Forty-Four Eat You!

Story by Kaijou on SoFurry

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A silly little vore-story Damien piqued my muse into scribbling up.

On a fun Summer's afternoon, what better way to pass the time, than a game of 44-see-you, where losing gets you eatten?

For those who don't know; (All of you) Forty-Four See You is Like Tag/Tip where the person who is in cannot move, but patrols a designated safe-point. Everyone else has to try to get to the safe-point and call out '44-safe!' before the person who is 'it' announces they've been spotted.

Also, to sate all those people thinking the gurgle ending is the proper;

the --- Is to denote 'alternate ending'


© Tsumi Moogle '11 Characters © Themselves

The Cul-de-sac rang with laughter as it's numerous young occupants gathered fresh from their previous game of tag. Flushed faces bright with excitement looked amongst themselves as the next game was being decided upon. 'Hide and seek?' Quipped Kraz, wriggling his small tail. 'Nah, Tsumi cheats.' Grinned JD, eying the Moogle in name over as he puffed out his chest. 'Do not, kupo! I can't help it!' He pouted huffily. 'Oh! How about Forty-four-eat-you?' Grinned Sefra at his stroke of brilliance, whilst the other boys regarded amongst themselves. 'Mmm.. Okay, but you have to be it, and you have to get us towels after!' Danny smiled at the Moonblossom, wagging his thick tail. 'What, why?' Squeaked the little rabbit. 'S'your idea, you have to be it first!' Piped up Artie, Wagging his boofy tail.

Pouting, the moonblossom nodded, and looked about. 'Fiiine. Then the Oak tree's safe!' He said, marching over to it and turning his back on the others. Covering his eyes, he took a breath and started counting in a carrying voice, twitching his ears to the sound of the other boys giggling and running off to hide. Footsteps ran all about the street, pounding pavement and shuffling through grass as each began to hunt out their own hiding spot and on the odd occasion squabbled in what they thought were hushed whispers over a spot. With his eyes roaming about, Tsumi watched the last of the other boys slipping from sight. Kraz wriggling down behind a porch, Artie behind a nearby tree. Nibbling his lip, the mog pined to the sound of Sefra's count getting higher. '33... 34... 35...'

And turning about, the Mog made for the back of Danny's house. It was near the safe spot, but he'd have to be sure Sefra was distracted before he made a break for it... Pressing his wings and back against the sun-warmed paneling of the Fox's house, he listened to the counting. '42... 43... 44! Ready or not!' Called the Moon blossom in a sing-song tone. The waiting game began. The Street was almost silent now. The kids in hiding looking about covertly to check their decided paths to home-base and get there before Sefra spotted them. A light and warm breeze ruffled the large trees of the street, before the Moonblossom's voice broke the air again. 'Forty-four Eat you Kraz, Behind the porch!' 'Awww man!' The other Bunny pouted, standing and tromping his way to the Oak tree, to stand before Sefra who licked his lips, grasping the other-Bunny's arms and gaping his jaws to cram them over his friend's head. The otherwise apparently-empty street remained devoid of movement except the shadows of the leaves swaying in the afternoon sun, and the rippling bulges of the youthful Moonblossom's gullet packing down the first 'prisoner'.

Occasionally, Tsumi heard footsteps, movements around the street as the other boys crept from spot to spot, trying to make for the guarded tree. His eyes passing about the backyard, he crept slowly along the side of the house to gaze at the tree, Sefra's form turning towards him. Gasping, the little mogling ducked back out of sight, and bumped into another form. Taller and thick-furred, he drew Tsumi's gaze up to his face. 'Damien.. You scared me, kupo..!' Whispered the Moogle to the Large fox, who grinned apologetically and kept a finger to his lips with a curious gaze. '44-eat-you' advised the Mog, which gained a soft 'Ahhh..' from the older boy. 'Want me to show you a neat way to get to the tree without being seen?' The fox asked with a light grin, regarding the mog. 'Sefra'll hear me coming from miles away, kupo.. so.. yes please.' Damien paused as Sefra's voice called again; 'Forty-four-eat-you Artie, Behind Mr. Krin's Oak-tree!' 'Darnit!'

Turning his gaze back to the mog, Damien lifted a finger to his lips again, before lightly grasping the Moogle's shoulders and gaping his jaws wide, making Tsumi's ears lay flat in shock, before the Fox's jaws lifted him easily and crammed his head into the sweltering heat of the older male's jowels. The vulpine groaned faintly in pleasure at the delectable flavour, as he suckled and slurped the younger form over, adjusting his grip to take hold of Tsumi's wrists and start squeezing the slim torso onwards past his jaws. The fox grinned to himself as the sounds of his swallows were echoed by Sefra nearby. Bolting down the legs of the Arctic fox, the Moon-blossom soon slurped over the broad, pink-padded soles and hiccoughed, before resting atop his belly some.

On the other side of the tree, JD smirked. He'd picked his place well, as Sefra couldn't patrol his spot well anymore, and the whole side of the tree was exposed.. Slowly starting to edge out of his spot, he rose to his feet proper and started to sprint, ropey tail whipping behind him. Alerted by the sounds, Sefra leant forward over his belly to see the mouse tearing towards his tree, and gasping in a breath, he began shouting. 'Forty-Four See You-' 'Forty-Four Safe!!' Cried the mouse before he could finish, touching the tree and grinning, panting some as he flopped down to sit at the base of the tree to jostle the squirming bulges of Kraz and Artie with a shoe. 'Heheh.. Sucks, you guys!'

Grinning over the exchange between Mouse and Moonblossom, Damien leant against the wall as he lifted his head. Jaws gaping, he slowly swallowed to drag Tsumi's shorts on past his lips, beginning to slurp and swallow along the shapely legs lazily, he grinned at the warm strawberry flavour, before turning to make his way around the side of the house, out of sight of Sefra. Pausing in his swallowing, he let the Moogle's weight drag himself down his gullet, before closing his jaws about the broad pink feet, and smirked as he spied his little sibling, Danny, kneeling by the side of the house, just waiting for the moment to dash out. Swallowing again and letting the squirming bulge of Tsumi empty into his gut proper, the Vulpine lifted a foot and pushed on the Demi-fox's rump, sending him toppling out into View with a cry. 'Forty-four-eat-you Danny, on the lawn!' Called Sefra delightedly. Spluttering indignantly, the Demi sat up, looking from Sefra to his older Sibling smirking down to him and raising his eyebrows in a mocking 'Whatcha gonna do?' Manner.

Huffing and getting to his feet, the Demi-fox trudged over to the moonblossom, who yawned expectantly, whilst JD walked about behind him, to start pushing the Demi in unceremoniously. Grinning pleasedly at his skullduggery, Damien Eased out from behind the house, and strolled over to the oak, to watch the Bunny adding his brother to his prodigious belly with a look of rapt delight on his gaping features. Within moments, Danny's struggling feet slid past Sefra's jaws, and they closed with a light Belch as he looked about. 'Just oooone more to go!' Grinned the Bunny as he looked about expectantly, unawares as Damien tensed his belly to start easing the Mog back up his throat. With daylight coming back into view, Tsumi blinked as he saw the tree there ahead of him, and grinned! As soon as he had an arm free..! But with JD having noticed and staring at the hiding spot, Sefra's attention drew towards him, and realizing his folly, the Moogle cringed as the Moonblossom shouted delightedly.

'Forty-Four-Eat-You Tsumi, In Damien's belly!' There was a noise of amusement from the fox, before with a wet squish, Damien worked the mog free. Sprawling on the grass, Tsumi pined at the Mouse. 'Darnit JD, kupo! I coulda won!' 'Sorry! Just didn't think you'd do something like that to win!' Quipped the mouse with a toying of his sneaker amidst the grass.' 'Just as well!' Giggled Sefra. 'Y'know what this means, Tsumi.' He slowly gaped his muzzle open, tongue hanging out. Pouting, the slick mog looked to the mouse. 'Tell Juli I'll be late, could you, kupo?' The mouse nodded and grinned, before starting to assist in pushing the mog on into those yawning jaws. 'I call next on being it!'

The Cul-de-sac sat placidly in silence. The Rustling of the trees a poor substitute for the now muffled laughter. Laying atop his belly, Sefra hiccoughed, savouring the warm sunlight on his fur as beneath him, his friends struggled and squirmed slickly. 'Mmph..! So Sefra.. When're you gunna let us out..? We've been here for like an hour!' Groaned Artie, panting gently. 'I thought up a new rule.' Grinned the Moonblossom. 'Forty-For-Melt-you!' His belly began to struggle up a storm as the walls about it's occupants began burbling and churning.

Donations Greatly Appreciated

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