Poem #32: Society

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#32 of Poetry

A poem about the faults and benefits of living in society and among the community. Inspired from reading Pride and Prejudice.


The region of wealth

Sapping the strength

Of personality

Power is an illusion

Avert your eyes

From the terror within

For authority can cause fear

Control over the masses

No control over oneself

Pride is not vain

Both are not selflessness

They eat away at kindness

Parasitic to caring

Boasting of oneself

Arrogance referred

Demeaning at least

Dominance over others

Weakness unto oneself

Superior in class

Not inferior in mind

But inferior in everything

Superiority thinks priority

Never humility

Debunk the obvious

Superiority to be less

Than what is nothing

Perfection is a myth

As is normalicy

Weirdness is the norm

Uniqueness shared by all

Inherit title, status wealth

Never inherit more

But royalty in lineage

Never to inherit more

Hard-work morals

And intelligence

Not by blood alone

Status labels accomplishments

Not always justifiable

If accomplishments won

Satisfaction is earned

Status is earned

Yet freely given


Qualities brought upon

By humanity

Within Society

Unwant by the load

Greed pride vanity

Selfishness wealth status

Arrogance dominance lineage

Spite perfection normalicy

Hypocrisy judgment ignorance

Hate superiority weakness

Better qualities to be learned

Taught by humanity

Hidden in Society

Wanted by the grasp

Happiness self-worth independence

Selflessness security prosperity

Humility equality family

Forgiveness acceptance uniqueness

Admittance understanding intelligence

Love encouragement strength

See what Society has to offer

Before Society shows you wrong.


Creative Commons License

"Society" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

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