Kauto and MW Part 7b

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#8 of MW and Kauto


'Sure' MW said as he and Kauto hoisted the luggage over their bulging shoulders and headed off to the track. Within 10 minutes they had ran the 7 mile distance to the track without breaking a sweat. 'Oh boy that was a nice run. Right I think we'd better put everything in your car if we can find it.' MW said as they reached the car park.

'Aha there's Falcon. Hey Falc can you just pop the car open for us.' Kauto asked.

'Hey guys, yeah sure. Your looking refreshed, enjoy your jog? Oh and nice gear.' Falcon said as he opened the car boot.

'Oh yeah it was great, god aren't you hot?!' MW asked Falcon who was in his racing overalls. 'Sweating mate, but I can't change, I'm racing in a while. Well lets go I need to get back to the pits. Oh I must tell you, Frank is a little confused today haha so try not to say too much around him.' Falcon said as the three furs headed off to the pit lane were they found the usual suspects, a busy pit crew, a busy Frank and a bored looking Ring Eye.

'Hey guys, so you managed to let each other go then, well enough to get here anyway hahaha and I see you've bought some new gear that fits. Did you tidy up behind you?' Ring Eye said while laughing.

'hahaha a bit, or as much as we could anyway haha.' MW winked at Falcon signalling the events from this morning were sexy. 'How are the cars doing?'

'It's been ok, I came back to the pits earlier with a broken fuel pipe, but that's been sorted so it's looking good for the race. I tell you something, whatever we get out the race today, it'll be because of the hard work these guys have put in over the weekend, they've been amazing. Falcon said.

'Oh definitely, anything that's gone wrong has been dealt with easily. I think we need to repay them with a win today eyy Falc.' Ring Eye said.

'Oh big time, a 1-2 would be nice haha. Well there's 30 minutes till the race so we need to go to the briefing again Ring Eye.' Falcon said.

'Yeah great. God I hate these driver briefings haha they bore me to death. But, you gotta do it so we'll see you just before the race starts guys.' Ring Eye said just as they were leaving.

'Yep see you in a bit..' 10 minutes before the start, the drivers returned and quickly put on their helmets and jumped in the cars to head out on the formation lap. 'Well guys, a brilliant result yesterday in qualifying, lets turn it into a win for the guys back at the pits yeah.' they both received through the radios. Both drivers agreed as they warmed the tyres and took their positions at the front of the grid.

'Good luck Falc!' Ring Eye shouted down his radio before it they were switched off.

'And you mate, try not to hurt me too much haha.' Falcon said as he looked over and waved to his team mate. The five lights above the cars began to light up red, one at a time until all five lit up. The engines revved as the lights went out and the race was under way. It was a great start for Falcon who led for the opening lap while Ring Eye dropped a position. But as this was NASCAR their was no rushing yet as the cars mixed and moved around, the lead changes on literally every corner.

10 laps into the race, an incident occurred at the back of the pack between 5 cars, all hitting each other and skidding towards the infield like being on ice. The safety car came out as the cars were recovered to the pits. 3 drivers had to retire while the other 2 continued battered and bruised. The race restarted with no real incidences except for real, hard fought battles throughout the pack. Falcon and Ring Eye were still in the top 6 of the bunch and continued to make good progress.

'Oh man what a race, how well is Falcon doing like!' Kauto shouted as the team watched the screens from in the garage.

'You can see why he won the mini league last season.' MW said. The race had reached the 85th lap with dramatic incidences. The last pit window had opened as the cars began to pile in for one last stop for tyres. Ring Eye came in first with a nice quick stop before heading back while Falcon stayed out for another 2 laps before coming in.

'Come on guys lets make this a good one for Falc.' Frank said to the team as he came into the pits. The car rolled in and the tyres were swiftly changed within 2.5 seconds and Falcon was once again sent away. The change was so quick that it aloud Falc to gain a small advantage on the field.

'Oh man FANTASTIC job lads!!' Frank said to the team.

Kauto and MW nervously looked on with Falcon still in the lead and Ring Eye making his way through the front half of the field after a quick slide on the 80th lap.

'Wow Ring Eye's in 5th from 13th in the space of 3 laps, he's flying!.' Kauto shouted. The cars crossed the line for the final lap with Falcon leading by 2 seconds and Ring Eye in 4th. On the back straight Ring Eye began closing in on the two cars in front who were fighting against each other.

'They'll go on the outside the way there going, I wonder if I can sneak on the inside.' Ring Eye quickly thought to himself as he approached the last turn. As he predicted the cars in front carried too much pace into the turn and ran slightly wide, he quickly moved the car to the lower side of the track and went alongside. Coming towards the finish line Falcon had won by a staggering 4 seconds and began punching the air and screaming in delight. While the three cars behind were still locked together as they came towards the line. They crossed the line within millimetres of each other with nobody able to figure out who was ahead of who.

'Did he get there!!!' MW shouted as the rest of the cars crossed the line.

'I'm not sure, it's a photo. It's coming up now!! Look.....look....look .........................HE HAS!!!!! YEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!' Kauto shouted as the whole team began shouting and celebrating. 'Woooooooohhhhhooooooooo!!!!! FANTASTIC DRIVE GUYS UNBELIEVABLE!!' the drivers received down the radio. Falcon was still screaming his head off while Ring Eye looked up at the jumbotron and found out his result before screaming himself. The crowd went crazy as their hometown hero had won. Falcon opened his door and punched the air in delight with the two drivers in sequence with each other around the track. As they returned to the pits park the cars on the weigh in. Falcon and Ring Eye jumped out the cars and ran towards each other before hugging and cheering with the team.

'Hahahahaaaa!!! Great drive Falc. Pole and the win!' Ring Eye said to Falc as he began crying. Falcon took his helmet off and waved to the crowd with Ring Eye before walking to the weighing room and then the podium.

'Thanks Ring Eye, (sniffle) Wow this is amazing, (sniffle) ugh.' the two drivers hugged and braced as they walked up to the podium. They took their places on the podium as the anthems were played, Falc and Ring Eye were then interviewed.

'Well Falcon! How does it feel to take your first win in NASCAR!' the interviewer asked.

'Oh man it's amazing, the guys have worked furiously all weekend and as I said yesterday I wouldn't be here without them.' Falcon said as he waved to the team and the crowd.

'So were does this leave you as far as your season goes?'

'Awe I really don't know, I mean with everything that's gone on this season and to turn it around and win today, its just unbelievable.'

'And Ring Eye how about this guy for the title? I know he's a tough character'

'After that performance today! He can definitely be a challenger this year.' Ring Eye said while hugging his team mate.

'How about your result, you must be thrilled to come through and retake second on the line.'

'Ha yeah that was awesome, hopefully we can have a few more results like this and challenge for the instructors championship as well.'

'And finally, your team must be ecstatic by the result, how much does this mean to them?'

'Awe like Falc said, they have worked tirelessly over the weekend, and given us an amazing car to drive it's a dream to be part of it.' Ring Eyes said.

'Well Congratulations guys and good luck for the rest of the season!'

'Thanks' they both said as they shook the interviewer's hand and proceeded with the celebrations. Ring Eye opened the bottle of champagne and soaked Falcon before spraying the people below. Falcon joined in before drinking the last few drops.

'I must say it's not as tasty as you mate hahaha.' Falcon said. 'Hahahaha, come here softy.' Ring Eye said as he began hugging Falcon while making there way back to the pit lane with the team. Kauto hoisted Falcon onto his shoulder with MW did the same with Ring Eye as they walked down the pits celebrating with the crowd.

'Hey Falc, coming for a lap around the circuit to greet the crowd?' Ring Eye asked.

'Yeah sure, you coming guys?'

'Ok' Kauto and MW agreed as they made there way out of the pit lane and did a lap of running to cheer with the crowd up close. As they returned back to the pits still not out of breath, things began to quieten down as the crowd began to leave slowly.

'Well Done guys! Lets get this place tidied up and get out of here.' Frank said to the team as they began clearing the pit lane and garage. He then walked over to the two drives and hugged them. 'Great result guys, onto Las Vegas baby!!. One quick question though guys, am I going mad or have you grown?' Frank asked with a confused face.

'Err...........no I don't think so why do you ask?' Falcon said anxiously.

'Oh it doesn't matter haha. Anyway enjoy the rest of the day guys I'm off in a minute.'

'Thanks Frank see you in a couple of weeks.' the two drivers said as Frank left. 'So were are you guys headed off to now then?' Ring Eye asked.

'We were heading back home tonight. How about you two?' Kauto asked.

'Oh we travel around in our Team Motor home, we just go were ever we like to be honest haha.'

'So you don't actually stay in the same spot at all?' MW asked.

'No we travel with the team you see, Kauto here does the same.' Falcon explained.

'Oh right, I never knew that Kauto. Hey I just thought of something, why don't you come back with us tonight. You're welcome to stay if you want.' MW kindly offered. The two drivers looked at each other and took the offer as Kauto grabbed MW and patted him on the head.

'You're a legend, you know that?! Haha. You guys are going to adore his mansion.' Kauto said. 'Well get your stuff ready we'll be going soon.' The two drivers packed their equipment before hugging all the pit crew.

'See you guys!!!' they shouted as they made there way to the car park. The luggage was thrown in the boot, and the four furs set off on their journey to Virginia. They made their way along the coast road with the roof down and the radio blasting out.

'Na na na na, na na na na, heee eeeyyy yyyy Falcon!. Na na na na, na na na na, Heee eeeyyy yyyy Ring Eye!.' MW and Kauto shouted as they began celebrating in the car. Kauto then came up with an idea, he turned off the coast road into a service station.

Kauto and MW Part 7a

Kauto and MW - Part 7a (WARNING - A lot of sexual content again :D :P) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 'So does anyone know...

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Kauto and MW Part 6

Kauto and MW - Part 6 With the loving, powerful sent still filling the room from the night before, both furs woke up and noticed the transformation they had gone through. 'Wow, last night was amazing!' MW said looking happy about himself. 'Yeah,...

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Kauto and MW Part 5

Kauto and MW - Part 5 As they reached their destination, MW suddenly stopped in front of the entrance and admired the amazing speedway circuit. He slowly drove in and his attention quickly turned to the stands around the infield and then to the...

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