Brother Mine - Chapter Four - A Heart Broken

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Brother, Mine Chapter Four - A Heart Broken © Cederwyn Whitefurr 10th February, 2012 All Rights Reserved.

With a low, sobbing moan, the stag broke cover and fled back into the forest. He ran blindly, oblivious to the sharp branches that clawed at his legs and body, his tears streaming down his muzzle as he wept heart-brokenly - running until his body shone with sweat and his lungs burned like fire - finally collapsing to the edge of a cold, clear stream where he curled up and sobbed helplessly. His mother had warned them both of the dangers humans posed - of their cruelty, their mischievousness and what they did to careless young buck's and does...some of her stories had given the elder buck nightmares for years - and now - he found her...willingly - being bred to a human!

Fresh tears streaked his cheeks, as he tucked his head beneath his hind leg and sobbed. Everything his mother had told him - it was lies - all of it! How could he believe what she had said, when she herself, so willingly gave herself to a human? He had not imagined it - he had seen it with his own eyes - and now, sickened beyond comprehension, he did not know what to believe. Her cries had been one of a doe in pleasure - not the soul-crushing agony she had told him - awaited careless Whitetail's, if a human ever caught them. Yet...a could she...he gagged, feeling the bitter bile rising in his throat, and unable to hold it back, he began violently throwing up, his stomach purging itself of the sweet grasses and tender leaves he had snacked on earlier.

Weak, exhausted and his mind crushed beneath the knowledge he knew would never be removed - he gagged and retched again and again; even though there was nothing left in his stomach - yet still it twisted and convulsed within him. How could he face his mother again; worse - how could he tell his sibling - of what he had seen? Nothing could ever make him forgive his mother for this unthinkable betrayal - for the trust of a child in a parent, was meant to be unshakable - now - his faith was crushed beyond any hope of repair...


For hours he lay on the edge of the stream, crying helplessly, oblivious to anyone and anything that come to investigate the pealing squeals of a tormented stag. He did not know how long he lay there - convulsing in agony and crying helplessly, before he felt a warm nose touch his flank, and he weakly raised his tear-streaked eyes - and stared into the watering eyes of his beloved brother - who gazed back at him; ears flat against his neck and sobbing - distressed by his brothers anguish, and not knowing how to comfort him.

"Go away," Sobbed the elder buck, as he turned his head away. "Go on...leave me alone!"

"Brother...please - why are you crying so - " Sniffled the younger buck, as he nuzzled his brother again, trying to comfort him.

"You...please, please just go away - I...I can not tell you - "

Ignoring his brothers anguished cries, the sibling knelt down and pressed himself against his brother, warming his chilled body and nuzzling him along the shoulder and neck in a comforting gesture.

"You're freezing - " Sniffled the younger stag.

"I've been sick...and...please my brother - please...just...just leave me - I can't stand it - I just can't!"

Shaking his head, the younger snorted and nuzzled his brother again, before crawling closer on his knees and pressing his warm body to that of his quivering brother.

"You're sick...I can smell that - and your grief is killing me my brother - please, please don't cry - let me...let me make it better...please?"

Sniffing back his grief, the elder weakly lifted his head and gave his brother a half-hearted nuzzle in return, before laying his head back down and squeezing his eyes closed.

"You can't help me - " whispered the older buck.

"I can...and I will - " His sibling whimpered, then nudged his brothers hind right leg.

"What...what are you doing - " Gasped the elder, as he flinched and snapped his head up.

"Oh, come on now - " His brother quivered, then hung his head. " tried too...I mean - you were about too..."

Frowning, the elder blinked, trying to recall what his brother meant - then suddenly, the memory come back from earlier - how he had nearly mounted his brother...and the young stag's nuzzles along his brothers hind leg - soon became apparent what the younger buck had in mind.

"NO!" He screamed in fright, then staggering to his hooves where he stood trembling and gasping.

" were going to mate with me - " Whimpered the younger, as he visibly crouched, dropping his head and assuming a non-threatening, submissive gesture before his stronger brother.

"It...I was wrong brother - you and I both know that..." Exhaled the elder, as he nuzzled his brothers neck and sniffled. "You're a buck...I'm a buck and...and its just...its just not...right - a buck mounts another...and breeds him - "

With a snort, the younger lifted his head and stared into his brothers eyes. "Why? I've seen bachelors mating smaller and younger yearling stags... Why is it wrong? Why is it wrong - if I..."

" can't ask me this - " Whimpered the elder, as his eyes widened and his ears flattened.

"Why can I not choose the one - who will breed with me? Would you prefer, next rut, I find some older, cruel and mean buck - who can not get a doe to relieve his urges to mate...and he forces me to be his doe? Is that what you want? Is it?"

With an angry snort, the younger buck turned about, his tail flat against his rump and he hung his head.

"You hate me...I tease you with how I it my fault, I look more like a doe, than a big, strong buck like you? Is it my fault...I choose to have you as my first mating partner - because I know - I'll never find a doe willing to let me breed? Go on - admit it, tell me the truth!" Wailed the younger stag, as he began crying and hung his head even lower, feeling pent up grief and anger washing from his body. "You know I'm telling you the truth my brother - I love you - do you hear me? I love you - and I choose you, to be the stag to mate make me your doe, even out of season and - "

Biting back his cruel retort, the elder slowly approached and nuzzled his brothers shoulder comfortingly, both shocked and surprised, that his brother willingly gave himself up - as they both knew, this years rut, the younger would be bred by frustrated stags...who would treat this weaker, frightened and crying young stag - with his distinctly effeminate musculature - as a way to relieve their frustrations and anxieties. With a gasp, the Elder trembled, knowing his brother had known all along....

"Please..." Whispered his brother, head bowed and ears flattened. "I'm begging you my brother - please...make me your doe - be gentle with me...teach me how to respond to a buck - so they don't get mad at me and hurt me...."

Urges fought with fear inside the elders mind - as a part of him had long longed to breed this young stag - feeling his warm body beneath his, his squeals like a doe as the elder thrust himself against the youngsters warm, tender rump...the sweet pleasure of feeling himself inside another - even if that other was a buck...all these images and thoughts confused and bewildered him - as another part of his mind screamed at him, telling him this young stag was his brother - it was wrong for him to take his pleasures in such a way...

Tearfully, the younger buck glanced back over his shoulder, gazing into his brothers eyes and the elder watched the large tear-drops form in the corner of the younger buck's eyes, then slowly drizzle down his cheeks. He knew what he was offering his older brother - it was going to be their first mating together...and the younger didn't know what to expect - it wasn't exactly widely discussed amongst stags - especially those who were the recipients of an older, more physically stronger buck....

"Please...." Pleaded his younger brother, as he tried to be brave, slowly lifting his tail, until it stood upright like a pine tree, the creamy white underside shining in the late afternoon light.

Sobbing, the elder slowly rose, then stood on his shaking hooves, looking at his brothers upright tail, the tight pucker of flesh beneath it - and his milk-white inner thighs...before he swallowed and trembled from ears to tail. A part of him longed to feel the youngster beneath him, clasped tightly with his forelegs - his bleating cries as he was mated...and another part, was sickened to its core, knowing the younger stag was often sick for hours afterwards - and he had even heard whispered rumours - some even died from this unnatural mating....

Shaking his head, the elder sniffled and lay his head on his brothers rump, then trembled, his nose picking up his younger brothers fear and nervousness - and he swallowed visibly, before gently nuzzling his brothers rump, before he gulped and whispered....

"Please...kneel down brother - I...I don't want this to hurt...any more than it already will - we - we've never mated before and...and I'm scared..."

fearfully, his younger brother slowly knelt, then bowed his head and squeezed his eyes closed, fear surging through his body as he felt his older brother slowly climb onto his back, his strong forelegs sliding down his ribs, as his brother nuzzled his younger brothers nape and began crying. Unable to stop himself, the youngster began crying as well, then squealed as he felt his brother begin exeprimentally thrusting under his tail; his long, slender member fully errect and probing his tender rump. With a sniffle, the elder buck pulled back slightly, giving his younger brother a chance to draw a deep breath - which he held - as the elder stag twitched - then thrust his hips forwards, and with one quick stroke - deflowered the younger stag, burying almost his full length inside the shrieking youngster.

Instinct took him, despite his mental urgings to resist, and as his brothers agonised squeals pealed forth, he bit down on his brothers nape and pulled back, driving his full length into the younger stag's tight anal passage - and began awkwardly thrusting, his forelegs squeezing his brother ribs tighter and tighter, as the younger stag screamed - his head thrown back and the sickening shrieks pealing forth....

To Be Continued...

Brother Mine - Chapter Three - Some Things Are Best Left Unknown

Brother, Mine Chapter Three - Some Things Are Better Left Unknown © Cederwyn Whitefurr May, 2010 All Rights Reserved. Finally, managing to block the thoughts out of his mind, and get himself back under control (and with a very wet belly), the...

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Brother Mine - Chapter Two - Learning Our Lessons

Brother, Mine Chapter Two - Learning Our Lessons © Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain) May, 2010 All Rights Reserved. Seasons come and went, and the two young fauns grew into beautiful young Bucks, much to their mothers pleasure. She was...

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Brother Mine - Chapter One - Twins Are Born

Brother, Mine (c) Cederwyn Whitefurr May, 2010 All Rights Reserved Squealing in pain, the young whitetail doe, her belly heavily extended with faun, lashed out with her slender hooves as she felt the painful contractions, and she threw her head...

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