Living Legends Volume (Mew)Two: Part Eight

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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#8 of Living Legends: Volume (Mew) Two

The chapter you all been waiting for! Sin finally actually orgasms! :D

Living Legends Volume (Mew)Two: Part Eight

The hiss of the shower turning on greeted Peter as he stepped through the doorway and closed the door most of the way behind him, leaving it slightly ajar so the room wouldn't steam up so much, seemingly a good thing, considering that Sin had neglected to turn on the cold water at all.

The Mewtwo was already under the water, nose tilted up towards it, letting the hot water wash down over her face, while her paws slid slowly down her own form, trailing over her figure and seemingly exploring herself with the pads of her fingertips. Calmly, she turned around, and pressed her back to the wall, shifting her knees apart and sinking her hands down between her thighs, to the mess that was there, beginning to slowly slide across her inner thighs, spreading the water around and gradually beginning to clean herself up.

Peter watched this for several long moments, blinking slowly, before he slipped into the side of the shower and closed the glass door behind himself, reaching over carefully to flick the cold water on a little bit so the spray wouldn't scald him. After a few moments, and a curiously glance from Sin, the water was at a temperature below causing bodily harm, and he picked up a bar of soap, starting to work it over his body, from his chest downwards, to his half-mast penis, giving it a quick few scrubs to get the mixed liquids off it, his motions automatic, staring at what Sin was doing.

She was leaning back against the wall with her legs spread, and her tail slowly swirling back and forth against the floor of the shower, one paw splayed against her stomach, while the other worked between her legs, having seemingly pressed the fingertips up inside of herself to try and clean out some of the liquids that had accumulated inside her body. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was panting just faintly, shuddering, the muscles of her stomach convulsing and tensing helplessly with each movement of her own finger within her cunt. Peter could easily see the spread, puffy lips of her cunt being stretched by the digit that was, he assumed, cleaning, but was now just slowly working back and forth, working in and out of her drooling cunt while she bit her lower lip and whimpered faintly in delight.

"Having fun?" Peter asked, finding his mouth slightly dry, clearing his throat and watching her.

"Wha?" she asked distractedly, peeking up at him with wide eyes for a moment, flushing and pausing in her paws movements. "I-is it wrong?"

Peter snuffed a faint laugh and shook his head, watching the Mewtwo. "No, it's not wrong, Sin. Everyone does's not exactly something that most people are comfortable discussing...or even knowing about it." he explained, watching her still. That single digit was still working slowly back and forth, pressing the puffy lips open and sinking between them, making her coo faintly, the questions she was obviously burning to ask dying in her throat as she gave a faint moan.

"S-so you do it as well?" she asked, panting breathlessly, watching him.

Squirming slightly in embarassment, Peter nodded.

"...Show me." the Mewtwo hissed heatedly, licking her lips for a moment, purple eyes narrowing on him.

Peter gave a shaky nod, his eyes widening a little bit, leaning back and then sitting down in the corner, helping to keep him balanced and also giving him a better vantage point to watch the Mewtwo's fingertip sinking into her own body, pressing the tight lips of her cunt open around it, the puffy pink lips swollen with arousal, drooling out liquids to mix and mingle with that of the shower.

Seeing as the shower wasn't exactly built with two people at once in mind, the Mewtwo was close; very close, and the tantalizing view of her spread nethers was also very close. Under the rather unique stimulation of the very erotic visuals, Peter found it quite easy to give Sin what she wanted, his breathing increasing in speed as he spread his knees and gripped his growing shaft, starting to work it up and down with one hand, almost idly, automatically, staring at the sight before him.

Grinning slightly, he removed his hand, and Sin's eyes flashed, as though angry. Peter merely smiled up at her, and then gently gripped her wrist, leaning forwards and shifting onto his knees in front of her, ignoring the faint whimpered growl that left the Mewtwo at the lack of sensations between her legs now that her hand was being pulled away from it.

"Do I have to stop, Peter?" Sin asked, with a faint little whine easily noticeable in her tone.

"Yes." he said with a nod up at her, and she huffed once, before her hand relaxed, and Peter released it.

Scowling slightly to herself, she turned her head to the side and leaned back against the wall of the shower, crossing her arms over her chest.

He merely smiled up at her, lifting a hand to trace his fingertips lightly over her hips, gazing between her legs a moment. The pink of her flesh contrasted rather nicely with the purple surrounding it, the outer lips flushed with pink, dripping very slowly, cleaned of the mingled liquids from earlier, and now just drooling the clear, scented liquids of the females own arousal.

Her tailtip gave an irritated flick back and forth, and she huffed down at him for a moment. "Human rules suck." she stated flat.

"Oh hush." Peter said, shaking his head once and grinning a little bit, reaching forwards to press an arm against the inside of her leg, pressing the leg upwards and outwards a little bit, to expose the swollen slit of her sex to his gaze a little more readily, smiling up at her innocently.

Sin gave him an almost mutinous glare, before huffing and turning her head to the side again, crossing her arms more firmly, her entire demeanor one of righteous anger, before she gasped and quivered in surprised as she felt Peter press his tongue against the length of her cunt in a firm, slow lick. Her tail spasmed hard, and her back arched a little bit, hands flying to the back of his head reflexively as she felt the tongue grazing over her soft, exposed flesh in a deliciously smooth friction.

"O-oh m-my." he panted down at him breathlessly as he looked up at her. "T-that feels good..." she breathed, nodding down at him earnestly for a moment. "Can you do it again?" she asked, her tone almost pleading already.

Grinning, he nodded in response, pressing her further open by spreading her legs, his free arm wrapping around her middle to help her keep her balance as he pressed in once more and let his lips touch against her pinkness, parting them and then working his tongue gently along the base of her cunt with a slow, firm motion, swirling his tongue at the end of the stroke to tease at her clit.

Arching further, the Mewtwo gasped, fingertips digging into his hair as she reflexively pulled at his head to urge him to work his mouth against her all the more, shuddering faintly while her tail bobbed and jerked against the ground, thudding softly.

Peter drew back, and Sin almost snarled at him, her expression going from pleasured, to almost angrily needy a moment later. "Why did you stop?!" she almost growled.

Laughing, he gently trailed his fingertips down her stomach. "Sit down." he said, nodding once at her, pointing at the floor of the shower.

Grumbling faintly, Sin adjusted her tail, and then sat down, watching him.

Shifting onto his hands and knees, he lifted a hand to press on the Mewtwo's chest, pushing her back; she gave a faing 'eep' or surprise and then squirmed slightly to get comfortable, lifting her head to raise a brow at him, tail flicking once as she felt his hands begin to trail down her stomach towards her legs.

With a smile, Peter slipped his hands between her legs, and then pressed them open to bare her wet cunt to his gaze once more, his eyes narrowing slowly at her through the water beating down around them, grinning at her, letting a single fingertip slide down to touch at her clit, and then swirl slowly down to the base of her cunt.

"Peter. Stop...teasing me." she growled, searching a moment for the right word. "I need you to keep touching me!" she whined needily.

He nodded in understanding, a palm gently rubbing at her chest to soothe her, shushing her gently. "And I will." he promised, leaning in and beginning to draw a slew of kisses from the centre of her chest, down to her stomach. As he did so, he began to gently sink his finger in to her body, stretching her open and pressing inside slowly, enjoying the sensation of her depths squeezing around his finger, cinching down on it with that lovely smooth texture of her insides.

Gasping, Sin's legs gently opened and closed a little bit, her tail twitching and working as she laid her head back down, panting and covering her face with a hand to stop water from getting in her nose, giving a soft squeal as she felt the first kiss against her clit, almost in time with the finger inside her beginning to move.

Smiling up at her for a moment, Peter added a second finger to her needy body, stretching her around it, beginning to work them both in and out of her even as he pressed down harder to suckle firmly around her clit, drawing back just slightly as he suckled to add pressure to the motion, even as his tongue teased at the sensitive portion of flesh, sending the Mewtwo wild with shocks of pleasure.

Her hands found his head again, her hips pushing up towards his face while her hands pushed him down towards her aching nethers, imploring him to work her body more.

Peter set to his task with a will, suckling against her clit hard and fast as he drove his two fingers deep inside her again and again, his motions rapid and deep, timing the two stimulating motions so that they worked in sync to bring his Mewtwo as much pleasure as possible.

Sin cried out aloud, her body starting to spasm, her breath catching in her throat and body tensing up, fingers digging into his hair harder and harder, tail bobbing and slamming against the tailed bottom of the shower, hard enough to break one of the tiles, while breathless whimpered words escaped her quivering maw; "P-Peter! I-It feels s-so g-good! oh m-my! I'm going to....g-g-going t-to! Ahhhh!" her voice trailed off into a high-pitched of delight as her thighs squeezed against his head reflexively, hips jerking and her entire body spasming as the tight depths he was so eagerly working squeezed and milked at his fingers, insides spasming and convulsing again and again as hot liquids began to seep from around the embedded fingers in repeated gushes, flooding his mouth with her taste as the Mewtwo tossed her head and cried out aloud again and again, before her entire form just went limp, and she lay there, panting and shuddering in the afterglow.

Smiling, Peter slipped his fingers from her body, sliding up her form to peer down at the panting Mewtwo. She had her eyes closed, her head turned to the side, chest heaving in time with her breathing, giving helpless little whimpers as her body occasionally quivering in reflexive motions.

"O-oh....m-my...." she breathed, opening one eye to peer up at him bleerily, shuddering and shakily pulling herself in to a sitting position. "T-that felt s-so good..." she panted between hard inhales and exhales, trying to catch her breath. "So gooood..." she crooned, a hand slipping down to gently nudge her fingertips against her clit, shuddering and jerking at the sensation.

Smiling, he leaned up to kiss her gently, wrapping his arms around her in a hug. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." he said with a nod.

She wrapped an arm loosely around him in return, draping herself over him basically, holding him close. "I did." she rumbled, nodding once and then resting her head on his shoulder. "So that is what you felt, when you made that tasty mess inside me?" she asked, raising her brows at him.

He felt his cheeks burning, and he nodded once. "Yeah...pretty much, I guess. But..tasty?" he asked, raising a brow at her.

Sin nodded in response. "I rather enjoy how it tastes. And it feels good when it's spurting across my tongue." she admitted candidly, smiling at him innocently.

Peter swallowed hard at that, trying his best to dispel the image of Sin going down on him and getting a messy mouthful of his spunk. He wasn't doing a very good job of it at all, helplessly imagining what that soft tongue would feel like working over his cock, or how it would feel to blow his load right in that cute muzzle...maybe even convince her to open up afterwards and show him a messy mouthful with her maw wide open...

He shuddered a moment, shaking his head firmly and then kissing her again to disguise his fantasies, trying to bring his mind back on track. "Are you satisfied?" he asked, raising a brow at the Mewtwo.

She nodded for a moment, and then smiled slightly, slipping a hand down to grip around his cock, making him gasp in surprise. "I am satisfied." she purred, gently working her hand up and down, leaning in to gently whisper in to one of his ears: "But I'll let you satisfy yourself with my body if you make me feel like that again." she breathed heatedly.

Peter could only nod dumbly, climbing to his feet rather eagerly.

Sin was much more languid in her movements, peering up at him, and then narrowing her eyes slightly as she saw the thick length of human cock bobbing in front of her muzzle, having no problem with leaning in to give the tip a slow lick, before gripping the base in her hand and pressing her mouth over it, sliding it into her maw for her close her lips over and begin suckling gently at it.

He arched, his eyes going wide as he felt her lips closing around him, her tongue clumsily working at the base of his member as she suckled at it so gently, sending him wild, his eager cock throbbing and pulsing in her maw in wanton fits, while she began to bob her muzzle up and down on it slowly, working right out to the tip, and then sinking back in with a soft croon of delight.

And then, she just opened her muzzle up and slipped off him, standing up and kissing him.

Peter tried his best not to look disappointed, shuddering, grinding the stiff length of flesh against her stomach, pulling her hips against him with his hands.

She moved to push him down into a sitting position so she could get in his lap again, but he shook his head, pushing her up against the wall, making her eep as she felt him lift one of her legs, exposing her cunt to the questing tip of his cock. "I need to fuck you." he breathed in one of her ears.

"F-fuck?" she asked, blinking once, her eyes going wide and her maw parting in a scream of surprise and delight as he shifted suddenly and sank inches of rigid cock into her body, stretching her insides around him unexpectedly, her hands gripping around his shoulders, fingers digging harmlessly into his flesh as she bit her lower lip. "O-Oh my..." she breathed, body stiffening for a moment before she relaxed, and then stiffened once more as Peter growled and began to fuck her with a ruthless, hard, eager motion.

Sin's insides clenched tight around him, and she shuddered helplessly, gripping around him tight and working her hips towards the intense pounding of her eager cunt, her liquids welling up and drooling free of her body as the thick cock was shoved deep inside her again and again, grinding against her inner walls in ways she had never felt when she was in his lap, his pace so rough and hard, so eager for her, that it just pushed her arousal through the roof.

She screamed out aloud, spasming against him, hips twitching and swiveling as she felt her insides clenching around him again, orgasming hard and grinding towards his thrusting motions, burying her head in his shoulder and biting down on his flesh helplessly as she twitched and arched reflexively, tears squeezing from her eyes from the sheer intensity of the pounding her was delivering to her.

He gasped at the bite, but just fucked her harder, gripping her hips in one hand, holding her leg up with his other, and pounding her against the shower wall, driving that eager length of human flesh deep inside her over and over again, feeling her insides rippling and squeezing as she came.

Panting, he stopped moving, drawing back from her, stroking hands down to his Mewtwo's hips gently, kissing her nose once as she shuddered at him, wondering if it was over.

Smiling, he gently turned her around, and then pushed on her back while lifting her tail upwards, to force her to lean forwards, her paws automatically resting on the wall as she peered back at him with wide, uncertain eyes.

He hiked her tail up a little bit further, and then pushed it out of the way with his hips as he gripped around her middle with both hands, and buried himself inside her again, drawing back, and then shoving forwards to hilt himself deep inside the tight Mewtwo.

Sin gasped and whimpered at the re-entry, her wet body spasming around him as she pressed her hips back against him, hands clawing at the wall in delight, before she screamed as he shoved his hips in to her again. It just went so deep inside her. Deeper than any other position had managed, shoving the entirety of that thick cock so very deep inside her, stretching her and filling her up so much.

She cried out helplessly, pushing back at him a few times with hips before her legs just gave way, the Mewtwo clawing at the wall helplessly as she dropped to the floor of the shower in a used heap, her hot liquids drooling from her cunt slowly.

After a few moments, she was aware, through the haze of pleasure, of Peter standing over her, calling her name.

She giggled up at him tiredly, unable to really process sensations properly at that moment. He sounded so far away, even though he was right there. And there was a pleasant, euphoric rushing in her ears drowning out everything else.

"Soooo goooood..." she purred.

She heard a faint, derisive sound from the human, and she blinked an eye open up at him as he turned off the shower, and she caught sight of his cock, still hard. He hadn't finished himself? That just wouldn't do at all!

Her euphoria-muddled mind tried to piece together the right way to give him her end of the deal, but she was drawing a blank. She just didn't know what she was doing.

But then, she thought...he did. Blinking, she looked up at him, and both her eyes popped open, narrowing slowly on him as she probed his mind.

She dragged herself up on to her knees, licking her lips once, lifting a paw to gently trail down his side, to catch his attention.

He turned back towards her, and raised a brow. "Sin, what are you do-" he started, and then gasped as he felt her suddenly fall forwards, palms coming to rest on his hips as she engulfed the entirety of his stiff, unfinished cock in a single smooth motions, taking him right to the base.

A muffled sound of delight left him, and his knees quivered slightly, feeling Sin's tongue coiling around his cock, her mouth closing on him as she suckled around him with the perfect amount of suction, her tongue working in the most perfect way possible to stimulate his sensitive spots, while she began to bob her head gently on his cock. Smiling up at him in a way that could only be described as 'seductive', she drew backwards slowly to peer up at him oh-so-innocently. "I want you to spill your load in my mouth." she purred, her tone utterly sexual. "I want you to spill it all in my mouth and over my tongue." she rumbled, before tilting her head back down to peer at the length of his cock, a paw slowly working it up and down.

Peter could only stare. It was hot having the innocent Mewtwo say those things, but where was it all coming from?

Any other thought was pushed out of his mind as she dove back down to take his cock inside her maw once more, suckling hard and tilting her head from side to side in time with the bobbing motions of her head, one paw squeezing the base of his cock while the other held around his middle to keep him from moving, her head bobbing hard up and down his cock while her tongue swirled and swiveled against the underside of his cock, nudging against the tip firmly as she pressed down hard and then swallowed deliberately, to cause the very top muscles of her throat to tug at his tip in eager suction.

He lost it right there, his eyes widening as he gripped Sin's cheeks in his hands and worked his hips into her muzzle a few times, the Mewtwo giving a soft sound of delight and closing her lips down on him as he muzzlefucked her to increase the pressure, suction, and friction, sending him rapidly over the edge with a cry of delight.

Her eyes widened and she crooned in delight as she felt the cock stiffen and throb in her muzzle, pulsing against her tongue before suddenly giving up her treat for her in sticky, heavy bursts, assaulting her muzzle with rapid-fire volleys of the warm, sticky, gooey substance, coating the inside her muzzle again and again and beginning to seep out from the corners of her muzzle as she suckled firmly to coax out everything he had, delighting in the taste and the way to burst and splattered across her maw, filling it to the brim.

Grinning, she drew back until she popped off his cock with a faint sound of suction, slick dribbles of spunk slowly drooling from the corners of her maw, waiting for Peter to open his eyes and look down at her before tilting her head up towards him and opening up wide, letting him see the slick mess of cum he had just finished firing in to her maw, sticky and gooey all over her tongue, coating the insides of her maw completely.

With a low purr, she closed her mouth and swallowed twice, grinning up at him and then opening her muzzle to show him that it was completely clean as he slowly slid down the wall into a sitting position, staring at her.

"I probed your mind." she said with a short nod. "So I knew you'd like it." Smiling, she licked her lips, leaning in to kiss his nose once. "Did I do good?" she asked with a smile and an innocent giggle..

Peter made a faint sound, and lifted a hand to weakly lay on her shoulder, opening his mouth to frame a response before he just passed out.

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