Meeting Mari (Part 9-1)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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This is the first half of Part 9 of a story series that is ongoing on my FA account (for parts 1-8, you'll need to see them there). The reason why I'm posting this on SoFurry is because the content in Part 9 will not allow me to post it to FA and Inkbunny's rules do not allow things of adult nature involving humans. Therefore, Part 9 is being posted on SoFurry. If you need more information on how to find Parts 1 thru 8, please send me a comment.

Meeting Mari (Part 9-1)

DISCLAIMER: In case those of you who are just joining in this series on SoFurry and are wondering "where's part 1 thru 8?", I can tell you right away that they are not on my SoFurry account, they are on my FA account. As of right now, I do not intend on posting parts 1 thru 8 on SF, so if you want to read them you'll need to go to my FA page. I probably will add a separate summary of the main things that happen in Parts 1 thru 8 on SoFurry at some point, but it won't be for some time. Please keep this in mind as you read through the story.

Most of this last week that I've spent in a hotel room in downtown Minneapolis has sucked. Although there was no shortage of places I could go downtown to try and enjoy myself, I didn't have Mari, her sisters, or Donna around while I was away. During this time, I had been taking Donna's advice, taking the kaorin berries every day as I contemplated how much it sucked how I was still able to get an erection whenever I thought about them, but couldn't do a damn thing about it thanks to the desensitizing lotion Donna applied before I left.

To make matters worse, ever since my first night with Mari, I had gotten used to having a warm and snuggly rapofem by my side at night as I slept. Now that I was in a hotel room, all I had were the pillows as I tried to think about Mari and her family, but it just wasn't the same. A pillow couldn't replace the feeling of a living rapofem at my side.

Because of this, I had difficulty sleeping on a nightly basis, only managing to get a few hours of sleep before I got out of bed feeling tired and irritable. I truly did not want to be here, I wanted to be back with Mari and her family. Although, despite all of the headaches that being apart from them had given me, there was an upside to it. This gave me a chance to cash Mari's check and put it into my checking account so I could pay off whatever needed to be paid, as well as pick up some new clothes while I was at it. Furthermore, I had begun looking around at jewelry shops in downtown as well as back at the Mall of America, thinking about a wedding ring for Mari. I had not purchased one as of yet, but it would be something that I figured I'd have to do sooner or later given how our relationship has progressed.

For most of the last week, I've been completely devoid of contact from Mari or any of her other female family members. However, three days after I checked into the hotel, I received a surprise at my door.

I heard someone knocking on the door as I was coming out of the shower, wearing nothing but a robe around my body as I looked down and saw Heather. I scratched my head for a moment, trying to figure out what the hell she was doing here alone, but since I hadn't seen any of them in a few days, I quickly put it out of my mind.

Heather had brought with her four boxes, all of them appeared to be gift wrapped. "I hope you don't mind, but I brought you a few gifts from all of us", Heather explained as she came into the room, holding one box in particular as I brought in the other three.

From there, Heather and I went over to the bed where I sat on the edge of the mattress while Heather sat next to me, still holding the fourth box while the other three were sitting beside me. "They're all for you, we each got one for you to have. I'll give you mine after you open the rest of them", Heather explained to me as I turned my attention to the first box, which was wrapped with white wrapping paper with silvery accents and a black bow. When I opened the box, I was surprised to pull out a plush version of Donna in her typical medical attire with a plush heart held in her hands with velcro. The heart had "Get Well Soon" on it, attributing to how much she wanted me to come back as well as to make sure I made a full recovery.

While it wasn't the same as if Donna were really here, the plush doll of her was realistic enough to make me think of her and I figured that having the plush version of Donna with me might help me cope a little better while I was away. After a moment, I put it down and went towards the next box, which had burgundy wrapping along with magenta colored ribbon. When I opened it, I pulled out a plush version of Rose from the box with a smaller plush doll of Miles in her arms. The Miles plushie also had something in his arms as well, held in place with velcro...another small plush heart saying "I love my Daddy" on it, showing that how Miles thought of me as his father. This was an adorable plushie and I thought that seeing them together like this was very cute indeed.

By now, I had pretty much guessed what the other two boxes had in them, especially since one was wrapped in bright yellow paper along with a lavendar-colored ribbon and the other was in green wrapping with golden yellow ribbon (the one in Heather's arms). I grabbed the first one, expecting to pull out a Mari doll and sure enough, I did indeed pull out a doll that looked like Mari...but there was something different about hers.

Mari's doll was dressed in a bridal outfit and in her arms she had two smaller of them was a small Jowee doll, and the other one was one of me. Both of the smaller plushies were dressed in tiny tuxedo-like outfits and were holding hands. I found this doll to be a bit strange at first, unsure of what exactly to make out of it, until I noticed that Mari included a note.

I opened the note and read what she wrote. "If you are reading this, you're probably wondering what compelled me to have my doll holding you and Jowee together like this. Well, since you two both love me so much and it seems like that you two would be friends instead of rivals if Jowee was still alive, I figured I'd have the two of you together", the note read as I scanned down a little more to see a P.S. on the note. "P.S.: I also know that there's something between the two of you, some sort of relationship that you two have...but I can't figure out what kind", Mari had added as I began to sweat a little bit, thinking Mari might've meant something else. However, now that I had Heather in the room, she could read my thoughts.

"Why are you sweating like can't be that bad, can it?", Heather asked as I shook my head for a moment.

"How could Mari possibly think that either one of us is bi. I mean, she knew Jowee better than I did and should've been able to tell he was only interested in females and I already told her that I was the same way", I thought to myself as Heather stayed next to me, hearing my thoughts.

"What's wrong with being bisexual? I'm bisexual...aunt Donna and Rose are too", Heather replied as I became concerned that she may have misunderstood what I just thought.

"There's nothing wrong with it fact, I'm curious to see what you rapocuties do with each other.", I answered as she leaned up against me, placing her hand in mine as I now had three raposa dolls (not including the smaller ones) in the room with me.

"Are you asking to have a threesome with us, because if you are I'll be more than happy to participate as long as I can convince aunt Donna or Rose to play along. Of course, I'd really like to do it with Mari if I could, but she'd never go for that", Heather answered as she remained at my side and held my hand. "Why can't Mari be like the rest of us...Aunt Donna, Rose, and I are all happy playing with each other and I know they both like playing with you, so why is Mari so different", Heather added as I looked towards her.

"Maybe she just doesn't feel the same way about girls as the rest of you do. I don't think that it has anything to do with her not loving you, it's just that everyone has their own personal preferences when it comes to sex and perhaps Mari just likes boys", I explained to Heather calmly as she turned towards me.

"I like boys too...but I've never really had a chance to experience sex with one. Jowee was going to be my first time once I was ready, but that never came to be. However, now that we have you, I want you to be my first time...I want to feel what my sisters and aunt Donna have already felt", Heather explained to me as she sighed. "I simply don't know how much longer I can wait for this", Heather added as I brought my hand towards her cheek and caressed her soft fur lightly.

"See, it's stuff like this that makes me want to give you what you want. You don't have to climb all over me and try to hump me to get me to pay attention to you, all you have to do is show me that you care about me and that you want to do it because you have feelings for me", I told her softly as Heather's ears twitched a little to my touch. "I know it's hard for you to be patient with it since you're only 16 and your desire for sex is very strong, but not every male is going to want and whip it out for you whenever you show them the slightest hint that you want to have sex", I added as Heather leaned up against me a bit as I took her in my arms as I finally came up with a decision about her.

"I'll tell you what I'll do for you're a cute rapogirl, and I do love, from the way things have gone the last several days, I think you've waited long enough to have your first sexual experience with a male. When I come back in a few days, I'll give you what you want, I'll put my cock inside your rapopussy and let you feel what your sisters and aunt already have", I told Heather as her emerald green eyes lit up and she began to get excited.

" want to have sex with me?!!", she replied happily as I was certain that she was already getting wet to the thought of finally having me inside her.

"I do and I will...but, under one condition...I want to have sex with you because I think you're cute and because I love you. If I were to stick it inside you, I want to be sure that I'm having sex with a rapogirl who's in love with me...just like your sisters and aunt are", I mentioned to Heather as my comment seemed to get her attention.

"Oh...that reminds me, I still haven't given you my gift yet", Heather explained before she gave me the remaining box she had with her. Considering the other three boxes, I knew what it was going to be...I knew it was going to be a plush replica of Heather. However, given past history, I did not know for sure what I was going to find when I opened the box. For all I knew, it could've been a naked Heather doll, complete with a stratgedically place vaginal hole since she wanted me to have sex with her. As a result, I opened the box with my mind open, unsure of what I would find.

To my surprise, it was a fully clothed Heather doll, with a plush heart held in her hands with velcro. The heart had a message on it just like the other plush hearts did, a three word message that signfied how Heather felt about me. That message was simply "I love you". Of the four large raposa dolls, Heather's was the sweetest one...even outdoing Rose with her son as he was holding up a heart saying "I love my Daddy" on it. Heather's doll told me that she did love me, just like her sisters and Donna and that if I were to have sex with her, it would be just as sweet and fulfilling as its been with all of them.

"I wanted to show you that I do think about you outside of sex...I know we got off to a less than ideal start, but I haven't really had a true relationship with a boy so I may have overreacted back then. Nonetheless, I've seen what you've done for my sisters and Aunt Donna and I want to feel the same way that they do about you", Heather explained as I placed my arm around her and held her tight.

"Alright...I'm convinced...when I come home, you'll be the first one I'll have sex with. However, until then, I want you to be a good rapogirl and be patient for a few more days...can you do this for me?", I explained to Heather as she seemed to cuddle up against me and nodded.

"I'll wait for you to come home...but, can I at least think about what it'll be like to have sex with you while I wait?", Heather asked as I looked down to her and caressed her cheek fur.

"I don't see any reason why you can't, all I'm concerned about is you trying to hop up on top of me right now when Donna told me I needed to rest", I answered Heather as she did leap up from her seat, but she did so to put her lips on mine as I felt her sweet kiss on my lips.

"Don't worry about it sweetie, I'll be good for you...besides, I have to get back home, Mari told me that if I didn't come back in an hour, she'd come down here and drag me home by the ears", Heather explained as I wondered why Mari would want to do that.

I kissed Heather on her lips since she seemed to be behaving in a sweet manner and even gave her cute little rump a brief squeeze, making her ears twitch as she giggled. "We don't want that to happen to you, so it'll be best for you to get out of here...I'll see you in a few days", I told Heather as she leapt down from the bed and headed out the door as I watched her cute little raposa tail sticking out of the hole in the back of her green dress. For the first time since I met her, I felt sexually attracted to Heather and had even developed an erection towards the youngest rapofem. However, because of the affects of the de-sensitizing cream, I could hardly feel my cock standing straight up for Heather nor could I do anything to please myself sexually as I waited for her. So, while I did have sexual thoughts about Heather, I'd have to wait a while longer before I could act on them.

In the meantime though, and for the rest of the time I was away, I continued to stay at the hotel by myself. However, with the raposa dolls at my bedside, it was easier for me to get to sleep and I was able to stay asleep longer now that I at least had something cuddly to share a bed with. It wasn't the same as the real-life versions, but it did help. Mari's doll also gave me more of a motivation to find a wedding ring for her as it seemed as she wanted to marry me sooner rather than later. The day before I was to come home, I had found her ring, having to have it sized to fit her small fingers.

Fortunately, with the lifesize Mari doll, I was able to get a ring that should fit on her finger. As for her sisters and Donna, I did not know what to do about them...while Mari did mention that if I married one of them I'll essentially marry all four of them, I did not know how exactly that would work and it would likely be something that needed to be discussed before Mari and I did get married. For now though, that could wait a while until I got comfortable in my new home and felt that the time was right to give Mari the wedding ring. I did not intend to pop the question to her until I felt I was ready, even if Mari seemed to be ready right now.

Finally, after a week of waiting and as the calendar turned from July to August, I woke up in the hotel room with a bed full of raposa dolls as I felt a familiar feeling downstairs. I pulled off the covers and saw that I had an erection from dreaming about the rapofems along with a small spot of precum on my boxers. When I curiously touched it, I felt my shaft twitch, which meant for the first time in a week I had feeling in it.

In addition to that, I also noticed that my balls seemed to be a bit larger than they used to be. Perhaps it could've been due to the fact that I haven't had sex in a week, but I didn't know for sure. One thing I did know for sure was that I was feeling horny. I had gone a week without sex and my cock missed the feel of a warm and tight rapopussy around it. That is when I took a look at Heather's doll and remembered what I said to her a few days before. As I remembered it, my hand went to where her rapopussy would be as I began to rub the doll's crotch softly. "I hope that you've kept it warm for me, because I intend on giving you what you want today", I thought as I touched the doll, thinking about Heather and what it would be like to take her virginity.

In the past, I had been nervous about Heather's sexual behavior towards me, but now that I knew that she was in love with me, I was happy to welcome her horniness. I was looking forward to putting my eager shaft into her tight rapopussy and watching the look on her cute face as she finally got what her sisters and aunt had gotten, complete with a cream filling within her womb if she so desired. However, since Heather would be new to having sex with a boy, I didn't know if she'd want to have me fill her up just yet.

To be on the safe side, I went and bought a few condoms to wear, just in case I needed them. Whether or not I'd use them would be up to Heather to decide, since I had already creampied her sisters and Donna, I didn't have any problem with doing the same to long as she didn't get pregnant as a result of it since Mari wanted to conceive first and Donna wanted to be bred after Mari. Plus, Heather was the youngest of the rapofems, so she didn't necessarily have to reproduce right away unless she really wanted rapokids.

In the meantime though, I spent the rest of the morning packing up my new clothes and stuff, keeping Mari's wedding ring hidden at the same time as I knew that she would be coming to pick me up to bring me back home. The raposa dolls were a different matter, since they were the same size as their actual raposa counterparts (except for the smaller ones), they'd be hard to carry out more than one at a time. As such, I had to think of a way how I was going to deal with them to make sure I brought them home with me.

As I was trying to think about how I was going to bring the dolls home with me, I soon noticed that someone was knocking on the door to the hotel room. Curiously, I went over to the door and when I opened it, I saw a blue of bright yellow as I was knocked to the floor, not knowing what had hit me initially. Then, I felt something holding onto me tightly, not wanting to release its grip from my body.

As I slowly came to my senses, I looked down and saw what had knocked me down off of my knees. It was Mari...she had come to the hotel earlier than I was expecting, holding onto my body tightly as it was the first time she saw me in a week. She also happened to be wearing bright red lipstick this time around, which caught my attention right away since I didn't even know she could wear lipstick.

"Never leave me again", Mari exclaimed as I felt her hug me tight as she seemed to miss me quite a bit. She then moved up towards my face so that her lips could reach mine as she wasted little time in showing her emotions for me. Mari kissed me deeply and excitedly as her lipstick started to transfer onto my lips while Mari's tongue happily twirled inside my mouth as I did the same to her. I did not resist Mari for a second...I missed her as well and to feel her kiss once more made me feel a lot better. Furthermore, it also gave us a chance to re-connect through our thoughts again.

"I thought about you every day that you were gone honey...without you around, I felt almost as bad as I did when I lost Jowee", she told me through thought as my hand went to the back of her head to gently caress her. "But now, I have you back and this time I'm gonna make sure you stay with me", she added as I continued to touch her lightly as we kissed and got re-connected.

"There's no place that I'd rather be than to be back home with you", I told her through thought as our lips continued to remain connected and our tongues happily swished around in each other's mouths. "I'm just happy that I finally have you back", I added as Mari finally removed her lips from mine, leaving a trail of our saliva between our mouths briefly.

"I hope that our presents for you helped out a little...I know you must've felt alone without any of us to snuggle up with at night", Mari told me softly as her hands moved to my cheeks as I felt her touch them lightly.

I looked up at her as my hand caressed her soft cheek fur for the first time in days as I truly felt reunited with Mari now that she was on top of me. "They did help...but being with you will help me even more", I answered as Mari giggled and kept caressing my cheeks lightly.

"You don't need to worry about that anymore'll be coming home with me. When we get back, you can come to my bedroom with me if you'd like and I'll help you get some rest, then when you feel ready, we can get re-acquainted...if you know what I mean", Mari suggested as I looked to her and smiled, feeling my crotch getting excited once more as I knew damn well what Mari meant by that. However, a couple of thoughts entered my mind.

"Wait a second...before we go, what are we gonna do about the dolls. I want to keep them, but I don't know how I'm gonna get them outta here", I asked Mari softly as she leaned in closer to me so that her lips were almost touching mine again.

"No problem sweetie...I planned for this...I arranged for the dolls to be picked up and sent back home once we leave. Although, you can't possibly tell me that those dolls are any substitute for this", Mari explained to me right before I felt her kiss my lips briefly as I looked into her cute blue eyes.

"No, they're not...they can give me what you can give me", I answered Mari softly before the second thing popped up in my head. "Mari...I've been doing some thinking while I was gone and while I can't wait to pick up where we left off with you, I feel like I'm finally ready to give Heather a try and I would like to give her what she wants first before we get going again", I explained to Mari as she sat up on top of me and looked at me.

"Well...naturally, I'd like it if you took care of me rapopussy has been burning for you for days and it really wants to feel you back inside of it. However, since it sounds like you want to try Heather for yourself and it seems that you're sincere about it, I suppose I could wait a little longer for you", Mari explained softly as I felt a hand move down towards my crotch. "But...I'm not going to be satisfied until I feel you back inside me, so I'd really like to have you take me again as soon as possible...otherwise, I may end up behaving like she did around you when she first met you", Mari added before climbing up off of me.

"Anyway...we should head back now, the others are waiting to see you again", Mari explained as I slowly got up from off of the floor and got back to my feet, grabbing the new luggage that I got while I was gone as Mari and I made our way out of the room. From there, the two of us went back to the limo and as soon as we were in the back, the limo left the hotel to head back towards New Rapoville.

To be continued

All raposa mentioned in this story are (C) to 5th Cell, THQ, Paul Robertson, Jeremiah Slaczka, etc. and are used for fan fic purposes.

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