Randall's First Time

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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I debated even uploading this now - it was going to wait until one of the characters introduced here, was introduced in the "main" story (yes, that means this story is canon). But given the excruciatingly slow pace that we've been going at on the main story plot, this wasn't really doing anything except padding space on my hard drive. This is what happened when Randall was bought by his second master.

Just like with the previous (non-canon) story, check the tags. There's some pretty dark shit in here.

Randall's First Time

by Draugr

Starring Randall

and with Trent, Alex, and Daniel


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

Randall was led up to the auction block, for the second time in his life. This was an outdoor platform, in a more rural area. The town probably didn't have enough money to construct an expensive, nice, slave auction hall. He took slow, plodding, reluctant footsteps up the old and weathered wooden stairs to reach a platform about four feet high from the ground. His 'handler' - a sadistic dragon by the name of Trent - held on firmly to the other end of his leash. Trent was a bounty hunter that looked for escaped slaves. The wolf had somehow escaped the dragon's carnal lusts the previous night, but the same could not be said for several other unfortunate slaves. The wolf was led into a white circle near the front of the stage, the paint weathered and chipped from exposure - but it was still visible, nonetheless. His leash was clipped up to an iron pole above his head, and scanning the crowd, he tried to pick out someone he might not mind being sold to.

"Up next we've got a young wolf of about eighteen years of age. Not much muscle on him and he ain't too big, but he might make a good house pet."

Randall scowled. He wasn't a weakling, and...well, he wasn't large, but he didn't like being reminded of that.

"A bit of vulpine ancestry, as you can see...feint, but it's in there, somewhere. Near as we can tell he's house-trained, although he ain't too good on obedience." The ursine auctioneer made a subtle motion, and Trent stepped behind him, bending him slightly forward, jerking his tail up, and shoving a poorly-lubed rod up his tail-hole. He pressed a button, and a static discharge caused the poor slave to yelp...and that wasn't the only thing it caused. His member stood at full attention. Small for a wolf, but for one of his size, about average.

"He's not yet been neutered, so he wouldn't be bad breeding stock, if that's an interest here today." Many slaves came from corporate breeding facilities. Most were neutered before being sold, as they went in quantity to provide cheap labor, and most of the buyers did not want to deal with sexual frustrations of intact slaves.

Randall grimaced again. He didn't hate females or anything, but they didn't hold any interest to him, and he wouldn't willingly mate with one. It wasn't like any of them knew that, and it wasn't as if they'd care if they did. A slave had no rights, not even the right to consent. He let out another yip as a cold, scaly hand cupped his furry balls, and squeezed tight.

"Behave, you little slut, or you might not get sold...and don't think I took no notice of you last night, either..." the dragon whispered harshly in his ear, then stepped back, releasing his iron grip. "If you want to keep these fluffy white nuts of yours, best not get stuck with me."

Randall closed his eyes and tried to think to another time...but he didn't remember much. He tried to think about the kids he'd mentored under his old master. Randall didn't really like kids. It wasn't because of them, either, it was more because of him. He just got confused and didn't know what to do around them. His old master would beat him severely when the kids got bad marks in school - they tried their hardest, especially when they found out their beloved playmate got punished for it, but the eldest son especially just wasn't that good of a student. But they'd given him a precious few good memories in the few years he'd been there.

He was jerked out of his reminiscing by a snap of the leash, jerking his collar off the slave. He looked out at the crowd...had he been bought? Yes...and he didn't like the looks of his new master. Cold, cruel yellow eyes of a hyena stared back at him. He should have just stayed with his old master and the kids. A shudder ran down his spine, his ears flattened, and his tail tucked slightly between his legs as the slave police guardsman led him out to the 'yena. His new master said nothing as he led him to his car, and nothing until about halfway to his new home when Randall chanced speaking up.

"So....I'm, um, Randall, Master."

He didn't really like calling his masters "Master" but he wanted to try pleasing this one. That didn't happen here. He realized the car had come to a screeching halt when his face slammed into the front seat ahead of him. Before he could peel himself off the seat, the passenger door opened, and he was ripped out by a strong paw, and thrown on the ground. Everything happened so fast he didn't even have a chance to react - fists, feet, claws all came flying in at him, beating him. He cried out, not understanding what he'd done. What seemed like hours later, the blows finally stopped, and his body cried out in agony - though he remained silent.

"You worthless fucking sack of shit. Where the fuck did you learn your manners? Who the fuck are you to tell me what your name is? You're name is bitch, cockwhore, slutpuppy, female, whatever the fuck I decide it is, you hear me? Now stop that pathetic sniveling and get back in the car before I geld you right here and now."

Randall was terrified, aside from being in immense pain, but he managed to shakily move himself back into the car, where he stayed silent for the rest of the trip home, where he earned another few punches to the muzzle for "getting blood on the seats." He was desperately trying to keep his composure, but the blackened fur around his eyes told another story, tears freely running. What had he gotten himself into?

He followed the hyena silently through the house, not wanting to risk any further wrath. This fur seemed very unbalanced. He passed by a room that made him a bit hopeful, through - there were about eight nicely arranged, luxurious beds, and a couple other slaves in there who looked rather happy, chatting away, including a fox Randall thought looked rather cute. Maybe he just had to learn to follow this new master's rules, and he could enjoy this place...it was rather huge, the hyena was apparently very, very rich. But when they stepped back outside, Randall was confused. Where were they going? He heard a metallic clink from around his neck, and realized the d-ring on his collar had been clipped to a metal chain, a padlock ensuring that he could not remove it. The hyena stomped off back into the house, without a word - no explanation. The wolf took a second to sigh, releasing a lot of pent-up emotions, then took a look around him. There was a doghouse...a water dish, and a food dish filled with dog food. Did the hyena keep a pet dog? Surely he wouldn't expect a sentient to eat this...after all, the other slaves in there, at least the ones he saw, seemed pretty happy.

By evening, though, and well after nightfall, he'd had no other contact, barring a few glances from the slave fox as he walked past the glass doors leading out to the wolf's location. His stomach was grumbling, too. He'd long ago given up on any perceived notions of modest and drunk out of the water dish, but eating dog food...that was another thing entirely. But...maybe a bite...the wolf reached down and picked up a piece of the kibble, sniffing it. He tentatively took a bite.

Hmm...not exactly pleasant...but...I am hungry... Swallowing his pride, he finished off the kibble that was in the bowl, then sat back, wondering what to do. He hadn't been laying there long when the sliding door opened, and a light on the back of the house turned on. The hyena was there, as well as a few others - a husky, a German shepherd, and Doberman. Randall did not like the lustful looks in their eyes. He scooted himself back into a corner of the house as best he could.

"Oh, fuck, Alex, you're right...he looks tasty..."

"Can I fuck his muzzle? I love to look in their eyes..."

"'Long as I get the tail first. You like sloppy seconds, anyway."

Randall tried to run, even knowing it was no good. He'd never been fucked before, never even had any kind of sex, and this was not the way he wanted it to happen. With a growl, the hyena jumped and pinned him down, knocking the wind out of the wolf.

"You try anything funny you little shit, and I'll nut you right here and leave you to die, bleeding out of your brand new cunt." There was some level of insanity present in the 'yena's voice that led Randall to believe he would do exactly as he said. The Doberman took place at the wolf's head, grasping it roughly, and without any warning at all, began to muzzle-fuck him. Randall tried to cry out, even gagged by the dog's cock, but he soon realized if he planned to live, he'd need to spend less time calling for help and more time breathing every time the Doberman pulled out. He was so horrified of what was going on in front of him, he didn't even realize the husky behind him - until he felt himself split in two by the huge cock.

"Bottom's up, bitch," the Doberman said, pulling out - and blowing his load right in the wolf's mouth. He spit most of it out, before nearly blacking out from a blow delivered by his cruel hyena master.

"You arrogant little fuck. I am kind enough to feed you, and you spit it out all over the ground." Another kick to the ribs - briefly causing enough pain to distract him from his tail-hole being ripped open. He felt something dribble down his asscrack, through the soft fur of his balls, and dripping on the ground - the realized with a chill that it was his own blood, and that it was probably lubricating his abused bowels, reducing the pain ever-so-slightly. "Let's see how a seven day fast changes your mind," the hyena said, then turned, disgusting, back toward the house.

"Leave it there when you're done with it."

The German shepherd, meanwhile, unleashed a torrent of piss atop the wolf's head, marking him. He was now nothing more than the other male's chew toy, reeking with his scent. The dog just cackled, then replaced the Doberman, fucking his muzzle once again. His jaws already ached and the trio showed no signs of slowing down. His eyes opened wide again, crying out against the shepherd's cock, when he felt a huge mass slip past his tail-hole, filling his bowls.

"Aw, fuck, don't tie with it...we want a chance back there too..."

"I'll just pull out," the husky said - and indeed he did, causing Randall to black out ever so briefly - before the Doberman made a sudden announcement at the wolf's rear entrance, hilting him in one go. The trio spent the next forty minutes having their fun with the slave, before only the shepherd was left.

"Oh, how delicious. I have it all to myself."

He picked the wolf up, wrapping his arms around him, pressing him into his chest, a thickening sheath pressed tightly in between the slave's furry rump. Leaning forward, he gently nibbled on Randall's ear, as though this were some sort of consensual relationship. Randall didn't even have the energy to whimper in fear.

"Submit to me, puppy," was the gently whispered command. Randall was not in any position to argue. He did not think for a second that the shepherd, who had just been raping him for the past hour, had any honorable intentions. He moved his tail to the side, thinking it would just be better for him.

"Good puppy..." the shepherd whispered. Randall closed his eyes tightly, then felt an odd warmth underneath his tail - he was being marked, yet again. His once-white rump fur began to yellow, then his nutsack, his inner thighs, as the shepherd finished relieving himself. Randall was too much in shock at all that had happened to him to cry, he just sank listlessly in his rapists' grip, then fell to the ground when he finally let go.

"If you don't smell like my bitch when I see you next time, puppy, then you'll be begging to experience something as nice as tonight was," he said, with that same lustful grin he'd first seen on him. He disappeared into the house, where the wolf was able to hear the beginnings of some lewd joke being made about him.

Randall laid in the grass, on his side, the stink of alpha piss settling into his coat, cum matting his fur, dripping out his mouth, leaking out from under his tail - as well as a bit of blood. All that was heard in the night was his ragged breathing - and then in a few minutes, he began sobbing, tears flowing. What had he done to deserve this? He hadn't even been given a chance to please his new master, and then...he'd been...defiled...

He heard the sliding glass door open some indeterminate amount of time later. He still lay huddled in the grass, sniffling.

"P-please...n-no more, please...." he begged, whining pathetically.

"Shhh...it's okay, it's over now..." Strong, red-furred arms embraced the wolf, and he leaned into them, his head coming to rest against a strong chest, where he continued to sob.

"It's alright...let it all out, I know it hurts..." the voice said, choked with empathy.

His comforter rocked him back and forth a bit until he settled down. Randall looked up, seeing that it was the slave fox he'd seen earlier.

"W-hwy?" he said, weakly.

The fox shook his head, sadly. "Master is...he is...not insane. But that is the closest word I can think of. Cruel, sadistic, evil..." he explained, stroking the wolf's head.

"W-what...what's your..."

"I'm Daniel."

Short Story 1

**READ THE TAGS! THIS IS not CANNON!** _A warning, before you read this: Anyone who has read the story by Element & I, will NOT like this. I hesitated posting this after I wrote it tonight, but...I am in a mischievous mood, I guess._ _Do not feel...

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A Lion's Healing Love - Chapter 3: A Fierce Guard Dog

# A Lion's Healing Love ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 3: A Fierce Guard Dog * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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A Lion's Healing Love - Chapter 2: When Are You Coming Home?

# A Lion's Healing Love ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 2: When Are You Coming Home? * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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