Man of the House (Part 5)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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#5 of Man of the House (COMPLETE)

The fifth part of the series, where Bobby takes a swim in the pool and gets a surprise from his vaporeon aunt.

Man of the House (Part 5) M Eevee + F Vaporeon

NOTE: ZOMG INCEST! RUN AWAY NOW IF THIS OFFENDS YOU! (P.S.: This is the LAST time I'm including this warning for the remainder of this series, because those of you who have been reading this since Part 1 already know that it has incest in it)

Ever since Bobby and his mom had moved in with his seven aunts, Bobby has had no shortage of activities to fill his free time. Of course, his favorite of those activities was having sex with either his mom or his aunts, but he also did other more typical things that an eevee boy his age would do, like play video games for one example.

Another example of Bobby's leisure life outside of sex was swimming. His aunts had an indoor swimming pool and hot tub and he liked to take a swim in the cool water every now and then...especially on a hot day. On one of these such days, when Bobby appeared to be home alone for a while as his mom and aunts were out shopping and doing some other activities for the afternoon, he felt a little bit bored without them to entertain him and he also didn't really feel like playing his video games right now. So, Bobby changed into his blue and yellow hawaiian-style swim trunks and grabbed a towel to head on down to the pool for a little while.

Bobby was allowed to swim in the pool without his mom or aunts around to watch over him as he was a decent enough swimmer and was beginning to get to that age where he needed to have a little more freedom. However, his mom was still worried about him swimming alone, so she made Bobby promise not to go past the 5-foot line and into the deep end of the pool unless she or one of his aunts were around to watch him. Not that it really mattered anyway since Bobby had an extreme phobia of the deep end of the pool, spurred on by an incident he had when he was younger.

The first time Belinda brought Bobby to a pool when he was two, young and playful Bobby saw a beach ball in the water at the deep end of the local pool and chased after it, going into the water without any water wings or flotation device. Furthermore, Belinda hadn't taught Bobby how to swim yet and the instant Bobby hit the water in the deep end, he immediately began floundering on the surface of the water, screaming for his mother.

Luckily for Bobby, Belinda heard him instantly and was a strong swimmer as she dived into the deep end, grabbing her son's collar by her teeth as she held him above water while she paddled back to the edge of the pool. After that incident, Belinda knew she needed to teach Bobby how to swim right away and tried to do just that. The only problem was that the incident caused him to develop an extreme phobia of all swimming pools and no matter how much Belinda tried coaxing her son into the water, she couldn't get him to come into the pool...even with water wings on his arms.

This remained the case until Bobby was 8, when Belinda was finally able to bring Bobby back into the water where he finally got over his fear of the swimming pool as he was able to touch the bottom of the shallow end of the pool with his feet while also keeping his head above water. However, the deep end still terrified him and he never went into water that was too deep for his feet to touch the bottom.

Since then, Bobby had learned how to swim from his mom and aunt Brooke, who also assisted in reintroducing Bobby to the water when he was younger. When he was in the shallow end of the pool, he felt fine, but he worried about what would happen if he ever went back into the deep end of the pool, where it was 12 feet deep at the bottom, more than twice Bobby's height of just over 5 feet (not including his ears).

When he arrived at the pool, it was empty and the water appeared calm. He sat down at the edge of the water for a moment to put on a pair of goggles so he could see underwater while also tossing some diving targets into the water that would stay on the bottom of the pool until he grabbed them. Though they were more fun to play with when he had someone to play with him, he still liked to use them when he was alone for practice. "One day I'm gonna beat her", he thought to himself, thinking about how Brooke would always beat him whenever she played with him, using her abilities as a vaporeon to grab most if not all the targets before Bobby could.

After that, he got into the water and began to look for the targets. Though he was an eevee, he was able to hold his breath longer than most of his species, able to go about a minute before having to go back up for air. He had developed this through practicing, figuring that if he was going to beat Brooke one day, he'd have to be able to hold his breath underwater as long as possible so he could find the targets faster.

There were six of them in all, each one having a point value from 5 to 30. On his first try, he gathered up three targets before getting back into the water to try again. It took him a total of three times in the water to gather all six targets as he then hung by the edge of the pool and looked at them, shaking his head. "I have to do better than that if I want to beat aunt Brooke", he thought to himself as he tossed them back into the water to try again.

However, the instant he stuck his head back into the water, all six of the targets were nowhere in sight and it didn't seem like anyone else was in the water. He ended up resurfacing a moments later, he scratched his head and looked a bit confused as he wondered where the targets went. That's when, out of nowhere, Brooke popped up out of the water, holding all six targets in her hands. "Looking for these?", the vaporeon fem asked him playfully as Bobby immediately turned his head as his ears dropped down.

"AUNT BROOKE!!!", he whined as he thought he was all alone to practice and play but didn't take into account that Brooke was able to merge with the water whenever she swam underwater and seem invisible until she broke the surface...which is exactly what she did. At the time Bobby got into the water, she had been watching him from the deep end with her keen underwater sight. She decided to let him think he was alone for a little while before coming over to surprise him.

Ever since they had gotten the indoor pool put in, Brooke always chose to swim naked whenever she was in the water. Only when she would go swimming in public would Brooke wear a swimsuit. However, since she was at home and all of her sisters already knew what she looked like with no clothes on, there was no need for her to wear a swimsuit at home and she also knew that Bobby had already seen her naked in the pool in the past without him asking questions about it...both before and after his mom showed him what sex was like.

Like all of her sisters, Brooke was looking forward to having a private moment with Bobby, and since none of her sisters were around she figured that this might be the chance she was waiting for. She came over towards her nephew and put her arms around Bobby, bringing him closer to her own body as she let her nephew feel the nature of her skin. Because she was a vaporeon, Brooke was both furless and hairless, with the typical vaporeon crest on her head which replaced her hair.

She was still cute and sexually appealing in her own way though with her "D"-cup breast size and the soft touch of her skin up against Bobby's warmth. Her skin actually consisted of millions of tiny scales which helped her swim underwater and kept her from becoming dehydrated while on land. The scales were hard to see with the naked eye, and the also felt a lot like human skin to the touch, so it would be difficult for anyone to tell that she had them without knowing something about the vaporeon species*.

"C'mon Bobby, you didn't think you were completely alone in here did you. Besides, I still need to take a swim every now and then to make sure I keep my body hydrated", Brooke mentioned as she knew right away that her sisters would be gone most of the afternoon and that she needed to take a dip in the water about once every 12 hours or so to maintain her hydration level. Normally, she'd take a swim upon waking up in the morning and then a little while after having dinner. However, since her sisters were going out, she decided to stay behind to catch another swim while also making sure someone was around to watch over Bobby...only he wasn't aware that Brooke was still here at that time.

"Anyway, now that you're here in the pool with me, I was wondering if you'd like to play a little game with me. Of course, you already know that I want to have sex with you just as much as your mom and other aunts do and we really haven't had a chance to do it until now. Seeing that I'm already naked and that all you need to do is slip out of those swim trunks to be naked yourself, I think this is a good chance for us to get closer to each other", Brooke explained to Bobby as the male eevee looked at his aunt as his wet ears tried to perk up, but were weighed down from being wet and he began to feel the tip of his foxhood emerge from his shaft.

"Here's what we can and I can have sex together while the rest of your aunts and your mom are gone. However, I'd like to make it a little more interesting than that alone", she explained to Bobby as he continued to remain in Brooke's arms while continuing to become aroused sexually. "I'll throw these back into the water and we'll try to catch them. If you win, we'll have sex on dry ground and we'll do it in any position you like. However, if I win, you have to come out with me to the deep end and have sex with me there", Brooke added as Bobby's ears dropped down low and he began to whine again.

"But Aunt Brooke, you always beat me...that doesn't seem to be very fair", he commented while whining as Brooke held Bobby in her arms and placed his head against her bosom.

"Alright, I'll tell you what else I'll do...I don't normally do this, but I'll give you a 10-second headstart before I come looking for them myself. That should at least give you a better chance of winning than if we both started at the same time", Brooke explained to Bobby as he looked up to his aunt and seemed to accept the idea. "Besides, wouldn't you like to have me tugging on that knot of yours while you're tied to me?", she added to try and coax Bobby to giving in to her offer as the thought of being tied to his aunt made his eevee cock unsheath faster inside his swim trunks.

"OK...I'll do it", he answered excitedly as Brooke let him go while still having all six targets in her hands that entire time. She moved back to the 5-foot line of the pool and prepared to toss them while Bobby remained in the shallow end.

"Don't start looking for them until I've thrown all of them", she commented while she began to throw them one at a time down towards the shallow end of the pool, each of them landing in the water and sinking to the bottom until all six were back in place. "You'd better get busy trying to find them Bobby, because I'm starting to count to 10 now", she added before beginning to count as Bobby held his breath and immediately took to the water.

Under the water, he swam as fast as he could, spurred on further by the feel of his throbbing foxhood and his desire to have sex with Brooke the way he wanted to. He saw two targets close-by and picked those up within a couple of seconds, then swimming towards a third not far from that. Given that he only had ten seconds to find targets before Brooke did, he didn't pay any attention to the point values of the targets and just picked them up as he saw them. He gathered three targets before he saw a blurry image in the water some distance from him.

He knew that it was Brooke and the 10-seconds she had given him were up. Now, he really needed to move if he wanted to win. Two of the remaining three targets were further away from him and were scooped up by Brooke within a few seconds. The last target was about 10 feet away from Bobby and still up for grabs. He knew that Brooke probably also saw it and would soon be heading towards it, seeing how she was much faster than him underwater. He really needed to move quickly to grab it before she did.

He put all of his effort into swimming, using the side of the pool to launch himself towards the target and give him added speed. His effort seemed to work as it propelled him close enough to the target to reach out and grab it a second before Brooke arrived to do the same.

With four of the six targets in hand, Bobby resurfaced above the water and caught his breath for a moment as he felt a sense of pride afterwards. His foxhood also throbbed trimuphantly as he figured he'd get to knot and tie Brooke on dry ground after this, thinking there was no way she could've beaten him even if she did collect two targets.

"I won...I finally won", he proclaimed happily as he stood in the water of the shallow end while Brooke came over towards her nephew, holding two targets in her hand. However, unlike Bobby who just grabbed targets at random, Brooke was able to see the point values of the targets she collected while underwater.

"Uh, might want to take a look at these", she commented to her nephew before she displayed the targets she collected to him. Though Bobby had collected more targets, Brooke collected the most valuable targets, being worth 25 and 30 points respectively. Seeing this, Bobby looked down at his four targets, knowing that they were all in 5 point increments and added them up. He had the 5, 10, 15, and 20 point targets in his hands, which totalled 50 points. However, Brooke's two targets were worth a combined total of 55 points. Brooke had won again by a score of 55-50.

"Nooo...I was so close!", Bobby whined for a moment. "How could it be possible that I lost again, even with collecting more targets than you?", he asked with frustration as Brooke looked to her nephew and put her arms back around him.

"Sorry sweetie, but that's the way the game works. At least this is the closest you've ever come to beating me", Brooke calmly told Bobby before she held him to her breasts and came up with a thought. "I know what we'll do, why don't we say that we both won for today", Brooke suggested to Bobby as the upset male eevee looked up to Brooke as he still felt bad.

"But, I didn't have more points than I do", Bobby mentioned as he returned his head to her bosom while Brooke held him tight.

"True...I did score more points from my targets than you did yours. However, you did manage to collect more of them than I did and you put a lot of effort into beating me to that last one. I think that deserves a little something extra in my opinion", Brooke explained to Bobby. "I'll tell you what we can do. Since I scored more points, you have to come out with me to the deep end for sex right now. However, because you collected more targets than I did, how about we do it again later on and I'll let you have your way with me on dry ground. Would you like to do it that way honey?", Brooke calmly suggested to Bobby as he became a little nervous. He didn't mind the sex in the water part, it was the sex in the deep end part that made him uneasy.

"Do we have to go to the deep end?", he asked Brooke nervously as she continued to hold them while she slowly used her tail to bring him into the deeper water without him realizing it yet.

"Yes Bobby, we do...there's not enough room for us to do it underwater in the shallow end. You don't need to worry though, because you'll be with me...I'll make sure nothing happens to you", Brooke explained to him as she kept moving with Bobby in her arms past the 5-foot line and into the deeper water where neither of them could reach bottom by standing up. Brooke was able to keep them afloat in the water as Bobby soon realized he was in the deep-end and clung to Brooke for dear life, holding her tightly in his arms.

Brooke kissed Bobby's forehead softly as she slowly worked her way into the deeper water while one of her hands moved down to Bobby's swim trunks, undoing the strings down there as she slipped them off easily. "Don't worry Bobby, you'll be fine", she told him calmly as her hand released his swim trunks as they floated back up to the water's surface. She also tried to take his mind off of being in the deep-end further by placing her hand down on his sheath and beginning to rub it up and down while she moved towards the deepest part of the pool with him in his arms.

Instantly, his foxhood began to appear underwater, unsheathing quickly as soon the fear of being in deeper water was replaced by the stronger feeling of pleasure he received from having his cock touched. "Ah...aunt Brooke!", he exclaimed happily as she rubbed him, wanting to make certain that his foxhood was fully erect before she allowed him inside her.

She continued to focus on Bobby while rubbing his cock, feeling it growing longer as it came out of his sheath as they were now in the deepest part of the pool. "That's it honey, keep focusing on me and you'll be fine", she told him softly as Bobby's maleness started to twitch inside the cool water as it was becoming very excited. Brooke would continue to touch him with her hand until she felt the knot come out of his sheath, which is where she let go of it and held onto Bobby in her arms while he held him, replacing the feel of her hand with the feeling of her warm vaginal lips against it.

His ears stood upright and he began to blush while Brooke could feel her nephew's throbbing length up against her vaginal lips and clitoris while the inside of her canal was ready to take it. She moved in closer to Bobby until she got the tip of his foxhood to aim at her vaginal opening, allowing it to slip inside of her warmth while she held him in her arms.

She took the whole length of Bobby's cock inside her at once, including the knot, keeping the grip on it loose to where it wouldn't get stuck inside her until she was ready to allow it. On Bobby's end, he felt the warmth of his aunt around his entire shaft as it began to throb and precum began to leak inside her passage. She also felt a bit different from his other aunts and his mom in the way her vagina held him. Around his knot, her grip was somewhat loose, allowing it to pass in easily. However, deeper within, the canal narrowed and tightened while also being able to flex around him at will.

What he didn't know at that time was that the vaporeon vaginal canal was closer to that of a female dolphin than a vixen. It still was capable of holding a knot within it and turning a tie, but it was also more flexible and muscular in nature. With her vaginal walls, she could do all of the work for her nephew if she wanted to, tugging on him strongly until his knot grew to full-size and he came inside her. Or, if she wanted to, she could just let him mate with her normally. Since she had technically won their little game, they would be having sex in the water her way first, which meant her vagina would be doing the work for Bobby as they were in the water.

Brooke then put her lips on Bobby's before she started to kiss him deeply, putting her tongue into his mouth as his eyes lit up for a moment before he felt the desire to join in and kiss her. As he did this, her walls spasmed a little tighter around the main portion of his foxhood, gripping it a little harder as she began to tug on it a little while she and Bobby kissed. Brooke also took this opportunity to use a technique that Gypsy had taught her with him while they were kissing.

"We're gonna be going underwater now Bobby...make sure you keep your mouth connected to mine while we're underwater. I'll do the work for you", she mentioned to Bobby through thought as Bobby could hear it and had something to mention himself.

"But I can't hold my breath nearly as long as you can...I'll drown if I stay underwater!", he exclaimed in thought as Brooke continued to kiss him deep and swished her tongue in his mouth while she felt the same from him while she kept tugging on his foxhood gently.

"I would never let anything bad happen to you can trust me. Just keep kissing me like you are and everything will be fine", Brooke mentioned to Bobby in thought as the young male eevee trusted his aunt as he held onto her tight while they went under the water, sinking down towards the bottom of the deep end. Brooke then put one of her arms on the back of Bobby's head, pulling him in closer to her as her tongue continued to twirl happily in his mouth while they kissed each other. Through Bobby's nose, small bubbles of air periodically floated up from the bottom back to the surface while additional bubbles periodically escaped through Brooke's skin.

He didn't realize what was happening, but Brooke was making sure Bobby was able to stay underwater with her through the duration of sex. In addition to having lungs, vaporeon also have a separate air chamber inside them that acted like their own personal scuba tank. This allowed them to breathe underwater for extended periods without having to come up for air as carbon dioxide would escape through their skin instead of their nose and mouth. This also allowed them to share their stored air with another as long as they were connected mouth-to-mouth. So, while Brooke and Bobby were kissing each other in a happy and playful manner, he wasn't aware that she was also breathing for him, sharing the air stored in her air chamber as her skin pores emitted carbon dioxide from both of them.

With the feeling of his aunt's tongue swishing around in his mouth and his cock deep inside the muscular vaginal folds of Brooke, Bobby was able to relax underwater as he put his faith into his aunt as she began to work him. Her grip tightened and she began to tug on him harder, feeling the throbbing length of her nephew's cock while warm precum was splashing up against her cervix. Of course, it would've been even better if he could thrust into her at the same time, but with them being underwater, it would be hard for him to generate the speed necessary for any intense stimulation. Still, her vaginal walls were also more sensitive than most females as the tugging did give her pleasure while she tightened more around the main portion of his shaft while remaining somewhat loose around his knot as she started to feel it grow.

"'re a sexy, horny boy", Brooke told Bobby playfully through thought as the young eevee blushed while his tongue continued to swish inside Brooke's mouth while she did the same to him, feeling the massage of her tugging around his member. Acting on instinct, Bobby soon put his hands on Brooke's buttocks and tried his best to thrust inward, managing to hump against her a little while they were underwater. This motion increased the feeling between them a little more as she now began to draw tighter around the growing knot. Also, her tail rubbed his balls lightly as it passed between his legs, massaging them a little as they began to mix a fresh dose of his cum within them.

Bobby continued to hump against Brooke a little while the entire length of his shaft was becoming thicker inside her as it's arousal level increased. Precum shot further into Brooke's canal and his knot was growing into Brooke's vaginal walls as they were molding to his shape and squeezing back around it. At the same time, Bobby and Brooke continued kissing each other while she shared her air with him, making sure they could breathe while they were in the water close to the bottom of the pool.

Her tail kept rubbing against his balls, stimulating them more while she moved her hands down to Bobby's butt cheeks, grasping onto them tightly as she pulled him in closer to her warm and inviting vagina. Brooke's strong and excited vaginal walls kept tugging on his length, massaging it for Bobby while his knot grew larger and was beginning to become locked inside Brooke. "Ohhh...Aunt Brooke!", he told her excitedly through thought as his tongue moved around faster in her mouth before she responded in kind. His shaft was pulsating strongly and starting to twitch as precum hit against her cervix repeatedly, signalling that his arousal level was near its peak.

" you want to cum inside me honey?", Brooke asked him sweetly through thought as her hands gripped his buttocks a little tighter as the young male eevee felt his entire length being squeezed and tugged hard by his aunt's muscular vaginal walls.

"Yes...yes I do", he quickly replied as their tongues continued to circle around each other, exchanging both saliva and air as Brooke continued to keep breathing for him as well as herself. She could feel the intense pulsations and twitching in her nephew's eevee cock and knew that she had brought him to the brink of orgasm. It wasn't going to take much more for her to send Bobby over the edge and to feel her nephew's seed splashing into her body.

Brooke wanted Bobby to cum inside her, she wanted to feel the heat of his seed clinging to the top of her uterus until it pooled inside of her. As such, her cervix opened up a little bit as his tip was just a short distance away from it and aimed directly at the opening. "Go ahead sweetheart...cum inside me", she coaxed softly to him as her tongue kept moving with his and her hands held onto his butt cheeks tightly. At the same time, her grip around him tightened as much as she could, pulling hard on his shaft as he was now stuck inside Brooke as his knot was full-size and had her walls perfectly molded around it to create the strongest bond she could.

The intense tugging on his shaft was more than enough to set Bobby off as he held onto her tight and soon felt his sperm leave his nuts and shoot into Brooke. Each spurt of fresh cum passed through Brooke's open cervix and hit the target inside, splashing up against the top of her uterus before it seeped back down. To her, Bobby's seed felt hot, tingling inside her body as it began to stick to her uterine walls as it pooled with even more of it spurting into her as they remained underwater.

Though Bobby wasn't tied to Brooke, the way she had gripped his knot meant that they'd still be stuck together for several minutes. She wouldn't completely satisfy him without allowing Bobby to tie her, but she would give him that chance in a little while. In the meantime though, with Bobby beginning to cum inside her and his knot stuck in her canal, Brooke's hands moved back up to Bobby's lower back as she held onto him tight and made her way back up to the surface of the pool. If she remained at the pool bottom with him until he was done, her air reserves would likely be depleted by then and it would force her to come up for air anyway.

The two of them reached the surface of the water after a few seconds, with Brooke continuing to hold Bobby in her arms as the two of them finally broke the kiss so they could breathe their own air and Brooke could begin to slowly refill her air chamber. Though they weren't kissing anymore, they were still connected sexually as Bobby's knot was held tight by Brooke as he slowly shot more of his seed into her. Every drop of his seed would remain inside Brooke as long as he was stuck to her as the seal between them was so tight it prevented any of it from escaping at the moment.

Once they had been above water for a few moments, Brooke kissed Bobby's forehead as she held him against her while beginning to feel her nephew's tongue licking at her nipples a little. " do you feel about the deep end now?", Brooke asked Bobby playfully as they were still in the deep end of the pool while she kept them afloat in it.

"A little least when I'm here with you", Bobby replied softly as he nestled his head against her bosom while continuing to cum inside Brooke's canal.

Brooke continued to hold Bobby against her during his climax as she began to caress his head lightly. "It'll be a lot better once you become a vaporeon like me...then you'll be able to do all of the things I can do and it'll be a lot more fun for us to have sex", she mentioned, also dropping a hint to Bobby that she hoped he'd become a vaporeon once his eevolution day came around.

However, Bobby wasn't ready to commit to becoming anything other than an eevee yet. After all, his mom stayed an eevee and she seemed perfectly fine that way. Besides, his eevolution day was still several years away, he still had plenty of time to think about what he wanted to become or even if he wanted to evolve to begin with. For the moment, he was happy as an eevee and wanted to stay that way (at least for now).

He continued to remain inside Brooke, being held within her by his swollen knot and her tight grip for several more minutes until he began to relax. Slowly, his knot returned to its normal size while Brooke released her grip around it, allowing him to pull back out of her. Upon doing so, a small cloud of his cum was produced in the water, connecting between them as some of the leftover cream had spilled back out of Brooke when he pulled out.

As soon as he was done, Brooke brought Bobby over towards the edge of the pool and let him climb out of the water while she went back for his swim trunks before following him. After being in the pool for a while, Bobby was now soaking wet and felt like he needed to warm back up a little, so he went to the shower area to wash up a bit and then take a trip through the turbo drier to dry his fur.

Meanwhile, Brooke relaxed at the edge of the pool with her feet still in the water as she rubbed her outer vaginal lips with her fingers. She felt happy, having a dose of Bobby's seed deep inside her canal and having his shaft inside her for the first time. However, she knew there was still more to come later, she had promised Bobby that he'd let him take her the way he wanted to and she intended on keeping this promise. Brooke knew it would be a little while before she got this though as Bobby needed some time to recover and to dry off.

She sat by the pool edge for several minutes, keeping her vaginal walls aroused by touching herself waiting for Bobby to come back from the shower. When he came back out towards the pool, his fur was dry again and he felt warmer than he did before going in. However, the turbo drier had caused his fur to become fluffed out all over. In fact, it was so puffed out that it made him look about twice as big as he actually was and he was barely able to see because of the fur in his eyes. This was common whenever he came out of the turbo drier and his fur would eventually settle back down to normal after a little while. But, the puffed out fur made it too difficult for him to wear any clothing while it was like this since he wouldn't be able to get it to fit.

It didn't really matter right now though as Brooke went over to her nephew and sat him down near the edge of the pool while she instantly focused in on his sheath, rubbing it slowly as she looked up to him. "How are you feeling now honey?", she asked him curiously as the tip of his red eevee cock began to reappear upon feeling her touch.

Brooke's rubbing was rapidly making Bobby horny again as his shaft became more exposed and started to throb a little as it was being stimulated. "I...I...feel...ah...I'm feeling...excited", he told her as he was growing aroused, watching as Brooke moved in closer to Bobby as she gave the tip of his shaft a few quick licks as she watched him grow larger with his knot soon reappearing from the sheath.

"Good...because I still feel excited for you too", Brooke told him playfully before giving his shaft a lick from knot to tip, which caused it to twitch as a fresh spurt of precum came out of his tip while she did that. "In fact, now that you've given me what I want, I think it's time for me to return the favor to you", Brooke added before she stopped licking him and released his cock from her grip, crawling on her hands and knees as she soon displayed her rump towards him, moving her vaporeon tail off to the side. "What do you say honey? Are you ready for round two?", Brooke asked her nephew as Bobby's eyes quickly focused on Brooke's outer lips again as his sexual excitement took over. He didn't need any further invitation than that and quickly climbed on top of Brooke, beginning to have sex with her his way.

About one hour later...

After being out with her sisters for the afternoon, Belinda had come home and started looking for her son. She had something special to give him and didn't really want to wait until later. However, Bobby was not in his room when she checked in on him. Seeing that he wasn't in his room, Belinda quickly thought that Bobby must be at the pool and made her way over there to find him. When she arrived, she was a bit surprised to see Bobby at the edge of the pool with Brooke as he had been tied to her for several minutes already, slowly pumping his vaporeon aunt's womb full of even more of his seed.

When Bobby noticed that his mom was looking at him, his tail began to wag a bit as he looked up to her. "Hi Momma...aunt Brooke and I were just playing together", Bobby told his mom sweetly as Belinda got down on her knees in front of Bobby and nuzzled him.

"Yes...I can see that you are", she calmly told her son as she caressed his cheeks with her hands. Since Bobby was tied to Brooke at the moment and the gift was something that she wanted to share with Bobby alone, Belinda knew that this wasn't the time to give it to her son. "Listen sweetheart, Momma has something very special for you...but I can't give it to you right now. Go ahead and finish playing with aunt Brooke and then I'll come see you later on in your room", Belinda calmly told Bobby before kissing him on the nose.

She then left Bobby and Brooke alone by the pool to finish what they had started as she let out a bit of a sigh as she left. "I really wanted to give it to him now...I want to show him how much he really means to me", Belinda thought to herself for a moment as she couldn't help feel a bit disappointed that her son was tied to Brooke at the moment. However, she quickly got over it. "Well, I guess he couldn't help it...after all, he's a growing boy and he has his needs. Besides, I know that he loves me", Belinda thought a few moments later as she went to her room for the time-being while Bobby and Brooke finished their tie.

To be continued...

*: I don't know if this is actually true or not about vaporeon...I'm not all that familiar with the physiology of one. However, considering their type, I figured they might have something like this.

Man of the House (Part 6)

Man of the House (Part 6) (M Eevee + F Jolteon) As the summer progressed, the heat and humidity outside continued to rule while Bobby did his best to remain inside as much as possible and take a swim in the pool whenever he could. When he wasn't...

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Meeting Mari (Part 9-2)

Meeting Mari (Part 9-2) **DISCLAIMER: In case you didn't read it back in Part 9-1, I'll state once again that Parts 1 thru 8 of this series are on my FA account and you'll need to see them there. Sorry, but FA's rules won't allow me to post this there...

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Meeting Mari (Part 9-1)

Meeting Mari (Part 9-1) **DISCLAIMER: In case those of you who are just joining in this series on SoFurry and are wondering "where's part 1 thru 8?", I can tell you right away that they are not on my SoFurry account, they are on my FA account. As of...

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