Wolf Unbound - Act I

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Wolf Unbound

Act I

**The object stared at David from across the room. Its dull silver appearance was cast away in the light as it shined teasingly at him. When the young man's eyes first saw it they were entrapped, entranced, enslaved by its underlying siren's call to him. Before he even knew what he was doing he was picking the talisman up and taking it to the antique store's counter. It was not worth a great deal to the shop owner, so he got it for next to nothing before returning home to the college dorms.

Now he is back in his room David takes the box out of the bag. He quickly opens it up, hands starting to shake like a drug addict anticipating their next fix. His mind is being influenced by something, probably the strange spherical, medallion like small metal object. Plucking it out of the box he turns it around and studies the talisman.

It is silver in colour, possibly made out of the precious metal itself although David is no expert. There are etched markings on both sides of the talisman. On one it is depicting what looks like a waxing crescent moon, along with some arrows and lines next to it. Flipping the talisman over David sees there is a waning crescent moon with yet more strange arrows and lines next to it.

All alone in his dorm room, he suddenly knows what to do. It is almost as if he is receiving invisible instruction as he finds some twine and scissors. Cutting a length off he threads the twine through a small hole in the talisman before tying it together. The jewellery is once more a functioning medallion. He then walks over to his dressing mirror and puts the twine over his head, letting the talisman fall onto his chest.

Looking into the mirror, knowing that the medallion is finally around his neck, a strange content warmth grows in the back of his head. David can feel it travel down his body and fill him up as a broad smile grows on his face. Then as quickly as this sense odds satisfaction came to him it goes away, leaving David cold.

"Wha-" David starts to mumble to himself as he looks down at the talisman and then back up at the mirror. He cannot understand why he wanted to do that, whatever knowledge his brain held is gone along with that warm feeling. For a moment the young man wonders if he has been doing drugs.

Grabbing the talisman David lifts it up to his face and studies it with a quizzically expression on his face. But his confusion does not last for very long as it soon transforms to alarm. Looking at his hands David can see them visibly become darker in the light in his dorm room. Wide eyed with confused fear he suddenly yells out in pain and drop the talisman as it burns his hands

The medallion goes to his chest and clings to him as it starts to sink in past his shirt. Looking up in the mirror David can see the talisman sink into and then disappear somewhere underneath his shirt and into his chest. The little measure of twine falls off down his back as the talisman leave it behind.

At this point the student may well think he is hallucinating and looking back to his hands they certainly support that theory. Now further along their change, David can clearly see his faithful old hands now possessing dark hair all over them, with his nails elongating and becoming a midnight black. He screams betraying his fear and then goes silent in shock as he looks back up into the mirror.

"F-F-F-" David does not finish is sentence as he watches his face change in the mirror. Fur is now growing all over is body, but his face is the most alarming and dramatic of all the changes so far.

His face is elongating, a muzzle developing as his nose changes to a wet black and his mouth starts to develop fangs. His ears change position and grow long, pointed with fur covering them as well. It is clear what is happening to him now, although he an hardly develop it. David's mind reels with the fantastic sensory input his eyes and body are feeding him, but the surprises are not finished yet.

With a sudden jolt of pain he grows a few inches in length. Clothes struggle to fit as his legs change their structure and a tail grows in the back of his pants. But the thing which finally makes his attire start to tear apart is the way his muscles thicken and develop into into a whole new set of ripped biceps, triceps, pecs, abs and more. Shredded pieces of his shirt and pants fall to the ground as David stares down at his chest, stomach and most importantly his crotch.

At first he thinks he is changing sex, with his penis almost disappearing into some kind of slit. But then he realises that it is some hybridised equivalent of a canine's sheath adapted for a biped. He reaches down to be sure and traces the tips of his fingers, avoiding the claws and where padded fingertips now exist, over said sheath and the dark brown furry sack underneath it. His manhood is intact, but his curiosity is still growing. David looks behind at a free and surprisingly fluffy tail behind himself. With a strange mix of joy and fascination he finds that he can move it back and forth, purposefully directing the appendage to wag like a dog's.

David looks back to the mirror though and finds another shock. No longer is the mirror showing himself anymore, not even his transformed self, but is showing something entirely alien to his dorm room. Fascinated and half convinced he must be delusional, David tilts his head whilst looking into a swirling mess of silver lights. His dressing mirror has now become something that looks like an especially stupid screensaver; yet somehow David suspects it is not for show.

As the lights in the mirror swirl around in a circular fashion, they begin to speed up. Forgetting himself for a moment David begins to stare at the hypnotic motion of light until he notices something moving. Snapping out of the trance he realises that the mirror is starting to suck air into it, pieces of paper from his desk go flying off and are absorbed into the mirror-portal. He panics as his fur is tugged by the suction of the portal, but as he makes a move away from it the force of the vortex's suction increases. Small objects like pens and discarded socks are drawn to the portal, some of them hitting the back of David's head making him instinctively growl from the mild pain.

Flexing his new muscles and putting them to work David starts to break free moving away from the mirror. But just as he is about to reach the door to exit his room something grabs one of his legs. Looking over his furry shoulder he can see some kind of tentacle has reached out of the mirror-portal and is wrapping itself on is leg. He hollers and tries to reach for the door, the wall, anything for anchorage but the tentacle is already pulling him to the ground and he is dragged across the carpet towards the portal.

His last half man, half wolf cries echo through his dorm room as David sinks into the portal and disappears from this world. The vortex itself keeps open for a few minutes more and then slowly closes in on itself, becoming a normal dressing mirror once more. When his friends return home all they find in his room are torn and shredded clothes loosely scattered upon the floor. He is reported missing.

Falling through the angles between space David emerges in a dark forest with a bit of a tumble. He turns and rolls on his head and ass before finally landing on his back, a handful of twigs sticking into his body uncomfortably as he growls in irritation and pain. David picks himself up, quickly removing the twigs from his new dark brown fur before assessing his surroundings, as well as his mental stability.

His environment as previously mentioned is a forest at night, but that is where his skills of deduction quickly become exhausted. There are no signs of life other than himself, no pathways or signs. For all the likelihood a foreign object has turned him into a werewolf and then turned his mirror into a one way portal to nowhere: a black empty forest.

Despite the alien and illusory appearance of these events, David is feeling quite at ease. His own calmness is surprising to him but the transformed student feels very different in more ways than just physiologically. As such he makes the decision to put his best foot, or paw, forward and picks a random direction through the dark forest. Lupine eyes help guide him along with keen senses of hearing and smell, he quickly adapts to both his environment and his new body navigating rough ground with ease.

After awhile David starts to wonder about what his new body is truly capable of. Gradually picking up speed he breaks into a jog and then a run and finally what is the werewolf equivalent of a sprint. His breath is steady as the forest rushes by him, fur pushed back by the force of his motion through the air. With superhuman reflexes he dodges and runs past trees and through thick foliage.

Beginning to realise what this means for him, David smiles to himself as he comes to a stop and looks at the ground. On a whim he gets down on all fours. It feels natural, second nature to him as he starts to walk and then begins to trot on all four paws. Soon he is sprinting across like this, shifting his body weigh as he lifts off the ground each time he pushes himself forward. This new technique enables David to go far faster than he could hope to achieve via bipedal motion.

Now though he is starting to realise that he has already covered quite a lot of ground and no end of the forest is in sight. He stops for a moment and begins to wonder if he really should just keep running or try waiting for dawn. David looks around his immediate surroundings, but it all looks the same to him.**

What happens next? Leave comments bellow and the most interesting or popular idea will be chosen.

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