Wing-Sister Teralen. (IV)

Story by Korvia on SoFurry

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Chapter IV

Wing-Sister Teralen (IV) The morning's light rays drifted into the cavern, the Fire-Star was just rising above the horizon as Fierya woke up with a loud yawn, cradling her little Korvi against her side under her warm tender wing. Furyan was already awake, standing by the entrance to their cavern, looking out at the grassy field of the meadow, birds chirped as first light of early dawn shone upon the meadow, soft grass drenched with morning dew. Little Korvi still slept with gentle breathing heard, Fierya chuckling softly, glancing to Furyan as she speaks softly, "Good dawning my dear. Slept well have you?" He nodded, and then spoke quietly, "Teralen shall arrive soon. It is the dawn twenty dawns ago she spoke she would visit." Fierya looked surprised for a moment, Teralen being the first-born daughter, age eight hundred seventy in dragon years, which was a young-adult in their age category, and now was little Korvi's older sister, was going to be here for a planned visit that Fierya almost forgot about! With a gentle nuzzle to Korvi's side under the wing, Fierya speaks softly to her sleeping new-born, "Time to wake up, my little Korvi, the Fire-Star has risen, and we shall have a special visitor today, a new dawn has arose my little one.." Korvi was still asleep, having a dreamless rest, before squeaking as she feels her mum nuzzling and speaking, slowly opening her eyes, blinking a moment not used to the view of light, squeaking upset having to wake up, though as best as she could, rubs her snout against her mother, feeling the wing lift up that was around her, so she could move out. Taking the given chance, Korvi tries to stand up, though was not even a dawn old, she wobbles and falls down, squeaking in annoyance, as she hears her mother chuckle lightly, gently nuzzling her and helps her stand up, hearing the words voice from her mother, as gentle as always, "It is okay my little one...In time... You shall learn to walk proper... All in time my little one..." Korvi chirped happily, not understanding much of anything of what her mother was saying, though it sounded good, not hearing any angered or uncaring tones, she felt safe and happy, rubbing her small side of her body against her mum's snout, relieved to be so close to her. Fierya purred lightly as little Korvi rubbed her small body against her snout, chuckling lowly as then goes to give Korvi a small lick with her slimy-coated tongue, feeling little Korvi shiver and chirp happily feeling her mother's tongue, smiling then speaks softly to her little one, "I would think my little one is hungry now! Having a full night and no meal! That will just not do! -wait- here, my little Korvi, -wait-"  Fierya spoke empathizing the word wait, gently patting and holding Korvi's head down a little to make her understand to stay, before then getting up and walking over to the back of the cavern, where some carcasses of deer was stored, taking a few moments to rip apart the flesh and strip it down into small pieces for little Korvi to eat, then bringing it back, she once more curled around little Korvi, lovingly picking her up and while holding her close, takes the tough meat and puts it in her own mouth, chewing it before giving it to Korvi, making it all chewed and squishy of pre-chewed food so it can easily be given to her. Holding it in her wet mouth speaking soft and instructing, "Relax, and swallow... My little one... This is good for you." Then carefully and gentle, pries open Korvi's mouth, as much to the little hatchling's dislike, then slowly with her tongue, slides the chewed deer meat down into Korvi's mouth, carefully edging it using her tongue to push it near Korvi's throat, making Korvi gag slightly, though achieved getting her to swallow it, accidentally leaving a bit of her saliva in Korvi's mouth, as a mother's job wasn't fully easy though. She continues to do this with the other strips of meat four more times, being sure to force-feed Korvi while keeping her mouth open, then uses her own tongue to push the food in Korvi's mouth to get her to swallow the chewed meat. Korvi didn't understand what was going on and gagged the five times she was force fed by her mother in her mouth, feeling her mother's tongue enter her own little mouth, slimy, wet gooey saliva, and the tongue was even a little hot but not by much, due to being a fire dragon of blood, feeling the squishy chewed meat go down her throat. By the time the five force-feeding finished, her mother stopped and moved her maw away, leaving little Korvi's face completely wet with her mum's mouth-saliva. Korvi didn't understand but she chirped happily as the weird feeling in her body of being hungry was gone! It was such a relief! She bounced a bit squeaking happy, trying to walk away but failing, ending up sitting again with a silly little embarrassed look, while hearing her mother laugh softly. Furyan was watching and chuckled also before speaking lightly to Fierya, "How the little ones can stand being fed that way by you completely surprises me. You best pray hope our children do not practice that feeding of yours to get them to eat." He then laughs and continues watching outside to avoid Fierya's frown, it was obvious she wanted to retort with something but decided against it, thinking to herself; ~"You are so lucky there's a little one around least I force fed you just to show how wrong you are..."~Then shakes her head, smiling at little Korvi as the little hatchling was looking around curiously where she stood. After the meal that Korvi endured through of feeding from her mother, the Fire-Star was a little higher in the horizon now, as Dawning shifted into Early Dawn. Flapping was heard outside near the cavern shortly after the feeding, causing Korvi to shiver with fear as she heard the noise, not understanding or knowing what it was. A moment later, another dragon entered the cavern, her body was slender and smaller then mum and dad but was still a big dragon. Teralen, a young-adult red leathery hide dragoness walked up to Fierya, smiling as she speaks in a soft noticeably female tone, "Hello, Father, Mother. I have come for my visit as I promised." She looked to her father and mother, who nodded, Fierya speaking, "My sweet have a new sister I would like you to meet..."Furyan adding in, "Indeed, a sister. Not a brother...She has hatched just last Star-fall." Teralen looked somewhat surprised before smiling widely with excitement. "Oh? A little sister?! Where is she? What is her name?" Fierya slowly moved Korvi out in the open and gently pushes her softly with a wing in Teralen's direction, speaking loving, "This is your sister, Korvia, though I consist to call Korvi as she is young. Korvi, this is your bigger sister, Teralen." Korvi looked up at the larger dragon, very much bigger, shivering slightly and squeaks worried, to where Teralen moves to sit next to Korvi and gently puts a wing over her, speaking soft as not to scare her. "So you're my new little brood-sister of the wing, Korvi are you? You don't look like much yet, but you will grow!"  Teralen smiles friendly and gives her little sister a small lick on the cheek then a wing-hug. Korvi felt... happy and warm with this larger dragon holding her by her wing, it somehow...felt right and normal, as they looked alike except for her own unique symbols, and the size difference. This was her sister...hers, already starting to feel a liking for her sister, chirping happy and nuzzles the paw of her bigger sister, hearing Teralen laugh lightly with joy. "How cute she is! I can't wait until she grows! We can hunt together, fly, play games, and have much fun together! I always wanted a little sister to teach! She is wonderful mother! Father! Indeed very cute too, I am... surprised how cute she looks like and her eyes and markings... they definitely make her...outstanding and unique!" Teralen says with a small laugh, to which Fierya teases playful in her tone, "Now Tera, are you admiring your own sister in such way of jealousy? Is it a warning to me that perhaps Korvi will have troubles later in life that many males will fall in love with her that I should now have to keep her tied to my belly to prevent it, and so no male can get to her? Perhaps I should have then done the same with you!" Teralen blinks before laughing, her mother always knew how to make one smile, nudging her mother as she teases back, "Well if you done so perhaps I would never have to walk again, being tied to you! And oh I not admire her as such, she is cute indeed, perhaps she will grow to be beautiful. But I doubt mother that many males would find her as such to fight over."  "You never know my child, you and her are royal blooded Highbornes of the Infernals. Some day you are to be the Dragonqueen and your little sister will always be of a Highborne and of her own beauty, and it is important always to know that the future is never always foretold, but yes, I look forward to seeing my daughters being together, always there for each other's as sisters should be. I can see your excitement in it!" Fierya spoke with a warm tone, nuzzling both Korvi and Teralen. "I will be sure to always have time for my younger sis! Besides, I need at least one around to be a royal pain in the tail!" Teralen laughed with making the friendly joke, smiling as she looked to Korvi's innocent cute and confused look, before giving her cheek a small lick, causing Korvi to squeak with happiness! Fierya chuckles and nudges Teralen with her snout, teasing her for little Korvi, "Well I do believe she will be a royal pain in the tail for you, for the fact she just might draw more attention than the future Dragonqueen?" Fierya grinned silly at Teralen, smiling with motherly love.

The rest of the dawn progressed slowly, Teralen told to her parents how she has been faring, how she believes she may of found a suitable mate named Tranras, despite that he was one thousand two hundred-ten and she was only eight hundred-seventy, to which her parents cautioned her against, because she wasn't quite at maturity and he was, though Teralen seemed to push that caution aside. Teralen also during the dawn talked lots with Korvi, despite the fact the poor little one wasn't able to understand words well, it still counted and mattered to hear her sister speak, for that also was how they learned, by being talked to, and within a week she would learn more about words while spending time with her mother. To Korvi's dismay, she was once more force-fed deer for dinner before Dawn-rest, giving an upset squeak, and while the family had dinner together, this time Korvi struggled with her mum knowing what she was doing this time, managing on the fourth feeding to bite mother's tongue, causing it to bleed though not much, as it was just sharp hatchling teeth, ending up with a rough final fifth feeding to Korvi. After Dawn-rest feeding of their meal, the Fire-Star was setting, and little Korvi was already asleep, especially after a good long struggle with mother on feeding, to which Furyan found massively amusing to such resistance, speaking out bemused after feeding, "It seems she struggled well greater and managed to beat mother up!" Though his laughter ended short with a good paw-smack to the muzzle on that one, shutting him up. "Who beat who my love?" Fierya grins as she looked to him casually after giving him a good one, watching him as he grumbles while going to sit down quietly. Teralen looked glanced out of the cavern for a moment before sighing softly. "The dawn has ended and I must return to my home, as I have plans and preparations, and I have much I wish to do the next dawn. Though I promise after one cycle past this dawn I will meet you in our meeting place, to see my sister and you, my greatest mother. It has been a great dawn. And to my little sister, I look forward to seeing you on your first cycle of life!"  Furyan nodded and nuzzled her, while Fierya gave Teralen a wing-hug goodbye, speaking softly with a mothers love and concern, "Remember what we spoke my sweet Teralen, heed it or wary of your heart... You are still greatly young despite being eight hundred-seventy, such an age difference can lead to harm if you are broken hearted. I do not wish such of MY child. Take well care of yourself, I hope your flight be safe and swift, farewell my child." Teralen nods, replying softly, "I shall take heed, thank you, and take care...mother, and you too my little sister Korvia! I shall return in all due dawn." And with that, Teralen taken off, flying in the distance, to which after moments, vanished from sight. Furyan sighed and spoke with distaste. "I'm worried for her... A fool she is to persuade an older male... Especially if by chance he is taking advantage of her, due to her being a Highborne. I will never accept it. She will have to learn swiftly, safely and well learnt I hope." Sighing lightly, Fierya nodded her head, for a moment concern filling her cyan eyes as she looks out at sky from within her home, replying almost in a whisper, "We can only hope that she will be well protected, and hope too that our little Korvi shall be just as safe." Looking into the nesting area, Fierya assures herself seeing that her new-born was asleep, for the second time, though on her own in the nesting, Korvi's breathing was steady, soft and she in her mind was quite happy of the dawn, minus the feeding of today, she had quite the exciting second day! Dreaming for the first time in her mind, dreaming of her sister, and how she can't wait to grow up like her, to look up to her sister always.

Blessed Hatching. (III)

Blessed Hatching (III) The night of Star-fall was calming and quiet amongst the Infernals, the Kelrethen moons at the highest point in the night sky. The egg in Fierya's nest was a deep rich tone of bright ruby red now, while also thin lines of a light...


Gifted Life (II)

Gifted Life (II) The wind blew gently outside of Fierya's home, complete Star-Fall shrouding the meadow outside. It was a calm, quiet and peaceful night, as even the wild-life slept at this time. As all creatures rested during the hours of Star-Fall, a...


Rainy Starfall. (I)

Rainy Starfall (I) The darkness of Star-fall loomed all around as heavy rain clouds were above in the sky. Fierya walked slowly through the wet grass that felt like mush under her paws, sighing lightly as the rain poured down upon her smooth, leathery...
