Teaching to Speak. (V)

Story by Korvia on SoFurry

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Chapter V

Teaching to Speak (V)

Seven dawns has passed by, since Teralen has visited them, only seven since Korvi's hatching. Little Korvi was only seven dawns old now, and has so far learned to walk only a short distance. The dawn has come that Fierya decided along with Furyan that it was time that little Korvi started to learn the simple basics of speaking, as she at one week was able to learn. Fierya nuzzled her little Korvi, speaking gently, "Come my little one, it is time you start to practice you're voice and words..." Korvi tilted her head confused, chirping, as she did not understand much, slowly picking herself up, being a little wobbly, Korvi moves to sit beside her mother, then looking up to her, squeaking confused. "Now let's start with one word... ...Mum." She spoke simple to Korvi, repeating herself again, "Mum..." Korvi looked to her mother in confusion, listening to how the word sounded, it was simple sounding to say after listening to the word over many times in her mind, deciding to give it a try, she opens her maw and says out shuddering and with difficulty attempting to mimic,

 "M...Mm...Muuu..."  "Mum." Repeated Fierya gently, looking to Korvi. After her first attempt, Korvi goes to retry, trying to get the sound out of her throat, hesitantly attempting to use her tone, "M...m... ....Mum..."  "That's it! You got it!!" Fierya said in a loving warm voice of excitement, causing Korvi to squeak with happiness, repeating the word over, "Mum! Mum mum mum mum mum mum!" It nearly sounded as if one word for how it was repeated. Fierya giggled and smiled, speaking a single word again, "Father."Korvi looked confused to her mother, muffling over her own tone trying to make sense, Fierya repeated the word before Korvi tried copying, "Faaather?" "Father."Fierya repeated again with a warm smile, listening to her child. "F...faa... ...Faathh... ...Father!!" Korvi managed to finally say which made her

feel full of pride, as she was finally learning words! Fierya smiled and nuzzled her little Korvi gently, then spoke,

"Mum, Daddy." Korvi listened closely to the words spoken, how it sounded, before trying already knowing the first word, "Muum! Daady!"

 ***After spending most of Early-Dawn getting Korvi to understand the simple small basic words that she learned, Fierya takes a small step up, attempting to say a sentence for her little one to try repeating. "Korvi.  I... Am... Korvi..." Fierya spoke gentle and light, but clear, trying to get Korvi to repeat, smiling encouragingly at her young. It had taken Korvi some time and much practice by making many errors, trying to sound it out in low inaudible mumbles, though after getting frustrated, she squeaked in her cute small high-pitched tone, "I ams...Korvii!!" "Yes you are Korvi!" Fierya spoke happily, she was so proud and excited that her little Korvia was learning the basics of words, even though she may not understand much of their meaning, it was good that she started to learn her own voice. "Deer." Fierya suddenly spoke randomly to Korvi, looking to her and adding in, "Deer... Food." Korvi tilted her head to the side, having at least recognized her own squeaky voice tone; she attempts to copy her mother. "D...der...deer...deer..! F...fo...fooo...foods!" Fierya blinked a little surprised; as she spoke food for her little one to copy, not foods, so she wasn't sure why Korvi spoke that, but smiles none the less. "That is good!" Korvi chirped and beamed with happiness, her little heart soared with joy because she was learning and making her mother proud of her! Giving little Korvi a light nuzzle, Fierya speaks a new word soft and gentle to her. "You." Tilting her head while hearing, Korvi struggles to repeat. "Y...yu...yoo... ..Yous!!" Fierya blinked again, there was the added s sound at the end... Fierya found it a little surprising, deciding to test it, she repeats the word to see if she would understand it and get it right this time.

 "You."  "Yous!" Korvi repeated with a giggle, causing Fierya to think. "No... You!" Fierya replied firmly with a little grin, thinking she'd stump little Korvi to saying it proper how it should sound out. Korvi looked to her mother... Maw open though didn't speak yet, trying to understand, then as it seemed she wouldn't repeat, Korvi then squeaks out, "Nuu yous mum!" Fierya gasped slightly in shock, not at what she said... But how she said it... Fierya worried now her little one may have a speech disorder... Fierya moves up to scoop up Korvi, giving a loving hug. "That's my little Sweetheart...come, we are done for now."

***  The rest of the day went by slow, though it was frustrating a little for Korvi as Fierya taught her how to speak, she was only seven dawns old, but was learning fast which surprised even her father. "She is a fast learner. Soon to grow smart, and is already cute. There is very much good in her it seems beloved. With daily training and practicing, she will become fluent in speaking hopefully." Furyan said encouraging. As Dawn-rest approached, very much to Korvi's dislike...she was force-fed; giving a struggle though Fierya was persistent and managed to feed her, though after the feeding, Korvi whined, "Muum..!! Whys gots do this to mes?? Nots wike it!" Fierya only smiled at her little Korvi, softly responding to her question,"Perhaps in eighteen dawns I shall teach you how to eat my little one, but first your teeth much grow, as you must grow. Be patient my little Korvi... And now let us go to sleep... The sky has set, the night fallen upon us, we wish to be awake for dawning yes? Let us then go to sleep."

 With gentle urges, Fierya lead Korvi to the nesting bed with her, as the single word that was heard by Korvi after a groan, "Awright..."

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