Sexual Evolution

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Sexual Evolution

A request

**Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon, nor Pokemon. The following work of fiction contains content of a sexual nature. If you are under 18, stop reading now.

In the study of biological evolution there is one development that has been elusive and hard to nail down in our natural history. Ignoring the quandary of abiogenesis for the sake of this opening dialogue, that development was of sexual intercourse between two members of the same species; or even slightly different species.

Such leaps are not merely restricted to the biological life of Earth. As across multiverses and between the pillars of raw imagination are two very types of creatures that are about to come together in an unexpected union. Of course one would not be mistaken for finding the existence of these creatures hard to believe. But bare a tight grasp on your suspension of disbelief and your dear narrator here will guide your sense.

Digimon, the virtual monsters of a generation given form in an alternate reality have outlived their creators. Long after humanity's flame has burnt away the digimon have not only peacefully emigrated to Earth but have continued to evolve. Unfortunately their imperfect baseline bode has left them without the necessary development of the female sex. Strong males they have, but without females the process of natural selection is slowed.

Fortunately for them however there are other alternatives they have to female digimon. Being masters of crossing realities, some digimon have learned how to cross through the multiverse. Two such adventurers, Exveemon and Weregarurumon, have found themselves inside a strange metal room. It takes them both all of a few seconds to realise that with no obvious exit they are trapped.

"Oh this is just great," Weregarurumon starts to complain. "All I wanted was some good ass." He kicks a cold steel wall and folds his arms in a sulk. The digimon looks very similar to his original form but is far more bulked up than normal and his jeans bulge out with the newly acquired genitalia that drives him crazy.

"Calm down, there are lights and some kind of ventilation. There must be a way out and then we will get out bearings." Exveemon also looks far larger than his more primitive form, although unlike the wolf-like digimon he allows his malehood to swing pendulously between his legs. He originally had considered wearing clothes after his transformation, but the blue and white dragon enjoyed the fact that he is more well endowed than many other digimon and likes to show it off.

Hotheaded as he has always been in their friendship, Weregarurumon suggests tearing a hole through the wall. But Exveemon contends that they could be anywhere and there might yet be a good reason they are sealed in here. So as the winged reptile continues to examine the room's many faces for a clue, his companion slumps against one wall growing increasingly aware of his constricting pants.

"For the sovereigns' sake! Do you have no self control over yourself? We're not humans ya'know."

"Indeed you are not." A mysterious voice gets both digimons' attentions. It seems to come from somewhere beyond the ceiling overhead, making them look up and immediately regret the glaring white lights which they stare into.

"wh-" Exveemon begins to speak but is cut off.

"We don't really care what you are. But we do have something for you to do. Your friend there says he is after... what? 'some good ass'?"

The blue digimon glares at his companion, but the weregarururmon does not look even the slightest bit embarrassed nor regretful. In fact he replies to the mysterious voice affirming that all he is after is some bimbo to plough. By this point Exveemon is face palming and is more alarmed by his choice in crude friends than being trapped at the moment.

"Well then, maybe we can help. But first you will have to convince a couple of ladies down below that you are worthy of them. Now go, do as you must!"

Exveemon still wants some real answers as to who the stranger is and where they are. But then some kind of light is swirling around his outstretched arm and he notices it crawling over his body. Weregarururmon is also being consumed by the strange visual artefact and before they know it the lit covers their eyes too. Some sort of alien, slightly static sensation, travels over the digimons' bodies before the light fades away.

When they can see again, Exveemon and Weregarurumon are on solid ground again outside under a blue summer sky. They look around and notice a few different buildings, mostly cottages. All of the, connected by a worn in dirt path, everything suggesting non-complex construction techniques. It would appear that they have both been moved by some unknown means into a village of some kind. Exveemon looks to the other digimon and sees him scratching his rear as he looks around not particularly interested.

"I don't suppose trying to ask you for theories would be much good." He growls underneath his breath, the urge to hit the single track minded werewolf growing.

"Hold on. What are they?" Exveemon follows Weregarururmon's finger and sees what he immediately recognises for being a very busty and almost completely naked female.

Both males feel their loins grow hotter as they both lays upon their first pokemon. Curiously something very unusual has happened to the pokemon on this world which echoes the digimon. For as they achieved greater anthropomorphic traits, they also gained increasingly exaggerated sexual traits. In the case of the females the hourglass figures and the massive breasts that are at minimum DD cups is enough to make any male weak in willpower and strong in arousal. Although the digimon do not yet know it, the pokemon they see now is an anthropomorphic dark-type female mightyena called Denni.

Right now Denni is walking back home, F cup bust barely held in a simple dotted cloth tied around her back. She is carrying a basket with some freshly foraged berries, probably intending to make something with them. However all of that does not matter to Exveemon and definitely not to Weregarururmon. For even as she is happily walking come the to males are now running towards her with no too shy as to their intent.

Of course before they reach her Denni notices the to and goes wide eyed at the tools between their legs, Weregarururmon's now poking out of the tear in his jeans right leg. But she is familiar with the perverted games of the humans and takes something out of the basket. Just as the digimon get near with outstretched arms, even Exveemon losing his senses now, she throws down a small pellet which explodes with smoke surrounding the area in a grey shroud.

Both of the digimon are taken by surprise, spluttering and wheezing as the smoke interferes with their breathing. They reach out with their arms, hands brushing against one another but not finding the mightyena. However it is her that finds them first. A swinging fist comes down smashing right into Weregarurumon's face. He falls with a whimper, landing on his ass with a loud yelp and no longer feeling so exuberant. Sill concealed by the smoke she makes her next attack, this time a flying kick as she whips around, boobs bouncing and straining against the fabric that bounds them. Unfortunately for her Exveemon is not so easy to take down and he grabs her paw in midair, making her lose balance.

"No so fast, little Mi-ARGH!" Exveemon did not expect the other leg to come up striking his semi-erect cock and low hanging balls, striking a sensitive clutch of nerves. This forces him to let go of her leg and she rolls on her back.

Serendipitously though the smoke is starting to clear and Weregaururmon is back up on his feet. Coming in behind her he grabs Denni and wraps his arms around her front. The perverted dog cannot help but squeeze her breasts a little, but he makes sure her arms are locked down. She snarls and thrashes, trying to kick back at him him, but weregarururmon is on to her beneath the belt tricks. Exveemon recovers, letting go of his junk as it hangs soft and still stinging a bit. Walking up to her he looks the girl over and then asks if she yields.

"Okay fine, fuck it." Denni concedes defeat and nodding at one another Weregarururmon slowly let's go of her. "I'm guessing you want something more than beating me though. Those damn humans..."

"Humans? So they're humans who brought us here?" Exveemon might be struggling to not simply jump the voluptuous female but he has the time to discover a few things. Weregarurumon though is just kind of staring at her plump ass, naked fur eliciting erotic thoughts in the digimon's mind.

"Yeah. They've culled out most of the males in our species now. Every once in awhile they send someone to our villages. Sometimes it is a male of our own species, sometimes with modifications. Other times they are aliens like you and your friend who is eyeing me up like a piece of meat right now."

"Hey I'm just appreciating a fine l-"

"Stow it Weregarururmon." Exveemon does not need these two fighting again. "So do they want?"

"Honestly I think after they reached a certain level all they have use for us now is as sexual entertainment. I've heard rumours of my sisters being taken off to become slaves, but I can't back them up." She sighs and looks sad to the digimon, making Exveemon almost forget why he is here.

"Look, I can appreciate you might not want this. But we've been struggling with our lust for years now back where I come from. Some of us get off with other guys, but most of us still need females to truly satisfy ourselves. If you give us a chance though me and my friend here promise we'll make you feel good." It is not a promise Exveemon knows he can keep, being a virgin by all rights. But then again when you're as we'll endowed as him it has to count as an advantage right?

For a moment Denni stops to think about the offer, her eyes going down the exveemon's muscled chest and abs. She clearly stares at his junk whilst she rubs her chin pondering the offer before finally accepting it. However she stipulates she does have a condition that she gets a friend so that she does not have to deal with both males at once. They agree as it makes more sense anyway. So she tells the two boys which cottage is hers before running off with lustful gazes following her ass.

"Come on then, won't be long now." Exveemon rubs his hands together excitedly and goes to the cottage with Weregarurumon in tow.

They enter the cottage and take a look around. There is not a whole many things of interest. Although one thing is unusual in that of a king sized bed of suspiciously good quality. Exveemon is guessing that it is probably a gift from the humans, which is in turn a gift to themselves ironically. This just gets him thinking of all the naughty things he wants to try on it. Plenty of pornographic material was left over by the humans from his dimension that the winged muscle dragon has more than enough tricks he wants to try out. Although in all likelihood he will forget all about them once he is ploughing into some pokemon pussy.

Finally Denni returns, along with another friend who unlike the mightyena is completely naked. Introducing herself as Vabie, she is a busty blaziken with tits that easily rival her friend's into the F cup range. It quickly becomes obvious that she is more like Weregarururmon when she offers her hand to Exveemon and winds up grabbing is naked dick. She grins at him as her talons tighten around it, blood rushing his member as the digimon reflexivle moans.

Weregarurumon sets upon Denni with his continued single mindedness. Werewolf paws grasp at her gargungtuan tits before pulling her makeshift bra off and throwing it away. He sniffs at the mightyena's fur, burying his nose between her tits. She blushes underneath said fur as he squeezes both breasts with his strong hands, gripping the teats between finger and thumb. Weregarurumon now works is way up her neck, licking and nipping until he reaches her face. Animal lust deeply set into his eyes, he pushes his lips to hers and thrusts his to tongue inside Denni's mouth. She stumbles backwards and they fall onto a chair.

"Fuck you're eager." Exveemon can hardly believe this moment is finally upon him. Vabie is on her knees in front of him. Her hands clasped around his genitalia, one stroking his rod whilst the other one cradles his big reptilian balls.

Exveemon has to deliberately hold himself back, the way his loins is on fire is exotic and infinitely erotic to him. Sure he has masturbated before, but it is no substitute for the touch of another. His dick surges forward, swelling up to its full length that brings it to an incredible 36 throbbing inches. The wide head of his member drools endlessly, dripping down onto Vabie's fire red furry tits. She grins up at him wickedly, her hands dancing over his pulsing mass. Spikes of tingling pleasure shoot up into his brain as she draws his cock in between her massive breasts. The soft furry warm they bring is simply incredible, and it only makes his leviathan spit and drool more making both her boobs and her face sticky wet.

"If you think that is good. How about this?" Vabie opens wide and pushes her mouth down over the digimon's monster member. He moans and instinctively thrusts up between her breasts a little. Exveemon cannot take it, his body and mind in blazes as the blaziken goes down on him.

Back to to the other pair and Denni is helping Weregarurumon out of his pants. When she gets them off his eager wolfhood swings out smacking on her tits with pre splattering in multiple directions. At 26 inches he is big, but not quite as monstrous as his reptilian friend. Still the big titted mightyena looks apprehensive at it, not convinced that she will be able to fit it inside herself. He helps her though by grabbing her head and forcing the female to start sucking his cock. Trying to match what his friend is receiving Weregarurumon makes Danni choke down is pointy phallus. She resists him a little but tries to suck him off anyway, his cock squeezing in between her boobs. Though it becomes too obvious that she is not really committing herself to the effort.

"Oh come on bitch, what good are ya?" Weregarurumon complains in annoyance that Exveemon has the better cockslut in Vabie. This makes Danni pull off of him, spluttering as pre clings to her lips.

"Listen idiot. I'm not used to sucking anything this big. I certainly didn't promise you'd get triple A service." She scowls at him as his member throbs against her bosom and the digimon shrugs.

"Well, perhaps we should try something else then."

Weregarururmon grabs the pokemon by her shoulders and hoists her up. He then spins her around and bends her over. Smacking her across her big butt he growls and starts wondering which hole to take. She starts to say something but Weregarurumon is cutting off anything that he does not consider of value to his thinking right now. He quickly decides that anal is probably best, since she might complain about him breaking her pussy next. Even as he rubs his drooling digihood against her butt she protests, but he can tell her body is sending off different signals. The detail is in the little things, such as the way her cheeks are clenching around his cock and the fact that his sensitive nose can smell the bitch getting wet.

Scrunching her eyes shut poor Danni braces herself as best she can. Then he plunges inside of her, inch after inch disappearing into her fat rump as she shakes and screams in a mixture of pain and secret joy. The mightyena can feel the weregarururmon throbbing deep inside of her. The carnal feelings this violation unleashes makes her so wet that her crotch fur is dripping. Using his weight to help him sink in, the digimon does not stop until he has filled her to the hilt. The thick base of his cock rests just inside of Danni, the knot not yet swollen up. He makes a growl which trails off into a gentle moan, satisfied with finally having a female to take pleasure in. Weregarururmon then reaches around with both hands, one of them grabs Danni's big left breast and squeezes it firmly, making her cry out and gasps. The other wandering hand goes down between her legs, fingers delving into her wet fur as he seeks out her vagina and sticks three fingers into it spreading her out. Danni cries out again even louder and then starts to grind back into him whilst panting like a dog.

Vabie is working her way down and then back up along Exveemon's massive erection. She roughly meets the halfway point before pulling back up, keeping her lips tight so as to squeeze and stroke him every step of the way. This, as it turns out, is super effective on making Exveemon shudder and roar with lust. Part of him wants to force her down and fuck her face hard, but he is still too gentlemanly for that. It does not matter though since the blaziken is clearly a true slut and is now trying to work her way up to swallowing his whole cock. It is no easy task though and she takes a good deep breath before trying the attempt.

"Oooh yeah, almost all the way down girl." Exveemon gives her some words of encouragement before he goes back to breathing heavily with his tongue comically sticking out.

Vabie's eyes close halfway as she forces herself down, inch after inch of the three foot monster going down. Her throat can be seen bulging as the organ travels down it. She swallows making her throat squeeze around his cock. The blaziken's throat lashes and whips around the digirod, stroking and lavishing it in broad sweeps. Finally she reaches the thick base where his rough white underside scales meet her nose. She can smell the thick male scents from his body and glands sweeping up her nose. Vabie shudders, her pussy dripping wet making her fur cling between her legs.

"Fuck me, you took it all." Exveemon can scarcely believe the blaziken has forced the vein throbbing organ down her throat. The tense swallowing action, tongue movements and slurping licks are sending him wild. But she is not letting go of the reigns yet.

With yet more slurping noises she pulls off the digimon's gigantic cock and kisses the leviathan's drooling head with a giggle. Squeezing his heavy nuts she goes back down again and again and yet again. Building a rhythm to her erotic dance, she occasionally moves on hand away from his balls to squeeze his wet throbbing dick before it goes back down the blaziken's throat. It twitches and bucks inside her mouth, the exveemon's muscles tense up rippling across his front as he cries out.

The slutty blaziken did not expect what now follows. Exveemon's cock goes off like a cannon, his massive balls supplying an unbelievable amount of thick creamy digiseed. Her eyes bulge out as Vabie finds his cock become even thicker as a torrent of cum travels down the long organ. There is a noticeable delay before she feels his hot semen splash down into her stomach. It radiates a steady warmth that makes the girl even hornier. But he is still cumming, it just keeps going and going with no end in sight. Soon though she needs air and starts to pull herself off the ejaculating leviathan.

"Aaaah FUCK!" Exveemon shouts with joy as his long overdue load overflows the poor blaziken. As she pulls out the white sticky monster she gets more than a mouthful of his strong tasting produce shoot straight into her mouth. Without being able to properly swallow it all down she coughs and it goes running down her chin and seeps along the top of her big tits. But even so he gives her one last blast of cum which splatters in multiple directions all over her face and love cushions. Altogether this is enough to make her orgasm hard and her juices drip onto the floor below along with part of the digimon's produce.

"Wow," Vabie blinks and then licks some of the digimon's spunk off her lips as it drips down her red fur. "You were really pent up there stud."

Exveemon just stands there with his wet member in the female's hands panting hard. He closes his eyes and steadies his breathing, remembering this moment, this feeling of release. Then he looks down at the blacken and tells her she is not yet finished. She smiles up at him and licks his still rock hard cock as it twitches in her skilled hands. Vabie cleans it up nice and quickly, giving the sensitive organ long broad strokes of her tongue from base to tip. It is almost enough to make the hung reptile to erupt again, but he is starting to get used to this and holds himself back.

Humping like a pair of wild dogs, Weregarururmon and Danni are gradually moving along the carpet. His animalistic thrusts into the shapely mightyena are slowly edging her along. Pretty soon they hit a wall and Danni lifts up her hands to dig her claws into it. This turns out to be very useful as the randy weregarururmon unleashes his full might on the mightyena with a flurry of ass busting movements. She wails and screams whilst tearing the paper off of the wall. His thickly knotted organ destroys her beautiful butt with unflinching vigour.

"F-F-Finish i-it!" Danni manages a few words as she feels her insides rock with his constant violation of her tailhole.

Weregarururmon has not yet had all of his fun yet. Though he quickly rectifies this as he moves both of his hands to her bouncing boobs. The right one he squeezes and plays with. But the other he leans around and forcibly turns it to wrap his mouth around the teat. Danni yips in surprise and then moans as he starts to suck on her left breast, her pussy convulsing as she starts to have one orgasm after the next. To both of their surprise she begins to lactate, which weregarurumon gladly swallows down. All the while his cock continues to pound at her rear, his balls slapping against her ass cheeks.

However with growls that are becoming more like the female's own orgasmic moans, his body clearly needs release. That is when the mightyena becomes aware of just how big his knot is. The beast swells up to ungodly proportions, for although he might not be as big as his friend, his knot certainly wins for shear girth when it comes into play. A whimper comes from Danni, but Weregarurumon does not care. He stops sucking her tit as he focuses on these last final thrusts.

With a loud sound that is not too dissimilar from a female cat's screeching when the male pulls out, Weregarurumon buries his knot in Danni's ass. An entire sheet of wallpaper comes down, comically drooping over the pair as Weregarurumon howls upwards like a wild wolf. His balls churn as their load blasts down the pokemon's anus. She whimpers and cries, but even they cannot mask her own raw enjoyment with her vagina clenching and relaxing without even being touched.

Exveemon and Vabie have just finished with their little oral lesson when the two canine-like pair are howling with their own orgasms. They then hatch a little idea and walk up to the two and propose it. Even whilst Danni left in the humiliating position tied to Weregarurumon they discuss retiring to bedroom and have a little challenge between them. The idea is that the females will lay down, legs outstretched and the males will take turns fucking their pussies and playing with their infinitely grope-able lady airbags. Whichever male cums first loses to the other male, whilst a female gains one point for each male who cubs first inside her with the maximum score being two points. It is a crude, rude and humiliating game which all four agree to.**


**Later on Vabie and Danni are spreading themselves out on a king-sized bed. Both of them are working their cock scabbards a little, both to help tease the boys and to try to get them as wet as possible to make taking their exemplary tools a little easier the first time. The naughty blacken then moves her hand to finger the mightyena with Danni returning the favour. They then tell the boys to stroke each other a little as they watch from the bed.

Not knowing if it is the promise of finally burying himself inside not just one, but two females or just the way they seem to have hypnotised him but Exveemon concedes to doing this a little. Weregarurumon is of course not a total stranger to a little homosexuality and grabs the underside of his friend's massive member with a lewd smirk on his face. They slowly rub each other's already semi-erect penises until they are each at full mast and starting to drip pre on each other's hands. Exveemon lets go of his friend's shaft and immediately wipes his hand, whilst Weregarurumon chooses to lick the sticky pre off of his own.**

Now the game is afoot, of three foot or less cock each for the ladies. Exveemon starts with Vabie the blaziken, whilst Weregarurumon starts with Danni the mightyena. Both phalluses are thick, but Weregarurumon's has a pointed tip so he slips inside Danni with some ease. She grips the covers and moans he confidently thrusts a good many inches inside of her. Cabie of course is not so luck, the reptile's massive member is of near uniform thickness and as he pushes against her vulva lips she squirms. But the exveemon is strong too and he holds onto her thighs tightly whilst he forces himself with a powerful thrust. He cracks her vagina open with a loud cry coming from the blaziken, but her tears are as much of new levels of pleasure as pain.

Each male slowly sink inside of their quarries, carving them out nice and slow the first time. Danni flinches as she gets to Weregarurumon's thicker base, but she shivers and he can tell she is close to orgasming over his malehood at any moment now. The werewolf lets go of her legs as he finishes penetrating her and goes to suck one of her breasts again. To her embarrassment the mightyena starts lactating again and he gladly takes advantage of that. He seems to already be forgetting the goal is to fuck them whilst avoiding cumming as he helps her into an orgasm that locks around his cock milking it firmly.

Only a couple feet away the other vagina in the room is getting stretched out something incredible. Vabie tries to look between her tits at the huge male as his cock disappears somewhere past her crimson red fur and shudders to think of it. But then she does not have to think as she can feel him throbbing away deep inside of her. It is actually possible for Exveemon to make out the outline of his cock as it pushes up on her belly. The blaziken can swear she feels him somewhere inside her womb when he goes to hilt her but even then the last couple of inches cannot fit. He growls in frustration but leaves it there. Her pussy is already twitching and looking up at her breasts he feels like copying his friend. So both females are now having their boobs played with by two horny hung males from another universe; and the sluts love it!

Time is up though and the two males pull out of their homes with sighs from both girls. Their long thick rods are slick now with their own and the females' juices, but are still rock hard and ready for more. They switch places, careful not to hit one another with their third legs jutting out unwieldily things that they are when erect. Setting themselves up they go in again but with opposite love ovens.

Danni is the unlucky one of course, she howls out in pain as the ginormous Exveemon impales her. Her tight snatch is doing a number on him though as she orgasms constantly around him squeezing the digital monstercock relentlessly. He moans very audibly, not even noticing that he can fit even less cock than he could in Vabie, only getting as much as Weregarurumon's at 26 inches, compared to his own full 36. Still it does not matter as leans down to take a taste of the mightyena's milk instead of his friend this time; he quickly sees why the weregarurumon continues to drink it as the milk is actually very rich and creamy.

They continue to do this taking turns and burying their cocks inside the pokemon females until one of them finally pops; unsurprisingly it is Exveemon but the sight is something to behold. Danni looks up at the reptile as she feels his member bucking and throbbing rapidly inside of her. The mightyena had the suspicion that her less slutty and well used vagina might unleash the krakken but this is unbelievable. He almost falls atop of her, burying his face between her welcoming bosom as his big balls rise up. An unbelievable amount of digipunk explodes into her tight little snatch, making the pokemon howl with more terror than lust. The dragon digimon roars with delight, somewhat muffled between her breasts, as he gets rid of the last of his cum for now. His ejaculation is so powerful that cum jets out from the tight fit, creating a large puddle of his creation on the floor that seeps underneath the bed and everywhere.

"You go dude!" Weregarurumon snickers as Vabie too has a laugh at her friend's expense. When he is done Exveemon pulls out and is very quick to apologise but the mightyena just lays there with a shocked expression fixed to her face; pussy still dripping.

"I'm fine," Danni finally says before sitting up and staring at the digimon's crotch.

"Are you sure? Maybe you need aaAAAHH!" Exveemon is interrupted as the mightyena pounces him, her big bouncing boobs pressed to his chest the inertia is enough to knock him on his ass.

"Shuttup and fuck me like that again!" A crazy look is in the pokemon's eyes as she strokes him to attention again.

"Well?" Vabie has to poke Weregarurumon as he stares at the other two.

"Guess they should've gone together first." He laughs and rolls with Vabie onto the middle of the bed, intent on showing her what tricks he knows too.

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