Mythical Skies: Christmas Spirit Teaser

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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A teaser for my submission into the Mythical Skies anthology. What happens when a tipsy gryphon wants her kiss under the mistletoe?

This is a teaser of my story for the Mythical Skies anthology. It is 3000 or so words long, as a teaser, and represents roughly a fifth of the completed work!

"...Firreworrks it is." she muttered, staring down at her paws.

Jay suppressed a smile, and then headed for the party, pausing long enough to talk to one of his friends at the party. Afterwards he broke away to steal a large jug of eggnog for himself and Kyn, as well as a variety of snack food, unsure of what she would eat, carrying his armful back to the gryphon.

In the meantime, she was sitting on her haunches still, staring off to the right where two people were passionately kissing each other, sitting under a hanging mistletoe.

"What is that plant?" she asked curiously.

"Mistletoe?" he asked, raising a brow, shifting the objects in his arms to make them more comfortable.

"Yes, that." she said with a nod. "Is theirrr behaviorrr a symptom of it?" she asked, pricking her ears up at him.

"Well...kinda." he admitted, shaking his head. "If you pass underneath mistletoe with someone, you have to kiss them." he explained.

"How...verrry odd." she stated, shaking her head once, and then extending her head a little bit to inspect his armful of food and drink. "Lead the way?" she asked.

Jay nodded once and then headed for the roof access staircase, the gryphon falling into step behind him. He pushed open the door and stepped out onto the rooftop, which was large and flat enough to house a helipad, were it needed. Then he found an air conditioning unit to set down the food and drink on, careful to avoid spilling any of the eggnog.

Kyn followed after him, looking about carefully to see if anyone else was around. The rooftop was deserted; most of the people would be observing the fireworks from the parking lot, and even then, that wasn't for an hour or so yet.

Rubbing his hands together to warm them slightly, Jay offered the gryphon a piece of salami and cheese. A wind was blowing cold over the rooftop and was cutting right through his clothing. The faint fall of snow wasn't helping either, swirling about in small flurries.

"Aren't you cold?" he asked of the gryphoness, who just looked at him for a moment and then shook her head.

"My feathers provide adequate insulation." she stated, in between chewing up pieces of salami happily. She eyed the eggnog, leaning over towards it and inhaling. "It smells strange." she stated.

"Aye, it's eggnog, have you had it before?" he asked.

She shook her head firmly. "I will keep you warm, if you allow me to taste it?" she offered before he could say anything.

Jay was about to say that it was fine, and that he had brought it up on to the roof for both of them... but then thought better of it. It was cold after all.

"Okay then, that works for me." he said with a nod.

Kyn made a happy sound, carefully sitting down on her haunches and taking the jug of eggnog off of the air conditioner unit, placing it on the ground in front of her within easy reach. Then she dropped down upon her stomach, stretching out slightly and then lifting a wing, peering at him. "Come here, against my side." she stated.

Jay hummed quietly to himself, unsure for a moment, before nodding and stepping over to her, kneeling down against her, underneath her wing. Her feathers were incredibly soft, and warm! It was actually quite surprising, and beyond pleasant.

"This is nice." he said after a moment, smiling faintly. "My god, gryphons must make the best beds." he said with a smile.

The gryphoness didn't reply, busy with carefully dipping her beak into the liquid and tasting it on her tongue. Her ears splayed backwards and tail jingled slightly as it moved, her wing closing over him, like a large, feathery blanket while she mulled over the taste of the eggnog.

He couldn't help himself as he relaxed and leaned against her side, laying his head against her flank. He could feel and hear her breathing, could hear her heartbeat, heavy and slow. It was really quite soothing, with that steady beat next to his ear, and the warmth of her wing and flank all around him. Closing his eyes, he rubbed his cheek in against her, to better enjoy the texture of her feathers against his flesh. It took a surprisingly short time before he dozed off entirely in the comfort of her embrace.

Jay made a soft noise, shifting slightly, noticing that his feet were cold, and turned slightly to one side, leaning against the gryphon a little bit more while he stretched.

His eyes blinked open and raised a brow for a moment quizzically. Something had changed. There were faint sounds echoing across the rooftop, like a car backfiring, or firecrackers going off in the distance, and he curiously lifted the edge of the gryphon's wing upwards to peek out at the night sky.

The clouds high above were being lit up by starbursts of red, green, and gold. Jay blinked once or twice. "Wow, they're early." he said, nudging at the gryphon with his elbow for a moment. "Do you see 'em?"

Kyn nodded, giving a low little churrling sound in the back of her throat while she placed a paw on the empty jug of eggnog to halt it from rolling away, making him blink once more, brows furrowing.

"Did you drink all of the eggnog... already?" he asked incredulously.

The gryphoness peeked at him over her shoulder, and then nodded sagely. "You were asleep for quite a while." she stated, hiccuping just softly.

Jay blinked at her a few more times, reaching down to check his watch. It was indeed just on midnight, and he cursed softly. He must have fallen asleep against her by accident.

"You should have woken me up." he said with a shake of his head.

"You were sleeping. I believe it is quite rude to wake up a sleeping human." she said calmly.

Jay just shook his head again, crawling out from under her wing and rubbing at his eyes slightly to help blink away the bleariness. He didn't remember falling asleep. At least, it didn't feel like he had slept for over an hour.

Kyn wasted no time in climbing to her feet and moving over to the air conditioning unit, starting to happily tip pieces of salami into her beak.

"I hope they didn't lock us out up here." he said with a slight frown, moving over to the door and trying the handle. Thankfully, it was still open. The mall was supposed to have been shut down a half hour before the fireworks started, and he hadn't been able to slip back down to tell the manager that he would be staying a bit later, seeing as he had fallen asleep. Kyn pricked her ears up at him as he tried the handle, and she quickly bounded after him, holding the tray of snack food surprisingly steady in her beak. Only a few crudely-cut squares of cheese fell onto the rooftop.

The gryphon certainly seemed eager to go back inside. He raised a brow, but opened the door for her, allowing her to move onto the steps and begin descending, rubbing up firmly against him as she passed, making him stumble slightly. Somehow, he didn't think she had done it deliberately. It was almost like she had been trying to rub against him as a cat might, but had lost her sense of balance. He closed the door gently, and then moved back across the rooftop to pick up the empty jug, holding it to his face and inhaling. He winced slightly. It was the "hard" type of eggnog, spiked with alcohol. He must have taken the wrong one by accident in his rush during the party. No wonder the gryphoness was tipsy.

She was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, tray sitting on a step in front of her, head canted to the side, sitting on her haunches and watching the door like a hawk.

He blinked down at her, and then nudged the door closed behind him, locking it. "Was getting the jug." he said lamely, holding it up. The gryphon nodded a little, then picked up the tray of snack food, and turned, heading towards the escalators.

By now, everyone was gone. The mall was deserted. Shops were all closed, the security screens had been dragged across, and nearly all the lights had been dimmed. Jay stepped in front of the gryphon, leading her down the escalators which were now turned off, silent, and headed for the food court so he could put the tray and the jug in the shop they came from.

Kyn paused when they got to the maze of seats and tables, and her eyes narrowed a little bit before she trotted off to a specific table. She stepped up onto the seat and then laid on her stomach across it like a bench, placing the tray carefully on top of the table.

Jay made his way over to her, asking her if she wanted anything more off the tray - she didn't - so he picked it up and took it over to the small cafe his friend ran. A styrofoam cup was sitting on the ground by the door, upside down, and he kicked it over. The key was hidden underneath, and he picked it up to unlock the security screen with it. The screen rolled to the side slightly and Jay slipped in to put the tray and jug down beside the sink in back. He made his way back out, locking the security screen behind him and dropping the keys into his pocket before heading back over to the gryphon.

She was staring at him, her head tilted to one side, tail slowly swirling, the bell jingling happily in the deserted food court. He took a seat beside her, resting his elbow on the table and watched her for a moment.

The gryphon peered at him expectantly for a long moment, looking at him and then upwards, then back at him, canting her head slightly.

He blinked a little bit, tilting his head as well. "Something the matter?" he asked.

She snorted slightly, and then looked up once more, appearing to carefully judge something before she slipped off the seat. She stood carefully in a certain spot and then turned to look at him.

Jay stared at her, raising a brow in confusion. "...I don't get it." he stated.

"I want my kiss." she growled suddenly, her eyes narrowing at him, her tail giving a slow, predatory flick back and forth, the bell jingling.

He blinked once or twice, staring at her for a long moment. "What..." he half-asked, half-stated.

"I want my kiss." she repeated stubbornly, pointing upwards with her beak.

Jay followed the line of her motion, and then realisation dawned on him. She was standing under the mistletoe.

He made a faint flustered sound, trying to find the right words to express himself. "U-uh... kiss?" he asked nervously.

"Yes. Kiss." she stated flatly, nodding vigorously. "I am standing under the strange plant, which means you must kiss me yes?" she asked.

Jay couldn't help but notice her change in demeanor. She didn't seem very tipsy, but obviously, the alcohol in the eggnog was affecting her, making her less shy. Much less shy.

"I-I'm not sure that's such a good idea." he said, suddenly more nervous than before. "I mean... you kinda need lips." he pointed out hopefully.

Her eyes narrowed, seeming to flash dangerously when her request was delayed. Jay was suddenly acutely aware, once more, of how big and powerful she was. "You have lips. I want my kiss." she stated flatly, her tone leaving no room for argument.

He inhaled deeply for a moment, and then nodded helplessly. "Okay." he said, stepping forwards. He saw no way to get out of it without offending her, which would be a bad thing to do to such a large and somewhat tipsy creature. The gryphoness lifted herself a little bit to try and bring her beak up higher, so he could kiss her easier.

Frowning helplessly, he bent down a little bit, wrapped his arms around her neck awkwardly and then leaned in to give a quick, innocent kiss to her beak, pulling back after to peer at her. "There, happy?" he asked.

"...No." she said after a moment, her eyes narrowed again, her breathing a little bit heavier. He barely had time to react before her paws were around his lower body, and she was holding him against her chest eagerly, leaning up to rub her beak against his cheek slowly while a low, rumbling, purring sound rolled up out of her throat. Then she leaned in with her beak parted, working her tongue up against his lips insistently.

He squirmed helplessly in her grasp, and her paws tensed, making him stiffen slightly as he felt her claws unsheathe and dig into his flesh. The sharps points pricked his skin harmlessly, but provided fair warning for him to stop moving. His only option was to relax, and suddenly, he found her tongue in his mouth.

It was surprising, to say the least. Warm, nimble, and soft. It was the exact opposite of what he would expect from an avian tongue, and he couldn't help but rather enjoy the strange sensation being forced on him by the tipsy, amorous gryphon. Her beak turned to the side further so she could push her tongue in deeper, rubbing against his own in a rough approximation of a lustful human kiss. The rapid thrumming purr rolling up out of her chest actually caused her tongue to vibrate slightly against his own. Her paws began to knead his back softly, like a contented feline might, slowly flexing, and then relaxing, working the claws against his flesh in a manner that wasn't unpleasant.

Jay was just starting to relax into the awkward kiss, just starting to get into it, when the gryphoness pulled back to breathe, panting and grinning at him, her beak slightly open. "That was nice." she churred.

He stared at her for a moment, before grudgingly nodding in agreement. There was barely any time for him to react as she pulled him into another kiss, eagerly twining her tongue against his own in a way that was almost sexual, tugging at it with her surprisingly powerful tongue, her purring growing deeper, more like an eager growl.

Doing nothing to stop her, he merely knelt down in front of her, lifting his hands to begin kneading his fingertips slowly through the feathers of her neck. It wasn't nearly so bad at all. She was actually quite skilled with that agile tongue of hers, and even though she was a gryphon, it didn't feel as... godawfully wrong as he thought kissing her would feel.

Kyn purred eagerly into the kiss, drawing back for another breath, giving him a lustful chrrrl as her eyes narrowed at him. She leaned in once more to trail her tongue over his lips, one of her paws slipping around his hip to press into his lap, beginning to slowly move back and forth against the bulge there.

Jay's eyes went wide, and he almost squeaked as he felt the paw against his cock through his pants, squirming just a little bit, causing her other paw to tighten and clench around him to hold him still. He tensed slightly as he felt that insistent rubbing start up again.

"I want to mate with you." a heated breathy exhalation whispered against his ear, and he felt his cheeks flush helplessly at the blunt way she said it. Somewhere deep down, he was laughing at how she was now coming onto him, and he was being helplessly shy. A few pints of eggnog and suddenly she was a sexual predator!

"I-I'm not s-sure..." he stated, only to be silenced with an almost furious tongue-kiss from the gryphon.

"Shhhh." she growled, tugging him against her front again eagerly, her paw still rubbing at the firming length in his pants. "I have seen videos." she chrrled, nodding slowly.

Jay blinked once at that, slightly surprised. Videos? Like... videos of humans and gryphons having sex? Did such a thing even exist?

He was opening his mouth to voice these questions when the gryphon glared at him, silencing him. "Open them for me." she growled, an eager, lusty, and forceful note in her tone. It was actually rather exciting, having the shy gryphon demanding he do such a thing.

Still nervous, he reached down to the indicated article of clothing and undid the button, while Kyn watched with eagerly narrowed eyes. She licked along the edges of her beak slowly, causing a powerful surge of worry in him. He hoped she wasn't going to put that beak near anything delicate.

Impatiently, she nudged his hands out of the way with her beak, and then hooked the tip of the sharp object at the top of his zipper, drawing it right down to the base. Then she tugged at the sides of his pants with her paws, causing them to open up slightly. He could barely believe what was happening. A few hours ago, she was so shy she couldn't even stand near a party, and here she was, stripping him off to get a better look at him.

He squirmed impotently as he felt a paw work down inside his briefs to capture his growing member, tugging it out, her eyes widening as she stared at him. After a few seconds of this he began to get slightly uncomfortable, until she squeezed, making him arch slightly.

"On the seat." she rumbled.

Jay nodded jerkily, and then picked himself up, settling himself down on the seat. He watched her closely as she stalked over, observing him from different angles. "It is just like in the movies..." she breathed.

"You watch movies of humans like this?" he asked breathlessly, watching her in return, still slightly nervous. He wasn't sure he wanted those claws or that beak anywhere near his delicate privates. A part of him was growing curious as to what lay under her tail though. He had seen it, of course, when she was above him on the escalator... but that had hardly been a decent inspection.

"Yessss...." she growled, nodding firmly.

"Why?" he asked, shifting slightly, uncomfortable under her predatory gaze. He was unsure if he should slip himself back into his clothes properly, but didn't want to risk her anger.

"I like humans." she said bluntly, stepping over closer.

What happens next?! I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to fight the vicious pay-to-view monster to find out!

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