New Tricks

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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Lots of fun in this one. Read the tags, it's...not for everyone. :evilgrin: This was a fun collaborative writing project / RP between me and Hidan. Had a blast! Thanks!

Rated Extreme for Castration. It's clean and surgical - don't worry. The gorey stuff is a turn-off for me.

Read the comments below. It explains a few things that make the story a bit more clear that me and Hidan discussed in OOC, but didn't really weave into the story very well.

New Tricks

by Draugr & Hidan


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

The mutt wasn't even here, and Sarah was already annoyed.

It was a bad enough week as it was, with work tugging at her tail so much, with the frustrations with her car, not to mention the drunken photos she found on her boyfriend's phone. Hmph, as if she believed his excuse that he was only being friendly with that snow leopardess. The cat had her tongue halfway into his ear!

It was enough to make the german shepherd growl, certainly, hackles raising at the thought. Whether or not it was more than snuggling, kissing, and ear-rape, she wasn't sure, but she was pretty positive he wouldn't slink off with his tail between his legs to some far-off wedding at the speed he had if the wolf-dog was completely innocent!

And to top it all off, as if she didn't have enough problems, he had the gall to ask if she would doggy-sit for his best friend.

Granted...of course she said yes. It would be wonderful to have a pup around to walk and snuggle with on the couch, and not chase the nearest feline pussy that strutted by, but the fact that it was a favor to him...that made her lips curl just so.

"Settle down, you're getting protective and possessive again..." Not that it wasn't hard for her to be anything but.

By the time the doorbell rang, there was no more time to scowl or grumble or glare at the photo of that grinning wolf-dog on the counter. She had a different dog to take care of after all!


Tobias looked up at his girlfriend, and couldn't help but flatten his ears a little. He knew she had no idea who he really was, but it didn't help that he knew she was pissed at the two-legged version of himself. He even whined a little when his best friend handed over the leash to her. But really...what did he have to worry about? What on earth could go wrong? He knew his girlfriend loved four-legged critters.

"Here's Toby..." the big malamute said. "I know, lame, I named him after my best friend...don't ask, long story. Um...he likes his dinner around eight, and...if he behaves and stuff, maybe you could let him sleep in the bed with you? If not, I've got his cage, he'll be good in there, too," he said, indicating the folded-up cage held in his left hand.

"Don't let him off-leash or out of your sight," he said, earning a reproachful grunt from the wolf-dog. "I haven't gotten him fixed yet, and as awesome as he is, I don't want a bunch of little Toby's." He dropped down on one knee, and grabbed the dog's scruff on both sides of his neck, pressing their foreheads together.

"Good boy! You just stay here for a few days and Daddy will be right back for you!" he said in a sickeningly sweet voice, one that you'd not expect from a creature that was otherwise possessed a pretty masculine figure. "Just relax," he added, whispering silently in his ear. "I'll be back in a few days before the end of your cycle."

He got up, nodded, then slowly left, keeping his eye on the dog. It wasn't just an act at this point - he really didn't like leaving his friend when he was "morphed." Too many unknowns. But...there were a couple knowns here, ones the malamute knew very well, and was counting on. Hopefully he would be solving everyone's problems here pretty soon.


At least 'Toby' looked different on all fours, his normally light blonde pelt a good deal darker, almost an auburn, though still mottled in a subtly similar way.

It's enough of a difference that there doesn't seem to be any recognition in Sarah's eyes, the shepherd softening as she two knelt at the large dog's side. "Don't worry, I'll take good care of him. Hmph, though tell my boyfriend it really should be him the one that gets snipped!" Not that she seemed overly bitter over the whole ordeal, but there was still that strong current of jealousy.

"I picked up a few toys, and he shouldn't need to be kenneled too often. As long as Toby here doesn't howl too much, I doubt we'll have any problems. Will we boy?" She would grin in an honest, warm fashion, scruffing up both of Toby's cheeks as she touched nose to nose.

"Work's been light the past week, so shouldn't be any issue leaving him alone too long, so it worked out well." And that's how the conversation went, quite leaving Toby out of it. And why should he be involved, he was just the dog after all, standing there talking about his needs and training. "Hmph, though you really should get him neutered at some point. Believe me, male dogs are much happier without those weights, and often live longer." She pats at his rump, all while scruffling between his ears.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of him! It'll be nice to have a canine around the house that I don't feel the need to strangle on occasion. You have fun at the wedding!" The big malamute was chased out, leaving Toby with his girlfriend. "And you! You're going to be a good boy while you're here, right?" At least she's friendly to him in this form!

"Come, let's watch a bit of tv before bed. Come on boy!" Leash unclasped, she settled in on the couch, patting the cushions. Hey, this might not be too bad, he's even being let up on the furniture! A nice night of getting his ears scratched in that oh-so-leg-kicking-inducing way while she watched her medical dramas. And if he can sneak in the occasional nose to her breasts, even better!


Matt drove off back home - the wedding had been a nice cover story, but such an event didn't exist. He was merely orchestrating things to solve some problems between the three of them. He crossed his legs again, wincing. He knew when Sarah was talking about "male dogs" being happier without their balls, she wasn't referring to him...or even her cheating boyfriend...but, still, it wasn't a pleasant thought, and the way he was setting his best friend up...well, that wasn't a pleasant thought, either. But, it had to be done...

Meanwhile, back in a certain German Shepherd's residence, an apparent wolf-dog mutt happily jumped up on the couch, laying his head on his girlfriend's lap.

This might not be so bad after all, he thought. He hadn't much liked the talk of separating him from his nuts...but, of course, that wasn't going to happen. Sarah was only "watching" him for a couple days while Matt went to that wedding or whatever it had been.

As he laid watching TV, he enjoyed the close time they had together, just like when he wasn't "transformed." It made him regret all that much more having been a bit too flirtatious, to put it lightly. Sarah was a great gal...maybe even someone to spend the rest of his life with. He splayed his ears, and sighed. Why had he done that?

Well, now wasn't any time for being miserable. He could either sulk, or have some fun...and right now, fun sounded like a much better option. He began sniffing around her waist...

Hmm...she's coming into heat soon... he thought idly. Not that he couldn't smell such things in his anthro form - but such things were always more pronounced and at the front of his mind when he was in this form. Taking advantage of his percieved "innocence," he nosed his way under her shirt, and up toward her bra, wagging his tail the entire time...and even daring to sneak a couple licks at her breasts.


At first, she was quite happy with how well behaved Toby seemed to be, lounging out with the dog at her side, scratching his tall ears and neck as the show went on. The moment he stuffed his nose under her shirt, she grumbled, trying to tug it back down. The moment he started nosing and licking at her breasts from within, that's when she barked a protest! "Hey!" She did stop short of calling him a bad dog, but she did growl at the 'fresh' move, working her shirt back down and crossing her arms over her chest. "No. Be a good boy, or I'll see to it /you/ get to be on an operating table yourself..." She gestured to the tv. "And not for some silly incurable disease! After all, masculinity has a perfectly good and effective treatment."

Not that the dog would get her teasing, or so she thought, and she patted at his flanks with a sigh. Oh she often teased her boyfriend with the same, it came with being a canine after all, a sly comment here or there that maybe he'd be better behaved if she dragged him into a vet's office one day. Hmph, some days she quite meant it!

"It is rather silly that you've not been neutered yet. Hmph, probably has to do with your owner. Male dogs always seem to have silly hang ups about fixing their pets, as if it somehow reflects on them!" She continued scratching at Toby's ears, more talking for her own enjoyment, than to tease him of course. "Such a quick procedure too. Just a local anaesthetic, a few slips of the scalpel, and that's it. A few minutes to make an unruly stud dog into an obedient neutered pup."


Although Tobias, or rather, "Toby" as he was known in this form did not want his girlfriend to find out who he really was...and worked hard at maintaining his "feral" appearance and behavior, he couldn't help but cringe at all the talk of separating him from his balls. He immediately withdrew his nose from under his girlfriend's shirt, flattened his ears against his skull, and rested his chin on top of her leg, looking properly chastised...all before he ever realized what that might look like. As a dog he was not, of course, supposed to understand spoken language.

He just had to hope the slip went unnoticed, and maintain the act. It wouldn't do to rapidly change moods and look crazy. He licked his chops a few times, then let out a soft whine, apologizing. He was sure Sarah wouldn't actually have another person's dog was just something she was talking about to relieve stress, of course. He knew that. Definitely knew that.

Trying to push thoughts of the "male cure" out of his head, he instead tried to enjoy cuddling up with his girlfriend on the couch. When was the last time they had done this? He couldn't remember. Lately they had just spent so much time fighting, especially after she'd found those pictures on his phone. He hadn't actually been fooling around...well...maybe a little, but nothing too serious. Without really paying any attention, he wound up rolling over onto his back, to get his chest scratched...exposing a vulnerable, velvety, black-furred pouch containing the two objects that made him so powerfully male!


Sarah herself would catch the look, chastized and submissive, and of course first take it at face value, she did have a rather mean tone to her voice. "Aww, I don't mean to sound so feisty. Sometimes you dogs bring it out in me." As he rolls over, she gives his chest ruff and belly both a good, thick scruffling rub with both hands, letting the big dog lay up across her lap. "Yeees, who's a good boy, hmm? Whoooose a good boy?" Perhaps demeaning, but then again she has a touch with those claws, getting good and deep along his pelt, scratching vigorously in such a pleasurable fashion!

It's about then that the scratching pauses, though he might not know why. Her fingers traced along his lower stomach, avoiding his sheath pointedly, but sliding along something else. A surgical scar. The way it curved upwards caught her memory somehow, and she eyed the sprawling pup further. He'd not be able to see her quizzical expression, but soon enough her rubbing would return, if a bit slower, if a bit more...investigatively. His pelt was different, but only subtly so, the pattern itself seemed terribly familiar. And the way his balls were darker than the rest...Sarah's frown turned suspicious.

"Well, not completely a good boy, you do still have these." She only briefly trailed her fingers over those dark-furred testes, before returning to his belly. "I'd say even the cutest mutts should have their balls snipped off if they're not fit for breeding. Really I should have a talk with your owner."

This was less about her venting steam, and more about watching his expression of course! "It only makes sense of course, you certainly don't need your balls if you're not going to specifically be used for breeding, and a silly, sissy dog like yourself certainly wouldn't need them." Granted, her tone is soft, friendly, teasing, leaning over him to give his belly a good scratching, but all the while watching. "You'd like that pup, wouldn't you? If I had your balls cut off? Who'd be a cute neutered pup? Who'd be cute?"


Toby didn't mind too much being talked to like a simple dog...after all, he was getting the most wonderful belly scratches at the moment! He grunted and shifted around a little, however, when the scratching slowed...Sarah had been going at such a wonderful pace before that point.

He couldn't help but grin, though, when she said he wasn't completely a good boy - that's right! Of course Tobias wasn't a good boy. He did not much like Sarah's idea of a "good boy" - one who really wasn't a boy at all! After all, that was part of being male...getting into some fun trouble every now and then, that is.

When she started talking about having him snipped, however...that was a bit too much. And for goodness sakes he certainly was no sissy! He was quite male...after all, that's why Sarah was mad at him in the first place. It wasn't his fault for being a boy, he enjoyed it fine thank you very much! Not much liking her fingers so close to his orbs...especially not while she was talking about having his balls cut off...he forgot to keep up his facade, and with an irritated grunt-nearly a growl-he got up from the couch, went to a corner of the room, circled around and plopped down on the floor, glaring at the feisty German Shepherd - with his tail curled up and his threatened organs tucked securely underneath him.

I am too fit for breeding... he pouted. I've got great genes...and there's nothing wrong with being male! Why can't she see that? I'm only acting the way guys were meant to act, right? He tried to reason with himself - she wasn't really talking about men in general, just simple feral dogs...which he very much looked the part of, but it still hurt his sensitive pride to hear that.


Her tone hadn't been mean or condescending, but of course her words had, and as 'Toby' curls up in the corner, pouting to himself, he has that shepherd staring at him! She frowns, eyeing him closely a moment, before putting her feet up on the couch and returning to watch tv.

She was thinking of that scar, a rather familiar shape, all while the doctors on tv had drama of their own.


The next day, she didn't let on that she had figured anything out. In fact, she wasn't sure she had, though there were suspicions! It was a day off for her, so as she woke up, dressed, and showered, slipping out in naught but her towel, and that busy rubbing down her damp fur! It's a sight Toby's seen before, just perhaps not from such an angle, all her pretty, athletic curves on display, with a soggy tail wagging lazily along her rump.

"So! I suppose you could use some breakfast." She was still naked, bordering on teasing as she bent to set his food dish on the floor. No eggs, no bacon, no pancakes or ham. Dry dog food. "Eat up! Hmph, your owner might have suggested cubed meat, but it's ridiculous that one would keep a pet on such a diet."

And while he considered it, she watched, arms crossed, wearing her suspicions openly at this point!


Toby had been pacing around the bedroom, but when his girlfriend stepped out of the bathroom, rubbing herself down in a towel, he stopped dead in his tracks...staring, panting.


His mind blanked out, all he could see were those pleasantly-sized, perky breasts, and that wonderful, furry rump...curved with an athletic flair, as was typical of of Sarah's breed. He followed her out, thinking with his balls rather than his brains...the thought not even entering his head that he might not even be capable of thinking with those for much longer! Behaving like a "good boy" was not high on his list of priorities right now...getting a hot view of his sexy girlfriend's wonderfully feminine body, was.

He tried to get his nose up toward her furry breasts as the dish of food was lowered to him, but his attention was necessarily redirected as she spoke up, ordering him to eat up.

He glanced down at the food! Dog food! Of all the things...hadn't Matt told her...he couldn't eat this! He glanced up at her, and back down at the dish...but...he had to eat it, right? Any dog would!

Slowly, he dipped his head down, taking a mouthful of the dry dog food...and crunched down, his muzzle wearing the best approximation of a grimace that his feral form was capable of. He wasn't actually that bad, but it was certainly no beef steak or cubed pork! Still...he could not possibly imagine himself enduring days upon days of this until his friend returned for him.

Toby looked up and whined, looking a bit guilty. He wanted to eat it...he had to...after all who ever heard of a picky dog? This was going to look terribly suspicious...

Steeling himself, he dove in, and began to eat as quickly as he could. This wasn't exactly the worst situation he'd ever been in while he was transformed...but at the moment, he thought it certainly came close!


Sarah watched, not too surprised that the dog was hesitant. After all, there are plenty that are picky eaters, though she wasn't exactly sure what she had been expecting herself. Once he starts crunching away, she looked less sure of herself, still frowning, arms crossed over her chest. She wasn't a 'police dog,' but she certainly had a sniff of something off with this canine.

While Toby would be eating, she busied herself, dressing in casual clothes, and slipping onto her laptop a moment. Whether or not if Toby's malamute friend would respond to the email was to be seen, but she was curious as to what sort of operation the dog had, and why it reminded her so much of her boyfriend's appendix scar.

Regardless, once Toby's had his fill, he'd hear his girlfriend whistle, and dangle a leash in his direction! "How about we go out to the dog park, hmm? Who wants to go to the park?" She was feeling silly at this point, Toby's been rather well behaved actually so far, why her instincts were rilled up she couldn't tell!


Toby grimaced once he'd finished. The aftertaste was rather horrid, and the food bland. He hoped this wasn't something he'd need to get used to. Why actual dogs enjoyed this stuff was beyond him...maybe it was just because they didn't have his sapient intellect! He didn't get to dwell on this for long, however, when he heard his girlfriend whistle at him. He snapped his head up, looked around, and hesitated.

A leash!, this was just humiliating! What would people think?

Oh yeah...absolutely nothing...

Still, it was not something that was easy for the proud male to submit to. He believed he'd always had the upper side of the relationship...and now, here was his girlfriend, leashing him! As she lowered her paw to hook it onto his dog collar...he found himself having a rather strange reaction...a bit of pink flesh protruding from its furry sheath! Was this turning him on? How? He was being humiliated! But...there was something oddly sexual about this turnabout, this role reversal. He didn't understand the feelings...but they were there. And why not enjoy them, for the time being? He was a dog, at least for another week! Why not enjoy the pleasures of being one? Dogs didn't worry about dignity or anything like that, they enjoy whatever comes their way.

Meanwhile, moments later, Matt picked up his cell phone - it had just buzzed him. He saw he'd gotten a rather interesting e-mail from Sarah.

"Hmm...observant," was all he said aloud, before hastily typing a response back...sure to give an excuse that would rile her up her neuter-nazi mentality!


Toby had an undescended testicle as a young pup. Since I didn't want to get him neutered, and the vet couldn't get it to descend by pushing it from outside his body, I had him open him up in a quick operation to get it down where it should be, and tack it in place...I know what you're going to say...I should have had him snipped then, I know! But it's hard to do that to my best friend, even though I knew he needs it.


He grinned again to himself, especially at the double meaning. He still felt a bit guilty at putting his best friend's masculinity on the cutting block...but this was needed! He was tired of seeing Tobias hurt her, run around with other girls...Sarah was better than any guy could ever ask for, and Tobias' particular "disorder" provided a convenient and legal way to deal with his roaming once and for all. And as to why he didn't execute this plan this himself...well, he was a guy! The mere thought of it made him cross his legs in pain...and Tobias would certainly suspect something if Matt started acting funny. No, this had to be carried out by someone who didn't know his secret.

He hesitated, then sent the message. Maybe, even if her suspicions were not confirmed...she'd at least see that as a green light for having "Toby" castrated!


About that time, Sarah was already getting out of her car. It was a quick ride to the park, and by that time she was already looking forward to it. Toby was suppose to be rather well behaved, at least that's what his owner last mentioned, so there shouldn't be any problems. Granted, being forced to ride in the hatchback, that might prove demeaning, or might prove fun!

In either case, soon that leash is applied once more a few odds and ends are tucked into a fanny pack, and after she stooped to slip on her running shoes, start her ipod, and with a light whistle, starts her usual jog, with Toby in tow!

Not quite a dog park, but there were plenty of feral canines of various breeds either playing or walking with their owners. Toby at least could feel glad that Sarah always felt clothes on dogs was ridiculous, judging by a poodle that was being spoiled by her owner, the pink vest rather silly, even on a bitch!

"Heeel..." She huffs, tugging at his leash if he tried to lag and get a better look!


Toby did not much like being on the leash, but he could easily set aside that just to experience being on a walk! He always loved these times with Sam, even though with him he was always off-leash. Still, there were too many wonderful things to smell around here. Letting his doggy instincts take over, Tobias let "Toby" take the forefront. He loved just letting go like this, it was so easy to do outside, and just be a dog. He often wished he could switch to this form at will...and some days, days that went really bad, even permanently!

He of course caught the scent of the poodle...stopping and moving off in that direction. When he felt the tug on the leash, he planted his feet and held his ground - he was a big dog after all, he wasn't going to be jerked around by the neck! And there was that poodle, too, he had to see what she was all about. She smelled exceptionally interesting...and if one cared to look, a certain part of his anatomy showed just what was on his mind!


Sarah wasn't quite as intrigued as Toby might, give the hackles raising, quite the opposite! That leash would be tugged, a bit rougher than usual, pulling the dog alongside. "Heeel." She repeats, annoyance clear in her voice. It wouldn't be the last time either.

That he had to stop and sniff every dog, that was an annoyance that she put up with. That he seemed quite interest in every bitch they passed, that did seem to put an annoyed flick to her tail.

The moment that a protective large rottweiler and the wolfdog nearly got into a fight, again with a female dog nearby, that seemed the last straw! "That's it!" She growls, fangs bared, purposefully ignoring the stares as she would half drag Toby back to her car!

Later that day, the appointment would be made. Not that Toby would be there to hear the word 'Male sled dog' and 'castration' in the same sentence when he was busy sitting in his crate! Such would probably only have made the car ride the next day all the more stressful!


Toby wasn't quite sure what he'd done when he'd been dragged back to the car - he had just been being, well, a dog! When he was finally let out of his crate later that night, he was quite the apologetic pup. His head hung low, his ears hung back, and his tail tucked slightly between his was hard not to feel sorry for him. He nuzzled his girlfriend's hand in a manner of apology...he knew he'd been a little but unruly...but apparently even a little bit was too much for Sarah...or, perhaps, he hadn't just merely been "a little bit" unruly.

Whatever the case, he was trying to spend some good time with his girlfriend, not just make her mad at him again! He went over to his dish a few times, growing hungry, a bit confused as to why it never was filled up. Surely Sarah knew he wanted food?

Well, going to bed with an empty stomach was hardly that unfitting of a punishment for his poor behavior at the park...but, little did he realize, that was hardly the extent of his "punishment" at all! No, Toby was to undergo something that would fix all those pesky male behaviors of his, something that required him to go on a bit of a fast...something that would ensure he would be much more well-behaved, by making him not quite so male any longer!

Toby didn't worry about his stomach too much, though - he spent his last few hours as a male dog making up with his girlfriend, being quite calm and easy-going to apologize for his behavior at the park.

There was a voice at the back of Sarah's mind, whispering that this was wrong, that it wasn't her decision, but all of the stress and frustration and anger of the past month had finally boiled over.

It wasn't taking it all out on the dog, of course not! Or at least that's what she told herself as she coaxed Toby to jump up into the back of her suv. To him, she seemed oddly cheery on the outside, despite her slight inner disagreement.

"Still not your decision." The voice chided.

"His owner all but admitted it should be done!" She countered, all silent of course. And with that, the conversation was over.

She would never admit it, but there was a thrill in the idea of dragging a large, male dog to the vet, all for the purpose of having those troublesome testes plucked out like extra bits, all to make him a calm, obedient pup.

Toby might wonder why her tail was wagging so much.

True, there was probably some inference involved, perhaps imagining the idea of doing it to her boyfriend for his roaming transgressions was more than probable, but she wasn't here to psychoanalyze herself.

She was pulling into the animal clinic to have Toby's balls cut off!

"Checkup and appointment for 'Toby?'" The receptionest was a cheery looking ferret gal, who grinned down at the big sled dog, offered her fingers, and gave him a gooooooood firm ear-scritching in short order. "My, what a big handsome boy! The vet is busy at the moment, but if you'll have a seat over there, and fill out this paperwork, we'll get everything set up for his visit."

She couldn't help it seems to give him another good scruffling, at both cheeks this time, before turning away to chat with a couple about their macaw.

Sarah meanwile would have herself a seat, still holding onto the leash while she filled out those brief forms. There were the typical posters on the wall, about how to brush a dog's teeth, information on declawing cats, common diseases, and of course, the usual propaganda on having cats and dogs spayed and neutered! The latter seemed to have a cheerily grinning large dog, and implied he was a much happier mutt without his balls!

Not that there was any inkling yet in that was why they were here!


Toby, surprisingly, wasn't the least bit worried when he saw they were pulling into the vet's office. He'd picked up on Sarah's "happy" vibes on the way over and into the office...misinterpreting that as meaning she was no longer angry with him. He rationalized that they were at the vet because he'd been acting funny - he'd been picky about his food, pouty at times, and oddly subdued the night before...certainly normal behavior for "Tobias" but for "Toby" that certainly must have seemed strange. Just a check-up to make sure he was doing fine. That's all it was.

He rather liked the receptionist - in his bipedal form, he would have found her exceptionally annoying but for some reason in this form he always found "excessive attention" to be not-quite-so-excessive after all. While Sarah filled out his paperwork, Toby looked around the room, unconsciously tucking his tail as he gazed over all the posters in the room. Especially the one that mentioned he'd be a much happier mutt if he were snipped!

One in particular made him feel a bit better - it showed a dog, paws on his owner's shoulders, licking his face...a dog which, from the angle of the picture, clearly lacked a certain part of the normal male canine anatomy. Underneath, it read 'The Only Good Boy is a Neutered One!"

That couldn't help but make him grin - Toby rather liked the "bad dog" mentality. It made him feel tough, like nobody would ever mess with him. Who would want to be a good boy anyway, especially if it meant that you couldn't really be a 'boy' at all!

While Toby was distracted with taking in the sights of the waiting room, an older-looking German Shepherd woman - someone who might even be able to pass for Sarah in about forty years - leaned over to her after her own small lapdog let out a nasty-sounding sneeze.

"Poor Princess has had these awful sneezes for the past two weeks...what's yours in for?" she asked. "He seems remarkably well-behaved," she added, as a compliment.


"This naughty boy? Hmph..." What was she doing here? Again that nagging voice pipped up, but her hard-headedness pushed it back down. "Oh he's well behaved now and again, but there's a few habits I mean to correct."

Toby might start to get a bad feeling about this.

"It's about time the big lug here got himself neutered. Really, it should have happened a long time ago, but he'll at least be a 'good boy' once he's seen the vet." Sarah would give him a pleasing scritch to the ears, possibly quite a contrast to the casual/drastic surgery she had apparently offered him up for!


Toby froze up, a chill running down his spine.


Even his mind was stuttering, unable to form a coherent thought. He didn't even feel the scratch behind the ears, his body was still locked up. He wasn't here for a mere checkup...he was here to have his nuts cut off! And judging by the appendix scar he still bore in his feral form...they wouldn't be coming back when his cycle was over!

"Awww, poor puppy..." the elderly woman cooed, leaning over to scratch him behind the ears as well. "Well, it's for his own good," she said. "You can't be too mad at him though, if he hasn't been neutered. It's not like he can help it with those things still hanging back there. A typical male problem..." she said, muttering the last sentence under her breath.

When the technician came out of the back and called his name, that finally jolted him out of his temporary paralysis...with a frightened whine, he started backing up, pulling hard on the leash, moving toward the door. Harder than he'd pulled when he'd wanted to get a closer look at that poodle, or when that Rottweiler had challenged him...this was the difference between being a male, a stud dog...and, well, a bitch! He dug in as hard as he could, there was no way he was going to go through with this! Toby didn't even care about the facade he was supposed to be maintaining, not when his very gender was on the cutting block!

"Looks like he figured out what he's here for!" the old woman laughed, only thinking she was joking!


"Very much a typical male problem!" Sarah already liked this fellow grayed shepherd, tail lightly wagging at the thought. "I'm sure he'll calm down a good deal and be nice an....hey!" The sudden jerk to the leash certainly caught her off guard, and she only just managed to hold on the loop. "Heel! Bad dog!"

It might be slightly comical, as she stumbles forward to snag Toby by his collar rather than the leash, grunting and trying to drag him back! "I...I could use some help!" No doubt one of the nurses would see some of the difficulty, a slim type, ermine perhaps with her white fur, quickly coming round the counter to help with the big dog. "I'm guessing he's Toby? Was just about to call your names. I can help if he's too nervous around here to be led in back.

Not that Tobias can see such, but 'help' would be a sedative needle!


He kept struggling, screaming, making all kinds of noise, yelling for help - no way was he going to roll over and accept this! He fought with every muscle in his body...but it just wasn't enough. Not even when that sneaky ermine snuck up behind him and jabbed him in the rear with a sedative!

Toby wasn't knocked out, but he was finding it harder and harder to move around...until finally his limbs just wouldn't work anymore. Soon enough he found himself hoisted up on a stainless steel operating table. He whimpered weakly, as best as the sedative allowed him to, and gave a pleading look to his girlfriend...something, anything that might make her think twice!

But he wasn't able to hold that look long...not when he felt something cold under his tail, and a dull pain as his temperature was taken! How embarassing!

"One-oh-two. Pretty normal. Now, can I get you to sign here..." the nurse asked, going through a few different forms - administration of anesthesia, some liability paperwork, and finally, the one authorizing Toby's neutering!

He gave one final, pained, pitiful whimper toward Sarah, the only form of communication left for him...he couldn't even summon the strength the fight back, the sedative still coursing through his body.

"Now, we'll have to wait until the sedative wears off before we can start anesthesia. That should be about in another fifteen minutes...we'll have to have him restrained, of course, do you want to wait with him until we start? He might feel a little better about the whole thing if you're by his side until he falls asleep, poor fella. It's not every day you get your puppymakers snipped off!" she said in a sickeningly sweet voice, that last sentence directed toward a terrified Toby.

"Aww, but it's for your own good," she said, responding to yet another terrified whine. "You'll be so much happier, and so much better behaved once we cut those troublesome little things off!"

If Toby wasn't so busy trying not to pee on himself, he might have protested - he certainly wasn't little at all! Although by the time he woke up again, he wouldn't be big, little, or anything else! His "puppymakers" just wouldn't be there, period!

"It's almost like he knows what is going on..." she said wistfully, catching on to some of the dog's odd behavior, but of course not expecting such a bizarre explanation as lycanthropy...simply chalking it up to strange coincidence instead.


"Oh I'm sure he's just worried because he's in a strange place. Fellow has no idea that he's going to be a bit lighter when he wakes up." Sarah was getting an odd thrill out of this, helping hold Toby still, stroking at his chest and ears to calm, even when her words might be doing the quite opposite! "But he'll be a much happier boy without...well...being a boy!" She signed all that paperwork, even that last authrorization, and everything was set.

Her tone was friendly, soothing, even as the shephered leaned in over his muzzle, taking his cheek scruffs in both hands. "I've got a boyfriend I'd love to do the same too, but it's a bit harder to drag him in here. Unless you happen to moonlight!" Giggling, the attention continues, soft and enjoyable, quite a difference with just what they were joking about!

On a nearby surgical tray lay all manner of sharp instruments, a technician was chatting with the vet, and soon they were marking a vertical line just above his ample scrotum! They were really going to do this, he was laying on a veterinary table about to go through what so many other male mutts go through all the time...but he was at least aware of it!

There was talk of hemostats and incision points, but the context was clear. Cut him open, crimp off his nuts, snip them off, tie them up, and then stitch him up, that much less than a male!

"Shouldn't take long at all, and with big dogs, it's so much easier. I neutered a big ol' dane just this morning, guess he's been a bit of a troublemaker for his owners, but it took all of 15 minutes to remove those jewels. Surprisingly easy in fact."


"So easy, it's almost like they're just meant to be removed, right?" the vet said absentmindedly.

Mercifully, Toby fainted just then, just before the fur trimmers started up, making the surgical site nice and trim. By the time he came to, he smelled iodine, and they were just about ready to administer the anesthesia.

"You can pick him up any time this afternoon, ma'am, if you've got errands to run...we usually reserve about thirty minutes for the neuter, just to be safe, and another hour to come out of anesthesia. Thanks for staying with him this far, it always makes it so much easier for the animals when their owners are with them. And if you can drag your boyfriend in here, I'd be glad to fix him up, too!" she joked. Or so she thought!

Toby gave one last panicked whine as Sarah disappeared from his sight, ushered away by the tech...he didn't care that she'd basically just said he'd be on this table whether he had four legs or two...he was scared, and he wanted someone familiar to hold his paw!

The last thought running through the poor, scared canine's mind before he finally slipped into a surgical coma was how sorry he was he'd fooled around with those other girls...but now, it was too late. He was getting a more permanent solution for those carnal urges!


Dreams. Usually being put under is a dreamless sleep, but visions would still haunt the poor dog. He's strapped down on a table, once again in his bipedal form, wrists and ankles bound as Sarah stands over him in a rather low-cut nurse's outfit.

"Noooow, the big pup liked to play around with pussy cats, hmm?"

She was reading a clip board, or so it would seem in this hazy-white atmosphere. "Ahh yes, I know just how to cure that. Just...a quick snip-snip and you'll be the obedient pup that I deserve." That she's suddenly wielding what look more like large wire-snips than proper surgical gear, that's worrying!

That he'd be unable to move, to scream, to struggle, that's also worrying!

That she takes hold of his naked balls, easily feeding the root somehow into the sharp teeth of those hungry cutters, holding it juuust there, perfectly in his view.

"Time to neuter the puuuuuppy..." Sing-song in her obvious enjoyment grinning in her cruel fashion, leaning forward with teasing breasts and panting breath as....SNIP.

Not that a dream would have pain, but the sensation would seem would the sight of a handsome, and full canine scrotum hanging severed from her fist! She even baps them against his nose! "Theeeeere, that wasn't so bad? Now I don't have to worry about you chasing kitties. Thoooough, with you being so much more girlish, maybe I have to worry about some big dane dragging you off and making you his bitch!"

Giggling, she would kiss his nose, his own balls still resting against his cheek.

It might be about that time that he finally comes awake! Antiseptic smells in the recovery room would be the first he would notice. The second is a warm grasp around his forepaw. Sarah was there, no longer cruelly grinning. She was stroking his paw, stroking his big ears, rubbing fondly, comfortingly, speaking softly as she spots those brown eyes opening up.

"There's a brave boy. The vet said everything went brilliantly."

Of course, that would mean that it was successful!

"You'll like being neutered! No more worrying about chasing girls, no more marking, no more troublesome male needs and instincts." She might think she sounds comforting, but perhaps not! Then again, those strokes to his ears would feel quite...wonderful!

"You'll be a good, obedient neutered pup, as every male should be I think! Though I do have to say, you do look rather stylish in that cone collar." She giggled obviously referring to the 'victorian collar' around his neck. With such he couldn't really even see between his legs, but that area might feel rather sore!


Everything was so hazy when Toby first awoke. He didn't remember what he was, where he was, and most importantly, what had just happened to him.

The first thing he felt was his girlfriend's paw caressing his own. Had he been in a car accident? That must be it. That's why he felt so...weird. So very, very weird.

"Sarah? What happened?" he said...or rather, tried to say, but all that came out of his feral canine mouth was a series of sad and confused sounding whimpers and whines.

And then, it hit him. He remembered what had happened to him...and if he didn't get the point before, he sure did now, with his girlfriend telling him he'd be so much happier now that he wasn't male! As his vision came back, his humiliation increased tenfold as he realized he was wearing a huge cone collar to keep him from chewing on the neuter incision, like a dumb feral!

Slowly, feeling began to return to his body as well...and he briefly rejoiced as he felt his nuts throbbing, as though he'd been kicked square between the legs...but then, as his sense of feeling grew more precise, he realized that was where they used to be. Phantom pain. He couldn't see with the infernal collar around his neck, but he knew all that was left was a flattened, empty scrotum, and in a few weeks even that would probably shrink away to nothing, leaving no evidence that he ever had any balls to begin with!

"Yes, and if I had my way, it wouldn't just be the four-legged males," the vet replied to Sarah's comment about "every male," harrumphing loudly. Apparently she, much like Sarah, was having her own problems at home.

The poor traumatized pup shivered, curled his tail, and whined plainly, looking up at Sarah with accusing eyes.

How could you do this to me? he tried to convey as best he could. The strokes to his ears felt oh so good...but he couldn't even hardly think about those, not knowing what he had just been put through!

"Poor puppy," the tech cooed. "He's doing remarkably well, though, I don't think I've ever seen a doggy come out of anesthesia that easily!" She redirected her gaze toward the mutt.

"I guess that just means you've been wanting to get fixed for quite awhile, huh?" she said, scratching his ears along with Sarah...a gesture which didn't make him feel any better.

"Well, you can take him home any time now," the tech continued. "Make sure he doesn't do any running or jumping for about a week, keeping him relatively still. You don't have to keep him caged or anything, but it should be a relaxing that might seem like an easy task now, but by another day most dogs are back to normal and don't even realize they've been neutered!"

Toby let out another pained whine, with a hint of irritation...he was missing his balls. He wasn't even male anymore, his very gender cut out from under him while he was sleeping...he most certainly would not forget about that. The poor dog wasn't even sure how to react to all this - he was in shock, it was too much. He'd been neutered. De-sexed. Snipped. Castrated. De-balled. Fixed. Gelded. "Tidied," as one of his friends overseas called it.

And to think just a couple weeks ago he had been making fun of his friend's neutered dog for being a "girl." Well here he was on the other side of things...and there was certainly nothing funny about it, at least not for Toby!

"Just be sure to pamper him a lot," the tech said, breaking Toby out of his self-misery. "and make up to him a little for getting him neutered. He'll be happier and healthier of course, and not have to worry about girls anymore, but he'll be pretty sober for a day or two while he gets back to normal. Well, mostly back to normal, anyway. We fixed that problem, didn't we?" she said, patting Toby on the head.

Toby wanted to bite her. He didn't much like his recently-departed testicles being referred to as a "problem." But, still too sleepy to move much, he simply let her know that with a short growl, not caring of the consequences. After all, what were they going to do to him? Neuter him again?


"Oh, don't be too mean to him." Sarah sighed. She stared right into the poor dog's sorrowful eyes, and there was a guilt welled up, however silly it might be. Her hand took his, firm and strong, squeezing that canine forepaw comfortingly. "He's been through a lot after all, it's not every day that one's fixed." Granted, it's not so much that he's fixed, as that his masculinity's broken!

"Hmph, well he still has some fight in him regardless. He's probably sensitive from the surgery. As I said, keep him calm for a good week, pamper him well, keep him away from any other dogs. He might be self conscious with these missing." Latex glove still on her paw, the vet quite cheerily lifted a small metal dish. Two oblong, wet, fleshy orbs rested on the surface. "A pity, quite a nice sized pair for a dog his size, but at least that means he won't be spreading any puppies about from here on out."


Sarah gingerly led Toby out the door, leash loose in her hand, while the other slipped down now and again to scratch his ears. "Oh I'm sorry pup, but it was for your own good. No reason for a male dog to have those problems hanging between his legs, not when it's so easy to take care of them. You'll be much happier now."

At home, at least she'd be true to her word, and while he might be pondering just what is missing between his thighs, at least she tries to make up for it with plenty of eat scratching, with couch snuggling, and even offered bacon, calling him good boy and praising his courage, as if he had a say in getting his balls cut off!

Her text message to his owner though, that was awkward to write. She grimaced as she laid there, Toby sprawled across her lap. Finally, dismissing apologies, dismissing explanation, she texted simply 'Had Toby neutered today, he's doing fine.' There, short and to the point, no room for apology.


Matt heard his phone's ring-tone go off, so he picked it up out of his pocket and flipped it open, seeing a text message from Sarah. He actually had to read it twice before he believed it...had his plan actually worked? Or was she just pulling his leg?

Part of him thought Sarah was just joking, particularly the bit about Tobias doing just fine. Matt figured he would raise hell when he figured out his balls had been cut off...but maybe that was just the surgery drugs at work...or the depression at finding out he wasn't a boy anymore. Who knows. Whatever the reason...he didn't figure Sarah as the type to joke about this sort of thing. She was pretty gung-ho about getting pets neutered, all that propaganda and stuff that just made Matt roll his eyes...but the point being, she wouldn't joke about a matter like that.

Problem solved, he thought. Tobias' philandering can't hurt her anymore.

He quickly typed a message back. "thx i guess LOL! but now i cnt call him a 'good boy' anymore!!1 have a surprse 4 u when i get back."

In reality Matt was still in his apartment, waiting for this moment, to see his plan work. He was excited now. When he next saw her he'd tell her who the dog really was...if she hadn't figured it out before then.


Toby had spent most of that afternoon bawling. He couldn't help it. They'd cut off his nuts. If there was ever a reason for a "real man" to cry, this was it. Particularly because he wasn't even a man anymore, real or otherwise!

Of course, all that Sarah saw was a whiny and grumbly dog, who didn't much feel like moving, and was otherwise pretty affectionate, soaking up all the attention and good feelings he could get. He'd even been allowed up on the couch with Sarah...this time of course sans the nose-groping. His neuter incision was hurting too much for him to think about much else...the pain meds from the surgery had finally worn off. His whimpers intensified a little, he looked absolutely pathetic. His emotions intensified, of course, by his quite sapient and non-feral mind! Sarah, if she looked closely and paid enough attention, might begin to notice that something about this was not quite right.

Oddly enough Toby did not feel any venom toward Sarah - she had honestly been trying to "help" in an odd sort of way. Even with the teasing, her intentions had been good...he just wasn't sure who to blame. He certainly didn't want to blame himself...


The dog might not blame her, but Sarah was feeling rather guilty. Would Matt be angry? Perhaps she overstepped herself? Perhaps the dog would have been happier keeping his nuts?

Well, the last one makes her shake her head. No, he'd be much happier without them. She happily told him so, scratching softly at his ears, doting her affection all over his form, rubbing at his flanks, up his spine, and of course all along his big head and face. "You'll be a much happier dog now. No more getting distracted by every scent and dog rump! You can be cheerful and calm and nicely obedient without those silly balls hanging between your legs.

He'll still get nice hugs around his large form, held against her chest...though that hug is interrupted by the chirp of her phone! She peeks, frowns, then breaks out giggling. "See? Even Matt agrees! Hmph, I suppose we can't use 'good boy!' much anymore. Perhaps now you'll be a bit more feminine, with your masculinity snipped off. So perhaps 'good girl!' would be more appropriate!" Of course she's not expecting him to understand, despite his strange behaviour. Then again, it always seems to take a few days to a few weeks for dogs to recover from surgery, as minor and trivial as getting a male dog fixed is!

"Don't be so gloomy. It could always be worse!" The shepherd takes on an amused grin, brushing her nose up against his ear. "For instance, my boyfriend is going to have one terrible surprise when he gets home. Oh I plan on taking him back when he returns, but, things ARE going to change. I'm already planning a bit of...revenge for his wandering ways. Care to see?" The box that she had brought in from FedEx was sitting nearby, no doubt Toby was too distracted to have paid much attention when he was brought home. Though...when she pulls free a very girthy looking faux canine cock, red and knotted, attached to a very curious, and blush-inducing harness that looks to go around a certain german shepherdess's rump and loins, he might get the idea of whom it was intended for!

"I've always wanted to try this, though of course Toby laughed it off. Oh...he won't be laughing when I pin him face-down into the bed and call him my bitch." She giggles, laughs it off, but there's a noticeable scent of feminine...arousal! "I might tease him about getting him neutered too, juuuust like you. Perhaps get you matching pink leashes?"


Toby felt his gut wrench up in knots when Sarah had told him that "Matt agreed." What on earth did that mean? He didn't know...but something was very, very wrong. Maybe Matt had just been shocked and not really had much to say, and Sarah misinterpreted that? That must have been had to be.

Toby was still too depressed to even protest at being called a girl...and to some extent, he felt like one. Of course, that was preposterous, more than just his balls separated him from the other gender...although from a hormonal angle, in a few short weeks he would be nearly indistinguishable from an out-of-heat female dog!

But when she pulled that harness out, with the faux cock...he had a guess of who that was intended for, confirmed by her own words! He whimpered, his eyes taking on a rather terrified look - even shivering! Certainly not a normal reaction at all for a dog, even one freshly neutered!


Sarah stared. Those green eyes were narrowed suspiciously indeed, moving that rather naughty toy lightly about, and watching his eyes follow suit!

"Yeees...that roaving mutt is in for quite a surprise. Once he's back, I'm going to drag him into bed by his tail, pin him down, and find all sorts of nice female titles to give him as he gets knotted like a bitch in heat."

Oh she says it with a smile, a nice friendly, silly 'talking to dogs' tone, leaning forward throughout and accentuating that thick knot on her red latex doggy dong! "Maybe I'll make him suckle on that, hmm? What do youuu think?"

That it took her this long to be suspicious attests to just how distracted she's been, but there was something oddly familiar about this mutt, and she was juuust starting to put the pieces together!


Toby managed to back up a little bit into a corner at all this - thinking of his girlfriend taking him under the tail like that was a truly terrifying concept, particularly because there was absolutely nothing he could do about it! In this form, she was much taller...probably about the same weight as him...she had just about every advantage! He whined, looking around, trying to find an escape...he was having a hard enough time dealing with being neutered, and the feelings that he was now a "girl dog" and now here Sarah was talking about knotting him, as though he were a bitch to be bred! His tail curled under his legs as best he could without irritating the stitches, his ears flattened against his skull, and that mouth drew back, eyes wide! With all the trauma...physical and emotional...he'd just endured, keeping up his facade as a feral dog had completely slipped his mind.

Before Sarah could make that final link - or perhaps right as she made it - there was a sudden knock on the door. Toby instantly recognized the smell - it was Matt! He didn't know what to do...should he run to him? Should he hide? What was going on? And then there was Sarah, he didn't want to be "bred" like that...not that he got any say in that, of course!

As Matt was led inside he gave a grin at Toby, right as he shut the door...and he just got even more scared. Had Matt planned to have this done to him?

"So, you want to know what that surprise is?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Or maybe you've already figured it out?"


That connection was juuust getting made. Those familiar eyes, the slight tone of that whine, the same shirking expression that her boyfriend always made when he was caught...

"You! I don't...know what odd plan you two had cooked up..." Trailing off into a growl, the shepherdess seemed to have a hard time figuring out whom to shake her finger at first for shaming! "If this is some game to get me to trust him again, you're not off to a good start lying to me!" Seems Matt was first to incur her wrath, giving Toby a break! The tall malamute was getting that finger poked into his chest, while the shorter female bared fangs. "Or was it something sexual? Hmph, you two have been on my computer again, haven't you? Well, just because I like leashing a male doesn't mean I'm going to let him crawl back to me. And you...!"

That finger changes target, and poor Toby indeed is getting shamed like a bad dog. "If you wanted to play some odd sexual game, you could have told me! Hmph, I've heard stories you lycanthropes could regenerate, but that you actually let me have you neutered? Well..."

Odd, she doesn't seem to find the argument she had wanted to make, which soon results in Sarah settling back on the couch, with much confusion involved. " did LET me have you neutered...didn't you...?"


Matt was a bit taken aback, but he didn't seem to lose his tempo too badly - he was too busy relishing in the aftermath of his big plan.

"That's just it, Sarah...he didn't. That was alllll you," he drawled, enjoying the shocked look on Toby's face. "You were always talking about how much he needed to be fixed...and I got sick of him running off on you with other I figured there was a good solution to that. Use his...disorder against him," he said, referring to his lycanthropy.

"And judging by the fact that our little puppy here is still missing his balls...I think that quells any rumors about regeneration. I guess we'll see for sure when he turns back...but this time, hopefully a bit more penitent for this experience. Or maybe we can just make that modification a little more permanent," he says in a harsh voice, glaring down at a whimpering Toby. "Don't whine at me, you've pretty much proven you can't handle having balls," he snapped. "I'm sick of seeing you hurt her."

He looked back up at Sarah, a bit sheepish. "I really did this for you...I didn't like seeing you hurt like that. Something had to be done...and Tobias...excuse me, "Toby," here, would have killed me or died trying before he'd let me drag him into a vet's office. And as much as you talked about getting your boyfriend neutered...well, I don't really think you would have done it if you knew it was him, would you? That's why I kinda had to lie..."

There was a long, awkward pause where Matt endured the shepherd's glare.

"You aren't still mad at me, are you?" he gulped. Not that he couldn't handle himself against Sarah, but he kind of liked her, and didn't want the end result of this to be a pissed off German shepherd. "I just wanted you to be happy..."

Poor Toby wasn't sure how to react to all this. Part of him wanted to be angry and bite someone...but most of him was just scared. Submissive. He wanted to make the two in front of him happy. That was an unusual feeling. Sure, he wanted Sarah to be happy...when it didn't interfere with his plans. But his balls were gone, and he still wanted her to be happy. He tried to convince himself that it wasn't because he'd been neutered - because if it was, it meant that...well, that Sarah and Matt were right about him.


Poor Matt. His explanation isn't winning him any sympathy from the shepardess. Especially when he's shoved into a nearby wall with the snarling gal's forearm against his neck!

"You...tricked me into having my boyfriend neutered!? So what, that you could take his place?"

It's not her arm he has to watch out for though, it's that knee suddenly to his groin! And while he's gasping and rolling his eyes, she's grabbing his scruff, and pushing the big malamute on all fours!

"Now you tell me why I shouldn't be furious, and decide to give you the same treatment?" Given her tone, she might very well do it! Especially the sudden grip between his legs!

"As for you Toby, I'll deal with you in a second! Hmph, hiding your nature from me? Were you really off running wild when I thought you went on spring break last year?" Granted, he might have been doing both, but at least her fury wasn't aimed at him for once!

In any case, Matt better be awfully careful how he responds, or he might end with his own husky nuts snipped out, and just as emasculated as his friend!


Matt's eyes went wide as he collapsed to the floor, far too shocked - and in pain - to even make any noise. He couldn't think, everything was focused on the sudden searing pain between his legs. He found himself on all fours - how had that happened? There had been a gruff pain at his neck, and then...

"Sa...same...owwww...." he tried to repeat, moaning in pain. He suddenly sucked in his breath as a lot of pressure was suddenly put on his "weak point."

Toby cringed, whimpered...and crawled around to the other side of the couch. Matt was responsible for having his balls cut off - at the moment, he really did not care what Sarah was going to do to him. He just didn't want Sarah mad at him. She was scary. Much more so when she towered over him - and in his bipedal form, he was nearly a head taller than her!

The husky coughed, wincing, eyes tearing up in pain.

"I...n-no..." he wheezed, letting out another cough. "H-he...he, r-running, running off..." he managed to get out, in between stabbing sensations of pain. "A-and...a-and that's, that's what you do, with d-dogs that run off...y-you always s-said that..."

He winced again, crying out in pain as her grip tightened.

"H-he'll st-stay home n-now!" he stuttered, even talking becoming a rather extreme effort. "With...with you!" He was getting quite desperate now...this had not been in the plans! He could only hope that Sarah would remember how she'd felt when she'd found those pictures on Tobias' cell phone. How hurt she'd been (although hopefully she wouldn't remember the anger, too much - it seemed she had plenty of that at her disposal!)...and see that now 'Toby' wouldn't be so interested in chasing tail!

"P-please, I, I...ahhhh, please, loosen your grip..." he begged.


Sarah was a lot of things at that moment. She seethed anger at being tricked, and poor Matt's balls were the unfortunate first target of that rage! Indeed she was a bit of a fright, hackled raised, lips curled back, every bit her heritage as those fingers squeezed even through the denim of the malamute's jeans!

Granted, she didn't know what to say, it was a lot to take in! Her boyfriend...was neutered! But...hadn't she fantasized about just that sort of thing?

Those dark little dreams now and again, of domination, of 'taming' the male spirit, all of course unrealized as they were just...cruel! Certainly only crazy bitches would ever consider really taking a knife to their boyfriends!

But...even through the anger, Matt's words got to her. The way Tobias always roamed, caused trouble, chased any flirty thing with a fluffy tail. The thought that he was 'gentled' now, tamed and neutered...the more she thought, the more the idea seemed to set a flame to long-hidden passions.

At least her expression would soften, as would the grip around Matt's testes, letting him catch his breath as she withdrew her hand! "I...I need to think. You best get out of here, before I decide to drag you into the vet for the same reason! Shoo!" She even swatted at his rump, distracted by her thoughts.


The next few days were certainly of adjustment. Sarah held Toby in her arms, snuggling and comforting on the couch, unable to figure out just what to say. Was she sorry? Oh certainly...after all, he wouldn't be the same again, at least that seemed likely! On the other side...she was snuggling her roguish wolf-dog boyfriend, seeing the proud, masculine dog reduced to this, whimpering and emasculated and properly 'tidied up' between the legs. Even in his state, Toby might smell her light arousal! Granted, that might also have something to do with the third glass of wine that was sitting half-full on the end table.

"Maybe it won't be so bad, hmm? You'll be my good dog around the house." She applies a good deal of scratching to those tall ears, a nice, warm motion. "You're even already house trained, I'm sure you'll take to the leash and heel properly, and I won't have to worry about you chasing the neighbor's golden retriever when she's in heat."

The thought made her outright giggle! "I wonder if that means you'll go in heat yourself? Maybe I'll have to fight to keep that huge rottweiler across the street from trying to give you puppies." And that teasing as it was, there's a curious grin on Sarah's muzzle at that. She seems lost in her own thoughts as the one-sided conversation continues, her fingers sliding back to rub more at Toby's flanks than his ears. "I always did like the idea of a big, bad wolf getting what he deserved. Perhaps I won't try to keep him off you /too/ hard." Given the lick she gives to her lips, it's hard to tell if she's joking, or fantasizing! Fingers slipped even further, the shepardess shifting, and soon she's rubbing carefully right between his legs, along that still empty scrotum, along those tidy stitches where that incision had been. "You've always been a bit on the skinny side, and Mrs. Huett is terribly nearsighted. I bet she'd not bat an eye if I asked if I could breed you with him." The line between teasing...and plotting was growing faint indeed, especially as she lightly bit her lip, eyes unfocused at the thought. "Well, it would be the only sort of sex you can possibly enjoy. It's not like...this...will get much use now that you're castrated." Those fingers slip back, squeezing rather blatantly at his sheath!

"It's just so...easy with male dogs." Again, her voice seemed distant, less a conversation, thought shifting in real time even as she lightly toyed with what remained of his masculinity. "The vet seemed rather proud of herself, mentioned just how little effort it took to pluck out those admittingly handsome and large balls of yours. Yanked them out in an afternoon. All your wild nights of chasing tail, ended with a quick slip of a knife, and snip of a scissors."

Her tongue was hanging out, her tail thumping against the couch, and now that arousal was more than light, she was outright fantasizing! "I even saw them in the bowl, just a pair of naked doggy nuggets, and now, now you're my big, sissy pet, as you were always meant to be." Fingers were finding their way elsewhere, this time on her own person! Matt might have been right, this was one of her fantasies come to life!


She blinked open her eyes, tongue thick in her mouth, grinning at her poor neutered pup impishly. "Speaking of which, the problem of you being no longer male does mean our sex life has changed. I mean, you can't exactly satisfy my needs, not when you're more of a girl yourself...

Poor Tobias! He'll have to sit there as his girlfriend, wags her tail, reaches for her phone, and texts his best friend to come over.Well, at least that's what one would assume from the "Heel boy!" that she sends him!


Toby certainly hoped she had been teasing with all humiliated him, yes, but he took solace in the fact...well, he hoped it was a fact...that he was just being teased. And he couldn't help but feel, in some way, that he deserved it - which was probably why he didn't growl and go sulk on the floor. His girlfriend's arms were simply too comforting during his traumatic recovery period - even if her words were not! Matt must have been right about him...he couldn't handle having balls, so they were cut off. And now...Sarah was holding him, petting him, and that felt good. They hadn't been like this for a long time. Always fighting, arguing, quality time like this seemed so far distant.

If Toby had to do it all over again, he would not have traded in his balls for this, of course, but that was a done deal. Better to focus on the benefits, right? And oh! Even neutered, that touch on his sheath felt quite good...even if the touch to the stitches had made him itch something fierce.

His ears perked up in alert as she told him he was no longer male, and that he couldn't satisfy her needs...he whimpered, not liking the sound of that. They were spending some great time together right now...didn't that mean their relationship had been fixed? He'd been castrated for heaven's sake! Such a drastic change surely didn't mean what he thought it did...

But, he words rang true. Sarah was hardly the kind of dog to subjugate herself to a quadruped. Despite constant nagging, she'd never consented to "doggy-style" sex, despite their species. She was already rather dominant in bed. And without any balls, it would not be long before his sex drive dropped far, far too low to sustain even the most asexually-minded female - and Sarah most definitely had appetite. Ears burning red with shame, he dropped his head back down in Sarah's lap with a small whimper - about the only communication he'd made in the past few days.


Matt picked up his phone, sneering at the derisive message he got. As though he were a pet. Just like his recently-castrated best friend. He tossed the phone aside, ignoring it, returning to his TV show...and then gave it a second thought, the shepherd's tight grip between his legs having served as a not-so-subtle reminder. No, he didn't really want to go back to that...but at this point in time, ignoring a message like that...

Well, he wouldn't put it past the girl to hunt him down and give him the "snip" in her current state of mind. Reluctantly, he got up, turned off the TV, shut off the lights, and drove over to Sarah's house. He rang the doorbell, smirked as he heard a small whimper from Toby, then made his muzzle take on a more serious look as he prepared for Sarah to open the door.


One year later...

"Toby? Toby! Here boy! There's my cute pup." Sarah would spoil her former boyfriend with a gooood cheek ruffling, pushing her nose against his. "Need walkies after that long car ride?"

Matt was pulling backpacks out of the car, sleeping bags, tent, and other supplies, grunting and wiping his forearm against his head in turn. "Bah, we had to go camping in the middle of July? You know I'm an arctic dog."

"Yes, but no one wants to roll about in the snow at forty below hun." Now it's the malamute that gets Sarah's nose pressed against his, the newlyweds smootching softly. "You said your friends are already set up? Good! I'll bring Toby over to meet them, if you want to haul the gear." Not that Sarah paused to see if that was alright, leaving the sled dog to grunt, and try to carry much of those bags. There was little doubt the 'alpha' of the year-long relationship!

With her grip firmly on the leash, the shepherdess leads Toby off to the nearby campsite, where another young couple were...awkwardly putting up their own tent. They weren't alone, the panthers had a rather large looking pet kennel sitting, and a pair of eyes within were watching the wolf dog quite intently!

Toby happily trotted along after Sarah, grinning at the "puppy talk." He'd long since gotten used to the fact that he didn't have any balls and never would again, and that his days of bipedal locomotion were forever gone. He could be miserable about having his gender literally snipped out from under him...but in the past year, he had to admit, he liked the changes. Or maybe it was just because he was forced to. But...he wasn't thinking about sex all the time. He was calmer, more at peace...maybe Sarah was right about male dogs. But if that was true, why had she let Matt stay intact? He'd had to suck Matt's cock enough times in the past year for him to know all about that. That thought still made the wolf mutt grumbly at times - both the fact that Matt had his balls, and that he had to suck on them.

But for the most part, if anyone were to look at Toby now...they'd not see anything that indicated he was anything other than a normal, happy, four-legged neutered wolfdog. Even the merciless teasing about being a "sissy dog" didn't bother him...well, much, anyway.

As they got closer to the campsite though, Toby got a little nervous, falling back on the leash a bit. Something smelled very...alpha, here. And then he caught sight of the kenneled dog. He whimpered, tucking his tail very tightly between his legs - a much easier task than it used to be without his balls being in the way.

He looked up at Sarah, worry filling his eyes. They'd developed their own way of communicating over the past year - not anything as sophisticated as sign language, but they could "talk" to eachother, in a manner.

"Oh stop worrying! I'm sure they just have a little terrier." Granted, the scent was nothing like that, that covered carrier was a good deal larger than what a jack-russel would need.

The tom cougar peeked up, and promptly grinned as he offered a hand. "Good to meet you! Sarah, right?" Introductions were made, small talk, all that lot. The couger lass even bent down to give Toby a goooood enjoyable scritch to his ears, after a polite offering of her fingers for sniffing.

"You have such a pretty dog! What breed is he? Rather strange to have a wolfish dog for your pet, when you have one for your husband."

"You mean she has /two/ wolfish pets." Matt arrived, giving Sarah a kiss, before settling the equipment down to much chortling.

"And they're both very well behaved! Most of the time. Though I have to keep Matt chipped to make sure he doesn't run off!"

As more giggling would erupt, Toby might feel those eyes on him again. He's being held rather close to that kennel.

"What about you? What sort of dog do you have?"

Rottweiler, Toby could see that much. The large dog was mostly in shadows, but there was a quite...uneasy grin on the huge beast.

"Oh he's just a big puppy! Sweetest thing ever. Neil, why don't you let him out and meet...Toby you said? Might as well let them play as dogs are suppose to do, while we get dinner started."

Sarah peered down at the wolf dog, an impish smile on her face. She could smell the large, intact, male dog within as well. Matt similarly was rubbing the back of his head, a bit more sheepish. "Well, I suppose I don't see any harm."

Let out, the big rottweiler male yawned, stretched, and indeed wagged his stubby docked tail. Soon the larger dog was sniffing at Toby's ribs, his flanks, and soon right at his fluffy tail! "See? They'll get along great! Now, let's get the grill going."


Poor Toby had his tail tucked just as tightly as he could get it as the rottweiler came up to him, unclear of the dog's intentions toward him - this wouldn't be the first time a true feral had mistaken the ball-less wolfdog for a female! But none of those dogs had been quite so big, or this dog. He shook, barely able to stand on his legs as he was "inspected." He was too scared to even whine, although he wanted to, badly, to beg Sarah to rescue him from this monster.

Toby slowly crouched to the ground in submission as the huge dog stood over him. His nose bumped into the rottweiler's hefty, pendulous orbs, the things which made this dog truly male, the lack of which made Toby a bitch. They were a depressing reminder of the virility Toby once displayed, and now no longer had...and never would again. Indeed, over the past year, much of his muscle had turned to cute, chubby fat. Not that Toby was actually fat, or chubby, or really even overweight...but he was carrying around a few extra pounds, rather than the sleek, toned muscle he'd had when he'd been castrated. His hips were even a bit more padded and feminine now...almost none of his previous masculine muscular bulk remained. Nothing to show that he was actually...or rather, had once been, male. Of course, the soft, pastel pink nylon leash and collar Sarah had bought him didn't do him any favors in that area, either. Toby was still sure that was her being deliberately mean, rather than taking up the last item in a good sale at the pet store, as Sarah maintained.

The rottweiler kept sniffing, perhaps wondering why this dog that he'd initially thought was male did not smell that way at all, and seemed to be...lacking something. Indeed, the only thing Toby had to prove he ever had any balls to begin with was a fluffy, white, tiny little pouch of skin, barely visible to the eye - something Sarah had never grown tired of teasing him about, or playing with during their more intimate moments. Horribly humiliating, but at least Sarah didn't completely neglect his sexual needs. Not that it was difficult to meet them, with so little sex drive anymore. But any time he wanted a paw, or to hump a leg (or occasionally, even her), Sarah wasn't neglectful about allowing him to feel good, in that way.

This dog did not understand that Toby had been neutered...just that he smelled...lusty. A bit of pink emerged from the rotty's thick sheath, his intentions becoming clear, if they were not before.

Finally he managed to squeak out a terrified whine in Sarah's direction, hoping his mistress would hear him. Not that Toby was any stranger to being raped - Matt had forcibly taken him under the tail a few times since hooking up with Sarah, when the sexy shepherdess had decided to blue-ball him, but this was right out in the open, in front of everyone...including two who knew very well what his true nature was. Then too, was the fact that Matt actually cared for his well-being, to an extent. This dog...this dog cared about one thing.

Breeding poor Toby.

"Oh dear!" the cougar gal suddenly piped up, seeing Toby cowering on the ground, shaking in fear. "Is he neutered? Rosco doesn't get along with male dogs very well..." She braced herself hesitantly, wondering if she'd have to intervene.

"Oh don't worry," Matt said, laughing. "We took care of that problem about a year ago now. He's just a big, neutered sissy now." Both the cougars sighed in relief.

Toby let out another terrified whimper, looking over at Sarah again. The rottweiler was moving around into a position Toby had grown quite familiar with since his change.

"Well our big boy doesn't mind other males, as long as he's the established alpha. Dogs and their silly dominance games." Tom pulled and passed out the proper beverage for any cookout, shaking the water from his hands after cracking open the bottled beer. "They seem quite chummy! Err...well very chummy." Both felines cocked their head at similar angles, frowning at the sight before them. "Well...there aren't any water hoses out here but..."

"Oh don't worry about them, Toby's quite girlish, enough to fool even other males it seems, but I'm sure your dog will figure it out soon enough.'s not like he'll have puppies!" Oh there was much giggling to be had as attentions turned away...momentarily. Sarah would catch the wolfdog's gaze, that familiar lust, approval quite blatant.

She often teased him about just this sort of thing, quietly whispering lewd remarks during daily walks, teasing him as they past other dogs. "Does my little sissy boy get wet thinking about playing bitch for that big shepherd over there?" Pointing out the large and intact GSD across the road, happily and practically strutting alongside his owner. Not to mention those times at the dog park where she took her sweet time 'rescuing' him from the other male dogs!

Today though, approval of what would be more than apparent, as the sissy neutered boy's hips were grasped from behind. A sleek, heavy, muscled weight fell atop his back, a huffing breath at his ears, his neck, and as the rottweiler helped himself to the feminized male below him, enjoying those girlish padded hips, the warm, meaty grip between his forepaws, sliding forward in quick, easy fashion, there would be more than ample poking of a semi-erect dog cock from a properly masculine canine poking at the base of that curled tail!

"I'm sure they'll tire themselves out. Now, where did those hotdogs go?"

There was no help coming today it seemed, not when the burly, heavy rottweiler gripped Toby's ribs tightly, squeezing in domination, chin rubbing between his ears, and those heavy, potent canine balls soon slapping against the wolf dog's rump as the dry humping continued with gusto!


Toby struggled, whined, yelped, and tried to get away, but that only served to allow the big rotty to pull him into better position so that he could bred. Pretty soon, the dry humping was not so dry as that thick wet canine shaft finally found its mark. There was no stumbling about, this dog had experience! Clearly Toby was just one more name on a long list of bitches this stud had bred.

He yelped as that dog buried his bone halfway into his tailhole, and renewed his struggles - only to be rewarded with a mating bite right on the shoulder, to hold him into place.

"Should we..." Lily said hesitantly, watching the "chummy" dogs go more than a little bit past chummy!

"No, don't worry," Matt said dismissively. "If he didn't like it, I'm sure he would have told off Rosco by now. They're just getting, erm...well acquainted. Very well acquainted."

By the time the stud's knot starting pressing up against his tight pucker, Toby had finally resigned himself to his fate - of course, that didn't mean he was enjoying his rape, not one bit, nor that he didn't heavily resent Matt and Sarah for leaving him to be bred by this stronger, powerful, larger, more potent male - something that was sure to be a recurring theme through the rest of his life!


Randall's First Time

I debated even uploading this now - it was going to wait until one of the characters introduced here, was introduced in the "main" story (yes, that means this story _is_ canon). But given the excruciatingly slow pace that we've been going at on the...

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Short Story 1

**READ THE TAGS! THIS IS not CANNON!** _A warning, before you read this: Anyone who has read the story by Element & I, will NOT like this. I hesitated posting this after I wrote it tonight, but...I am in a mischievous mood, I guess._ _Do not feel...

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A Lion's Healing Love - Chapter 3: A Fierce Guard Dog

# A Lion's Healing Love ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 3: A Fierce Guard Dog * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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