Day Tripper 2: Extended Stay

Story by Whyte Yote on SoFurry

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Author's Note: the following is a work of furry semi-nonfiction, which means this story is based upon events in real life, but I've made some universal changes to make it into a story. Everything contained herein actually happened, and I have strived to be accurate to the best of my knowledge. This story may contain human-morph interaction, including but not limited to sexual acts between two consenting males. If this does not interest you or you don't approve, go home cryin' to yo mama. Otherwise, enjoy. I would like to thank Blue Heeler Sunfire for inviting me back, and special thanks go out to Aerak, Nauta, Sevron and Arren for their little parts in the story. You guys make me proud and happy to be a part of the fandom. This story is dedicated to you all.

FEEDBACK always welcome to: [email protected]

Day Tripper 2: Extended Stay ©MMIV Whyte Yoté

I was going 74 miles per hour and the cars still zipped around me on the interstate. For a moment I was tempted to speed up and join them, but I didn't want to get pulled over and written up. That would mean I would be late to Joel's house, and that would be unacceptable. I smiled as I watched the road ahead.

In just under two hours, I would be in Burnsville, Minnesota, at the home of my new morph friend. Joel had invited me back, and it had been two months or so since I had seen him last. The excitement was almost unbearable. My mind recalled my last trip, and everything that had happened. Life wasn't quite the same since I had met Joel. If I thought I had been lonely before, nothing could have prepared me for the hole in my heart left when I had to return home. We kept in touch through occasional emails, but it didn't change the fact that I missed him.

Going to the bars in town, watching the crowds of people together, only served to alienate me. More and more I was finding out how much I didn't fit in with others in the "normal" scheme of things. I would try and drink, but more often than not I would just get bored and leave. What I really wanted was someone to take me home and cuddle me. To be perfectly honest, that's all I needed. But you can't really go up to someone and nuzzle them, can you? Therein lay my dilemma.

So when Joel asked me back one day, I made plans immediately. I was scheduled to leave for school out of state in just a month, so I picked a weekend two weeks away. I was happy to find out that I could stay for two whole days, instead of an afternoon and overnight. Not only that, but Joel was planning on having a couple of morph friends over. This was an even bigger bonus, because it was another chance to meet more morphs. It was difficult to keep my mind from wandering during the days beforehand.

Now, as I sat in my car headed north towards the Twin Cities, I was filled with a feeling of warm and fuzzy nostalgia, thinking about things that had happened and things to come soon. I planned to make the most of my time with Joel and company.

It was 2:30p.m. when I headed down a hill and spotted the familiar corner which led up to Joel's trailer park. My heart began to speed up in my chest; I was surprised it hadn't done that earlier. The realization brought the feeling home: I was here! I turned into the park and wove my way up to the white trailer with Joel's little red Neon in the drive. After pulling in and getting out, I locked the car with a beep from the horn and headed for the door.

The door opened right before I could touch the handle, and I looked up to see a black tomcat smiling back at me. Shaking my hand, he introduced himself as Arren and I returned the introduction. I had known Joel would have company over, but it was still weird. My eyes adjusted to the darkness of the trailer's interior, and I spotted Joel sitting cross-legged in the middle of the living room, the floor covered in playing cards. Arren, the tomcat, stepped around me and plopped onto the floor, immediately picking up where the two morphs had left off.

It was then that the smell hit me: the trailer was filled with the smell of Joel. I recognized it right off the bat, and it was comforting, like a coming home smell. I sat down and took a deep breath.

I was still a bit lagged from my four hours on the highway, so I let Joel and Arren play while I watched. The television blared in the background. I let my mind finally relax, letting it sink in that I was finally here again, and a wave of relief washed over me. It was great, seeing the two morphs just sitting there, playing a game like any other normal person. I say this only to illustrate that my human mind still hadn't gotten used to the fact that morphs were normal like everyone else. It's stupid, I know, and I chided myself for thinking in such small terms.

As they played, Joel introduced me to the game of Magic. For the most part, I understood the ground rules and some character traits, but watching him and Arren play I knew I could never keep my attention in one place long enough to be interested. Joel played smoothly and quietly, his emotions indicated only by the position of his long ears or the attitude of his tail. It wagged most of the time, because he was beating Arren within an inch of his life. From time to time, the cat would hiss under his breath when Joel put down an especially powerful play. I just watched and mused over why humans couldn't be a little more open with their emotions.

Three games and three decks later, the two put their cards away. Arren had finally beaten Joel, and Joel suggested that we play video games, something that I could be included in. I agreed wholeheartedly, and we all went into the entertainment room to hook up the racing game. It took me a few games to get the hang of the controller, but by the time we realized we had to take Arren home all of us were neck and neck, vying bloodthirstily for first place. It was past six o'clock already.

"I need to get you home," Joel said to Arren.

"Oh, sure, get me out of here because I'm winning." The cat was mock-pouting, a grin barely hidden below his downcast expression.

"Come on," Joel said, and we stood up and turned to leave. We had to reverse the cars on the way out since I had parked behind Joel, and soon we were all packed into the Neon and cruising towards Minneapolis. The traffic was heavy for late afternoon, but Joel navigated the little five-speed with precision around much bigger pickups and semis. We rolled the windows down and let the passing air swirl crazily through the cabin. On the way to Arren's, the canine pointed out places of interest in the city.

Just from the way he talked, I got to know a lot about Joel during the car ride: his opinions, taste in music, and more things about which I sensed he had great conviction. his voice was a welcome and familiar sound, and I was glad to have met him all over again.

We dropped Arren off, waved goodbye, and I switched up to ride shotgun in the front seat. Poking his shoulder, I said, "I owe you a dinner."

"Yes, you do. How hungry are you?" He put the car in gear and took off.

"I've had only animal crackers all day, so I'm famished." It was the truth. Besides the cookies in my car, I hadn't had anything else. My stomach had ceased to rumble its disapproval long ago.

Joel watched the road and merged back onto the highway. "Do you like Italian?" he asked.

I nodded. "Oh, yeah."

"Do you like good Italian?"


"Then you'll like where we're going. Have you ever heard of the Macaroni Grill?"

Indeed I had. There isn't one where I live, but I had seen the commercials. "I've heard good things about it."

"After we have dinner, you'll never want to go to the Olive Garden again," the blue canine said matter-of-factly. I am a die-hard Olive Garden fan, so Joel was going to have his work cut out for him.

It took almost an hour for the round-trip to Arren's house and back. The restaurant was just down the street from Joel's home, and by the time we were seated it was almost eight o'clock. A petty little voice in my head told me I might not get any action tonight, but I quickly dismissed it as a little bit of stray lust and opened my menu.

To say the least, dinner was superb, and my hunger only served to make the meal that much more tasty. Traditional bread with oil and cracked pepper, bruschetta with tomatoes, blackberry mint tea, custom pastas, and an incredible dessert called Lemon Passion. Words cannot describe that dessert, but I was very satisfied at the end of the meal.

Dinner also served as a great way to get to know Joel that much more, and for me to tell him some things about myself as well. As we sat and talked between courses, I nodded and marveled at the depth of intelligence my newfound friend had accumulated in his thirty-four years. I found myself awed and a little intimidated by the easy manner in which he spoke, because it reminded me how awkward social situations can be for me. But with Joel, even though we weren't out on a date or anything, I felt as comfortable as if we were sitting on the couch at home and watching television.

The check arrived, I paid and left a tip at the table, and we rose to leave the restaurant. I felt like a stuffed animal from all the food, and was becoming a bit drowsy.


Now you've officially taken me out. Thank you for dinner," Joel said, unlocking the car.

I grinned, opened my door and sat down. "And thank you for choosing the restaurant. I wish we had one of those in my city."

The canine looked up to the sky then, sniffed at the wind, and considered it for a moment. I watched through the windshield.

"Smells like rain. We'd better get back; I left some windows open."

As he sat down next to me, I suddenly remembered something and gasped. "I left my sunroof open too!" I said, a bit worried.

"It won't take long to get back," Joel said coolly. "I wouldn't worry about it." He backed out of the parking space and we were soon on our way home.

* * *

"Are you ready for two and a half hours of boredom?" asked Joel as I sat down on the couch in his living room.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, are you ready for the second movie? Lord of the Rings 2?" It took me a moment to register what he was talking about, and then it hit me: Joel was planning on showing me the second movie in the LOTR trilogy. I hadn't expected this; actually, I had no idea what we were going to do after dinner anyway. I was a bit sleepy, but it was the kind of fatigue where you can't quite fall asleep.

"Oh cool, I didn't know we were going to watch that. Why do you assume I'd be bored?"

"Well, you fell asleep during the last one. Remember?"

"That's because you gave me such a good backrub," I said. A look of knowing passed between us. We both knew it was something besides the backrub that had made me fall asleep last time. Neither of us smiled, but we were hiding them nonetheless.

"Maybe I won't this time." Joel crossed his arms, a stern expression on his muzzle. I pouted a little, and he smiled. I knew that he would end up doing something no matter what. "I'm going to take a quick shower. You can watch TV if you want. I won't be long."

I waved him off, thinking vaguely what it would be like to join him in that shower. In my state of waking sleep, I felt like I had had one too many drinks and had passed just beyond the state of buzzing into minor inebriation. It was interesting that I could have such a feeling without having done anything to induce it, other than being very tired. The effect it was having on my libido was obvious, as my mind had wandered more and more often to thoughts of being with Joel, how nice it would be to touch him and hold him, and to be touched and held back.

I started to push a little cotton, so I adjusted myself and lay down, content to listen to the droning of the television with a semi-erection.

It must have been only ten minutes or so when I heard Joel pad into the living room again. I lifted my head up with an effort and looked up at a squeaky-clean canine, dressed in his favorite lounging shorts and a T-shirt. The faint smells of steam and soap followed him.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

I nodded, rose, and followed him into the adjoining entertainment room. Joel pulled back the covers on the bed, not even bothering with the bean bag chair this time. He put the DVD in the machine, pushed PLAY, and waited for the opening credits as I hopped up onto the bed and crossed my legs. Once the movie was playing, the canine climbed up beside me and sat to watch.

As the movie opened, Joel explained the parts I had missed near the end of the first film, and brought me up to speed on the introduction of the second part. Now that I was in understanding, the only thing left was for us to sit and watch the movie together. I didn't know how I was keeping my eyes open; it seemed as though I might fall asleep at any moment, yet I didn't want to close my eyes. Thunder rumbled in the distance.

About ten minutes in, I realized I had been slumped over when my lower back started to throb a bit. I reached behind to rub at the vertebra, but Joel beat me to the punch. He used his strong fingers and the tops of his claws to push into my spine and roll around, massaging the muscle and loosening my back up and down. Wishing Joel could make house calls for things like this, I lifted my head but maintained my gaze on the television screen; somehow I was still paying attention to the movie.

My head lowered as the pain in my back subsided. Joel finished with his finger-massage and ran his claws up my back, scritching through my shirt and over my neck. I melted immediately, and when he gently pulled me closer to him I complied with gusto, literally flopping onto my side, my head in his lap and my left arm draped over one furry thigh. It was incredibly comfortable: I could see the movie, and I had a warm fuzzy pillow to boot. The canine continued to scritch my neck, and started petting my head as well. I giggled to myself, feeling like a puppy. Rain began to fall outside, pattering noisily but romantically on the roof of the trailer.

I was content to stay this way for a while, just feeling the familiarity of a close body, running my fingers through the fur of Joel's left calf, half-watching the movie and half-watching his tail wag between his legs. Sometimes he would stretch as much as I would let him and crack his dog-like toes.

It was becoming harder to concentrate on the movie, now that I was in a position where I was more prone to fall asleep. Thankfully, Joel moved his hand from my shoulder, where it had been resting, down the left side of my body to my thigh, and gave it a quick squeeze. Rotating myself a little, I reached up with my left arm and clutched the canine's chest, pulling myself up a little and nuzzling the top of my head up into his chin, trying my best to do it the way I had seen him do it to me.

Joel's hand stayed on my thigh and occasionally moved up and down over my side, squeezing as it went. My right hand and arm were basically trapped underneath Joel's body, so I had to make do with my left. I held him and shored up to him a few more times, each time feeling his body tense and try to get closer to me. Finally, I felt movement over my thigh and down, ever so lightly, to my denim-covered groin, where the tips of the canine's claws just barely touched the material. This was the go-ahead I had been looking for. It was impossible for me to hold back, and I wanted to try something different tonight.

The wind shifted, sending the pitter-patter of the rain onto a new wall.

The canine relaxed again, and I took the opportunity to curl myself down and into Joel's lap, so my head was now resting right between his legs. I felt the hand over my groin curl reflexively. At the same time a sound came from above me, a kind of breathy moan and simultaneous whimper. It was very canine, and very satisfied. Joel was already enjoying himself.

I nuzzled back against his crotch again, harder this time, and got an even louder moan from my captive puppy. Joel's shorts were rapidly becoming stretched and pushed against my head with need. His legs were splayed wide, his hips almost not touching the bed in a frozen half-thrust. I used my hand to trace lines along his thigh, sometimes running an inch or two under the edge of his shorts, teasing him into full erection.

My cock had become hard as soon as the movie had started, even though I hadn't been thinking of sex at all. The presence of Joel, this older and more experienced male, had an arousing effect on me and I reveled in it well before foreplay began. Now, Joel rubbed it through the denim of my shorts, pinching the shaft up and down every once in a while and idly stroking me.

Deciding that it was time to move on, I shifted slightly so I had a clear view of the Blue Heeler's shorts and the prize contained within. My fingers, which were flitting over his thigh, now moved up and below Joel's shorts in a straight line, not stopping until my fingertips touched the edge of his furry scrotum. A gasp and another low moan told me I had hit my mark. Encouraged, I retreated and laid my hand full upon the canine's covered sheath and balls, nuzzling the thigh next to my head. Joel's body jerked in response.

Joel thrust slowly against my hand, and I adjusted to match him for each one. I hardly noticed that my own groin was being largely ignored. I didn't care at that moment; I just wanted to do what I had had on my mind for two months. I was barely aware that the morph had my ear in his mouth and was licking and raking his fangs over the top. Taking my chances, I squeezed the canine sac and tilted my mouth forward, opened up, and bit his sheath through his shorts square in the middle.

The moan I got this time was nothing more than a surprised squeak through gritted teeth. I took this as a good sign, and continued to nibble and bite at the rapidly growing member. It had started to expose itself from all the attention, and I put several breaths of hot air right at where the edge of the sheath met the emerging cock. Joel's tenseness disappeared completely. I took my mouth away, leaving a dark spot of saliva on his shorts.

My hands quickly took over where my mouth had left off. I pulled out and down on the elastic, exposing Joel's maleness to the air. The canine helped by lifting his hips a little and kicking the annoying clothes onto the floor. He resumed his position and I couldn't resist kissing the tip of his cock without warning. Another puppy gasp-moan from above my head. I needed no further encouragement. Outside, the rain increased again, drowning out any other sounds.

Trying to maintain some patience, I opted to grasp the sheath, feeling the short soft fur between my fingers, and masturbated the canine slowly. Joel had ceased making any kind of sound now, and I was concentrated on my work. Neither of us was watching the movie.

Finally, Joel was fully erect and I pulled the fur down off of his reddish-pink member, exposing it to the air, bobbing lightly along his chest. I took it in my hand again, licked my lips, and encased the maleness in my mouth. The heat and saltiness of it was all over my tongue, which flicked over the tapered head and the shaft as my head moved over his length. Every now and then, the morph's body would spasm as I would hit a sensitive spot.

The short fur of his groin tickled my chin. Joel put a hand on the back of my head, not so much guiding me as giving me encouraging scritches. He grunted out something in a low growl, and it took me a couple seconds to realize that he had warned me he was going to come. I picked up my efforts in earnest now, squeezing Joel's knot and working his balls with my hand while I increased my suction and tongue action on the head of his canine cock.

There was no warning. Suddenly the roof of my mouth was coated in warmth and wetness. I milked the cock, making sure to get every drop, feeling every spurt of seed as it filled my mouth and settled below my tongue. After a few more long strokes, I pulled off and closed my lips. I lay my head on Joel's stomach and ran the cum in my mouth along my tongue, then swallowed, tasting Joel like I had wanted ever since I had met him. It was salty, and I could taste a little garlic from dinner, amazed at the quantity. I winced a little at the slimy residue left on the back of my throat, then it was gone.

We sat in the afterglow, Joel slowly petting my head in a silent thank you, me not saying a word. I was slowly becoming aware of how much I needed to get off as well. After a few minutes, Joel stood up.

"My foot doesn't like being asleep," he complained, and went to walk it off and close a few windows from the rain. I took the opportunity to take my shorts off and throw them to the foot of the bed. Man, clothes had never felt as restricting as they had at that moment! Joel came back in, saw what I had done, and spared a glance at my crotch. Of course he knew what I was asking, and he smiled when I rolled onto my back and tried to look like a good puppy for him.

Joel sat down on the bed, and I curled around his back, massaging his shoulders a little. My legs were spread in front of him. From this vantage point, I couldn't see anything but the canine's back, so I closed my eyes and felt as his hands ran over my legs, and, eventually, my groin and achingly hard cock. The morph felt along my length and cupped my balls, and I thrust to meet him.

I have to say I was amazed and grateful for my friend's patience. As time and the movie wore on, Joel masturbated me, the pads on his hand feeling wonderful on my flesh. He went from slow, laborious strokes to pistoning my cock against my chest. We switched position sometime so that Joel had a better angle, and I just lay under him with my eyes half-closed, thinking about nothing but getting off. There were even a few times when he stopped stroking me long enough to lovingly lick and suckle a little at me, but even the warmth of his mouth didn't work. I felt more than a little inadequate.

Eventually the movie ended, and Joel turned off the television. "Let's go where there's more room," he suggested. I nodded and we picked up our clothes, walking nude from the waist down into the bedroom on the other side of the trailer. I watched as Joel's blue tail swished from side to side below the bottom of his shirt. After turning on a fan (it had gotten stuffy from the closed windows), Joel instructed me to get on the bed. I obeyed, and he followed suit. We lay on our sides for a while. I couldn't help but look into the canine's eyes, my need for release temporarily forgotten. Joel looked back, then cocked his head.

"What?" he said, apparently not thinking the moment as romantic as I had. It was cute.

"Nothing," I replied, and put my hand out to his chest. Joel rolled a little closer to me, murring inside of himself. I rested my left leg over his right and nuzzled into his tummy, feeling the warmth there.

Suddenly the canine pushed himself onto his elbows and had crawled on top of me before I could stop. Like I would have tried...

He licked my lips with his long, thin tongue, and I hardly had time to respond before he had pulled me forcefully into a deep, passionate kiss. Feeling his warm, soft body on top of mine, that wonderful sheath digging into my ever-present erection, drove me to open my mouth and accept his canine tongue, pushing back into his muzzle with my own, fighting for control. Joel ground his hips down onto me; my hands roamed his back, under his shirt, down to his tail. I took hold at its base and squeezed, pulling it up and over his back. Joel responded by uttering a low groan into my mouth.

I roamed my hands down and under Joel's shirt, scritching his chest in the small space between us. The canine arched his back, his muzzle still locked on me, and I rubbed his exposed nipples, teasing and pinching them into hardness. Whiskers tickled my cheeks as Joel drove the kiss deeper, reminding me of the first time we had done this.

Slowly I was pulled onto my side, and Joel slid himself under me. Now, much to my surprise, I was on top, and our lips still hadn't separated. That dog sure can hold a kiss.

Instead of laying on top of him, I had flipped so that I was on my knees straddling his groin, our balls grinding against each other. Joel's hands ran the length of my back, around my ass, under my own shirt and eventually found my cock, dangling below my belly. He began to masturbate me again, and I raised my ass and thrust forward a bit to accommodate him.

I thought that this new position would better facilitate my climax, and I tried to concentrate on the pleasure, but I had to eventually face the fact that I needed something more to finish me off. Joel broke the kiss with a last, long lick to my tongue, and I buried my face in the crook of his neck. After a few minutes, I had to stop.

"It's not working," I admitted dejectedly into his ear. It was the worst feeling, having to say that, because it might make Joel think he hadn't been doing a good job of jacking me off.

"That's okay," he said.

"I know what would work a lot better," I said, blushing as I looked into his smiling face. I don't think I could ever disappoint him, by that look.

"What would that be?"

"I need some lube." I averted my eyes, prepared for an incredulous response.

"There's some right there," Joel said, pointing to the space between the wall and the bed. I looked, reached, and came up with a little blue bottle. I felt better seeing this. I was beginning to think I was weird. Well, beyond the obvious...

Joel opened the bottle, applied some to his fingers and the pads on his hand, and grasped my cock, stroking it a few times to get it slick. I raised my head to the ceiling in a silent moan; it was heavenly now that there wasn't any friction to get in the way. Now I had one singular goal, and nothing was going to stop me from attaining it.

The hand on my cock was joined by another on my balls, stroking them in time and trying to coax my load out of them. I could no longer speak, but just attempted to regulate my breathing and ride the waves of pleasure to the next level. It was hard not to hump into his hand, but that would only interrupt the rhythm we had established.

The pressure built quickly, and suddenly my mind was overrun by images. The position I was in, helpless to this canine's ministrations, I felt like a pet that has been very good for his owner, and is receiving the ultimate reward. Release had never seemed so close. I was vaguely aware of licking and biting the side of Joel's neck as I approached orgasm. I felt the end of his tail just barely flick over the cleft of my ass.

My cock twitched and Joel felt it, switching to short jerks along my length. This time I couldn't help it, and lost control to the animal inside of me, humping forward at him like a dog. It was the ultimate loss of humanity and control. My brain had lost its power of reality; the only thing was to come, my life was climax...and it hit me hard.

Seed welled up from my massaged balls, I uttered a choked whine into Joel's neck, and bit down hard to keep, it seemed, from falling off of the world. My legs trembled and I came, shooting hard along our chests. None of it hit me because of my position, which gave me less distraction from the intense pleasure I was feeling. Joel milked the last from me, and I let go of his neck, trying to resolve my biting him by licking the flesh wound.

I raised myself up so I was sitting straight, and Joel took an old T-shirt and cleaned his chest up. I saw that most of my cum hadn't hit him, but that I had come into my hard that it was stained halfway to the neck. I smiled at the canine below me in thanks, took the used shirt off, and threw it to the floor. For the first time, I was completely naked in front of him. It didn't matter that much, nothing new to either of us.

Joel's tail wagged below me. I looked down, seeing the now familiar cock peeking halfway out of its little hiding place. I grabbed it and coaxed the rest out, down to the knot. The canine closed his eyes without saying a word; I knew I had permission.

It didn't take long with him below me, making mini-thrusts as I took both hands and jacked him off slowly, preferring to use the skin of his sheath and the sensitivity of his cock to bring him over instead of raw force. His hips bucked, his face strained, and I was rewarded with several copious spurts of dogseed onto the fur of his belly. I couldn't believe how easy it was to get him off, compared to myself. I was glad to help him.

We lay on our backs for a few minutes, and Joel got up to go to the bathroom. After he came back he jumped up next to me. We were both still nude, but Joel left his shirt on. There was some conversation, but we were both too tired to really make any sense. I was content to cuddle up to the canine's back and threw my arm over him, clutching his chest, the warmth of him on my bare skin.

His tail wagged against my groin, slowed, and eventually stopped. The rain fell outside steadily, lulling me into unconsciousness soon after.

* * *

Morning sunlight filtered in through the curtains in Joel's bedroom. I woke up feeling groggy but satisfied. The rain had stopped, and although the windows had been closed last night the trailer had a fresh, wet smell to it.

I stared at the wall in front of my face, eyes closed, wondering if I should move. That would mean waking Joel, who covered my back and had both arms around me. His regulated breath was warm on the back of my neck, silent and soothing. He was too peaceful to disturb, so I was content to remain where I was and drift back into a half-drowsing state.

A little while later, the canine shifted position, taking his arm out from under my back, sitting on his elbows, and shaking his hand in the air.

"It decided to tell me it fell asleep," he said, answering the question I was going to ask.

He rolled onto his side and I took up position behind him, draping my arm over and across his chest, nuzzling into his neck. We stayed that way for a few minutes, perhaps trying to believe we could steal just a little more sleep. This was not to be, so Joel was content to roll onto his back and stretch, yawning and showing his many and sharp teeth.

I lay my head on his shoulder, looking down the length of his chest, rubbing first his shirt and then underneath. The heat from his body radiated through the fur, through my fingers as I ran them from abdomen to neck in a petting motion. I found his nipples and couldn't resist playing with each one in turn, obviously giving Joel pleasure. My mouth was in the right spot, so I bit the left one through his shirt and gnawed at it gently, feeling it out with my teeth. The canine shifted and pushed his chest toward me.

It was good to know that I was not alone in being ready for another go this morning, seemingly so quickly after what we had done the night before. I pulled myself onto my side, inadvertently rolling Joel into me with the motion. His chest and muzzle faced me now, but the rest of him lay flat, his tail arched over his back, his rump in the air, just waiting.

Obliging the invitation, I snuggled closer and concentrated on his tail and rump, first scritching the base, then petting it downward with the grain to its tip. I heard a rumblegrowl, and it got much louder when I began to explore his nether regions. I cupped each furry buttock, squeezing and caressing, every now and them delving into the cleft below his tail and running a fingertip deep within.

I reached farther down and between his legs and found a truly sensitive spot: the underside of the canine's furry scrotum. Reaching down and forward, I tickled his balls, ran them through my fingers, found the base of his sheath and feathered that too. Joel kicked and bucked next to me, lost in his feelings. I knew what he wanted, and he proved me right just a few seconds later.

The canine nuzzled my head, encouraging me to lift my chin up to his muzzle. I did, and was caught in another marathon of a kiss. My hand gripped his genitals tightly. He took control for a moment, pushing my left shoulder down so I was on my back, and he crawled on top of me much like I had been on top of him before. My left hand slipped from his perineum to his ass, and it stayed there to grip and pet him. My right hand, now seeing a clear shot, went straight for his sheath and found it, pumping it just like Joel had pumped me. The skin folded back and exposed the member now being thrust through my grip. The kiss stayed unbroken between us, and I concentrated on matching my hand to his thrusts.

That inner growl rose in pitch, from a threatening rumble to a neutral warning sound to a high-pitched whine, and I could hear everything through my mouth.

Joel never indicated his climax, but I was pretty good at estimating when he would come. Just like last time, suddenly I was warm in a spot and a moment later the air flowed over it and cooled the canine seed against my skin. This time, because of my position, it was my upper belly that bore the brunt of his shots, but the load was no less.

Out came the T-shirt again, and the canine took the liberty of wiping my chest down for me. I wiped my hand and he sat off to the side, resting. I lay in front of him, exposed to all the world, with a hardon between my legs.

"It's my turn," I said, trying not to sound too eager. It was only fair, after all.

Joel pouted a bit down at me, barely hiding a smile. "Now I have to get all sticky again, don't I?" he asked, referring to the lube.

I nodded. "Sorry," I apologized.

"Don't be," he said dismissively, and I dropped the subject.

"I haven't had a chance to go to the bathroom yet," I said, thinking it might take me longer to come. We had already spent enough time cuddling this morning.

"Don't worry. Maybe it'll apply more pressure where it counts," replied the canine. I allowed this was true.

He applied a liberal amount to his hand and my cock, which was almost too hard to handle. I spread my legs before him, gave him my best "I'm your pet" look, and closed my eyes as I felt him begin to stroke me. At once I began to build up, drawing my hands to my chin, feeling like a dog, in the control of another. Feeling like this, knowing that the person who is holding your cock is doing so because they want to give you pleasure and make you climax, is one of the most comforting and arousing things in the world to me.

My eyes were closed. Joel was silent. The only sound was that of his big floor fan and the wet suctioning sounds of his pads sliding over my raw, sensitive flesh. I felt the familiar onset of climax, brought about much shorter than I expected. Nonetheless, I humped slowly into his hand, matching every thrust of my hips to every eight of his hand.

It came like a volcano. I chose to hold off until the last moment, and finally let go. My cock spurted quickly, three times per second, in short but jerky squirts that not once hit my chest. I felt and heard them splatter all around me, on the pillows, the bed, everywhere but my own body. Joel didn't laugh at me, and that was good, because if he had I would have laughed too, sending my afterglow packing.

As it was, though, I came down and found Joel to be already cleaning up the fabric around me. After doing that, he took his index finger and poked the end of my nose with the partially unsheathed claw. It was very affectionate.

"Sorry," I apologized yet again, feeling like I was sorry for way too much. Joel shook his head and got down off the bed to put some clothes on from the closet.

"What kind of fruit do you like for breakfast?" he asked as he pulled on a fresh set of briefs.

I went through the requisite and obvious fruit jokes, bypassed them all to maintain an air of maturity, and said, "Oh, whatever you have lying around." Oops, couldn't help from falling into that one.

"Good. You look like you could use a shower, so I'll go to the kitchen and make us some breakfast. Okay?"

"Okay," I agreed, suddenly feeling like a shower was the best thing in the world now that Joel had said something about it.

The shower was soothing and refreshing, and I made sure I was quick as to not use too much water. I came out clean, groomed, and ready to face the day. Or maybe it was the gigantic bowl of fruit by the sink I was going to have to face.

"Oh my God, that's a whole lot of fruit!"

"I can't make anything small. I usually cook all my meals for the week on one day, so I'm used to large batches. Take however much you want. You better hurry; we're going to need to leave soon if we want to avoid rush hour on the way back." Joel had already eaten, as evidenced by the empty bowl and spoon sitting by his computer. He was online checking his email.

I took a fair share of the fruit, a mix of several different kinds, and watched television while Joel finished with his mail. Afterwards, I checked mine while the canine got dressed.

"Come on, slowpoke. We're late." He indicated to the clock on the wall, which showed that it was now nearly 2:30 in the afternoon. Had I already been with Joel for an entire day? Time spent in bed goes incredibly quickly, I think.

After my mail was sufficiently checked and replied to, I put my bowl in the sink next to Joel's and followed him outside, not knowing what he had planned or where we were headed.

It was a short drive, and soon we parked in a lot surrounded by mature maple trees, swaying slightly in the late summer breeze. As I exited the car, I remarked how beautiful the weather was this day...perfect for a walk in the park, which was exactly what Joel had in mind.

"Since you got to see the city the last time, I thought I would show you some of the natural side of Minneapolis," he said, and strapped a camera bag over his shoulder. His fur shone in the light. I had never seen it in such a natural made me feel free, for some reason.

We walked around the main area of the park, read some of the information signs, and Joel took some photos. I half-wished I had brought my camera as well, but how was I to know? We approached a copse of trees, and my ears picked up the familiar sound of falling water. I took hold of a metal barrier, looked down, and stared over the edge of a cliff. The ground sloped steeply, covered in underbrush so thick I couldn't see the bottom of whatever chasm was down there.

"Where's that sound coming from ?" I asked.

"This is Minnehaha Park. That sound is the Minnehaha falls."

"I didn't know they had waterfalls in the Twin Cities," I said incredulously.

"Did you ever read The Song of Hiawatha, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow?"

I shook my head. "I've heard of it."

"Well, this is what he mentioned when he wrote the opening verses. 'Minnehaha' means 'laughing water' in the Sioux language. Now you know," the canine stated, poking my nose at the end for emphasis. I laughed at him, and followed as he descended the stairs leading to the base of the falls.

The sun was broken as various trees and foliage came between it and us. The air became thicker and wetter, and we soon reached the bottom. After walking across a small bridge and down a short trail, I stood silent, in awe of the sight before me.

In Sioux Falls, the quartzite falls are wide and numerous, a great tourist attraction, but they can't compare with the falls nestled in the middle of Minneapolis. Grotto would better describe it. The falls had cut a deep depression in the rock, and the water fell a good forty feet to the pool below. Moss and grasses grew along the length of the grotto where the spray was constant. Trickling away from it was a small, peaceful, clear stream. The sun peeked through from overhead, sending little bars onto the ground and making rainbows which constantly shifted with the spray. For a moment, I could have sworn I was in a tropical rainforest. I was intensely glad Joel had brought me here. Call me shallow, but I just hadn't seen this deep side of him before. The moment was shared between us, and us alone.

We moved along downstream, walked up some more stairs, and made our way out the other side of the park and back to the car. It was almost rush hour, so traffic was thick. Joel tried to bypass the mess by taking some side roads, but we only succeeded in getting slightly lost. It was a good thing, though, because we happened to drive right through a Minnesota wildlife refuge. As we passed by, I watched wetlands, lakes, and rivers go by the window. We even got out once and walked up to one of the lakes. In the middle of a metropolitan sprawl, I couldn't even here traffic. It was amazing. I was reminded of another poet, Robert Frost, who heralded the merits of "The Road Not Taken." Boy, was he ever right. Aimlessness had never been so productive.

By the time we were back home, my stomach had been growling for a while. I didn't have a clue how I could be hungry ever again after the meal at the Macaroni Grill, but I couldn't deny the sounds coming from within me. Joel had a message on his machine, and he made a quick phone call.

"Sevron is coming over in a little while with a couple friends," said Joel after putting the phone back in its cradle.

"Oh, really? Cool." A couple friends? I knew that Sevron, one of Joel's morph friends, was hopefully going to show up some time during my trip, but I hadn't known there would be other people as well. I was intrigued, excited and nervous at the same time. I relaxed on the couch in the living room as the canine fired up the grill for another one of his dinner masterpieces.

"You're gonna love this," he said from outside. I didn't reply, but I was sure I would not be disappointed.

A little while later, which turned out to be only ten minutes, an unfamiliar face came to the door. It opened, I looked up and stared straight into the face of a ringtail. My breath caught in my throat. And I thought dealing with dogs and cats was tough was a completely different creature altogether, a member of the raccoon family, and he was smiling at me. Trying to maintain a nonchalant attitude, I shook his hand and said hi.

"You must be Joel's guest. Nice to meet you."


"I'm Nauta, and this troublemaker behind me is Aerak, my mate." The ringtail gestured behind him to a stunning white wolf walking in the door. I waved in greeting, and he waved back.

"Hiya." I looked from one to the other, not quite believing what I had heard. Another first for me, seeing two morphs who were mated...and both males. They looked happy together.

I looked behind Aerak at the third morph to enter, and by process of elimination I knew it had to be Sevron. Immediately I was struck by how cute he was, not just for a male but for an morph. Joel had said he was a fox, but he was so much more in real life: he was a kitsune, smaller than normal in stature. The most noticeable thing was his blue fur. He was a bright, strong blue all over, and it faded to a pastel, almost white-blue on his muzzle and the fur leading into his shirt. He had black gloves and boots, his ear tips were the same, but, oddly enough, his tail tapered and ended in the same pastel blue. Oh, wait...tails. There were three of them, all wagging slightly, independently of one other.

"I'm Sevron," he said, approaching me with his hand held out. I shook it, noting how soft his pads were.

I blushed a little. The little fox had to be no more than eighteen, which I found out shortly later to be true. The four of us sat down in the small living room and made small talk, getting to know each other, while Joel cooked outside. For some reason I expected the conversation to be about morph-specific things...but I had no idea what exactly that would be, and when no such subject came up I was actually relieved. Curse my limited human mind! I still had a lot to learn.

"Dinner!" Joel called, and came through the door with a plate carrying two steaming steaks and corn on the cob. I took a plate, served myself, and sat down. The steak was delectable, seasoned just right, and practically melted down my throat. Being the carnivore I am, I voiced my approval without words. Joel smiled back.

After dinner, all five of us sat in the living room and talked. I felt the evening slowly winding down. After all this time spent with some truly great friends, I couldn't believe I was going to have to leave shortly. Just when I was getting to know Sevron and the others, it didn't seem fair.

I looked at my watch. 8:30p.m., time to go. I grew quiet and glanced toward the door.

Nauta, who was currently getting a tummy rub from Aerak, noticed my change in attitude.

"What's wrong?" he asked. The others looked at me, waiting for a response.

The beginnings of tears pricked at my eyes, but I held them back easily. "I have to go. I need to get back by midnight, or else I won't get enough sleep before work tomorrow."

"Oh." This came from Sevron, who sounded disappointed, behind me.

"You don't have to go just yet, do you? I mean, it's not a huge deal, is it?"

I thought about it for a moment. My nagging conscience told me to be responsible, but every fiber of my being wanted to stay. I had never felt something so strong pulling me to a decision. These morphs wanted me to stay with them for a while...just being with them gave me a warmth that I felt I couldn't achieve with my human peers. It was more complete, somehow.

"Well..." I was thinking hard, but in my heart I knew my decision had been made. Nauta put a hand on the nape of my neck and scritched there encouragingly. I relaxed again immediately, and Aerak joined in on my shoulder and down my back. Sevron, who was lying on his side next to me, put his hand on my chest and petted me there, as if I were an morph myself. Truth be told, I had wanted nothing so much in my life at that moment.

"Okay, fine, I can stay." The blue kitsune yipped happily and pounced me to the floor, where three sets of hands and claws worked over my body, scritching and petting and roughing me up. I laughed from the contact, filled with a joy that, I think, few people get to experience nowadays. One thought came to my mind and stayed there as I was treated like an honorary puppy: I am home.

The next three hours were a blur, spent in that same fatigued happiness. Joel eventually joined us on the floor, and we talked some more, watched some television, and just hung out like regular guys. I was amazed by how close these morphs were, and how affectionately they acted toward each other and me. Someone always had a hand on me, and no one was left out. Whereas humans would have bubbles of personal space, Joel and his friends were content to reach out and touch anyone and everyone. I felt right at home, and was soon doing the exact same thing. It was one big pile of fur, five males tangled together on the floor, bonding, with an underlying layer of low sexual tension.

I learned quite a few things that night: Sevron was very ticklish, especially when it was Joel who was doing the tickling; Nauta liked to give licks-by-proxy with his finger, but would never let anyone lick him, or bite him. I tried my hardest, but every time I got close Aerak would come to the rescue and tickle me into submission. I really love being treated like an morph, and I don't have an aversion to the close personal contact they seem to have mastered so easily. Oh, yeah...I love being bitten, too.

"Oh, wow, it's late," Aerak yawned, and I looked at my watch again. It was getting close to midnight, and I had absolutely no idea where the time had gone. It had been well spent, sure, but it passed too quickly. I whimpered in spite of myself, and so did Sevron, whose hand had migrated under my shirt and was playing with the hair on my chest. I was scritching the back of his neck. "We have to get the fox home."

"Do I have to?" complained Sevron, and I had to agree with his sentiment.

"I can take him home," I said, but the fox shook his head.

"It's all right. I'll go."

I massaged the nape of his neck harder, and he collapsed back to the floor. The sensitive spot prevented him from having the strength to stand. I let go and he rose, reluctantly. The three collected their things and Joel and I followed them out to their car, but not before we had taken a couple of pictures together to remember the night.

The night was cold, and foggy. It weighed on my mind and brought back the reality of it all, as if what existed behind the walls of Joel's trailer was some kind of fantasy world. Nauta and Aerak got in, and the car's engine purred to life. Sevron turned to get in, paused, and looked back. He walked up to me and put his arms around me in a tight hug, burying his muzzle in the crook of my arm. I returned the gesture with conviction; we had grown more attached to each other in the past few hours than I had thought.

"It was really nice meeting you. I hope we get to do this again," said the fox.

"I plan on it, but it won't be for a while. I have to go to school." I shrugged helplessly.

"Well, good luck at school. I'll see you, sometime." His fur was glowing almost as bright as his eyes in the diffused light of the streetlamps. Sevron entered the car, and the doors closed. With one final wave, my three new furry friends were down the street and around the corner.

I turned back to Joel and hugged him fiercely.

"Hey, you need to get going too," he said, pushing me away. He had good intentions, but I didn't want to let go. It was probably for my own good, though. "Let's go pack your stuff."

We went back into the trailer, made a cursory sweep for lost things, and soon I was at my car, bags packed inside, and looking longingly at the canine. This time he approached for one final embrace. I took strength from his warmth, and I knew that for a short time, only a couple of days, my life had been better.

"Send me a quick email when you get back, okay?" said Joel. "I want to make sure you get home all right."

I smiled at his concern for me. "I will, though it may be late if I have to stop and sleep. I'll try not to. Thanks...thanks for everything. It was very special, and I had a lot of fun again."

The canine crossed his arms from the cold, and waved at me with one hand. "You'll have to do this again after you're done with school."

"You bet! I'll hold you to the rain check."

Joel smiled and waved me off again. "Drive carefully."

"Absolutely." I started my car, shut the door, and backed out. I caught one last glimpse of the canine waving in my fog-wet rear window, and then, just like that, he was gone again.

I made my way out to the interstate, and as I merged into the late-night traffic I mentally recalled everything that had happened in the past two days. It boggled my mind how I could have experienced so much so fast, and made so many new friends as well. I caught myself doing the human thing again, trying to make sense of a too-good-to-be-true situation. After all, that's what is was, and we're told always to read between the lines and find out the true reasons behind things like that.

I slapped myself mentally and thought: Just let it be.

That was the justification. The mere fact that it had happened was too good to be true, and if I tried to explain it, some of the magic I had felt with my friends, all of them, would cease to hold that elusive and exclusive quality. I couldn't let that happen. I let the memories flow again, reliving them with the same vividness with which they had happened.

The miles stretched out before me, and I started to sing along with the radio.



Man's Best Friend

Author's Note: the following story is a work of furry fiction, and may contain acst of yiffery between two male characters. Also, this may be considered to be a zoo story, since it involves interaction between a human and an animal. But, since the...

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Author's Note: the following is a work of furry fiction. This story may contain acts of yiffery including sex between members of the same sex, and different species. Also included may be coarse language, drug use, death, angst, and other depressing...

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Day Tripper

Author's Note: The following is a work of furry fiction derived from events in real life. This story contains mature subject matter, including yiffery between a human (yucky!) and a fur/morph/what have you. If this offends you in any way, you don't...

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