Rogue's Point

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Rogue's Point

Somewhere outside Ravenscar

It has taken days of preparation, weeks of planning and months of waiting for the right time to enact his plan. Randel finishes tying a firm knot as his trap is set for the beast he hunts for whilst brushing back his blond hair, or dare he say lusts for. If everything goes according to his plan the rogue will have finally captured the one thing that just might tame the beast within himself. Despite his own self-assurances however, the man clutches his dagger's hilt, ready to strike and run should things go wrong.

Something stirs from the cave's mouth and Randel's body tenses up. This is it, just gotta wait for it now. He stays as still as possible behind a few bushes as some very strange and deep noises come from the mouth of the cave. The noises become very dangerous-sounding as the immediate ground outside the mouth of the cave starts to tremble.

Then from out of the black maw of the cave a four-legged reptilian beast steps forth. The most feared of all dangerous mystical creatures, the dragon is by far the most daring thing to ever trifle with. Of course Randel is not exactly working with all of his selves functioning on the same level as will soon become obvious. Having laid his cunning trap, he keeps perfectly still as the beast saunters forward.

The powerful green scaled animal looks around, left and right, up and down. It can see nothing tat obviously needs to be eaten, crushed or grilled so it walks further out of its home. A long and sharply tipped tail is the last part of the dragon to leave the cave as it spreads his wings out and generally starts stretching. Randel watches carefully as one of the dragon's forefeet comes closer and closer to setting off the trap.

With a slight snapping sound, the trap is sprung. Randel has to contain his excitement as the dragon is alerted to something. It looks down and then to the left, growling and expecting to find someone else there, it does not find the rogue or anyone else. Only when it looks the other way does the reptile see something large, brown and coming at it very, very fast with a swooshing sound.

Randel cannot believe his luck as he stares at the unconscious form of a dragon. Th great reptile is crumpled on the floor, not bleeding but probably suffering from something of a head trauma as the large oak tree log that had hit it over the head did the trick. The tatty clothed rogue creeps out from his hiding place and pokes the beast with a stick, no response is given.

"YES!" he shouts out and then stops himself from continuing to shout as he goes to work preparing the dragon.


A couple hours later and everything is ready just as dusk begins to set. The dragon is bound up with only the strongest chains Randel could get ahold of. Each set of dull metal is wrapped around the limbs of the reptile, some have taken extra work so that they will keep the wings in place. But the best part is how the dragon's tail is forced up over its own body, wrapped with several separate chains to keep it lifted. This will be the most important chain really if Randel wants to survive.

The rogue walks up behind the beast and strokes one hand over the underside just behind the tail. His fingers pass over the anus and then the slit, both with silky soft and warm scales to the touch. He is tempted to squeeze his fingers at this point, against and into the broad slit there. But he resists, not desiring to tease the reptile until he is ready to. The sun will be setting very soon now and his charge will have much more to deal with than a mere human man.

Suddenly the drake begins to awaken, its grunts and rousing movements startling Randel making him take away his hand quickly. His fingers stroke very quickly over the reptile's sensitive region though making it wake up even faster, animalistic fears running through its mind. He steps back, inching his way nearer the cave's exit as the dragon starts makes a noise that must be the equivalent of a yawn.

Then the thrashing and roaring starts, the great beast is instantly aware of the chains that bind it to the cave floor and walls. It begins to rock back and forth, side to side, straining its wings. But then it stops, noticing that someone is here watching it. Straining its neck, the drake can fix an eye on the scruffy looking human with long brown hair.

"What is the meaning of this human?" The dragon speaks, with words that Randel can understand. This he did not expect to happen, but he is aware that some dragons do speak to humans; although it is rare.

"Err. Umm." Randel is off to a fantastic start, no preparation in what he is going to say. The fact that his victim is now speaking to him makes him all the more nervous, hands clasped to one another and sweating profusely. "M-Maybe it'd be best if I showed you."

His friend is the moon, the sunlight is almost gone now and soon the change is about to take hold. The green scaly beast watches, wondering why the human is backing away further towards the exit. He is probably just far to scared to even face the dragon now, but then the human does something very unusual. Randel starts to remove his clothes, piece by piece of worn, dull cloth and leather is removed from his body. The dragon watches as the man becomes butt naked, his genitalia swinging around very average for a human, until; the last thing he removes are his shoes so that he is bare footed on the dirt ground at the mouth of the cave.

Randel looks back at the reptile and then closes his eyes whilst holding his arms out. The moon shines down on the rogue's bare back now. No clouds are in the way as Randel feels it tingle across his skin, making it crawl and shift. The dragon looks on, starting to feel a little cramp in its neck, as something extraordinary happens to the human. A cry leaps from Randel's throat, his body is in rebellion, every bone starts to crack and splinter, every muscle aches and stretches. His body is undergoing a powerful transformation, one that threatens to force his consciousness into hiding from the painful sensations it forces upon him.

Bristly fur starts to spread across his chest and across his torso until spreading over his arms and legs. The rogue stumbles and drops to his knees as his muscles grow and his skeleton adjusts. He grows taller, stronger and a hell of a lot heavier. His face elongates into a lupine shape as his now furry buttocks are joined by a tail as his spine grows out at the base. Randel growls loudly, his head drooped down and staring at the floor as powerful muscles twitch underneath a now very thick layer of tough grey fur. Te last thing to change are his ears, they move to the top of his head, becoming I pointed and similarly covered in fur like the rest of his body.

He looks up at the dragon, eyelids opening to reveal a strange sort of yellow eyes. Something more than colour has changed inside those eyes, though, the dragon can tell as Randel starts to grin with sharp large fangs. The transformed human stands up. His body now at a towering eight feet tall, although still not anywhere near as large as the feral dragon. Still, as he begins walking up to the drake there is something very imposing in his body language.

"And who are you now, werewolf?" The dragon asks, understanding the change being more than just physical.

"Oh very good. Yes, that pathetic man is gone for now." The werewolf flexes his body, looking down at sharp claws and stretches his neck as moonlight pours into the cave feeding him with power. "So this is what he prepared for me?"

He saunters up to get close behind the dragon. For over a year now the wolf's human self has had to put up with the monster. But this werewolf does not have an appetite for human flesh at all; no nothing as bloody and horrific as that. As he strokes his claws over the dragon's crotch he halts over the slit and presses two digits against it. This is what the wolf hungers for, a hole to fill, a sweet female that can bare his burden. Jutting out from his furry crotch, the lycanthrope's phallus starts to emerge from its large sheath. The pointy dog-like penis is even more impressive than the monster's bulked up physique, awesome though that latter is. It begins to swing from side to side, matching his pendulous furry balls as the member starts to push past a foot in length with a proportional girth that tears apart any human woman.

However there is something wrong here, the wolf notices his fingers are not sinking as deep into the sit as they should. The dragon wriggles a little and growls in warning at the werewolf. Only then does Randel's lycanthrope counterpart realises the ridiculous truth of it all. The human has succeeded in capturing a dragon alright, but not a dragoness. A sly grin slowly creeps across the rapist's wolffish muzzle as the dragon grunts with its large phallus starting to poke out of its slit.

"You were expecting a female weren't you?" The dragon strains his neck again to try and look at the lycanthrope behind him. "Well as you can see, I'm not. Now let me go and I won't eat you."

But to the bounded dragon's shock the werewolf starts to laugh heartily at him. He rocks back and forth, taken away in his own amusement. Stopping himself though the wolf looks at the big feral dragon rump displayed before him. With a quick swipe he smacks a buttocks cheek on the reptile, claws coming down on the tough scales for added effect. The dragon roars in response, chains rattling as he bucks against them to no avail.

"I'm thinking of changing my tastes now," Randel's wolf personality growls at the dragon, one paw on his cock as he strokes the long and thick drooling shaft from tip to base.

The dragon meeps then blushes at his own surprising meekness. He can feel the werewolf's paw on his virgin hole, a finger pressing into it as the lycanthrope explores him. Agitated the green reptile tries to struggle with the chains again, but they hold him incredibly still as the claw tip slides up inside of him. A shiver runs up the dragon's spine from his tail tip until it slams into the back of his head. Another couple inches of his draconic shaft slips out, the tip starting to drip freely now as he feels the wolf's finger slide deeper still.

"Oh yeah, dragons seem to be quite tight up there. I wonder if it has something to do with your efficient anatomy for flight." The wolf suppresses a flurry of giggles as he hears the dragon alternate between needy moans and pissed off groans. Wriggling his finger around inside of the reptile's tight anus, the werewolf is pleased when he feels it being gripped deep inside.

Removing his finger, the wolf licks it along with a couple more and then inserts three fingers all at once inside the bound dragon. This causes the beast to buck and roar even more, his sphincter fights to resists the intrusion as his tailhole is stretched out more and more by the wolf. The lycanthrope's cock is rock hard now, throbbing powerfully as the two-foot monster drools profusely from its pointy head. As the wolf strokes himself his phallus rises up brushing against the dragon's thighs.

Suddenly the fingers come free from the dragon and the wolf moves fast, too fast for the dragon to prepare. He feels the hot, throbbing tip of the werewolf's erection as it pushes into his hole. Piercing his way inside the wolf holds onto each side of the dragon's rear as he thrusts upwards with vigour. Roars come from the drake as he is violated, outright raped quite frankly, by the well-endowed lycanthrope. The continuous production of pre does very little to smooth the wolf's entry as he sinks his claws into scales that do not break and keeps thrusting.

Edging its way forward, a good foot of the wolfhood carves its way into the feral green dragon's tight hole. The erotic and fiery sensations this unlocks drives the entrapped drake wild. He screams in a language the werewolf does not recognise, muscles bulging as they strain against the chains that hold him. However as much as the dragon wants to get free it is not happening, and to his shame his own malehood has now creeped all of the way out from its slit.

"Just give in to it," the werewolf almost coos underneath to him underneath the noise. Pulling back a couple of inches the rapist plunges himself forward, squeezing almost the whole two feet of drooling and throbbing werewolf cock.

The knot rests just outside the dragon's anus, promising to bust that to a size the reptile does not dare think about. But first comes the embarrassing and unrelenting violation of being fucked by this abominable beast. Randel's wolf-side is not one to be in a hurry about these things, though, so he takes his time to pull out slowly. He growls and murrs with pleasure as his victim's tailhole twitches and spasms around his phallus. This is better than he had previously envisioned it, the previously virgin dragon is as tight as any human woman he has set upon whilst being deep and durable enough to take his monstrous size.

Randel pulls out far enough that most of his long red wolfhood is throbbing in the moonlight that reflects off the silvery cave walls. It drips with its own abundant juices, quite a supernatural sight all of its own. Then he leverages his strength again, the tip opening the way as the now loosened dragon gets another ass-full of red hot werewolf meat. It makes the green drake roars out again in a strange and exotic mixture of anguish and enjoyment. He bucks, the chains clattering loudly but not giving away even the slightest bit.

Always cunning enough to find the best way to go about his business, the wolf reaches just little in front of where he is penetrating the reptile. His furry paw, claws carefully spread away, strokes over the underside of the large dragon member there. Soft pads squeeze around sensitive ridges and barbs, groping their way from base to tip and then back down again. He can feel the dragon tensing up around his wolfhood even as the reptile tries to suppress a needy moan. This is Randel's key to tuning the dragon exactly how he wants, so he keeps playing with the large feral malehood, squeezing it in different parts and then playing with the tip or the slit's opening in experimentation.

"Aaaah ffffffuck," a soft word from the dragon in the language both males share. His cock twitches in the werewolf's paw and suddenly he feels the reptile's anus tighten fast around him. Randel groans and looks up over the dragon's back as he feels his dick being held fast in place. Then a loud roar comes from the dragon even as his cock explodes with a furious eruption of semen jetting onto the ground and splashing in all sorts of directions.

Randel cannot help but laugh and then howl in applause of the drake, his worst load made from a raunchy bit of homosexuality. It is not impossible that this dragon might even learn to enjoy the werewolf's deep dickings after all of this, but for now the lycanthrope wants to enjoy what he has for the moment. Bringing his paw back up the werewolf licks some of the dragon's come off it and then pulls his phallus out lathering it up with the dragon's own mess. Pushing back inside it is smoother now and very quickly Randel picks up a nice and deep rhythm of screwing the feral dragon's tight hole.

"By the gods! FUCK!" A flurry of expletives in different languages come from the green drake as Randel lays into his ass. Fast and deep thrusts mean some real furry ball slapping fun and the room is soaked with not just cum but scent and sweat.

"That's. Ugh. It just a little. Ooh. More dragon boy." The werewolf tries to encourage the dragon and amazingly it works as the reptile starts to try to move back into the incoming meat torpedo with every thrust. Of course, the chains means that he cannot really do much, but the effort is enough for the wolf as he feels his dick get milked from stem to stern deep inside the gloriously tight dragonhole.

Finally, after a good half hour of raw riding the feral dragon the lycanthrope's stamina gives way to his primal need for release. Never once before has he experienced an orgasm without either self-masturbation of multiple sexual partners before; so the enjoyment of having all inclusive intercourse, even if unasked for, with a single partner is a joy for the werewolf. As such he makes the last few thrusts count, creating them with long and powerful movements from his hips. Every ounce of the werewolf's supernatural strength goes into screwing the dragon's supernaturally tight hole.

His large, full, furry orbs smack into the feral dragon's rear as he grabs the tail using it for support. The knot at the werewolf's base begins to thicken so he closes his eyes and forces himself forward with a loud growl. With a roar from the dragon it all finally pops deep inside of him, locking down tightly as the internal hands of the dragon's anus come down to squeeze the wolf's cock in one glorious final moment. Randel's eyes go wide open, both human and werewolf selves feeling this moment as he howls in triumph reaching the end of the long road.

A body shocking amount of werewolf semen erupts from the lycanthrope's bone buried deep inside of his dragon prey. The reptile is bred in full with load after load of cum rapidly filling him up. A pleasant kind of warmth smoothes over the soreness coming from his sphincter as the dragon closes his eyes and takes in the moment. His rapist becomes a mating partner for just an instant, both locked into this one moment as the werewolf gives himself to the dragon.

However the moment passes, the wolf slumping onto the dragon's back as his energy drains. The moon is going away now, hidden in dark clouds and the werewolf's power is all but completely gone. His knot twitches, and then the dragon can feel him start to shrink. Straining to look behind him the drake does not see a wolf, but a man; naked and vulnerable now as his limp cock slips out of the dragon's tailhole and the seed he was filled with pours out down his legs.

As fate is, just now the dragon notices something else changed in his situation. One of the chains, during that final moment of sexuality unleashed, has come free from its anchorage in the cave wall. With a little bit of work, it gives enough movement of one wing and should be enough for the dragon to now unravel himself. He does so as the human seems to have gone to sleep. Soon the drake is free once more, wings, tail, legs and fire breathing snout.

But what do with this cursed human now? Revenge perhaps? But if so, what sort of revenge? This will require some working out, but for now he can at least take the human deep into his cave.

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