rem as he licked off his cum off of Rob's face.

-Hey Rem...-


-I love you.-

Rem's cheeks stained red with a light blush as he replied.

-I love you too, Rob.-

As the moon faded behind a cloud, the lovers faded in the shadows, protected under a tree and sheltered by their passion.

For Leonikuz

It was a chilly night when I began to write. I closed my eyes and let my heart speak for me I want to hold you close and tight with all my might Your pretty smile, your shining eyes I want to see You're far away, I understand, you're busy...

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"Are you ok?" asked Rick. The bunny boy rubbed his eyes and looked up to the young panther. He was probably around his early twenties, strong yet gentle. The boy smiled faintly and nodded. "I'm ok. I just had a terrible day." "Did you fail a...

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All About You

"What a great party!" said Sean as he walked through the bedroom door. The tiger really looked to be enjoying himself, but then again, he always did. Tall, handsome, and always with a smile; Sean was nothing short of fun. "You said it" said a voice...

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