Any Port in a Storm

Story by Whyte Yote on SoFurry

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Author's Note: The following is a work of furry fiction, and may include acts of yiffery between two males, not necessarily consensually. If anything contained herein offends you, or if you're not allowed to read things like this, too bad. Leave this place and never return. Otherwise, read and enjoy. One more note: this story was inspired by a similar idea at the Nifty Erotic Stories Archive, but in no way, shape or form is meant to be plagiaristic. Any questions should be directed to the comments page.

FEEDBACK always welcome to: [email protected]

Any Port in a Storm ©MMIV Whyte Yoté

Mid-September sunlight streamed in through the skylight of the great hall of Phi Upsilon Rho, carrying with it the accompanying heat and humidity of the dog days of summer. The line of thirteen males stood stock-still at one end of the room, silent and apprehensive. There had been fifty at the start of pledge week, but through the rigors of hazing only fifteen remained. Just this afternoon, in the three hours the pledges had stood waiting for orders from their potential brothers, two more had collapsed from heat exhaustion. The tension in the air was overwhelming.

Not to mention the silence. As their body temperatures rose in the stifling atmosphere, it became harder and harder to keep from whimpering, coughing, or any number of second-nature responses to uncomfortable situations. Though none of the pledges could see them, members of the fraternity were spying from above, watching for any infraction, no matter how small, so they could call the offender to remove himself permanently from the running.

Jaike stood smack dab in the middle, six pledges to each side in his peripheral vision. He was staring straight ahead, but his vision was blurred from his concentration on keeping upright. The line of males wavered every so often, but no one faltered. He was up for some competition, and the hazing wasn't the only thing he had to get through.

Phi Upsilon Rho was exclusive, to say the least. The lucky few who made it in were considered either very talented or very lucky. Money was not a deciding factor; not even furs with rich daddies could buy their way into membership. It was rumored that the headmaster turned down an offer of $1.2 million and partnership in a lucrative Fortune 500 company to preserve his precious fraternity. Having the three letters on your resume would practically guarantee a job, no matter the major.

Jaike had been chosen at random from a pool of over three hundred furs who applied. The brothers allowed only fifty into the "initiation" process, which had turned out to be more hazing than anything. The first interviews had been cordial and informal, but the week had consisted of strange, dangerous and sometimes sickening tasks which weeded out those not suited for life in the prestigious fraternity.

Now he stood here, having no idea how he had survived the past week and not quite believing he was about to take on the final test. It was no doubt going to be the hardest; the more he wondered what it would be, the more he didn't want to think about it.

And what about his species? Jaike knew that the Phi Ups knowingly discriminated based on species and upbringing. He had seen the other pledges: several wolves, all with distinguishing marks and carefully groomed fur, a white tiger from a long family of lawyers, a slightly overweight but highly intelligent raccoon, and various other species, all probably with papers to back up their heritage. Down at the far end of the line to his right stood a dragon-a real life dragon-with scales and wings with a color similar to that of alexandrite, shifting from fuchsia to teal as he moved. His confidence and grace befitted his species, and he was one of the best competitors of the past week.

The canine blushed at the thought of himself, seemingly left by mistake in this pool of males. He stood just under six feet, with a thin swimmer's build underneath his black-and-white medium-length fur. The only word to describe him would be mutt. Born of two parents who were considered mixed-breeds themselves, Jaike could not trace his lineage to one particular kind of canine. His appearance was clean but generic, and he considered himself nothing special. For some reason, the brother in charge of separating the "yeses" from the "nos" had kept him throughout the process, stating more than once that he had a feeling and wanted to see what Jaike was capable of. So far the fur hadn't disappointed, and he sure hoped this final test would prove his worthiness.

Jaike exhaled slowly into the moist air, tried, and failed to blink the sweat from his eyes. His body was covered in a layer of wetness which clung to the edges of his fur and hung there, not quite touching his clothes or his skin. He knew as soon as he moved his clothes would be plastered to him, and his fur would mat up and drip. For now all he could do was breathe.

A loud bang from the double doors at one end of the room made the group jump collectively. Jaike's heart was now in his chest, thudding dully and hot there. He saw movement as someone slowly stalked down the long runner, coming out of his periphery and into his main field of view.

Several low gasps issued from the line. Some of the pledges had not been interviewed by this fur, who was the president of Phi Upsilon Rho. Jaike was one of the lucky few. The pledges were duly surprised, because none of them had seen anything like it. He was a fox, but he was no ordinary fox. He stood unusually tall, lanky and seemed to float over the floor. He was as black as obsidian, his fur seeming to suck the light right out of the air around him. Not a drop of color showed on his body, save for a pair of deep, intensely orange eyes which seemed to have stolen the russet color from his fur. He wore black, tight leather pants, a black silk shirt with a deep orange tie, under a leather jacket. He wore no shoes on his digitigrade feet. A small black-chrome cross hung from his neck over the tie.

The fox stopped right in the middle of the line to address the pledges. He was directly in front of Jaike, and although his gaze was directed over his head the canine felt those eyes burning into him nonetheless.

"Congratulations," he spoke in a loud, commanding voice. "You are the finest of the finest. The crème de la crème, the best your class has to offer this fraternity. Now that I've said that, I hope you all know how fucking lucky you are to be here today." The vulpine enunciated with such clarity that the starkness of the obscenity stung Jaike's ears a little.

"You have no idea what kind of institution this house contains. You will not fully realize it, maybe, until after you have graduated. It is an honor to be in the running for member status, yes, but this is not the Academy Awards. If you fail, you lose. Plain and simple. And you will spend the rest of your life wondering what you could have achieved."

The fox was staring to Jaike's left, but snapped clear in the other direction. Those fiery eyes intensified for a moment, and he put out a paw and crooked his finger.

"You...Rotty. Step forward, pup."

Oh, no. He knew what was coming, and a second later there was an almost inaudible grumble from down the line as one of the pledges, a Rottweiler with an attitude, stepped forward and suppressed a growl of indignation from the use of the degrading term "pup." The canine now stood just forward of the rest of the group.

The black fox, whose name was Kirren, approached the Rottweiler, who appeared confident and held himself high...almost too high for this situation. For a moment the two stared at each other, eyes locked. Kirren was unmoving, his gaze burning into his pledge. The Rottweiler didn't move, and that is what sealed his fate.

Kirren's face never changed, but at once his body twisted from side to side, his right arm sweeping in a wide arc over the canine's muzzle, claws unsheathed. He planted a heavy blow square on the pledge's left cheek, carving deep furrows of red in the side of his face. Blood pattered to the floor, and the canine looked stupidly at it before fully realizing he had been sliced open. The Rottweiler clutched at his torn face and a low moan escaped him, rising in pitch to a feverish painful scream.

The fox lifted his right paw, snapped his fingers, and two brothers moved out of the shadows without a sound. Each one grabbed the howling dog by an arm and dragged him through the main entrance. The heavy oak doors rolled shut and the screams died down before vanishing altogether.

There were twelve of them now.

"That," the ebony vulpine said slickly and without emotion, "is what happens to those who do not respect this brotherhood, its traditions, or members. I dare hope none of you will get the opportunity to experience the same." The silence which followed was bathed in anxiety and freshly-exposed fear.

Kirren continued in a more relaxed tone. "Now, then. You were all asked here to await instructions for your final task. You were told to arrive promptly at three o'clock, and you all succeeded. You were not told when I would be arriving, so you waited...very patiently and very resolvedly, I might add...for three hours. Your stamina is something to be proud of."

Jaike smiled to himself. Despite the stressful situation and the small knot of fear in his stomach, there was still some pride to be felt in what he had survived. Relief washed over him, clearing his mind and giving him a boost of energy.

"I am going to ask you to do something today," Kirren said, "that will have different implications for each and every one of you. Some of you may do it no matter what; some of you may walk away without a second thought. Some may try and fail, and some may experience a change of heart because of it. Most importantly, it will be the difference between membership and dishonor.

"To be in this fraternity, you must prove yourselves to be males of strength in body in mind. In order to do this, you must be willing to do anything for your fellow brothers, if it means serving the best interest of the whole. This includes setting aside your entire system of reality: beliefs, the status quo, even your own pride. This is the task I set before you." The black fox was dead serious now, his face tracking from side to side along the line. "You will have ten minutes, no more, no less. Your final test is to go out to the campus, search for a male, and come back with his seed in your mouth."

The pledges became rigid, and there was a collective inhalation as the surprise registered. Jaike's world spun a little. Never in his wildest and most fearful thoughts would he have expected something like this. You mean I have to suck a guy's cock to get in this fraternity? But...but...oh, Gods...

"Man, fuck you!" one of the wolves shouted from Jaike's left. He stepped out of the line and approached Kirren in a threatening manner. Jaike could feel hidden eyes all around them, watching, waiting. "This is some sick shit, dude. I don't need to be in a fag frat like this," said the wolf, but although he sounded tough he smelled of a certain juvenile fear...he wasn't mad, he was scared. Kirren looked at him with a slight smirk on his muzzle, as if he had expected just this kind of reaction. The wolf dismissed the fox with a strained bark and a wave of his paw, and stalked out of the fraternity.

There were now eleven. Jaike stood his ground.

"As I was saying," said Kirren as if nothing had happened, "you must bring back a male's seed in your mouth. I don't care about quantity, as long as there is enough to see. Try not to swallow, for you will have gone to all that trouble for nothing. I suggest you hurry, as your time just began."

There was a moment when all the pledges finally let the task before them sink in, and the dragon was the first to react. He strode quickly for the doors, purposeful and confident. Most of the rest of the males ran after him, finally jarred to action by his leaving. A few furs stood or wandered around indecisively.

And then there was Jaike. His mind raced. He had never thought about it, never even considered it in his life. How am I supposed to suck a guy off? It's just a stupid fraternity. Part of his mind just wanted to leave and never come back, and have a normal year at a normal college. But the other part practically screamed at him. How could he run away when he was so close, and something as small as this kept him from being a part of one of the best fraternities in the country? Someday he would look at the Greek letters on his resume from some high-paying job and thank the gods he did everything it took to earn the respect and friendship of this brotherhood.

Everything it takes...

The canine looked at Kirren, who was watching coolly for his decision. Jaike started toward the door with new resolve, not thinking of the task to come but only of one step at a time.

"Nine minutes, puppy." The fox grinned at him and winked. "Good luck." Jaike turned and ran through the doors into the sweltering, bright afternoon.

He squinted against the sun which beat down upon the campus with abandon, making the sidewalks shimmer as if in a mirage. He couldn't think properly; just a few hours ago he had been walking toward Phi Upsilon Rho, gearing himself up for the final challenge. Now he raced towards the school commons, still trying to believe he was looking for a cock to suck.

Around him, the other pledges spread out in a fan pattern, each one looking for prospective males. He saw the dragon walk up to a husky with a slight tummy, obviously a freshman. The dragon leaned close to the husky and whispered in his ear. Jaike saw his paw lower, then falter, then grope between the young canine's legs. The husky looked perplexed for a moment, then nodded his head vigorously. The two trotted over to a spread of bushes, and Jaike quickened his pace. Eight minutes.

The mathematics building loomed in front of him, cold and neutral in the fading afternoon. Most classes were out for the day, and traffic was light. A group of girls exited the building, talking as they descended the stairs. No go. Then a professor, a tall and rotund lion in a paisley vest followed the girls out the door. Before he could think about it, Jaike approached the teacher.

"Sir, I really need your help," he said.

"What can I do for you, young man?" the lion asked in a deep voice.

There was no way he could make it sound good. "I'm trying to get into a fraternity, and I need to come back with, I need your seed."

The professor stood for a moment, wasting precious time thinking. Why couldn't he just take the offer of a free blowjob? "Young man, are you propositioning me?"

Jaike grew more panicked. Seven minutes. "Just let me suck you off, okay!?" He grabbed hold of the lion's vest, pleading, but saw nothing in his eyes.

"I hardly think-"

"Dammit!" Jaike pounded on the lion's chest, turned and ran off. Strike one: what was he going to do now? He raced across the street to the architecture building, glancing this way and that, frantically looking for someone-anyone-to whom he could ask his insane question. He spotted a couple of teenagers skateboarding down a nearby staircase, and was actually considering pleading with them when a paw landed on his shoulder. The canine yelped and turned around.

One of the wolves and a lanky ferret from his pledge group stood in front of him. The wolf gripped his shoulders and Jaike saw a look of absolute terror on his face. He looked as if getting into Phi Upsilon Rho was a life-or-death situation. With the way some parents could be, just might be for some of them.

"Look, man," the wolf sputtered, and Jaike noticed both the wolf and the ferret were desperately trying to maintain erections through their pants. "Why don't we all save ourselves some time and trouble and suck each other off, huh? You do my friend here, he does me, and I do you. We never have to talk about it ever again. What do you say?"

The canine thought about it, but something seemed wrong. Not just the fact that it wouldn't be honest, but something nagged at him. No, he decided, if he had to do this he was going to do it the right and honorable way. He shook his head with effort.

"Fine, but you're SOL buddy." The wolf shrugged and took the other fur away, both of them still clutching at their groins.

Six minutes to go. Jaike decided to take the first fur he saw and ask him, and continue with anyone and everyone until he had a taker. He didn't care about the act itself anymore; the goal was to bring back a muzzleful of semen, no matter the cost. Unfortunately, the next fur Jaike saw happened to be a football player.

The bulky equine turned the corner of the architecture building. Jaike walked up to him, drew in a deep breath, and said, "Will you...please...let me suck you off? I'm a pledge and I'm almost out of time. You can pretend I'm a girl-" His sentence was cut off as the jock lifted him off the ground by his scruffy neck and pinned him to the wall. His lungs screamed for oxygen.

"What did you say to me?" the horse rasped, but didn't wait for a response. "I've got a girl, you fuckin' queer. I don't need a shitface like you to suck me off. I doubt you could even handle it. Now just sit still while I make sure you never have a cock in your mouth again."

Jaike didn't bother trying to tell the jock he had the wrong idea; instead he twisted and tried to release the equine's strong grip, to no avail. The jock raised his fist and prepared to give the canine a knuckle sandwich he wouldn't soon forget, but his grip on the shirt was too strong. The material ripped and Jaike dropped to the ground, the top half of his shirt torn clean off.

Pointing stiffly at the jock, Jaike said, "You should be ashamed of yourself, asshole. Someday it'll come back to you, and you'll regret it." Anger, frustration and panic fought for control within him, and he was practically snarling. He might not like sucking someone off for membership in a fraternity, but he was respectful of those different from himself. One of the things he could not stand was bigotry.

Before the horse could react, Jaike was halfway down the block, sprinting back toward the fraternity house. Only five minutes were left, and he figured he could try and find someone closer to the house and save himself some return time. His bare feet pattered along the concrete; air whisped in and out of his lungs. He rounded the final corner and the old Tudor house loomed before him. Sweat rolled off the tips of his fur and stung his eyes, and he looked at his watch: four minutes, and the street was deserted. A soft whimpering came from within him, an instinctual, fear-fueled sound, and he fought to suppress it. The canine ran further down the block along a high hedge.

Jaike almost didn't see the two kids from before skateboarding toward him. They split up, each one taking a different side of him to avoid a collision, and they narrowly missed him. He felt an arm brush his leg and catch on his shorts, twirling him off balance. The world spun and toppled; Jaike barely caught himself before his head slammed against the sidewalk.

Dazed, he lay on his back and just tried to collect his thoughts, his task momentarily forgotten. He rubbed his eyes, feeling much older than his eighteen years. Moisture dribbled onto his cheek, and he told himself that crying wasn't going to make things better...except he wasn't crying; no tear had filled his eye with the familiar low sting of saline.

The canine opened his eyes and stared into a mirror. Above him stood a feral dog, panting heavily in the heat and studying him with curiosity. Jaike sat up to face the dog, and marveled at how similar they looked. No wonder the dog had noticed him: except for the pattern, their colorings were exactly the same. Jaike stared at the dog; the dog stared back. Time seemed to slow, then stop.

Something connected in Jaike's head, and he laughed out loud before he could stop himself.

A crazy idea had crossed his mind. The dog sat down on its haunches...his haunches, by the look of it, and his idea was confirmed. The fox specifically stated that he wanted a male's seed...any male, he said, but he did not specify whether it must be from a fur or a feral. Therein lies the loophole, boyo! It's a sign, go for it!

The dog sat, head cocked, his genitals planted firmly against the ground, rising and falling with his breath. Jaike reached out a paw to the muzzle. The dog sniffed, and remained sitting.

"Good boy," cooed the canine pledge. "Do you want to have some fun, puppy?" The voice he heard sounded nothing like his own. Oblivious to the world around him, Jaike had started to paw himself through his shorts to get as much in the mood as he could. He figured it might make the task a little easier. The dog's muzzle opened, his tongue lolling.

"Come on! Follow me," said Jaike, standing and patting his leg, looking around for witnesses and leading the dog through an opening in the tall hedge. The feral canine followed obediently, not knowing what was in store for him but thinking it was good by the sound of his new friend's voice.

Jaike fought off the urge to pull the dog by his neck behind the hedge and sat down by a tree. They were completely cut off now; the hedge on one side, scattered trees and a retaining wall on the other. No one would be able to see a thing.

The dog approached and remained standing, waiting. Jaike said, "Now be a good boy and stay still. I don't know how to do this, but I think you'll like it." His voice quavered now, as the reality finally set in. He had at last found someone to suck off, and there was relief in that, but he was about to take the cock of a feral-a stray, probably-into his muzzle. All of a sudden his throat was full of cotton; he flexed his jaw to salivate a bit.

"Here, boy...come here and lie down..." Jaike patted his lap and the dog came right up to him. Not wasting any time, he began petting the dog's back and flanks, trying to make a slow transition to his underbelly but his patience ran out. He took the sheath into his paw and did the only thing he could: he started to paw the dog off just like he did most every day. It was different, however, because he usually didn't masturbate on all fours.

The dog jerked at the sensation and began to harden immediately. For a moment, Jaike thought he would be able to get the dog off manually and collect his seed as he came, but his heart fell when his unwilling subject yipped and backed away from him. He had been spooked, maybe by all the new feelings in his groin. Jaike was thrown off guard, but he recovered with more determination than ever.

"All right, puppy, no more Mister Nice Guy. You are gonna come back here, and you are gonna give me a mouthful of doggy cum whether you like it or not. Don't make me have to force you." Jaike had come too far to let this go, and nothing would stop him now. The dog gave a half-hearted snarl and tried to back away once more, but the pledge jumped and pounced him to the ground, eliciting a startled yelp from the animal. The two wrestled for a moment, but Jaike's bigger size and strength won out, and he dragged the dog back to the tree by the nape of the neck, set him down on his back, and spread his legs wide.

"Now lay there and don't move!" he said, as if the dog could understand him. Immediately, the beast began to struggle beneath him, confused and growling. Jaike could feel the three-minute mark pass by, and he laid a paw against the dog's neck, keeping him pinned while his other paw frantically masturbated the canine.

He didn't even feel it when a flailing footpaw cuffed him. There was a dull pain on the side of his muzzle, but he could only watch in twisted anticipation as pink flesh emerged and hardened in his grip. He pulled the sheath back and forth hard, the friction quickening the erection. The pledge was vaguely aware of his own member pressing needfully against the confines of his own sheath.

Clear precum dribbled from the cock in front of him onto the dog's chest. Jaike took a quick breath, brought the head to his lips, and hilted the cock in his muzzle. Everything changed. The dog felt intense heat on his member and went completely still, finally understanding what this tall two-legged twin of his had in mind. Lightning bolts of pleasure rocketed up his spine. What a talented mouth! He'd never experienced anything like this before, and he was definitely enjoying this diversion from an otherwise dull day...

Jaike worked over the hot flesh in his muzzle, the scent of aroused canine in his nose and his mouth. He recognized the smell as almost identical to his own whenever he pawed off. Since the dog had ceased struggling, his right paw had moved down to the furry chest, rubbing and scritching, trying anything to coax the dog's seed forth. His left paw held the cock upright for his muzzle as it bobbed up and over the length. Jaike didn't know how to perform fellatio, but he had seen porn before. All he could do was repeat what he saw on the tapes. He flexed his own cock inside his pants, wanting release but knowing it was not a priority.

The only sounds were the light breeze, the soft singing of birds above them, and the gentle wet friction of canine lips on canine flesh. The dog sprawled out below him, head back, panting as he approached nearer the point of no return. His hips bucked sporadically into Jaike's mouth, sending fresh pre down his throat and momentarily gagging him. Jaike had all but forgotten about the revolting nature of what he was doing. All that mattered was bringing the dog off, and trying not to gag on or swallow his precious cargo.

The dog bucked forcefully and his cock twitched once, twice, and Jaike prepared himself by sealing his muzzle around the pulsing shaft and stopping. He continued to tease the tapered head with his long tongue. Fuzzy balls were squeezed and encouraged to release their pent-up store. The dog went crazy as he lost control to pleasure, his rear legs clawing the air.

Suddenly Jaike's mouth was filled with heat and warmth. It flowed into his throat, but he dared not move. He milked the canine's knot, increasing the flow. Spurt after spurt landed on his upper palate and dripped back down toward the front of his muzzle with gravity. The seal held, and Jaike petted the dog's chest to calm him down as his orgasm subsided. He looked at his watch: less than a minute remaining.

Jerked back to reality again, Jaike pulled slowly away from the dog's crotch, making sure to keep the seal as his lips retreated from the tip, not letting a single drop spill. His muzzle seemed almost full with doggy cum. As he stood he looked at the dog, who was now looking back at him. He felt a perverse satisfaction seeing the dog's sleepy-gratified expression, and he smiled to himself as he turned tail and sprinted back to the fraternity house.

The double doors were just across the street. Beside them, two brothers stood at the ready, waiting for the count of zero to close the opportunity of membership forever to those who had taken too much time. Jaike crossed the street and saw the doors beginning to close as he leapt a bush and gained the stone path leading up to the doors. He could hear a countdown in his head: five...four...three...

Jaike jumped onto the porch, used it as a vault, and leaped through a space he thought he never could have cleared. Cold air surrounded his sweaty, dirty and scent-stained body. He hit the floor running, realized he had made it, and turned around. Two furs were running as fast as they could toward the entrance, but they never had a chance. The oak doors closed with a sound of finality, and a moment later two sets of pounding fists could be heard. Jaike shook his head. Cum sloshed in his muzzle. He turned and entered the great hall, which now seemed frozen with air conditioning.

There were only five males in the line.

He walked over to the others, trying to maintain an air of dignity. He knew by the looks of the other males that he had failed in that aspect. The iridescent dragon stood straight, staring forward, with...was that a smile on his face? Jaike positioned himself at the end of the line, idly wondering what the chubby husky's cum tasted like as opposed to the stray.

The thought disappeared as Kirren's dark form seemed to float in from nowhere. He glided up to the pledges and appraised their tired and forlorn expressions. Every muzzle was closed, each one holding proof of their dedication.

"I must say I'm disappointed," said the fox. "Out of a pool of fifty, and six are left? This was a weak group, a weak group indeed. Nonetheless, you fellows-apparently-did what I told you to do, and now we shall see just who is strongest among you."

Jaike was confused. There were more tests, more judgment? Hadn't he done enough to earn Kirren's and the brotherhood's respect?

Before the canine could think further, Kirren walked up to the first fur in line, the third wolf from the original group of finalists. His fur, which had been bright white this afternoon, was now littered with leaves and matted. The fox stood inches away. "Open," he cooed.

The wolf opened his muzzle wide, and Kirren looked inside. He sniffed and rolled his eyes up, thinking. Suddenly he wrinkled up his nose and bared his teeth in a harsh, rolling growl. The wolf looked confused and closed his muzzle, and had no time to react when Kirren shoved a fist into his kidney. There was a muffled, wet grunt and the lupine bent over double, spraying a thick stream of white onto the floor. The fox kicked his chest hard, sending him to the floor as well, moaning in pain, white drool pooling under his head.

"Think about that the next time you decide to fellate a minor, you cur. I will not have pedophiles in this house," rasped the fox. "You are excused." The wolf gathered himself, looking balefully up at Kirren. He received one more threatening bark, and it was enough to send him scrambling for the door. Jaike was amused to see the white tail was actually curled between his legs.

Then a thought hit, and his heart felt about to explode within him. What if it's the same for ferals? Is that even against the law? Oh great, all that for nothing. Just don't let him hit me too hard.

The ferret was next. Kirren approached him in the same fashion; the two were nose to nose. "Open." The stubby muzzle opened to reveal quite a bit of white liquid near the back of his throat. The fox inhaled deeply, licked his lips and shook his head. He was smiling, but it did not bode well. "I can see that from the amount in your mouth that you"-he turned to face the wolf next in line-"enjoyed yourself very much. Didn't you?"

The lupine's eyes were wide, but he couldn't answer with a muzzleful of cum.

"Swallow." The wolf obeyed. "Blow into my face." The wolf obeyed again, a slight whistling coming from his pursed lips.

Kirren smirked, obviously smelling ferret all over the wolf's breath. He turned to the other fur and said, "Swallow." The ferret did so and, realizing that they both had gone against the rules, they stared at the floor ashamedly.

The fox put a paw under each chin and lifted them. "An admirable strategy, men, but it only means you are prone to cutting corners and doing half-assed jobs. I am truly sorry, but you're dismissed. Both of you." The two left without so much as a word.

Jaike looked to his right periphery. There were only three left now: the dragon, the pudgy raccoon and himself, last in line. His pulse thudded inside his head, and he realized that the erection he had managed while he was sucking off the dog had not died down at all, but had remained straining at his underwear undaunted. The canine wondered if it was noticeable but didn't dare move his head.

Pacing the floor in front of the pledges, Kirren had a sour look on his face. "I am becoming aggravated, gentlemen. Are you the best this weak group has to offer? Or will I have to disqualify you all and go to the Greek board with no new members this semester? If that happens, I will hold you personally responsible, and you will pay." Jaike wondered how he could be responsible for others breaking the rules, but he figured the fox was just bluffing out of anger. It didn't stop the tightness in his chest, though...or his pants.

Kirren approached the dragon, who hadn't faltered once during the past week. Jaike was pretty certain he liked other males by the precocious way he had acted, and more so by his enjoyment of this last task.

"Open," ordered the fox. The muzzle opened, revealing sharp teeth and a black tongue, coated thoroughly white. Kirren swiped a dollop from the forked tongue and put it to his lips, licking slowly, savoring the taste. He smiled, satisfied for the first time. He looked at the dragon appreciatively.

"Swallow." The dragon obeyed, showing his own satisfaction at finally being able to enjoy his "prey's" seed.

"Wonderful," the lizard purred.


"Yes, sir. Freshman."

"Ooh, you little bastard." The fox smiled at the dragon, and there was no question: he was in. There was unmistakable lust in Kirren's eyes, and Jaike found himself a little envious. "Congratulations, my friend," he said and moved on.

The raccoon passed the test as well; he had pegged a lawn caretaker who wasn't interested in males but who couldn't pass up a free blowjob with a clear conscience. It was an easy take. Kirren congratulated him as well, but without the wanton look in his eyes. He probably knew the raccoon was a long shot at best.

And all of a sudden it had come down to this: the application he had filled out two years ago, the waiting list for approval, the scholarship forms, references, everything before pledge week...not to mention the past seven days, which blurred in his memory like a bad dream. Kirren the black fox was standing in front of him, and it would be all over, for better or worse, in a few minutes. He wondered what the president thought of his torn, disheveled appearance.

"Open." The voice sounded like it came from a long, metallic tunnel. Jaike shook the cobwebs away and the world focused again. He opened his muzzle for the first time in nearly twenty minutes, showing the vulpine what he wanted to see.

Kirren appeared to approve of the quantity, but as he sniffed, and sniffed again, something wasn't right. The fox looked into his eyes, studying them hard. Jaike tried to keep his muzzle open wide, but not enough to let any seed spill onto the floor.

Pulling away from the canine's eyes, Kirren shoved his thin snout as far as he could into Jaike's muzzle. Jaike felt the alternating warm and cool of air from Kirren's breath. At last the fox pulled out and stood again, grinning like a proud father. Jaike didn't know whether to feel relieved or to expect the worst.

"Unbelievable," he muttered, nodding slightly. "Absolutely fabulous. You dog, you. And I mean that literally."

Jaike's body froze.

He knew. Kirren knew it, he could smell the feral's scent all over him.

"Swallow." Jaike did so, letting the load slide effortlessly into his stomach. A tear rolled down his cheek, not from revulsion but relief at having his muzzle back to normal.

"Very clever. I have to admit that's a first, both for me and this fraternity. You've got balls, my friend. I like that. Congratulations." The black fox shook his paw. "Meet your fellow brothers."

The final three shook paws and introduced themselves. Kirren walked them over to a table, gave them pamphlets and more forms to fill out, and excused them for the day. "You've all had a very hard week. Go home and get some rest," he said. The dragon and raccoon left, but before Jaike reached the doors he felt a paw on his shoulder, turning him around.

Kirren raised a claw and drew a tear away from Jaike's nose. It wasn't until then that the canine realized he had been crying a little, in relief and happiness. The fox looked at the gleaming tear on his claw for a moment, then licked it off. He sure was an interesting guy, and soft at heart.

"You okay? You know I had to be a hardass. I have a reputation to keep for the brotherhood."

"Yeah, I know. No hard feelings. I'm just glad it's over, and I'm in."

"I hear you, man." The fox looked around suspiciously, then drew Jaike closer. "When I took my final test, I sucked off a guy in a thousand-dollar suit while he drove his Jaguar around campus twice. He thanked me and offered to pay me, but I refused. It wasn't until later I realized he was the headmaster of this fraternity."

Jaike looked at him incredulously and a little accusingly. Kirren got the idea, and responded. "Oh, it wasn't like that. Neither of us knew who the other was, so I didn't get any special treatment. Actually, we're the best of friends now!" He started to laugh, and Jaike joined him, glad to be rid of the tension.

"Oh, yeah. Speaking of having balls..." Kirren reached out and gave the canine's cock a gentle squeeze. "You might want to take care of that. Not good to leave it like that. Bathroom's down the hall, last door on the right." The fox turned and bounded up the stairs before Jaike could reply. "See you later, puppy!"

"Bye," the canine replied, but he wasn't sure if Kirren had heard him. He gripped his cock, which had completely unsheathed itself inside his pants, and knew he couldn't leave without taking care of himself. It wouldn't be difficult.

He entered the bathroom, locked the door and pulled his pants and underwear down, exposing his needy member to the air. The day's activities had left him incredibly horny, but whether it was directly related to the dog he couldn't tell. He had a feeling, nagging at the back of his mind, that said it was partially true.

Leaning over the toilet, it only took a few strokes of his paw to bring his hypersensitive flesh over the boiling point. Orgasm hit like a boulder, and he stood on his toes, stiff-legged, for a good two minutes while he watched his own cum spill into the bowl. After he wiped himself off and left the bathroom, he headed toward the doors.

The great hall was filled with the orange glow of sunset, the shadows long in the room. The day's haze had lifted; it was just the right time to be outside. Before he opened the door he reflected on all that he had done to get here, and decided that it was worth the effort after all. He was proud of himself for the first time in his life. He stepped out into the evening...

...and nearly jumped out of his fur when he saw who was waiting for him on the front porch of Phi Upsilon Rho. The black and white feral dog sat just a few feet away, panting happily at the canine.

"What are you doing here?" Jaike asked, but of course the dog did not answer. Well, he thought, it's simple: the dog followed you to the fraternity and waited for you, because he thought you did him a favor and wanted to thank you. That seemed possible.

But wait...that dog would have had to sit there for at least fifteen minutes with a hardon, and then come after me! He doesn't think I'll...he can't be that smart, can he?

The dog stood and walked up between Jaike's outstretched legs, put his front paws on his chest, leaned forward, and gave him a kiss on the lips. Not a typical doggy lick, but a slow, sensual lip-connector. Jaike was nonplussed, but his cock-which he had pawed just minutes before-twitched back to life inside his sheath. His stomach dropped at what his traitorous body told him. Maybe it was just a reaction to the friction, or something...but that little naughty voice remained, nagging.

The dog retreated and sat again, waiting for Jaike to make a decision like a new master should. Jaike stood and dusted himself off.

"Well, you're probably going to follow me anyway, right?" He received a short bark in response. "Let's go home, then. You don't look like you belong to anybody. Boy, it's like looking into a mirror." The dog barked in agreement, and stayed close to his heels.

Jaike walked home, wondering what he had gotten himself into. Well, he had gotten himself into the most prestigious fraternity there was, but now he was stuck with a dog...a potentially horny dog. What was he supposed to do? It had been wrong and against his better judgment to suck the dog off, but it would be the same if he just left the canine to his own resources. His heart suddenly swelled, along with that little voice again...maybe having a pet would be just the right thing to start off his college career. He allowed it could be, and the rest of the Phi Ups would probably get a kick out of him. Jaike beckoned his new friend to keep up.

Just one thing, he thought: what if the fraternity doesn't allow pets? The voice spoke up: Owners don't usually suck their pets off. Doesn't that make him an honorary roommate?

"It's a long shot, but technically it could work," Jaike said, and he was smiling in spite of the unusual circumstances. The dog glanced back at him, and Jaike kneeled down to pet the animal, getting a faceful of licks.

"Yeah, we'll make it work."



Day Tripper 2: Extended Stay

Author's Note: the following is a work of furry semi-nonfiction, which means this story is based upon events in real life, but I've made some universal changes to make it into a story. Everything contained herein actually happened, and I have strived...

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Man's Best Friend

Author's Note: the following story is a work of furry fiction, and may contain acst of yiffery between two male characters. Also, this may be considered to be a zoo story, since it involves interaction between a human and an animal. But, since the...

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Author's Note: the following is a work of furry fiction. This story may contain acts of yiffery including sex between members of the same sex, and different species. Also included may be coarse language, drug use, death, angst, and other depressing...

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