Poem #24: Illusion
#24 of Poetry
A poem about how painful love can be, but at the same time, a person cannot truly live without love.
Where does thy heart lie?
Must it beat so insistently so?
Thy Ruins of love seep in thy heart
Thy Woes of love run through thy veins.
Though love is not equal,
All suffer the same.
The rotten corpse
Is all which remains
Of thy lasting love.
Thy heart lies dead;
Love stops the beat.
Resist thy love!
If you wish to live.
Love lift thy spirits
And blow them away.
Mind ponders
Blood waits
Heart yearns
To feel it enter your soul,
A tragedy to be sure.
Love has no love.
The Anatomy of the soul must be...
"Illusion" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License