The Cleric of Elshire

Story by Celeblu on SoFurry

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#1 of Currents of Magic

Hello, this is a story which involves gay sex between a human wizard and an anthropomorphic dragon. If these things do not interest you, why are you even looking? xD

Anyway, this is my second story ever, so feedback is appreciated! A lot of inspiration was taken from D&D, and if you've ever read the Dresden Files, you might be able to guess which two characters mines are inspired from!

*Part 2 is up here

The Cleric of Elshire

A man cloaked in brown stood in the middle of the spell circle. He kneeled upon the ground with hands pressed firmly against the earth, and the runes in the circle around him hummed with power.

The ground was shaking violently, but the man held firm. The runes burned with a soft light, but one by one they broke like shattered light bulbs. By the time the quaking ceased, only two runes remained.

Alric stood up and wiped the sweat off his forehead. "Bah," he said, "These earthquakes are getting harder to control."

He was Alric Notram, the only wizard in this part of Cairn. The country didn't have any prejudice against wizards; it was only that most wizards had no business in a rustic region so far away from the arcane capitals of the continent.

But the country had need of a wizard. Earthquakes constantly rattled the southwestern region, ever growing in intensity until homes started falling to the earth's wrath. It was then, in desperate need, the country had hired a wizard to calm the quakes.

Even though the pay was moderately high, very few wizards seriously interviewed for the job. Cairn was simply too far away from the comforts of modern city-life and other magic users for most wizards with the ability to affect the quakes to consider actually taking the job.

Alric, however, was a relatively new graduate from the Rotundere School of the Arts. He had a natural affinity for earth magic, and found himself capable of handling the earthquakes despite his lack of experience. He couldn't find a job in the city, so naturally he jumped at the offer.

So here he was, five years later, standing in a circle of runes he had drawn to contain one of the quakes he predicted would occur on this day. His brownish hair settled upon his young face. He was nearly sixty years old, and had spent fifty in the School, but looked barely a year past adulthood. It was one of the benefits of having one's body channel arcane magic: the interaction between the arcane currents and one's life force extended a wizard's life far beyond that of normal humans.

A light wind tugged at his cloak as he mentally reabsorbed the remaining runes' power.

Despite his natural objection with conforming to the generic image of a wizard with long drafty cloaks, Alric reluctantly wore one anyway. For some unfathomable reason, wavy cloaks that could cover someone twice a wizard's size were simply better at channeling magic and holding enchantments than normal clothing.

The cloak did make him feel badass, however.

The young wizard then started pacing back and forth as he rambled with himself in his thoughts.

The quakes were easy to control only a year ago, he thought. Now he had to expend considerable effort to stop one he knew was coming. He didn't even do a great job at it: the ground still shook violently for a few seconds around a large radius until he managed to grasp at the force of nature and figuratively cram it into his circle.

Then he heard a subdued, but shrill scream from far away that snapped him out of his thoughts. He had crafted his containment circle far away from any major village, but there was a farm within eyeshot that may have suffered from the momentary delay in containment.

He ran to the farm with as much strength as he had. Controlling the earthquake had tired him, but he was spurred on by fear. He hadn't taken the job just for the money after all; he genuinely wanted to protect people.

Once he neared the farm, he saw a man, presumably the head of the household, jump onto a tractor.

"Sir!" Alric called, "What's the matter? I heard some screaming!"

"My daughter," the farmer called back, "She's hurt bad! I have to go get help!"

He started up the tractor and drove away with the engine revving louder than the earthquake was.

Alric ran straight into the house and saw, in the living room, a wooden beam had fallen and impaled itself through a little girl's side. Her mother was kneeling beside her and sobbing into her arms. The girl was obviously unconscious, and her mother didn't notice him barging in.

The wizard bent himself down and checked her wound. The beam was not very large, thankfully, but pierced through her body. If it hadn't speared through any organs, she might live if help arrived before she died from blood loss.

He couldn't help but feel guilty about it. He was supposed to control the earthquakes so something like this wouldn't happen. He was going to do everything he could to fix this.

"Ma'am," he said to the mother, "She can live if I get her help. I'm Alric Notram, the wizard?"

The mother kept crying, but she managed to stammer out, "I know you, mage. Please, do what you can."

Alric had to get the girl to Elshire, the closest major village he knew that had a cleric. He was a little afraid, teleportation was a difficult spell and he was already tired. But he took a glance at the poor little girl, and a renewed sense of resolve surged through his mind. He had to try.

Modern teleportation techniques had eliminated any possibility of transport failure, such as warping in at a fatal height or transporting oneself into something and merging with that something which usually resulted in death, but he had to bypass their safety measures to cast the spell faster. A transfer of this distance to the village would usually take ten minutes to cast, but Alric didn't have that kind of time. Luckily, he had visited Elshire once before during a geological survey of earthquake fault lines, but his memory was vague. He could at least recall one large area that he thought would be safe enough for a quick teleportation spell: the village central square.

He wasted no time and lit the tip of his ring finger up with mage-fire. Then he started drawing a circle around the girl by carving the wooden floorboards with his burning finger.

When he finished, he huddled himself over the girl so he was also within the circle, and then he said to her mother, "She'll be okay. I swear it."

The mother only nodded with a sniffle and watched as the wizard did his thing.

Alric concentrated on an image of the village square as best as he could recall it. His will poured power into the spell, and swirls of blue energy started dancing around the edge of the magic circle.

Only a minute later, he said the words that would activate the spell. "Fayzo!"

The blue lights engulfed the two bodies within the circle and vanished.

A moment later, Alric and the girl reappeared in a swirl of light at exactly where he wanted. Only, it was where he wanted to be, but he put them about two stories above the ground. Without thinking, he shifted himself under the girl and let himself hit the ground first on his back while he cradled her in his protective arms. He hit the ground and lost consciousness.

When Alric woke up, he realized that he was lying down on a bed. Perhaps he had dreamed the whole thing up, he wished. Maybe it was just a terrible nightmare. He hated the fact that people could get hurt if he faltered in his duty.

But no, he realized he was neither in his bed nor his home. He turned himself over, which actually caused a considerable amount of pain, under the bed sheet he was wrapped under and blinked his eyes several times to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

It was one of the dragonkin. He had seen some in Rotundere, but it surprised him to see any this far south in a random little country like Cairn. They tended to stay near the human capital cities or in their own lands up north closer to the dragons.

He also knew a little bit about them from studying magical creatures in school. They were the offspring of a union between dragon and human. Full dragons had the ability to shift their form into human, part human, or dragon, and they often mated with humans while in their human form. Their offspring, however, who were half-dragons and more scholarly called dragonkin, did not have that shape-shifting power. Instead, they were stuck somewhere in the middle: bipedal like humans, but they had the body shape and head of a dragon complete with functioning wings and a tail. Since both dragons and humans, as a species, were particularly randy, especially compared to the much more celibate elves, there were plenty of dragonkin to go around. Enough, even, to form their own country independent from the northern dragon realm.

The dragonkin in front of him wore a cloak much smaller and showy than his own. It was a heavy cream color that accented against his brilliant silver scaly skin. He had a patch of floofy white hair between his curvy brown horns, and he had a pair of long and sharp ears. Alric saw the dragonkin's wings fold out through long cuts in the back of his cloak, and his tail protruded slightly from underneath the cloak.

He was standing over a table and crafting a potion of some sort, the wizard guessed, and he hadn't noticed him stir in his bed.

"Where am I? Who are you?" Alric asked.

"Oh, you're awake?" the dragonkin said. "You took quite a fall. You're in the village's medical building. I'm Kevrinlionen, the only cleric in this part of Cairn. You can call me Kevin for short."

The medical building? Fall? Cleric? The cleric of Elshire was a dragonkin? Ah, now he remembered. He had bypassed safety protocol for his teleportation spell, and it had hurt him badly. Wait, the girl! He didn't care about himself; he needed to know if the little girl was okay.

"Is she okay?" he asked.

"The girl that was with you? Yes. She was very lucky. A few more minutes and her soul would have been beyond my reach."

Alric sighed in relief. He wanted to get up and see her, but another jolt of pain stopped him. Then he realized his entire stomach area was wrapped in thick bandages.

"Don't move," Kevin said, "You fell on your back and nearly shattered your entire spine." He picked up the potion he was making and hovered it over the wizard's mouth. "Open up, this potion will help keep you in one piece until I can heal you."

Alric did as he was told and drank the potion, but asked the cleric afterward, "Why can't you heal me now?"

"I've spent all my energy pulling the girl back from the very brink of death. It is only by God's mercy that she lives now. You can wait until I've regained my strength. A few hours, tops."

The wizard almost laughed a little. Clerics and wizards had a little bit of tension between them since who knows how long. Clerics claimed their power was divine magic from the Heavens, or from some God or another, while wizards claimed their power was nothing but a variation of the arcane arts that they studied. Seeing as how no cleric has and will ever subject himself to a wizard's research, he didn't really care either way what kind of magic a cleric wielded. He only cared that most of them helped people, and that was why he liked them even if some were pushy with their deity.

That was why he was in Cairn, after all. The money from the job offer he only needed from necessity, but really he came here to protect the people living here from the earthquakes. And today, he almost failed.

He asked the cleric, "She's alright though, right?"

"Quite. She's just resting in the other room now. Aren't you worried about yourself?"

He shook his head as much as he could on the bed. "No, not at all. I came here to help prevent this sort of thing from happening."

"Of course. You are Alric Notram, the wizard that the Assembly hired five years ago, yes?"

"That I am."

"You came here to protect people from the earthquakes? You're not here for the pay, then?"

"The pay I take from necessity. What truly guides me is my desire to prevent what happened today from happening ever."

The dragonkin sighed. "I thank you, wizard. This is not the first time I've had to save an innocent child from the clutches of death. Before you came, I could not save them all."

Alric saw the dragonkin standing right in front of him now, and it afforded a better view of the half-breed. He could see the sadness in his blue eyes as he spoke.

"It is good to hear that I have done a good job, until today," the wizard said.

"You are the only wizard that has bothered to care about this rural backwater country. Again, you have my thanks."

"And what about you? I wouldn't have expected to see a dragonkin here in Cairn."

Kevin stood firmly and proudly. He looked only half a head taller than the human, though. "I am here to heal the sick, protect the weak, and help the helpless. It is my duty, as assigned by God. I am only His humble servant, and it is here that I was needed. It is sad, I think, that I am the only healer for miles and miles."

"Indeed," Alric said, "And without mages it only makes it that much harder to help people."

Kevin nodded. "I like you, wizard. I've never met one that cared much about anything other than his studies."

The human nodded in shame. It was true, after all. "I know. I do what I can."

"You should rest. Let the potion do its work, and try not to turn around in bed."

He nodded, and watched the dragonkin walk away to the next room. He found himself mesmerized by the half-dragon's tail, for some reason, and noticed his slender body and found it strangely exotically attractive.

He shook his head to rattle the thought out of his head. He was gay, he knew, but he wasn't into dragons. But there was something about the mix of exotic draconic traits in a human-like body that made him feel strangely alluring.

He didn't think about it for long, though. The potion was making him feel sleepy, and he let himself drift into pleasant dreams.

Alric woke up a couple of hours later and found the bandages around him had been removed, and his back felt like it was whole again. He sat up slowly since he was expecting pain, but he found none. Kevin had apparently fixed his spine already.

He got up off the bed and wandered into the other room. It was empty, though there was evidence of the bed having been recently used.

The girl was probably already well enough to go home, he hoped, since his back was healed so quickly. The dragonkin was a very adept cleric, then, and that only made him seem more attractive in his mind.

The human still snapped at himself when he caught himself thinking that way. "Damnit," he whispered, "He's not a human. It wouldn't be right. Besides, what are the odds he's gay and likes humans?"

Just then, a door opened from the front of the building and Kevin came in.

"Oh!" Alric said, "Did you take the girl home already?"

"Yes," he replied, "She didn't live very far from here. It was a quick flight with her on my back." He laughed. "She really liked flying on me. Her family sends you their regards."

"Ah, that's very good to hear."

"Shall you be going now? Your back is well, I hope?"

"It is, thank you. I suppose I will take my leave then."

"Safe travels, and may God be with you."

"Right, thanks, you too."

Alric bowed and closed the door. He walked into the village and decided to purchase some supplies while he was here. Elshire was considered a large settlement in Cairn, but to Alric, the village was just about the size of a single quarter in a capital city. It was easy to walk around, but difficult to find exactly what he was looking for: the complete opposite of a merchant quarter in a city. It still took him around two hours to find everything he wanted, and by then the sun was close to setting.

He decided to watch the sunset before drawing the circle that would teleport him, safely this time of course, home.

The wizard always enjoyed watching the natural beauty of a sunset. It was magnificent to look at, and in his opinion, nothing that was artificially crafted matched the sheer beauty that only nature could present.

His mind wandered back to the dragonkin. Kevin was a product of nature, and he thought he was just as nice to look at as the sunset. He started imagining what he would look like without the priestly cloak. Then without his inner clothes. And then he wondered what he'd look like completely naked.

"Bah," he whispered, "He might even worship one of those Gods that despise homosexuality, for all I know."

The sun disappeared beyond the horizon and left only twilight for him to see. He got up and tried to light his ring finger with mage-fire again, but he struggled. The fire flickered at the fingertip, and he had trouble keeping it alive.

He fell to his knees as sudden fatigue overwhelmed him. It was then, through the fading light, that he saw a group of men appear from around a corner.

He couldn't see them well in twilight, but one of them who seemed like the leader stepped up and asked, "Alric Notram, wizard of Cairn?"

"What do you want?" he called back. His voice appalled him. It sounded raspy like he was an old man.

The man grunted. "I'll take that as a yes. You're coming with us."

Alric tried to yell out, "Like hell I am!" But it came out in a long exasperated sound.

The men started casually walking towards him, and he noticed they were all carrying rifles.

He held out his arm and tried to cast a spell, but he felt a fizzle and then nothing.

The lead man held out his hand and he saw why he was failing. He was holding a glowing yellow rock. It was Magebane, a stone that inhibited arcane magic in its vicinity and was rumored to be able to allow its wielder to dominate the mind of anyone who was touched by the arcane arts.

This was no roving group of thugs, Alric realized. The best guns he had seen in Cairn were one-shot muskets used for hunting, and these men were carrying enchanted rifles meant for war. They had to be foreigners. The Magebane meant they were either highly trained mercenaries or assassins.

First his incompetence nearly killed a poor little girl, and then broke his back. Now he was about to be kidnapped by a bunch of elite hirelings for who knows what. It was just such a fantastic day. His strength was being sapped away by the Magebane, and he found it difficult to keep his eyes open.

Fortunately, his fantastic day was ruined when he heard something gently hit the ground. He forced his eyes open and saw a shadow of a winged figure. It was Kevin.

"You will leave this man alone," the cleric said.

"Move aside, half-breed," the leader said.

"You'll have to get through me to take him."

"Fair enough." The leader waved his hand and the group of men pointed their rifles at the cleric. All except one, who was watching from the back. The leader called again, "Don't hit the wizard, we need him alive."

Kevin held his palm out against the men, and then they fired. Alric wanted to do something, to push him away, to take the bullets, to do something! But he tried to move and only felt his arms fall as if they were made of lead. He watched in horror, but was almost sure he was dreaming as he saw the bullets slow to a stop as they approached the dragonkin.

Most of the men dropped their guns as they were probably shocked to see that too. The bullets were just floating, suspended in mid-air, like a field of small pellets.

"Humility before God. Submit to the light of God, and let your sins be forgiven. Kneel in repentance or perish with your pride."

Of course, none but the fellow who was watching from the back of the gang kneeled before the dragonkin priest. Instead, they pulled out their blades and started dashing for him.

Kevin flicked his clawed hand and the bullets above shoulder length propelled themselves forward while the bullets below fell harmlessly to the ground.

All of the attackers fell to ground, lifeless. The leader of the group dropped a golden metal rod when his body hit the ground. Only the one in the back who kneeled yet breathed under his heavy hooded cloak.

The dragonkin cautiously moved up to him and then gripped him by arm.

"Who are you working for?" he demanded. "Speak!"

As Kevin pulled him up, the man's hood fell over to reveal a young teenager, probably no more than sixteen years old.

There was genuine fear in his eyes, and he stammered out, "I, I don't know! I just joined up with them. They said they were hunting for wizards, but said nothing more."

Kevin let him go, satisfied that he was telling the truth. He bent over and picked up the golden rod and asked the boy, "What is this? Some sort of relic?"

"I don't know," the boy replied. "We intercepted it from a museum trade convoy before we came here. My boss said that his boss wanted it and that since we were close to Cairn we might as well swing by and kidnap the local wizard after we stole the rod. I don't know what they want with it, or the wizards, I swear!"

The dragonkin stuck the rod inside his cloak and said, "Very well. Go home boy, and rethink your life."

The boy said nothing as he ran off into the night.

Then Kevin moved over to Alric and helped him up.

"This is the second time you've saved me," the wizard said.

"Think nothing of it," the dragonkin said. "It is my duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves."

"I'm worried. This is no common group of thugs. They have Magebane and were armed like mercenaries."

"It is strange, but the Magebane verifies the boy's account. They are kidnapping wizards, but for what end?"

Alric fell, but the dragonkin caught him.

"I'm sorry," the wizard said, "The Magebane is still sapping my strength."

Kevin nodded, and then he bent himself over the glowing Magebane. He opened his hand, and the rock burned away in holy fire.

The wizard almost felt instantly better. The heaviness had been lifted, but he was still extraordinarily tired. He wanted to chuckle, but couldn't. If he hadn't just seen a worshipper of a God came flying down to rescue him with divine magic that rivaled the arcane, he might've still doubted the existence of such a God.

"You need to rest. Do you have anywhere to stay?"

"No," he replied weakly, "I don't have enough money for a room, either."

"You can stay the night in my home."

"I don't want to impose-"

"You're not. I'd be glad to have some company, anyway."

That was settled then. The dragonkin cleric helped carry Alric to his home near the edge of the town after he dragged the bodies back around another corner into a dark alley. The wizard didn't remember a thing afterwards, aside from how nice it felt to feel the half-dragon's scales.

Alric woke up again sometime later and saw Kevin reading from some scriptures. The memory of what happened rushed back into him.

"You're older than you look," the human said.

"So are you, wizard."

"How long have you been a cleric? What you did approaches the arcane!"

"It is true that divine magic can emulate its arcane counterpart the longer a cleric serves his God. One hundred and fifty years."

"One hundred and fifty! You don't look that old at all!"

"Dragon's blood."

"Oh, right. How did you know to find me?"

"I was in prayer. God sent me out to find you."

The wizard laughed. He supposed he should start praising the dragonkin's god now too.

"Which deity do you worship anyway?" Alric asked.

"Hyratus, the God of Protection."

"That certainly suits you."

"I think He would suit you too."

The wizard grinned. He was definitely right; if he had to choose a deity to worship it would probably be Hyratus.

Then he changed the topic. "So, how long have you been in Cairn?"

"Around fifty years, give or take a few. I can't recall."

"Have you always lived alone?" Alric suddenly realized the direction his mind was subconsciously taking this conversation, but he didn't exactly try to stop it.

"Yes, mostly. Besides taking in the occasional injured stranger, of course."

The wizard chuckled again and sat up on the bed. "You haven't, you know, found a special person yet?"

The dragonkin sighed. "No, sadly I have not. It does get lonely sometimes, but I have rather unique tastes."

"Oh, like only with another dragonkin?"

"No," Kevin replied. "With men."

Alric raised his eyebrow. "You mean humans? How would that work anyway, a human woman and a male dragonkin? I mean, what would the child look like?"

"To answer your latter question, the dragon blood would simply start losing dominance. The child would look more human than his father, though still with some draconic traits. To the first, I meant that, hmm, I have an interest in human men. I have a confession to make, wizard."

Alric started blushing. "Uhh, go on, I guess?"

"I like you. Not just for your body. I like you. You are as selfless as a servant of Hyratus, and I see you genuinely want to help people." The dragonkin started moving up towards the bed Alric was sitting on. "I have met nobody else in my time here like you."

"I," the human stammered, "I feel the same about you." His face was flushing red.

"You look really cute when you're blushing," Kevin said into his ear. The dragonkin was leaning sensually close to the wizard now.

"I, uhh, do you want to, umm do something?"

"Only if you want," Kevin whispered.

The human whined, "I've never done it with another man, let alone another species."

"I've done it once before," he whispered back, "I'll guide you. Don't worry."

The half-dragon pulled away the bed sheets covering Alric while the human slipped off his cloak. Then Kevin threw off his priestly cloak and tossed it aside on top of the wizard's cloak.

"Is this okay with Hyratus?" the human stammered.

"Hyratus loves all his followers, no matter their species or sexual orientation."

"That's, that's good," Alric replied as he watched the dragonkin peel off his inner robe.

Kevin threw off his inner robe and showed off his body. His body was rather slender, and the center of it was a line of thicker scales. He had no belly button, and for a moment the human wondered if he was born from a womb or hatched from an egg.

Not a moment too long, however, as the dragonkin quickly bent down and started playing with the human wizard's belt buckle. Alric helped him along by removing his shirt that he wore under his hefty cloak, and soon he was shirtless and showing off his finely sculpted abs.

Or rather, his moderately toned belly. Sadly, wizardry didn't lend itself to fine muscle tone, the human thought.

Kevin didn't mind, though. He let the human know how much he liked what he was seeing by slithering his tongue around his mouth. He finished fiddling with the human's buckle and pulled the belt off his pants.

Then he did the same to his belt and tossed them both into the growing pile of clothes.

Alric was feeling extremely aroused by now by all the movement and by the sight of Kevin's body alone. A tent was already starting to form in his pants before the dragonkin knelt down and slid them down his legs.

To Kevin's disappointment, the human was wearing a pair of boxers underneath. Of course, he proceeded to pull those down too.

His member stood at full mast, and the dragonkin gave it a teasing lick along the sensitive underside which caused the human to let out a moan.

"Hey, not fair," Alric said, "I want to see yours too."

Kevin chuckled, stood up, and moved close enough for the human to pull his pants down. Which he did rather hastily.

The human was surprised when he revealed his crotch. He wasn't wearing any underwear, and there was nothing there but a slit.

"Uhh, have I mistaken you for a female dragonkin?"

Kevin burst out laughing. "No, not at all. I'm quite male, you see. You'll feel, soon enough!"

Then he saw a small bit of pink flesh protrude from the slit.

"Oh, I get it," the human said. "Internal dragon goodies."

Kevin kept his grin on the entire time. "Indeed. Lick it, if you will."

The wizard did as he was told and started suckling on the little bit of length that came out. Soon, the rest of it started growing out and he shifted back a little to look at it.

The dragonkin's shaft tapered like a spearhead, and widened at the base. He looked at the bottom of the shaft as it continued growing and noticed several ridges on the underside. His human one definitely looked plain in comparison, he thought.

Kevin took the momentary pause to step out of his pants, and then he moved closer to rub his ridges along the human's face.

"Suck it," the half-dragon said.

Alric obeyed, and stuffed the dragon cock into his mouth. He tried to put the entire length inside, but he couldn't take more than a fourth of it before he started gagging.

Kevin let him play with his member a little more before he pulled it out of his mouth.

"Lie down, it's time for some real pleasure," the dragonkin said.

The human did so and waited for the half-breed to do his thing.

"I've never done this before," Alric said, "Be gentle."

"I will, don't worry."

The dragonkin lifted the human's legs for leverage and started pushing his length into the human's rear. The first part of his tapered shaft entered easily, but as its thickness grew, the human's tightness increased.

"Relax," Kevin said.

"You try to relax when there's a throbbing piece of meat being shoved up your rear end," Alric said with a hint of sarcasm.

"That can be arranged later."

They both grinned as the half-dragon kept pushing his cock into the human.

The human gasped and moaned every time one of the dragonkin's ridges passed along his prostrate, and his own cock was already starting to leak a bit of pre.

Finally, the spikes of pleasure settled as he felt the dragonkin's scales rub against his butt. He was completely inside him now.

His respite was brief, however, as the half-dragon started pulling out. Those same ridges provided just as much pleasure going out as coming in, though the hollow feeling he felt after they passed their way out only made him want to feel them coming back in even more.

After Kevin pulled himself out until only the tip of his cock remained in the human, he pushed himself back in entirely with one thrust, and the human screamed in pleasure as all those ridges shot an entire wave of pleasure up his spine.

The dragonkin pulled out again, and then started thrusting in and out at a steady pace. He leaned down and craned his neck so he could suckle on the human's throbbing shaft while being careful not to impale him with his horns. His limber tongue wrapped around the human's cock and tugged against its head while he pulled it into his maw.

The texture of the dragon's mouth and tongue, combined with the sucking and the ridges screwing his rear was nothing but bliss. The pleasure was almost too much for the human, and he already felt like cumming right then. But then Kevin stopped sucking on his member and pulled his cock out of the human's ass.

Alric whined, "What? Why'd you stop?"

"I want to try a different position."

Then, without warning, the half-dragon wrapped his arms under the human and picked him up off the bed. Alric was surprised; the dragonkin was much stronger than his slender body appeared to be.

Kevin carried him over to a table and set him down so he was bending over it.

"Get ready for the ride of your life," the half-dragon said.

Then he slammed the entire length of his cock up Alric's ass and thrust mercilessly. Kevin curled his tail around the table and, to the human's surprise, wrapped it around his cock and started milking him for all he was worth. The dragonkin's hands reached around and fondled his balls. The human felt a small pang of worry that the claws might hurt, but realized Kevin had dulled his claws so they were no longer sharp, but rather pleasurable as he rolled his sack around.

And then the dragonkin wrapped his wings around them, and with the tip of them he started rubbing the human's nipples. That was too much: practically all of the human's sex zones were being stimulated at the same time and he couldn't hold back any longer.

"Ah, Kevin! I'm cumming!"

The half-dragon rammed himself as hard as he could one last time into the human, and then he felt the human's shaft throb while coiled under his tail. Then he felt the human's ass start contracting and rippling. The sudden tightness brought him over the edge too, and they both came with intense screams of pleasure.

Alric's member pulsed and throbbed and he had the hardest orgasm of his entire life. His seed sprayed out all over the table and shot far across almost to the other edge.

Kevin's shaft did the same and the human could feel the entire length vibrate in his ass as it shot his warm seed deep inside him.

And then at last the wave of pleasure subsided. Kevin hugged Alric with his arms and his wings and pulled him over to the bed. He fell down onto it, dragging the human with him, and they basked in the afterglow of their sex.

There was a long period of silence, and then the dragonkin cleric spoke. "I don't think I like you anymore, wizard."

"What!? What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?"

"No. I think I love you now."

Alric grinned and said, "I think I love you too."

"Will you be my life-mate? I'm tired of living alone."

"I would be honored."

The half-dragon kept his wing wrapped around them the entire time, and then he locked his muzzle against his lips in a tight, loving kiss. He glided his clawed hand along the human's neck and stroked him gently while the human played with his fuzzy white hair.

Somewhere in the outer planes, a certain god smiled.

But somewhere else in the circles of Hell, a demon smiled as a gate projected itself before him.

Dreams of the Moon

_Dreams of the Moon_ _ _ I shut the door behind me as I finally finished the day. I was tired, too tired to even take a shower before going to bed. Instead, I sauntered over to the bathroom like a zombie and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked...

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