Poem #33: The Senses

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#33 of Poetry

A poem about how the five senses (and speech) are things that are important in life, but not as important as the "sixth sense"; emotion.

The Senses

I feel so blind I can't see what to expect Nothing to nourish my sight If seeing is believing, Where to see the beliefs?

I feel so silent No sound is present The words have vacated No understanding Is left.

I feel so deaf The sound pressing in The blackness suffocates Absence so prevelant Where does it come from?

I feel so plugged The flowers are dull The stench rots my core My nose a sore Burning my face.

I feel so tasteless Ash filling my mouth I look down I see charcoal Glowing with fiery malice.

I feel so hollow No ground beneath my feet The walls have gone No finger, but glass Brittle as air.

I feel so wonderful Sorrow fills my heart Anger seethes my core Joy from tip to tip Confusion a comfort.

Depression, sadness, grief Are my eyes; Irritation, annoyance, fury Are my voice; Happiness, jubilance, giddiness Are my ears; Loneliness, inspiration, understanding Are my nose; Pity, sympathy, passion Are my tongue; Love, courage, shame Are my hands. These emotions, these senses, these feelings, Are my Life.


Creative Commons License "The Senses" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

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