Strange Shores 2

Story by Iscin on SoFurry

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Strange Shores 2 A story for Cornel by Iscin

It has been almost a whole month since Catherine has become a part of the tribe now. They welcomed her with raw sex and acts that would be nothing short of illegal from where she herself is originally from. Shortly after those first couple of nights the vixen managed to scavenge a ship's logbook along with a pen washed up from the shore's flotsam. with it she has begun keeping a diary ever since. Although she does not having much to write down, bar the unappetising fish food and the wild sex of course. However Catherine now finds herself jotting down something really exciting for the first time.

August 6th, 1922. Dear diary, something surprising has happened today. I have learned of a second tribe on whatever landmass this is. I saw them in the centre of camp earlier and they are just as remarkable if not more so. They differ in species and, from what I can modestly tell, sexual diversity. They seem to be an orca based species, but they are not single sexed like the dolphin tribals are. It is not without any small amount of embarrassment that I write that I have observed that two sexes appear to be present with the orca tribe, but not like my own species. Both male and herm orcas are now mingling amongst the tribe now and dusk is almost upon us, I expect what is to follow with great anticipation.

Catherine finishes dotting her Is and crossing her Ts before her calf lover steps into the tent. Lately shi has been learning to speak the same language as Catherine from the shaman and is able to communicate better each day. The vixen stands up and walks over to hug the calf, who is rapidly entering the end of hir minor life. It will not be long now until shi will be out hunting with some of the other adults, then she will be able to spend less time with the vixen, but they will still see each other every night nonetheless.

"How are you?" The calf asks, somewhat shyly and looking away as hir phallus is already peeking out of hir slit.

"I am very well Jessica but I am a bit annoyed that the elder is not allowing me to meet any of these orcas." Catherine says, using the name that she has picked for the calf as the real name formed with squeaks and clicks is not something she dares to try emulating saying it.

"Well they're not always very nice to us. Shi only wants to keep you safe." Jessica squeaks and clicks trailing off as the vixen walks over to hir and kneels down before placing one paw on the cetacean's front. Slowly the hand goes down, stroking the grey belly of the pubescent before cupping the external testes and groping them gently.

"Surely I am safe whilst inside the camp, right?" Catherine purrs as she brings her other hand to gently push against the Jessica's female genitalia and the herm starts to moan quite loudly. It does not take long for the fox to work over her prey until the dolphin's prehensile member comes all the way outside to play. Shi has grown very fast and the organ would easily put a todd fox to shame. Catherine cannot help but stare and then nuzzle into it, licking across the sensitive tip before wrapping her lips around it; she slowly takes the dolphin's cock into her mouth where her tongue hugs it warmly.

"Aah-" Jessica gasps and blushes as her hands come down resting on the vixen's head. "It's just that-" another gap, this one filled with a flurry of aroused clicks "they're much bigger than us." Catherine moans around her lover's cock, hungrily taking it all the way down to the hilt as Jessica squeaks and thwacks her fluke into the ground. Hir pussy becomes wet and warm to the touch as the fox's fingers slip up inside of hir most tender place.

After some wet sucking slurps Catherine pulls off to reply saying that she will not be denied on making her own choices. Then she goes back down and it is not long until she has the dolphin down on the ground, moaning squealing clicks as the vixen sucks hir off. Those naughty and energetic fingers toy with hir pussy's walls as Jessica cries out with a female orgasm, separate from her male orgasm. Catherine chuckles over the throbbing member in her mouth as her hands become wet with the juices from the cetacean's vagina. It might have taken awhile to adjust, but now she has this cetacean moaning and squirming under her ministrations whenever she pleases.

Within an instant Catherine has the herm dolphin with hir back on the floor. That large prehensile beauty is all hers and the vulpine is going to ride this sea loving mammal into submission whether shi likes it or not, although shi really is going to like it. Straddling Jessica's hips, Catherine lowers herself down onto the tribe herm's cock nice and slow, deliberately stretching out the journey as her vagina slowly envelopes her lovers warm throbbing meat. The tight orifice squeezes and clings tightly to Jessica's phallus from every possible angle. Shi squeaks and rolls hir head back as shi brings her hands around the female's waist and pulls her down wanting more, much more.

Catherine feels as though her pussy is rippling from the inside as the dolphin's generous endowment pounds away at her erogenous zones. Gasping for lungfuls of air the fox rocks back on her lover's staff. Her hands and hirs grasp for one another's breasts, making the vixen shudder as her ample furry bosom is fondled and toyed with somewhat roughly. She squeezes the firm yet bouncy skin of her lover's boobs, lowering herself to suckle on one of the teats making her lover buck inside her.

"Yes, that's it! Gimme!" Catherine giggles and moans as she feels the cetaceans enjoyment peak. Hir entire body is tense as shi bucks and moans, hir orgasm taking Jessica over.

The vixen cries out, grinding her pussy into the dolphin's crotch as shi explodes deep inside hir foxen lover. Cetacean seed splashes deep inside Catherine's walls, a warm glow quickly filling her up as she motorboats the tribal's bosom, stimulating as much of the hermaphrodite's bod as possible. Unfortunately for poor Jessica, the vixen is one of a kind even amongst the sex crazed dolphins and shi has already had too many orgasms today. As hir cock starts to finish cumming so deep inside that lovely fox pussy, shi can feel the warm arms of sleep come for hir.

"C-Catherine..." the dolphin mumbles as hir eyes close and shi drifts off into a deep slumber after a hard day of work and sex.

"Ah, fuck you're still hard." Catherine gasps as the vixen tries to pull herself off her sleeping dolphin lover. Sticky and musky semen spills out of her vagina as she lifts herself off slowly as to not bring Jessica back into the land of the awake. It is a low and quite literally under the belt thing to use sex this way, especially with the ever-horny cetaceans. However Catherine needs the young dolphin to be no part in this if she does inspire the ire of any elders in the camp.

She gropes her Jessica's soft, supple breasts one last time as she gives hir a kiss and then stands up. Catherine retrieves the closest thing to clothes that she has, they make her look like some kind of damsel from the jungle movies back home to be perfectly honest. "Get your hands off me you damn dirty human," she murmurs and then giggles to herself, wishing there was some kind of mirror to look in.

The vulpine sneaks out of the tent, quickly and quietly whilst making sure she does not step on anything sharp in the moonless night. A few dying embers remain in the torches around the tribe's camp, but Catherine still needs to be careful where she steps. After a few minutes of wandering she discovers where the orca delegates are. Their tent is a recent addition to the series of large tents at the west of the main camp fires. It is easy to identify them by the different materials they use, some kind of canvas Catherine has never seen used by the dolphins.

She approaches the tents with caution, always looking over her back, hoping this will all remain a secret. Catherine walks up to the opening in the canvas and peers through. It is even darker in here than outside where at least a little light is provided by the stars. Nevertheless the vixen steps inside, being very careful not to move quickly lest she bumps into anything. With outstretched paws the girl starts to walk forward, but then something very startling happens.

It takes a moment for the fox's brain to catch up understanding what her hands are sliding up across. Only when she flexes her fingers and they wrap around the edge of what must obvious be a dorsal fin does the vixen jump back, very startled. She falls backwards, flipping over as she rolls back out of the tent. Catherine looks up just as the tall, dark figure of an orca male appears out of the tent. He looks down at her, his mostly black body blending in to the dark night.

"Umm, hi," Catherine barely says "how are you tonight?"

"I didn't know the dolphins kept an outsider amongst them." His voice is deep and dominating, it is a stark contrast to almost every single member of the dolphin tribe. Catherine can already feel some part of her mind want to submit, but she did not come here to be of service to a stranger; or did she?

"I'm not an outsider," she protest "I've made a home here."

"Of course you have," he laughs and then stops whilst looking around to see if anyone else is around. "So are you telling me you weren't raped little one?"

At that moment Catherine loses her voice, just a moment but she is unable to say anything. The question is startling just as much for what he is asking and what it says about his familiarity with these people as it does for reminding Catherine of that simple fact of her stay here. Yes she was raped, and yet she enjoyed it, enough that she has not tried to escape ever since that first night. It is as though she suddenly developed a loyalty to her abusers and eventually a relationship with her first rapist. But is it all truly real? The emotions of a mature and balanced woman, or something far more wild?

"Well..." Catherine's tongue stumbles for the right thing to say "It's not like that now."

"Heh." The tall orca grins, his large teeth shining wickedly in the low starlight as he reaches out and grabs Catherine's shoulders with his powerful hands. "I think I know why you are here outsider."

"You, you do?" The fox gulps, only now realising just what kind of different beast these orcas are. All the same her curiosity is creeping into the back of her mind again as Catherine's eyes shift down to where the large male's black crotch is hidden underneath a loincloth.

"Now don't play coy, just step inside for me." The large male walks around until he is behind the vixen, pushing her gently from behind guiding her into the tent. She does as he wants, disappearing past the canvas opening and into the promise of the unknown.

With a loud smack on the vixen's rump, she is knocked forward and onto the ground below. She gasps, blushing as what little clothing she has is removed by the orca. Catherine struggles to roll over but those strong hands wrap around her torso, thumbs pushing up just underneath her boobs. The fox is lifted clear off the ground, her legs and tail dangling wildly. She starts to kick and shouts at the orca to let her go, but he only laughs at her pitiful attempts, even her claws unable to scratch his thick hide.

Catherine is carried into another part of the tent whee there are still lit lights. For the first time she is able to look at the orca in his full glory, the towering behemoth is so startling to behold that she stops struggling as the vixen gawks. The dominating male is not only at least eight feet in height, but even with all of that insulating fat his muscles bulge out, rippling across his chest and arms, then going down over. Oh my. Already his member is beginning to swell up, pushing out from underneath the brown loincloth he wears.

"Like what you see girl?" He sneers and pulls the female up to him as he pushes his beak against her right breast. She gasps and goes wide eyed as he suckles her hard, those sharp teeth expertly voiding scratching her as he licks his broad tongue across her furry teat.

"F-Ffffuck! I-I didn't ask for t-"

"Oh but you did," he cuts her off. "This is what you wanted the instant I found you wandering outside our tent. Now be a good girl and don't make too much noise."

The stranger moves to her left breast now, suckling and licking it wet like he did with the last one. She makes a weak show of trying to push him away, her fingers skidding off his smooth head. However the large male is keenly aware of the need this female has, made all the more apparent by the female scent being given off between her legs. He beats his fluke into the ground excitedly, his massive prehensile organ reaching up until it is lodged between the fox's legs, even whilst being held up at this height.

Then the orca stops playing with the vixen's busty bosom. Putting her back on the ground, but not releasing her from his grip, he presents to her a new friend. The long, thick and wet fleshy mass of the orca's penis points at Catherine's face as if accusing her of causing this sudden state of erection. When she delays he pulls her head down until the vulpine's nose touches with the drooling fat head and the heady smell of the male orca fills her senses. The furry mammal's eyes roll around as she tries to gain composure, but already she has one paw delving between her legs and the other reaching up to stroke the beast before her.

"Okay," she says breathily "you win." With that Catherine opens wide, as wide stretching her jaw as far as possible, ready for the orcahood.

"That's it girl," the male sniggers and then thrusts forward whilst pulling Catherine down with both hands.

Even straining her jaw she finds it incredibly difficult to fit the engorged organ inside her mouth. But with a little help from the powerful male's arms and hips he gets it inside. Then the vixen's eyes tear up quickly as the massive cock forces its way down her throat. One inch after the next is being crammed down Catherine's already well experienced throat. She tries her best not to gag as she python slides down her throat. Keeping her eyes shut Catherine starts to suckle and rub her tongue along the underside of the member, whilst as for the part of it that is down her throat she begins to swallow, letting her throat muscles do the work.

"Mmm, that's good girl, keep going." Of course the vixen has little choice as the large orca continues to force her down.

At the point where Catherine believes the end of the massive cock will breach her stomach is when her nose finally plants into the large male's equally expansive crotch. She opens her eyes and is greeted with the white belly of the cetacean. He grins down at her and then pulls her off, the fox eager to get some fresh air again. She takes in deep lungfuls of sweet oxygen before she is forced down again pursing her lips over the thick prehensile organ.

"Don't be lazy now, work him over." The orca is enjoying this as he looks down upon the vixen in the low light of a few ebbing flames.

She goes back down, deep throating the large cetacean all the way down to the base. Catherine is swallowing a lot here, but not more than she can handle just yet. With her dexterous fingers she grasps the large white testicles that hang from the orca's crotch. He grunts as she starts to play with them, rolling one ball, then the other and finally squeezing both together using both paws.

Those large and heavy hands keep on guiding Catherine as she starts to bob up and down, only taking half of the massive organ. The squeaks and clicks that come from the large male is in stark contrast to his large and dominating size. The vixen moves one hand away from the heavy semen filled balls as she strokes his abdomen. He approves of her actions, but is far from satisfied. Without warning he once again thrusts deep down her throat. She gags, tries to pull off, but he holds her down. Musk and heat washes over the female as he pulls back and then forces his colossal length back down her gullet.

"Come on girl, suck harder!" He laughs as she struggles, but Catherine has little choice and just tries to find some pattern, a rhythm for her to adjust to.

It is loud and messy as pre and drool dribbles down the woman's chin and over her furry breasts. The cetacean is enjoying his vulpine present, fucking her mouth at the pace that he enjoys the most. Even if she was not trying her hardest, the involuntary swallowing around his large shaft is more than enough stimulation. His heartbeat races and she can feel him throbbing deep down her throat. Catherine squeezes his orange sized nuts again, rubbing them with both thumbs and hopping that he comes soon.

"Nnngh, good girl," the large male grunts. "Now I want to see you wrap your boobs around him." He pulls out and the vixen embraces the wet monster into her bosom, squeezing her breasts around it. "That's it, hug him tightly!"

A few grunts from, some loving kisses to the head of the orca's malehood and then a messy explosion blasts against her face. The female is more than a little overwhelmed as the broad organ throbs in her hands and between her breasts, the head erupts violently with thick and musky semen shooting up into her mouth. It splashes over her face and chest, some of it getting on the orca's crotch and stomach. He grins down at her as she struggles for air, closing her mouth and turning away, but he holds her there as load after load shoots over the slutty fox.

"F-Fuck!" Catherine exclaims as the torrent finally subsides, releasing the large phallus from her bosom as it softens a bit. She wipes thick layers of spunk from her mouth and chest as the vixen regains composure and takes deep breaths. "You're an animal!"

"Aww, and I thought you liked that." The male mock pouts at her.

"Oh, but I do," she stares with sharp eyes back up at him and then pounce.

The vixen's legs wrap around the broad cetacean's hips as she grinds her pussy against his still half hard prehensile cock. A great deal of cum still on her body rubs off on him, irritating the orca. But she goes in for a kiss on his beak and he squeaks a little in surprise. Her paws rub down his back as she grinds herself against him evocatively.

"Show me what else you can do then big boy," Catherine bites her lower lip, excited arousal coursing through her body and making her more wet than she was even with Jessica. The orca smiles again with those large teeth and holds her sides, nodding as his cock rises up pressing into her buttocks cleft.

Catherine jumps back down onto the ground and those large hands direct her to turn around. The orca guides her forward with a gentle push and then bends her over what feels like seems to be some kind of proper furniture; although Catherine cannot tell between the dimming light and her aroused state if it is a table or chair or something else. The orca comments that they are not nearly as primitive as the dolphins, although they still enjoy the primal side of life. Which is exactly the bullet point where his penis pushes up between her legs.

Her pussy is really dripping at this point, all her senses are on fire as the large male is about to mount her; interspecies sex is just too much fun. The large head touches her lips and Catherine moans loudly in response, not just acting as her whole body really is just that sensitive now. She can feel him pressing down on her, pinning the fox doggy-style. The vixen sways her bushy tail as he starts to slip into her tight folds. Catherine's body resists, fighting back against the intruding male organ. Her organ quickly tightens around the phallus and the orca grunts as he uses his powerful hips to thrust inside harder.

"AAAAH!" Catherine screams out joyfully, tears running down her muzzle and whiskers she feels herself being prised open. The experience is out of this world, far removed from anything the vixen has ever felt before in such an intimate fashion.

His strong hands keeping pushing down on and bent over, but one of them comes around to squeeze her left breast. She moans and squirms, alternating in frequency from either the penetration of her tight snatch or the way the orca now starts to play with her nipple. Then she feels him start to tease her neck, nipping and then kissing different parts as he works his way up and down. Catherine shudders, gasps and moans, her body starting to accept the large phallus of the orca as he begins to reach her limits.

With a squeaking grunt from the cetacean he reaches the cervix of the vixen's vagina and is unable to force it any further. Barely half of the broad prehensile penis has managed to fit inside of Catherine, but boy does it feel good. Crashing waves of pleasure wash over her body, fur standing on end as it is offset by the orca's attentions to her breasts and neck. This results in a constant stream of female orgasms that coarse through the vixen's entire body.

Her orca lover is taken aback by this powerfully erotic reaction she is having to his being so deep inside of her. His member is assaulted with a continuous flow of smooth juices and a constant pressure as her pussy convulses and grips his python with a truly impressive grip. The foreign orca groans loudly, followed by a series of excited squeaks. His phallus, lodged deep inside the furry female, throbs even more excitedly with pre drooling from the head as smaller males would urinate. The black and white marine mammal is delighted that he has found such a wonderfully tight fit for his malehood.

His only regret is that she is not deep enough to take all of him. But he does not wish to injure, so as he starts to pull back he is careful when he thrusts forward again. Keeping the vixen held down underneath him, the oversized mammal starts to build a rhythm. Thrusting forward and pulling back he grunts as the female fights him, every time he wants to push in her pussy resists him every inch of the way. Whilst each time he pulls back she clings to him as though she never wants to let him go. All the while poor little Catherine is having the most mind-shattering orgasms of her whole life. The vixen's eyes roll back as she looks up at nothing and cries out into the night.

Wet slapping sounds echo through the camp now as the orca developers a fast, yet still cautious, pace of fucking the wild fox girl. Balls slap into the back of her furry legs, already slicked down with the juices that drip from her pussy. But everything is rapidly reaching a grand climax now. Catherine for her part is getting worn out, but still feels one last major orgasms as her pussy slackens and then begins to tighten up again. As for the orca, he is having to stop himself from shouting out as his loins burn with passion, over a gallon of orca making seed ready to erupt.

Finally though, inevitably really, the large cetacean lets go. His shouting is only outmatched by the eruption that explodes deep inside of Catherine's pussy. The vixen squirms as one last orgasm shudders through her entire body. Her vagina locks around the orca's shaft as he unloads the mother of all semen deliveries. Hot and creamy white spunk quickly overflows and manages to squirt past the tight lock around the orcahood. It splashes back, getting on fur and furless flesh alike. The killer whale becomes aware of the warm pool of his own produce as it seeps over his feet.

"AAAH FUCK!" Catherine is sticky with tears, sweat and sex juices now. Her hair is in a mess, but by the gods does she feel great. Even as the orca gently pulls out of her the female's sex organ twitches in reflex, remembering the colossal visitor it played host to. Of course then there is the matter of the cum the vixen can feel swirling around her womb, but right now she just wants to slide into the encroaching bliss of sleep. The orca will have to deal with all of those people they just woke up.

August 7th 1922. Found a boyfriend today. Details later.

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