Brother Mine - Chapter Two - Learning Our Lessons

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Brother, Mine

Chapter Two - Learning Our Lessons

© Cederwyn Whitefurr (aka: Anthony Wain)

May, 2010

All Rights Reserved.

Seasons come and went, and the two young fauns grew into beautiful young Bucks, much to their mothers pleasure. She was proud of the two offspring she had produced, all those months ago, and as she lay herself down in her rough bed, she watched them at play nearby - their small antlers cracking and clashing, as they enjoyed their mock battles with each other. As she watched, the eldest of the two managed a surprisingly move, and the younger squealed, as his brother dropped him to his knees, then stopped and nuzzled him affectionately, licking his neck as his brother slowly staggered back to his feet and shook himself off, then flicked his tail - before hanging his head submissively. Their mother had hopes for them both, and loved each of them equally, but realised the younger sibling would never be as strong as the elder - even still, he was still an impressive buck - but seemed to lack...something. Shaking her head slowly, she made herself comfortable, then tucked her head to her tail and watcher her offspring, before yawning and slowly drifting off to sleep.

They paused in their play, then looked at her, back at each other, then back to her, before they quietly moved off, plucking leaves and grass and nibbling on them, not really hungry, but more interested in exploring their home range, knowing their mother was highly protective of them - and rarely let them out of her sight for more than a few minutes at a time. With the elder leading the way, the more submissive younger Buck happily followed - long having learned his place, and seemed to be content with that.

Together the passed through a thick patch of brambles, lightly stepping over that which they couldn't easily go around, then the elder stopped and his brother ran into his rump, too busy looking at something else and not paying attention.

"Hey!" yelped the younger one.

"Shhhh..." Hissed his older brother, flattening his ears back and giving his brother a warning stare.

Cautiously the elder lifted his head and began sniffing the air, his ears like radar dishes as they swept forwards and backwards. Creeping forwards, the elder brother moved like a wraith, barely making a sound as he hesitantly stepped forwards, then froze and his ears flicked forwards as he listened intently.

A soft snap of a twig, then the gentle susurration of fur moving against leaves got both young whitetail's attention, and the younger one tried to emulate his brother, and carefully approached him, then stood trembling, his shoulder pressed against that of his elder brother. With a soft snort, the elder glanced sideways at his brother, then nuzzled his neck comfortingly, before creeping forwards once again and carefully pushing his way into a nearby thicket. After a moments hesitation, the younger one followed, then stopped and pressed tightly against his brother, as they both looked through the thicket, and the elders eyes slowly widened.

In a sun dappled grove, a young yearling Doe was daintily nibbling at the tender leaves, her tail going flick, flick flick, before her head snapped up and she glanced around her, ears twisting too and fro.

"Oh...she's beautiful - " Groaned the younger buck, his eyes growing misty.

His brother turned his head, then nipped his younger siblings ear painfully, making him gasp.

"Shhh - " He hissed into his ear.

With a gentle shiver, the Doe seemed to ignore the two young Buck's, or so the impression she gave, as she returned to lightly foraging - her beautiful white tail raised and flicking enticingly. There come a loud grunting snort, and both younger buck's crouched down in fear - instinct warning them of the danger they suddenly found themselves in, and they sank to their knees and tried to remain as still as they could - as a proud and majestic stag of twelve points on his impressive rack, forced his way into the clearing from the other side. With a soft gasp the doe's head snapped up and she turned to look a the elder buck, who was easily twice her size - and he moved up to her, then nuzzled her rump. She uttered a short, coughing bark and shyly moved away from him, as he lifted his head and inhaled her scent - knowing full well - this young yearling was in season - and as he threw back his head and roared, the two cowering buck's shivered and tried to melt into the surrounding brush, not daring to risk the anger of this buck.

Again, the doe moved, and the buck followed her, nipping and licking at her rump, before she seemed to sigh resignedly, and stopped, then with little courtship, the older buck reared and wrapped his forelegs about the slender doe's flanks - and both younger buck's gasped - seeing the huge member come sliding out of his sheath, then he began enthusiastically thrusting at the doe, who squirmed and tried to pull away.

"Oh..." Moaned the younger buck, and his brother nipped his ear again threateningly.

Taking a firmer grasp on his doe, the dominant buck nuzzled and licked at her shoulders and neck, as he positioned himself, then with a short, sharp thrust, he bucked against her and drove her to her front knees, as he mated her in one swift, seemingly brutal stroke. He dismounted her, then snorted and nuzzled her flank, as the doe climbed back to her hooves, then twisted er head about and nuzzled at the dominant buck, who merely stood and panted, his exposed length dribbling as he shook himself, then nuzzled the doe again.

"" Gasped the younger buck, as his eyes widened in pleasure. "Did you..."

"Shut up!" Growled his brother warningly. "You'll get both of us in trouble, if he catches us here..."

His younger sibling gave him a hurt look, then turned his attention back to the doe and buck, who snorted and then clasped the doe between his forelegs again, and mounted her again and again, over the next three hours, each one seeming to be just as energetic and rough as the first, and both younger buck's winced at the elders apparent violence, but the doe didn't cry out in fear and pain - if anything, she seemed to enjoy the dominant stag's repeated matings. At last, the buck finally finished with the doe, and he dismounted her, nuzzled her flanks, then roared his domination, before the doe shivered, slapped down her tail over her aching groin, and carefully moved off into the woods - the buck turning and heading the opposite way. Laying shivering in their protective hiding spot, the two brothers glanced at each other, their ears laid back and they didn't move for hours, until the sun started to dip down behind the hills and then, summoning their courage, they slipped out of hiding and returned to their home range.


When they got back, looking embarrassed and nervous, their mother bit both their ears until they bled, shrieking at them and chastising them for their foolishness and making her worry. They flinched and tried to hide from her sharp teeth, but she stamped a foreleg and they obediently stood and accepted their punishment, the younger one screaming as his mother bit his ears again, then shivered and tried to calm herself.

"Of all the stupid, immature and irresponsible things..." She snapped at them, her eyes filling with tears of grief and anger. "How many times have I told you both - you never go off alone - ever! The forest is dangerous, especially to two young Buck's, who don't know what to watch for!"

"Mother - it..." Sobbed the elder yearling, as she spun about and turned on him. "It was my fault - please, you know how was my fault, please don't punish him, I did it - I made him follow me!"

She bit his ears, neck and shoulder until he crumpled and wailed piteously, before she finally brought her fear and anger under control, her tail frizzled out and ears slicked back.

"My...fawns - god - do you have any idea, of what sort of danger exists out here?" she sighed.

"I..." Sniffled the elder, as he bit back his tears bravely.

"No! You have no idea - none what so ever, to you two, its all just fun and games, but there are countless dangers in these woods! More than I could ever hope to teach you, but if you two insist on not doing as I ask, how will you ever learn?"

Thoroughly chastised, the two young buck's hung their heads submissively and then knelt down and wept, their badly bitten ears dripping blood, but it had been a cruel, painful lesson, one, they were to remember the rest of their lives.


Summer turned to autumn and under their mothers increasingly watchful gaze, the young Buck's started to grow their thick winter coats - and she taught them all about what was a good source of nutritional food to help them grow fat for the coming winter, where to find clean water to drink, and above all, natural salt licks and mineral deposits, to keep them healthy. As the first leaves yellowed and fell, the two buck's had begun to fill out nicely, but the younger one was still very slender, and his mother worried he wouldn't survive the coming winter. For those few months, they stayed protectively close to their mother - well remembering her punishments the last time they had strayed.

Finally, one morning when they woke, she was nowhere in sight. Frightened, the two young bucks huddled together on their trampled leaves and grass bed, where they'd slept the night snuggled up with each other, and one looked at the other, before they turned their heads in opposite ways, ears pricked forwards as they listened.

"She...she's probably off getting a drink - or something - " Whispered the elder, as he soothing nuzzled his brother, who trembled and rolled his eyes back to look at his brother, whom he adored.

With a sniffle, the younger buck nodded, then carefully got to his hooves and shook himself off. Almost shyly, the elder glanced up at his brother, his eyes sliding over his younger siblings legs, along his pale white belly - then - just for a moment, pausing at the narrow furred sheath and then on to the pale white scrotum that hung between his brothers legs. A strange feeling come over him, and he moaned softly and then gasped, feeling his sheath firming beneath him - then his penis slowly extending out of the sheath and rubbing itself against his belly. It was both frightening - and pleasurable, and he quickly moved his right hind leg up and lay over onto his belly, trying to hide his rising arousal.

"Come on, get up!" His younger brother nudged him and stretched, before turning around and arching his back, stretching the slender young muscles and yawning.

" a minute - " Moaned his brother, faking a yawn and trembling, as he looked at his brother, and watched his tail flicking slowly from side to side.

From behind, with his head bowed, his younger brother did - in some ways, look like a Doe, with his slender furred hips and graceful curves, and he blinked, then shook his head and tried to get the images out of his head, as he felt his arousal grow more and more . Closing his eyes, he thought about that doe and her buck, all those months ago, and it sent shivers along his spine. As his growing erection pressed itself against his furred stomach, he groaned quietly and shivered, then blinked and looked at his brother, who stood with his back to him, tail flicking playfully from side to side, and looking back over his shoulder.

To Be Continued...

Brother Mine - Chapter One - Twins Are Born

Brother, Mine (c) Cederwyn Whitefurr May, 2010 All Rights Reserved Squealing in pain, the young whitetail doe, her belly heavily extended with faun, lashed out with her slender hooves as she felt the painful contractions, and she threw her head...

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Hoppers Story - Chapter One

Hoppers Story Chapter One (c) Cederwyn Whitefurr 10th February, 2012 All Rights Reserved. Hopper sat quietly beneath the great oak at the centre of the quad, his short ears twitching as he listened without really paying attention, his eyes...

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Ceredwyn Whitefurr - Profile (Clean version)

Name: Ceredwyn Whitefurr Age: 16 (see below) Body Type: Thin (Effeminate) Hair/Eye Color: None (see below)/Brown Hair Style: Long brown ponytail, brown human-like hair Style: Dresses in a simple dark green robe, that starts at the neck...

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