Meet, Greet and Eat.

Story by Kaijou on SoFurry

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The Boys from Forty-Four-Eat-You continue their shennanigans as they greet a new face to the street!

Introducing forest-wolf to the fold(s of my belly). X3

Meet, Greet and Eat. © Tsumi Moogle '11 Characters © Themselves

'What's the Tiiiime, Mister Wolf?' Sang the chorus of kids, grinning and watching The Otter they were to Approach, his back turned, and rudder twitching low along the ground as he deliberated to himself. '5 O'clock!' Dylan called with a grin, twitching his rounded ears to the sound of footpaws and shoes crunching through the leafy grass Behind him. One, Two, Three, Four, Five. The call came again, with a giggling tone wavering through it as the boys anticipated the next call, as several, with their lengthy strides had them within bare feet of the Otter's back. The Lutra Whirled about with a grin and called with laughter; 'Dinner Time!!' As he chased the suddenly retreating, laughing and screaming others. With a great lunge, he pounced upon the nearest, and smallest, grinning brightly as he straddled the little Mog. 'Aww man..!' Pouted Tsumi with a flushed huff, the other kids panting and giggling as they stood at the safety of the starting line.

Licking his lips, Dylan lifted the smaller boy up, grooming the velvety fur of his face before yawning his whiskery muzzle wide. Smoothly spreading his jaws with Tsumi's slim form, He made a show of indulgently savouring the squirming Mog, as shorts, after shirt, He drained the Strawberry-mog down his throat. A call paused the action though, as Moonblossom, Demi-fox, Mouse, and Otter turned their heads (And protruding calves) to the sound of one of the parents. 'Kids! Dinner time!' With a mingled mix of 'Awww..!'s and 'Yes! Pizza!' The group started for the porch of the house with a larger Otter, whilst JD Hung back to help Dylan to his feet. Tilting his head back, The Otter smiled as he swallowed Tsumi's calves down, until his Wriggling sneakers trailed past his lips and vanished with a bulge down the Lutra's gullet. Supporting his playfully Jostling belly, the Mouse and Otter hurried to catch up to the Others as they wiped their feet and shoes and stepped into the pleasant, shaded coolness of the house.

Several things met them as they grew accustomed to the inside of Dylan's house. His father, Terrance for one, with a couple of large Pizza-boxes in his hands, for another, and a sheepish looking Wolf standing slightly awkwardly half behind and half beside the Large Otter. 'Right, so, Pizzas for you boys- Sefra, where's Tsumi?' Quipped the Broad Lutra, before blinking as the Moonblossom pointed to Dylan. 'Ahh.. Well, we'll manage something. Anyway, This's Forest.' Barked Terry, lightly resting a broad webbed hand on the back of the wolf's shirt, and walked him forward, towards the other boys. 'He's new in the street, Parents just moved down into Number 3. But they've gone out to dinner, so we'll be taking care of him for the evening.' The boys sized each other up with curiousity and a smile each. 'That's Sefra.' The Large Otter pointed out. The Moonblossom waved. 'Danny.' The Demi-fox gave an awkward smile and waved too, FoWo returning it. 'JD.' The Mouse Puffed out his chest and squeaked proudly. 'Tsumi.' Dylan's belly struggled, before the Lutra squeezed his abdomen and slowly squished up the moogle's head, allowing him to blink curiously and giggle at the wolf. 'Hiya, kupo- Eep! Mmph!' He was quickly swallowed back down. 'And My boy, Dylan.' The Smaller Otter belched proudly and smirked to his father who shook his head before the giggles.

With the gang following him through, Terry Lay the pizzas on the dining-table, and wandered off with a flick of his rudder. Sitting down, the boys hurried to snag up slices, Dylan squeezing Tsumi's head up into his jaws to let the mog eat, as the others chattered brightly to the new kid. 'Forest's Kind of an odd name.' Sefra said lightly, smiling all the same as he regarded the wolf. 'Yeeeah, most people just call me FoWo, for short.' Wagged the Lupine as he tucked into the warm cheesey pizza. 'Heheh, Typical luck for Tsumi, being the only one to get noshed, right before dinner, and meeting the new kid.' Grinned JD, as Tsumi finished a slice, suckling Dylan's fingers obligingly, before poking his tongue at the mouse. 'I bet you'll be next, kupoomph!' Once again, he was swallowed down. 'No way! I get to be It next, remember? I called it last week!' He grumbled, picking some cheese from his next slice. 'Well, what game are we gunna play?' Danny asked, wiping his hands on a serviette, whilst Sefra regarded the wolf. 'Let's let FoWo decide!'

The wolf squirmed some in his chair and smiled. 'Well, How about..' He murmured slowly, scratching his chin. 'Hide and Snack?' There was a general murmur of approval from the boys and hurriedly, they finished their meal, to start playing. JD closed his eyes and covered them, standing and facing a wall with a flick of his ropey tail. Grinning, he listened with his large rounded ears as the others began scurrying off through the house, giggling to themselves. at the count of 'Thirty!' and with a cry of 'Ready or now, here I come!' The mouse looked about, his ears and nostrils twitching as he crept through the house, his sneakers silent on the carpet as he Wandered, eyes roaming along each room he passed. The Dining Room was empty.. as Was the kitchen. He made sure to check the pantry, recalling a time Sefra had hidden in there for several hours, before realizing the game had been called off.

Pausing, the Rodent grinned at the sound of a badly muffled sneeze, and crossing the Lounge-room, smirked as he opened the closet, and stooped before the Demi-fox, laying on the dusty carpet. Danny blinked, looking back and 'erk!'ing as the Mouse grasped his ankles and dragged his feet into his eager jaws. Callous and swift, and aided by the Demi-fox's patches of smooth skin, JD bolted the Human easily, squishing him on past his hips within moments, before he carefully stood, lifting his jaws to the ceiling as he swallowed lazily along the Demi's torso, tonguing at the smooth flesh with a curious appreciation for his texture, not to mention the lingering taste of pizza. Within him, Danny groaned as the rolling, squishing walls packed him into the mouse's belly, right atop the thick pizza chunks earlier ingested. Wriggling slowly, He eeped! As his vision was smoothly engulfed by the Mouse's jaws and large front teeth, before being slid easily into the Mouse's gut proper. Belching, JD kneaded his gut, closing the cupboard and smirking as he continued his search. One down.

The hall-way, empty.. Dylan's Bedroom, empty.. Not even his closet! He was sure someone would have hidden there.. On, into the spare room, before his nose-twitched. Grinning, he turned about and sniffed again. There was that new smell. FoWo's smell. Carefully tracing it, He eased into the bathroom and grinned as he peeked over the side of the Spa. FoWo 'Eep!'ed and blushed with a wave as he spied the Predator-mouse. JD waved back, grinning wider, before he made a light beckoning motion, with a huff, the Wolf conceded, standing up and offering his hands to the paunchy mouse. Well, at least he hadn't been the /first/ one found. Holding the Lupine's arms, JD groaned his approval of the Wolf's new, slightly exotic flavor as he glomped over the slim arms, swallowing steadily and groaning with a smirk as he tipped his head back, lifting the Wolf's legs into the air. Panting through his nose, he took a hold of the sides of FoWo's pants, tugging his second meal down by them, as the excessive weight slowly sank him onto his rump on the tiled floor. The mouse smirked as he felt Danny gasp and squirm in shock as the snug belly was made tighter still with the second boy being packed in after him.

Down the other side of the house, Dylan huffed at the Moonblossom. 'No way, Sefra! This is my spot!' He whispered quickly, whilst his rounded ears kept a sharp listen for JD. 'Go to the laundry, or the cupboard!' 'But he's down that way..! I can hear him!' The Moonblossom glowered. 'There's plenty of room here, quit hogging!' The Otter grumbled lightly... before grinning. 'I've got a better idea.' Sefra blinked a moment, and eyed the Lutra's belly. 'What? C'mon! That won't work at all!' He hissed quietly. 'Well, then we both get busted!' The Otter whispered back. The Moonblossom looked about, huffing. 'Fiiine...' Dylan grinned his delight as he yawned wide, letting the Moonblossom lean in, before glomping over the Bunny's head. He was a sight larger than Tsumi, but he'd manage, no trouble.

JD Groaned softly, panting as he slowly worked down the dark denims wrapped about FoWo's legs. His tongue working along them, suckling lazily, he closed his jaws about the Wolf's feet, tonguing and suckling with a delighted groan, before another swallow packed the wolf neatly on into his belly beside the Demi-Fox. Leaning against the spa, the Rodent grinned at the weight pinning him down. 'Oogh.. Maybe I should have just got you all together to eat at once..' He murmured faintly, before starting to struggle to his feet, and precariously totter down the hall. One half of the house was searched.. It wouldn't be long, or hard, now to find the last of the targets. The larger of the said targets, groaned his approval at Sefra's taste. It was remarkable how good the Bunny tasted.. Almost as good as Tsumi, if he was honest with himself. Suckling and swallowing along the Moonblossom's belly, Dylan leant against the wall, as he felt the Bunny squeezing into his belly, head-first. He paused though, blinking as he heard a muffled squeak and 'Ahhh..!' 'S-Sefra! Kupo-Hey! No! Y-You're not i- Mmpph!!' before chuckling thickly around his meal as Sefra opted for some Dessert for himself.

Tossing his head back and letting the Moonblossom's sizeable legs drain easily down his throat as the Bunny curled about Tsumi within him, devouring the Moogle to make room for himself, Dylan chrrled weightedly, before blinking at a soft tap on his side. Blinking his eyes open, he looked aside and blushed at JD's exasperatedly grinning face tutting at him. The Otter lowered his gaze to follow the large pair of squirming bulges in the Mouse's belly, whilst his own swelled to match. Sefra's large feet vanished with a sheepish swallow and swash of the Otter's tongue, before JD lightly nommed his muzzle over the otters, before drawing back. 'I win.' He squeaked, before burping heavily.

The pair grinned as they moved out to and settled in the lounge-room before the TV, video-games hooked up and buttons being mashed rapidly as they sprawled on their prodigious bellies, Dylan grinning as he ground playfully down on Sefra's sated form. Within JD, FoWo blushed, grinning sheepishly, squished up tight to Danny's form. 'Y'know, I've never been it for these games.' He gave a light pout, as the Demi-human squirmed. 'Never? I have, But Sefra says I look silly with a big belly.' Danny grinned, whilst FoWo chuckled. 'I wonder how I'd look..' He murmured, helping himself to the Blushing Human's hands. 'F-FoWo! Hey!' With an audible gulp beneath him, JD looked down, smirking and squirming lightly beside Dylan, grinning and looping his Ropey tail about the Otter's rudder, earning a light blush from the Lutra and a nuzzle in kind. 'Welcome to the- Uurrp! Neighbourhood, FoWo.'


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