The Foggy Route 210

Story by Tapa on SoFurry

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#6 of Sinnoh

Next chapter is up sooner than I thought. Nothing really ...

Next chapter is up sooner than I thought. Nothing really important happens but stuff you might find sexy does. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

It was white, and white, and white. Well, no, there was the dewy, green grass underneath his feet. Route 210 was known for its thick fog so it wasn't so much of a surprise. What surprised Ralph was how little he could see even after having Drifloon defog the area. How did it defog without any wings anyway, was it even doing it? There was nothing he could do now that they were this far into the woods.

What was probably the creepiest about this Route was that there seemed to be no wild pokemon here. They hadn't encountered anything in the heavy mist. That wouldn't have been a problem if there wasn't a constant rustling sound just beyond their eyesight. They were being stalked by something in the fog, it felt that way at least.

"Ray... " Luxray growled. Ever since he evolved from Luxio his eyes had steadily grown sharper and stronger. Ralph could have sworn that the pokemon could see through walls now.

"Is it that thing again?" That was a bad question to ask, what else could it be? The sound of grass being flattened into the ground finally reached Ralph's ears again. What the hell was it?

Luxray narrowed his eyes against the fog. He held his defensive stance for a moment longer before relaxing. Whatever was there seemed to have retreated for now.

"Geeze, that's creepy," Ralph sighed, "That thing... bleck." His body shivered. Luxray swooped onto the opportunity, rubbing his course fur into Ralph's side. Ever since he had evolved he had been more touchy, he took every opportunity that there was to show affection. Ralph didn't really mind it at all but why the sudden change? There would be many more nudges and rubs to come, Luxray's eyesight in the fog was ideal after all.

The day continued on. They traveled between trees and a ledge every now and then, it wasn't anything too different from any other route besides the fog. Luxray would catch the presence of their stalker every now and then but nothing would come of it. It didn't worry Ralph until darkness began to descend upon them.

Drifloon was returned safely into its pokeball once the tent was set up. Ralph quickly debated whether or not starting a fire but decided against it. It would be rude to call Monferno out just for that. Luxray stretched before going in, his body was a lot longer than it normally appeared whenever he stretched.

Ralph, who just zipped his jacket over his pajamas, leaned into Luxray. The night was cold and the tent didn't offer much protection against it, it was just a simple thing after all. One blanket and warm Luxray should be enough to weather the temperature comfortably though. It wasn't like Luxray showed any objections to cuddling, the whole day evidence of that fact. It was still kind of weird, or to be more precise, unusual.

Luxray moved next to Ralph, small sparks of static lit the inside of the tent as the electric pokemon's fur rubbed against the wool blanket. The sparking wasn't something that happened back when he was a Luxio. He curled himself into a ball next to Ralph's hip over the blanket, purring every second of the way. What more could they ask for? They were on a journey to collect the badges, though, they didn't really know why. They all knew he wasn't the best trainer when it came to battles and nor did they care about being the best in the region, did it matter? He and his pokemon were on a journey and that was enough for him. How else could he have become part of strong fellowship? It wasn't about winning that he cared about, no, it was this, resting warmly in the cold night with his friend, that he cared about.

Ralph didn't even realize these thoughts brought him to sleep until morning when he felt a raspy tongue lick his cheek. He turned his head with a dopey morning smile and stretched at the same time. The tongue didn't give up, though. It trailed itself up to the corner of Ralph's lips.

He yawned "Okay, okay, I'm getting up now." He propped himself up on his elbows the same moment Luxray's weight fell onto his lap with the crackling sparks of earlier. The pokemon was heavy, bigger than what Ralph had expected! "Hrmp?" He grunted as he was pushed back, the extra weight sunk his elbows into the ground. The pokemon's dark lips pressed against Ralph's for a moment before the same feral tongue from earlier found its way between his lips.

He had to admit, he wasn't too surprised Luxray was acting this way, it's not like he was expecting it though. It made him feel guilty for whatever reason. Those thoughts began to slip away from his mind as Luxray pressed him down onto the floor. It felt good to be under him while their lips tried to mesh together, he couldn't lie to his body about that. Already his erection poked against his pokemon's electrified tummy. He had to be careful about moving unless he wanted to feel that static spark. The static was annoying.

Ralph was completely defenseless underneath Luxray, he was under his protection. He could probably get him to stop if he wanted to, however, it wasn't something he really wanted to try, didn't want him to stop. He was losing himself in the fantasy until an almost too harsh static spark glowed from Luxray with a flick of his ears. And just like that the weight was lifted from him.

The purring from their situation turned into a growling hiss as Luxray's eyes fixed themselves upon the tents entrance. Something was definitely there, was there. Quickly gathering himself, and tucking his erection into his waistband, Ralph unzipped the flap of the tent. Luxray gracefully slid out, not producing a single spark as he did. Tumbling out before him, Ralph immediately regretted stepping onto the dewy floor barefoot. Still, there was nothing to be seen outside the tent except for the infinitely white fog, especially not without Drifloon around to clear their vision.

This didn't apply to Luxray, however. His eagle-sharp eyes followed something into the fog, he even took a few steps forward before Ralph said something against it. Those steps were enough to partly blur him out of Ralph's sight. "I won't be able to see you" What would he be able to do if he got separated from his pokemon in this blinding fog, and worse, what would be out there waiting for Luxray? He could tell Luxray wanted to start to chase, and so did Ralph, but it was too dangerous. And besides, Ralph was still in his pajamas.

"We should probably get out of here fast... " This stalker was getting the better of him. What kind of pokemon could it be, how many pokemon could it be? It was pretty damn unsettling.

He packed the tent while Luxray kept a vigilant watch, Drifloon lazing in the air. "Okie-dokie, all ready to get the hell out of here." The swear rolled of his tongue well, it was an innocent swear but still a swear nonetheless. It was funny how many words he had added to his vocabulary these fast few weeks, they were becoming less forbidden the further they traveled into Sinnoh.

Their travels through the fog continued. There were no signs of their stalker in the next few hours, Ralph was in high hopes that they had scared it away with the earlier tent incident. It took them another hour trekking through the woods before they came upon a signboard.

"So, we aren't completely last after all." Ralph chuckled nervously as he caught a glance of Luxray's glare. It's not like they could have been lost in the mist forever, right?

They eventually found a path that winded them through to Celestic Town. The town where the past lives, apparently. It looked pretty rural compared to the other places they've been in Sinnoh, it was like a less western Solacean City if anything. The good news was that the Pokemon Center was the first building they spotted.

"It's getting pretty late," Ralph plopped himself onto the bed, "would you mind if we check out the town tomorrow? I'm beat." They were warm and cozy inside of their rented Center room, it was a nice change from the damp, misty air. The room, like most Pokemon Center rooms, was pretty small, sort of. It only had enough room for one bed and a desk, it did have its own bathroom though. Sharing the showers and public restroom stalls were kind of embarrassing, at least Ralph thought so.

He had planned on returning Luxray to his pokeball that night but he reconsidered it. Getting through Route 210 safely from their lurking guest in the mist wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the pokemon. So, he deserved a nice rest on a soft bed, right? Besides, they had unfinished business that they would have to continue if the mood was right.

He was awoken the next morning in a similar manner from the morning before. This time, however, the tongue was licking his crotch through the fabric of his boxers. The piece of cloth was already damp and sticking to his skin, Luxray must have been at it for a bit before waking him. Ralph groaned as his balls were given a particularly long slurp. His saliva sticky erection found its way through the flap of his boxers with a little help of his hand. The cold air in the room became a lot more noticeable after that for some reason. Shivering, he stopped caring about it once the pokemon's raspy tongue licked the underside of his dick all the way up to the head, rolling his foreskin further up. Luxray's purring became louder, the little pre that was dripping out already swallowed whole.

Ralph leaned back, resting flatly on his back now. Luxray, as if waiting for this, shifted himself over his trainer so that they were on top of eachother in a sixty-nine position. The feral erection before Ralph slid across his cheek, it was coated in something slimy. It had barbs like it had back when he was a Luxio, these didn't look much different than before. Most of them now, however, were near the base of the penis. They didn't stop Ralph from wrapping his lips around his pokemon's black dick.

He slurped up the slimy coating around it before squeezing the base with his hand, this produced a large glob of pre to ooze out of the tapered tip. It felt funny on his tongue and the flavor seemed to settle at the back of his throat. Luxray's throbbing erection slid out of his mouth before he could wonder about it more. He muffled a protest when his head was pressed down onto the bed by Luxray's butt. The base of the pokemon's furry tail blocked his view of everything else, all that he could see was the darkly colored and rough fur of his pokemon's ass and balls. It didn't smell as bad as he was thinking, it smelled just like any other part of Luxray except much stronger. He cringed pleasurably, interrupting his sniffing, when he felt his own erection engulfed by Luxray's warm mouth. There really weren't any thoughts that went through his mind when he licked the puckered ring infront of him. It wasn't so bad, and judging by Luxray's purring he was enjoying it too.

It only took him a minute to have his lips planted on the ring and his tongue plunging into the flesh. He could feel his erection continue to be lathered in spit but it was distant, the ass before him swallowed all of his attention. He seemed a little lost when it was pulled from him, snapping a strand of saliva as Luxray turned to face him.

"Uh, I don't know" Ralph propped himself onto his elbows, looking back into Luxray's eyes. "I mean-" he couldn't hold back a moan as Luxray lowered his rump onto his erection. It's not like he was inside of the pokemon's ass, no, his dick simply slid across Luxray's ass. "If..." Luxray adjusted his his butt around the erection, "We don't have to."

He then felt the end of his erection press against Luxray's rump. Slowly and carefully it slid in. He thought it was kind of silly to worry about the static from earlier, not once had he heard or felt it this morning. There was nothing Ralph could do as he lay under the pokemon. It felt unbelievably warm inside of Luxray, a little weird but good. He wouldn't admit it but he was disappointed when Luxray paused once he reached the base. Once he seemed comfortable enough with the girth, not that it was particularly wide or anything, he began to lift off. Ralph exhaled as Luxray lifted off and sighed once the pokemon held himself midway. Slowly, he felt his erection slide into Luxray again. He was in heaven again. Bringing his hands up to grasp onto Luxray's fur, Ralph eased their balance. The pokemon began to raise his rump again, effectively humping his trainer. The bed barely squeaked as Luxray drove himself onto Ralph, the sound of the cushion was masked by their moans and groans either way.

Ralph kept his eyes shut and let himself swim in pleasure. He didn't realize he was drooling until he felt the saliva drip off his lips. Opening his eyes he saw Luxray staring squarely back at him. That feeling of guilt returned again only to be quickly smashed away with the smooth rocking of the pokemon's hips. The foreskin on his erection was peeled back with every push Luxray gave, he could tell because it would expose his sensitive head to rub against and about the pokemon's tight insides.

Sadly, Ralph wasn't sure how much longer he could last. At least he wasn't doing too bad for his first time. That all too familiar feeling in his balls grew, it continued to grow up to the point where Ralph couldn't hold it back any longer. He squeezed Luxray's body down as he blew his load. The ass his dick was stuffed into felt as if it was milking him dry, clenching and unclenching repeatedly every time he came. His head was thrown against Luxray's chest and his toes clenched tight.

His vision became unclouded as he received a lick on his nose. Luxray didn't look as tired or in pain as he thought he would. Infact, he looked happy, satisfied. He groaned when he felt the pokemon's butt slide off from his dick. They both rested next to eachother amongst the disheveled blanket. Ralph never would have imagined that he would have had anal with one of his own pokemon. Yeah, they had pretty much done everything else but anal but it was still strange. It was a butt, you know?

The cold temperature started to get the best of Ralph after a few moments. "We need to get ourselves cleaned up." Luxray moved over Ralph before he could even prop himself up. He blushed when he received long licks across his face. His head tilted on its own as the pokemon moved onto his tender neck. He continued trailing down until he was down to Ralph's navel. The darkly colored tongue swirled about the cold skin before moving further down.

After his personal grooming, Ralph slipped his boxers off. He had forgotten that they were still on during their sexual ordeal. It was kind of funny now that he thought about it. He moved over to the window with a fresh pair of undies on. It barely became apparent to Ralph that it was pouring outside.

"I guess we can check around town when it clears up or tomorrow," he chuckled, "It's not like we're in a hurry, right?"

A Few Months After

Well, I think this one is better than the other chapters. I guess that might be because I disliked the past ones but am semi-okay with this one. The sex is somewhere in the middle. I know I'm going to edit this in a little bit in the future, or I think...

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Drowzee Sleep

This is what happens when my internet is out and I'm so bored I get a feeling to write something frisky. The idea in my head was so much better than a Drowzee. xP Basically, a Drowzee hypnotizes human then does adult things with him and that's that....

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Ghost of Old Chateau

I was going to post this later, in like six months j/k, but I wanted to get past this Buizel arc incase I got any other ideas. Well, I tried putting some emotion but I think I failed so laugh away hehe. Sex is at the end for those that don't care, and...

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