Collared - Chapter 6 - Yellow Fever

Story by MrRedRover on SoFurry

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#3 of Duez's Collared

And the next chapter in Duez's little series. Never really did mind control before but having a lot of fun with this. A warning on this one, watersports. My first story involving it. So if you are not into that sort of thing, I suggest skipping this chapter! I actually don't mind stories with watersports, just never wrote one with it before! Also some minor blood warning as well.


Collared Chapter 6: Yellow Fever


Duez was truly enjoying himself. What had started as merely a way to perpetuate his species by impregnating one of the only female feline digimon had turned into his own little harem. Digimon to cook, clean, fix, repair, and so on. Veemon was not a bad cook, but he really only could make noodles. Now, the housecat was in the mood for sushi. That required a fisher-mon. So, with the exception of Gatomon (who now was a good three months pregnant and starting to show) and Gabumon (who was still dangling above his bed like a low-hanging chandelier), everyone was out fetching him a new pet. The fat, bound digimon had been feed and taken care of for the last few days by the other mind-controlled slaves. He had not yet seen his master, but just was used by the cat over and over before returning to his life as a piece of the scenery.

Currently, the house cat was in the shower, scrubbing away the welder's smell of burning metal from his fur. Bathing took a long time for him. Fur was much more difficult to clean than skin or scales were. Normally he'd have some help... even to help pick the little bits of solder stuck in the fur, but his slaves were out. They should be back any...


The ears of the brown scientist perked up as he heard a loud metallic clank, followed by the sound of breaking glass. Voice became clearer, the sounds of fighting mixed in with some rather vulgar swear words.

"Let go of me you three before I forcefeed you those collars!"

Another sound, like wood branches snapping one after another echoed in the bathroom. The voices became clearer now. "Just accept it. The collars are wonderful. Just relax and accept..." The sentence wasn't finished, ending with a loud slap.

Duez opened the glass shower door, not bothering to shut off the water. The steam filled the bathroom as the sounds of a scrap continued up the flight of stairs. "They must be home."

More cussing as the bathroom door was thrown open. The three digimon he had sent out were back with their prize. A white furry seal was held in a full nelson by Veemon, who was currently nursing a black eye and several triplicate scratches on his body. Each of his lower flippers were held by the two birds, who also were nursing scratches, bruises, and bite marks all over their bodies. "I swear to the digimon gods you three!" Gomamon shouted at the top of his lungs. "Mind-controlled or not I WILL pluck you birds like Christmas turkeys!"

Biyomon turned her head to face the wet anthro cat, his fur matted from the moisture. "Sorry we took so long Master." The pink avian smiled, one of her eyes almost swelled shut. "Your newest pet was... Not willing to come."

"Ya think?!" The seal thrashed again like he was having a seizure.

"He somehow figured out the collars were making us docile." Veemon interjected, before yelping in pain as the back of Gomamon's head smashed into his mouth.

"Figured OUT?!" Gomamon snarled at the tall brown cat, his head dripping water on to the tile floor. "No one has seen you three for weeks, you show up with black collars, and tell me I just have to come into the middle of nowhere by myself?!" He made another half-hearted twist. "You'd have to be pretty fucking stupid to fall for that!"

"Hey!" Veemon snapped, yelling in his prisoner's ear. "I didn't figure it out."

"Yeah. Why am I not surprised?" The seal growled a bit, before trying to bite at Veemon's hand. The blue mitt was already bleeding from one of the aquatic mammal's fangs.

Even Duez couldn't help but chuckle at that little diss. "Bring him over here." The tall cat smiled to his mind bended slaves. He took a single step out of the shower, dripping water all over. He reached out to his tattered pants, hanging from the towel rack. The newest black collar was looped in his leather belt. He had it ready for the seal for when he was home.

Gomamon was dragged closer to the naked wet feline. "You put that on me and I swear I will rip that furry nut sack of yours and force feed it to you!"

The three collared digimon brought him to the shower, still hissing hot water. Gomamon struggled one last time. It caused Hawkmon to stumble, tripping over the edge of the shower stall. Gomamon went flying on to the wet plastic with a thump. He instantly tried to scramble out, but Duez placed a heavy knee in the seal's back. "Stay still!" He shouted as he snapped the collar open even as the other three digimon scurried into the stall to help keep the seal pinned.

"Yeah that is NOT going to happen!" The seal felt the leather of the collar press into the back of his neck. The seal closed his eyes and began muttering under his breath: "I'm Gomamon. I'm Gomamon..."

The collar snapped shut. The seal's struggles ceased and the words changed mid-sentence: "I'm Go-qua-slut. I'm Aqua-slut. I'm Aqua-slut..." The other three let go, all having gone through this before. The seal got up slowly, a black spiked collar now firmly latched on his neck. He glanced at the digivice-shaped silver tag, already knowing what he'd find on it, and snickered. What a cool little name that was. It fit him so better than "Gomamon" did.

The seal took a moment to figure out just what he had been doing wrong. He turned to his three pals, now his friends once more. "Ummm sorry I roughed you up you guys." The wet digimon looked a bit ashamed. "Why didn't you three just collar me when you came to my apartment?"

"Because I wanted to do it personally." Duez bent down to pet the seal's red mohawk down to his scalp. "But maybe next time I'll give it to them so they don't get hurt that much..."

"Oh, I see Master." Gomamon nuzzled up into the paw like a puppy. The feline's touch was like heaven to him, his short little tail wagging a bit as his red hair and pointy ears were flattened down by the strong paw.

Duez continued to pet his newest acquisition, moving his paw down over the seal's back. His claws lightly scratched the purple spots that dotted Gomamon's hide. "You three better go get those cuts and scratches treated."

"Of course my lord." Hawkmon bowed, the three sopping wet rookie digimon leaving the bathroom. They left wet prints down the tiled floor. They would clean those later, of course. Master was probably going to enjoy his new pet for a while.

"I am surprised you are not messed up a bit Aqua-Slut." Duez remarked as his paw moved down and rubbed the Gomamon's tight little white furred rump.

The seal arched his tuchus into the paw. It almost seemed funny just how angry he would have previously been if some guy he never even knew ten minutes before started to blatantly grope him. "They made sure not to damage me Master." Gomamon grinned as the water rained down on him. It slid off with ease with his waterproof hide. "I guess they figured they wanted YOU to have me daisy fresh." He grinned, looking up at his master as water washed off his perfect body.

"They are thoughtful little slaves." He picked up Gomamon under the flippers like he was a child, holding the seal in front of him. "All they want to do is please me." The feline looked down at the seal, his dick standing straight out at attention, the red shaft poking out at four inches long, with a pair of white balls hugging tightly to his groin. "Looks like you want to make me happy too."

"Of course master!" Gomamon squirmed like a child on Christmas. He figured out one of the things his Master expected him was sex. And now, it was all he could think of. "Press me against the wall master, and just use me like a slut! An Aqua-slut!" The collared sea mammal was excited beyond belief.

"That's the spirit!" Duez held the seal tight to his belly. "Hold on for a second." The cat announced, instantly feeling Gomamon's flippers wrap around his strong neck. The little seal prick of his rubbed into his belly fur, making him groan. "No humping... cumming is a privilege for you slaves. One you really have to earn!"

"Yes master!" Of course the feline's enjoyment came first. If he felt any pleasure at all, it was because his Master so graciously let him. He resisted the temptation to grind himself against the tan belly, even as he felt his master rub his ass. He couldn't help but moan a bit at the feeling... something slippery was being rubbed against his bum, making him squirm even more so. "Oh Master... what's that?"

"Lubricant. You don't expect me to fuck you dry, do you?" The wet cat continued to knead the digimon furry rump, starting to slide a finger inside to prepare him. Gomamon contemplated the possibility of telling his master as a slave he had no input about that, but the sensation distracted him "How does that feel?"

A bit of a wince from the virgin tight seal. He had never had much more than a finger in there once or twice while experimenting. But of course, since it was his master fingering him, he loved it. "Oh it feels great my master!" He even tried to wiggle back more, taking it deeper to show how much he wanted it. "Though not as good as your cock I bet!" He panted as he leaned his head back a bit, looking into his master sapphire blue eyes... And was just overcome with passionate desire. He pressed his lips hard against Master's, pulling him in a tight hug as he kissed him for all he was worth.

Duez was a bit shocked out first, but soon closed his eyes. The fuzzy lips of the seal's were nice and warm. To the best of his knowledge he had never kissed any of his sluts before... not on the face anyway. But it was certainly enjoyable. Both of their mouths opened at the same time, the tongues starting to dance with one another. Gomamon's tongue was a smooth as silk, a stark contrast to the roughness of his own feline tongue. The cat purred as the water washed down on the two of them, his finger still pumping in and out slowly.

The seal was in heaven, the touch of his master was all around, inside and out. The collared Gomamon continued to kiss for several minutes, before the feline broke contact. The seal could not help but lick once more across his face. "Sorry Master." He blushed a bit. "I just had to kiss you once. I figure it would be worth any punishment."

The cat smiled, popping his finger out of the tight hole. "Hmmm I just may punish you... but it can wait. You are lucky your master really enjoyed that." Duez smiled and turned the seal around, pressing his naked body against the tile. The shower stall was remarkably clean now, thanks to the meticulous scrubbing of Fudgebird. "Though your master is going to enjoy this more." He lowered the seal a bit, so his ass was at crotch level. He pressed his cock against the sloppy hole, and shoved in hard.

Gomamon let out a loud yelp as the barbed feline shaft shoved deep inside of him. It was a lot more than he had ever taken, and his rump was a fair bit smaller than Veemon's big blue bottom. Something tore a little as he was taken roughly despite the lube. But the seal's still groaned... His master was inside of him. That was all he could dream off. "Oh master... Hard... split me open!" His black claws dragged against the wall, making clacking noises. "Don't hold back!" The red haired seal yelped as the barbs dug into his anal walls, making him squeal some more. That was a rather brutal cock... his ass bleeding a bit, the blood being washed down the drain with a torrent of suds. "Keep going!"

Duez held on to Gomamon's sides, feeling the muscular swimmer's body of his newest pet. "Mmmm you are probably the tightest out of all of them Aqua-Slut." He purred deeply, his tail whipping around behind him as he continued to use the digimon seal hard. He was balls deep in the furry little asshole with in three thrusts, probably too fast... even digimon had limits. But the tough little seal seemed to take it well enough. "Hopefully I don't loosen you too much." Duez panted, as he started to shoot some precum up in there.

"No sir!" Gomamon shouted loudly to keep from whining in pain. His butt was incredibly sore now. He could feel himself tearing, and the cock rubbing against his open wound. But it still felt so good, so right. Even with the pain of in anal intruder, he was still as hard as a rock. His dick slid against the tile wall over and over, providing just enough stimulation to frustrate him more. "Please, cum in my tight little seal ass!" He pleaded, just wanting to feel his master's pleasure enter him.

The mind controlling furry was certainly planning on doing that. His tempo increased more so, plowing hard and fast into Gomamon. The seal sounds were a mix of pain and pleasure, yet he kept begging for more. The collars were such a great invention. It amazed Duez that Ken failed to conquer the world with these little toys at hand. Of course, Duez had no interest in the world. Only himself. And his only interest now was solely planted on his barbed shaft. "Almost there... almost there... yes!" Duez let out a deep throaty purr as he started to cum hard up the backside of the seal. A good torrent of seed flooded deep inside, officially taking away his virginity once and for all.

"Yes master!" The sea digimon rubbed his cheek over the tile, biting his lip a bit to keep from howling in pain. His ass was burning now, the seal getting close to his limits. But it was all worthwhile when he felt his master off load into him. "Ohhh... yes... yes..." he closed his eyes, drinking in the sensation of being used as a mere toy for his feline master's pleasure.

Duez pumped a few more times into Gomamon, till his tan balls had nothing more to offer. He rested a few more seconds in him, enjoying the feel, before placing Gomamon back on the shower stall floor. He looked down at the seal's ass, red and bleeding slightly. "Looks like I did quite a number on you."

Gomamon turned around, albeit it slowly. His lower flippers didn't want to respond very well, and his hard cock was pressed into the floor. It was always a nightmare for him to move with a hard on. "You did sir... but please? Don't let that stop you from using my butt as much as you want." He wiggled his little tuchus behind him, still feeling a bit of pain. "You said I was nice and tight master. No reason you should not use me just because I hurt a bit!"

The brown cat grinned. "Of course not... anyway, it's time for your punishment." He got a rather nasty idea seeing Gomamon lie there on the shower floor. He normally did something in the shower when he was alone... but his sexual deviances were getting more and more perverse thanks to the prodding of his horny little mind sluts.

"Yes master." Gomamon was expecting this. Not that it bothered him too much. He got to make out with his most beautiful master. Any punishment was worth that. He rested on the floor, resolute.

"Good, now, place your flippers under your chin, cup them, and open your mouth wide." Duez was ready to try something new, holding his limp cock in his paw. "And do it in the corner of the shower." The cat reached up and directed the nozzle away from the seal. He didn't want the water getting in the way of what he had planned.

The seal was a touch confused as to what his master was planning. But confused or not, he would obey any order his master give. He placed his flippers a bit awkwardly under his chin, turning the palms face up. He couldn't really cup them as master wished, but the flippers were long and flat, making a nice little slide. "Like this master?" He smiled upwards, as the head of the penis was pointed downwards at him. It wasn't hard, so he didn't think master was going to fuck his muzzle next. Ass to mouth... normally the idea would have made him ill, but now anything no matter how dirty excited him... It dawned on him what the master wanted to do now. "Oh... Oh!" He shouted in surprise just as the master let his bladder go. He quickly shut his eyes, just as the first few drops of yellow liquid landed on his baby fur seal hide.

Duez grinned, flashing ivory white fangs as he began to use the seal as urinal. He often took a leak in the shower... What guy hasn't? But now, this was far more entertaining. He went slowly, the stream of cat urine hitting Gomamon square in his non-existent nose and pouring down his lips face and into his muzzle.

The seal got his first taste of piss as it flowed down to his gaping mouth. It was salty and strong, making him wince a bit. For the tiniest of seconds he was going to spit it out, the animal part of his brain disgusted by it. But then he remembered this was master... master was marking him as a pet! All of a sudden this was the greatest feeling in world. He relished the warmth of it, the smell so strong. It began to fill his flippers, making a nice little pool of the liquid. He swirled his tongue around as a quarter cup of it lay in the bottom of the jaw. Gomamon was trying to show how much he loved this, relished being master's little water toy.

The house cat continued to pee, the stream slowly dying down. He shook his cock at the end, a few last drops landing on the floor of the shower, to be washed away by the water stream. He smiled as he looked at the yellow faced digimon lying on his belly in the corner... He had his flippers clamped together as tightly as possible, so not a drop leaked out. His entire muzzle was under a piss layer now, yet he didn't seem to be holding his breath. It dawned on him the seal could probably stay that way for quite some time. "Just hold it like that for a bit." Duez chuckled as he began to shower... slowly. He just watched his newest pet stay perfectly still, like a statue. The seal continued to scrub his fur, preening himself, taking his sweet time. Yet still Gomamon did not move... ten, fifteen, twenty minutes past and he was still motionless, cupping that piss to his face as if it was the last drop of water on earth. "Man... you can hold your breath a long time can't you Aqua-Slut?"

Gomamon very carefully nodded. Just a slight bob of his head. He could hold his breath for a least half an hour... longer if he wasn't moving or fighting. If anything, just keeping his flippers pressed against his face was harder.

"All right, clamp your mouth shut." Duez ordered, and Gomamon instantly obeyed, trapping a mouth full of the salty liquid in his mouth. "Good... now... rub it in your fur."

The seal tried to move his paws fast, pushing the piss into his belly as he rolled on his back. Of course, a lot of it quickly disappeared down the drain, but he got enough of it to start rubbing it all over. His white fur took a yellow sheen quickly as Gomamon rolled on his back like a puppy at play. He groaned as much as he could with a mouthful of piss, showing master how great it felt to be used so by his loving master.

Duez was certainly enjoying the show. He rubbed himself a bit, back against the wall as his seal pet coated himself with his own piss. He was curious if the collars would force his digimon pets to do that... Apparently so. He wondered just what limits they had... so far none he could see. He may have to do more testing down the line. After he watched Gomamon rub his fur down to a pissy mess, he gave his next order. "On your belly, open your mouth and show me the inside." Gomamon instantly flipped on his stomach, his hard cock still rubbing the floor. He opened his muzzle nice and wide, showing the mouth full of master urine he saved. "Good... now swallow."

No hesitation at all. Gomamon pressed his lips tightly together, and in a single try, made a big gulp. The cat's pee slid down his throat with ease. The seal made a big show, groaning in delight, even licking his lips. "Oh master, everything about you tastes so good." He opened his mouth nice and wide for Duez, to show that he very well indeed drank it all like the good pet he was.

Duez snickered a bit. "That's a good Aqua-Slut, though I hope you don't expect me to kiss you after that. You're probably better off as a urinal now." He grinned, rubbing his shaft a bit.

"Kissing you master, or having me be your little pee pot." The smile of Gomamon's stretched ear to ear. "Whatever makes you happy." And the seal truly believed that down to his altered code.

"Good." Duez sat down on the floor of the shower stall, patting his lap once. "Now come here... I am going to clean you up before we leave. I don't want to see you getting pee all over my nice clean floors. Fudgebird has enough to clean as it is!"

The seal crawled over, cock sliding over the slippery floor. "May just have to keep me in the bathroom then." He groaned happily as master squirted some shampoo over his head, and began to run his fingers through his red hair. Gomamon closed his eyes tightly as master began to clean him... which was good. The seal would have had trouble cleaning those hard to reach places of piss. His flippers just couldn't reach around the back like that.

"Oh don't think I didn't consider it." Duez smiled as he continued to clean the seal as if he was a pet dog... which he pretty much was. "But you are going to have other jobs as well." He mentioned as he flipped the seal over to scrub that yellow belly of his. He noticed his pet was still hard as rock. Unsurprising. All his male slaves walked around in perpetual hardness.

"Whatever makes master happy." The seal almost purred when master rubbed his belly. "But I hope if you ever have the urge to go, you think of me and not your toilet." He shameless offered, just wanting to be a part of master life.

Duez laughed out loud as he gave Gomamon's cock a quick squeeze. "I think you are going to make a fine addition to my harem." The cat looked down at his pet. "Welcome to my perverted little family."


I actually enjoy a bit of watersports now and then. The only reason I don't add it to my stories normally is that it does turn off a lot of people, and I like to keep my stories fairly accessible. My main stories are digimon related, have rape and other extreme fetishes. Too many extreme fetishes may turn off too many people.

Again here is Duez's pet list! 1. Biyomon - Cunt 2. Gatomon - Pussy 3. Veemon - V-Slut 4. Hawkmon - Fudgebird 5. Gabumon - Bubble Butt 6. Gomamon - Aqua-Slut

Anyway, comments, votes, feedback are always appreciated. And I am available to chat, give previews and so on as [email protected] on MSN, or mrredrover on AIM and Yahoo. Comments and the like keep me writing by the way! I am sucker for feedback and the like!

Collared - Chapter 7 - No Name Given

We needed some more chicks in this series. The harem is getting skewed to the cock side of things! So, we brought in some new pussy. I am surprised that no one was upset over the watersports in the last one. Warning, there is more watersports in this...

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