Poem #26: Longing

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#26 of Poetry

A poem about desire for love.


The need

The need is dire

The need to crave

Drained of body

And of mind

The need controls

Body succumb

To the need

The craving

The craving in need

To crave what's pure

Body is mind

Body is broken

Craving shudders

Mind crashing

To the craving

The want

The want for love

The want to learn

Accept surroundings

Drink in the light

The want complies

Thoughts determined

Of the want

The desire

The desire for need

The desire for others

Corrupt in thought

Breaking, eroding

Desire the embers

Ideas compelled

For the desire

The need is constant

The cravings are instant

The want is calling

Body sighs

Mind listens

Desire is screaming

This is evident:

Patience in Longing.


Creative Commons License

"Longing" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

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