A Few Months After

Story by Tapa on SoFurry

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#5 of Sinnoh

Well, I think this one is better than the other chapters. I guess that might be because I disliked the past ones but am semi-okay with this one. The sex is somewhere in the middle. I know I'm going to edit this in a little bit in the future, or I think I am right now at least. It only took me until October to edit it. As always, comments and suggestions are cool. I live off of them, the less I get the longer it takes for me to make a new chapter!

I made a few changes that I think might be important in the next chapter but who knows. I doubt many people will ever read the edited version but it's been on my mind lately. I tried making the sex a little more meaningful and less bad too.

The dull, brown eyes stared back into Ralph, examining the water splashed face that stood before them. Over time, those eyes had matured. The naive and nostalgic glow they once reflected turning into pride. The face grown darker from travels and quests across Sinnoh. Despite all this, Ralph didn't look much different from the start of his journey, he liked to believe he did though.

He brought a dry wash cloth up to his face and rubbed it dry. "I might have to start shaving soon. " He mused to himself as leaned infront of the mirror. "What do you think, Monferno?"

"Mon... "

"Hey, I really do think I have some hair coming in," Ralph pulled the skin on his chin, "Look, see!" He turned his head towards the tired pokemon. The monkey barely even gave his trainer a glance, his attention busy fumbling behind his back with the strap attached to the apron he was trying to tie into a knot.

"You're not even looking" Ralph brought his hands down to the towel around his waist and pulled it tighter. "Oh, wait a sec" his hands tightened the towel once more. "Don't you remember, yesterday was the last day we had to go in."

Monferno gave Ralph a suspicious look, his fingers still tugging at the bow.

"No, for real this time! I wouldn't try to sneak away again." The smile on Ralph grew wider when he squatted down to Monferno's level "We finally made enough to pay it off, all of it."

The frowning Monferno glared at Ralph, it was almost too good to be true. The straps he was fumbling with earlier fell to his sides when he observed that Ralph's lips didn't curl into a mischievous smile the next moment. "Mon?" He cautiously questioned his trainer, it was normaly him that would pull the prank over Ralph.

"Yup, for real." He stood up once more and chuckled, "Why else do you think the day outside's so nice?" His focus went down to his chin once more as his finger probed the area, "But really, I think I got some hair coming in."

"Goodbye Hotel Grand Lake, goodbye Seven Stars Restaurant." Ralph looked back as he stood on the warm beach of Route 213. Glad to be away from the looming hotel once and for all, he took a deep breath and stretched his arms towards the sky. "Alright, we're back in business." Reaching onto his belt, Ralph found what he was feeling for "C'mon on, Floatzel."

Within the flash of light stood the Buizel from before, now fully evolved and optimistic. The weasel certainly looked glad to have the sandy beach underneath his paws. The salty air that filled his nostrils brought old memories into his head. New adventure washed those old thoughts away as he slid into a foamy wave.

"The next place we should go to is... " Ralph blew dust off the crinkled map he was vainly trying to study, "to Pastoria City." He fumbled with the map, the old thing refusing to fold back the way it was. "Alright, that place should have a water gym, your specialty, right?!" Ralph shouted to his pokemon

Floatzel, who was standing in the cool blue water of the ocean by the time his trainer looked over, squirted water into the air. "Zel!"

Ralph reached for another pokeball, instead of tossing it, however, he looked down onto it. "I'd try having you out instead... " Ralph thought to himself as he stared at the white button on the ball. "We might not be able to get along, but... " Sighing, he had to admit that he went way over his head when Gabite found his way into the pokeball.

Remembering the day long past, he shuddered.

"So, they say that the scales of a Gabite can cure any disease, what do you guys think?" Ralph leaned forward infront of the campfire, his eyes focused on his pokemon. Buizel and the newest member of the team, Cranidos, showed interest, but then again when didn't they though?. Monferno and Luxio, however, didn't seem too excited. "Well, either way," he gave up on the monkey and lion, "I think it's worth looking into." He rolled onto his back, what could be going on with those two? "Ready for bed?"

It only took a minute to set up the tent with Monferno's help, the other pokemon already were resting comfortably in their ball. Ralph's hand reached for Monferno's pokeball, he paused after thinking about it. "Sure, why not," he muttered under his breath after deciding to let Monferno sleep with him. Besides, when was the last time they had spent quality time together, good quality time, Hearthome City?

Ralph kicked his shoes off and pulled his socks off before crawling into the tent, signaling Monferno to follow. "How long has it been since we've done something," Monferno thought to himself as he followed his trainer into the dark green canvas of a tent. It's not like he cared when the last time was. He knew that Luxio had played around with Ralph before, and he wasn't quite sure if he should be hurt by that or not. It's not like they were a couple, he and Ralph, right? Pushing that depressing thought aside, he brought his eyes to rest on his undressing trainer. It looked like he'd get lucky tonight.

Monferno wrapped his arms around Ralph from behind as his thermal was being pulled off. Ralph's arms stopped pulling the cloth off as his pokemon's arms latched onto his skin, their warmth instantly combined into one. Monferno's hands then moved up to hold onto Ralph's chest, pushing the growing muscle underneath the skin tight. The shirt came off when Monferno's tongue gave his trainer's spine a generous lick.

He had to kneel down at this point, now only his underwear remained on his body besides his pokemon. Monferno reached for the growing bulge with one hand and Ralph's lips with the other. The groping hand rubbed back and forth above the cloth, making the bulge grow bigger with each stroke. The fingers on the other hand traced Ralph's lips before sinking into his mouth. Normally, it would be now that he would bicker and complain something about needing sleep, the silence was nice.

Monferno stood up and rubbed his erection against Ralph's back before hooking both of his hands onto the shoulders before him. The probing continued with his feet, a whimper escaping from Ralph as the elastic of his underwear was pulled back. His foreskin was pulled back too. The head of the throbbing erection was squeezed between Monferno's toes, causing Ralph's body to stiffen. Next, the right foot was planted as a stopper at the base of Ralph's hardened dick while the left foot squeezed the erection tightly between the two rightmost toes. Something about the tough skin on Monferno's agile feet struck Ralph's weakness, a weakness that he didn't know he had at the start of his journey.

Monferno stepped off of Ralph when it all seemed to good. He then bent his trainer forward so that his knees and elbows on the floor. Knocked out of his daze, Ralph looked back in time to see his pokemon's head press forward inbetween his cheeks and slurp a lengthy lick. "He-hey," he murmered as his face flushed. The second brush with the tongue ran a shiver down Ralph's spine and helped settle him down. It was definitely weird, having his ass eaten out by Monferno, but it wasn't something hard to get comfortable to. Still, something about it just seemed dirty.

A hand reached around and squeezed the ignored erection between Ralph's legs before he could ponder it any further. Pressing forward with the attack, Monferno's tongue pressed into the tight, fleshy ring. By now, the trainer was on the tent's floor, ass up and cock jerked. Ralph wasn't quite sure how close he was to cumming, and that necessarily wasn't a bad thing, the rimming just felt so weird, so unsure. The next move, even to Monferno, was gutsy. Standing behind the panting human, Monferno pressed his erection between the human's cheeks. Ralph immediately tensed. Monferno wanted to push into him, at least that's what he feared. His hands pushed up as he tried to get out from underneath Monferno, the next second two warm hands moved onto his back. His fear only multiplied by the gesture. Fearing the worst, Monferno didn't slide into him. His hands just rubbed his back, telling him to relax, that it was alright. "Just don't, you know... " Ralph nervously spoke. Monferno rocked his hips into the trainer's bottom, just rupping his erection against the saliva slick ass. Hopefully he got the message.

There wasn't much he could do in this position anyway, his shoulders now pressed onto the floor once again and his lower body under Monferno's control. He wanted Monferno to continue either way. It was soon that the pokemon's humping and jerking became in synch. Every time he would pull back so would his hand, and with every hump the monkey's hand would stroke down onto the erection with a small twist. Ralph sighed not only for the pleasure pressed onto him but for his trust in his pokemon.

It wasn't long before Monferno's pumping sped up and grew jagged. It felt so warm, the fleshy, hard erection that was humping his ass. Furry hips pressed against his, trapping the horny pokemon's lengh between the two and pressing his furry balls onto the trainer's below. An unrestrained moan escaped Ralph as he came into Monferno's hand. Something about actually being milked and knowing his thick cum was being gathered by Monferno's cupped hand tempted Ralph further. The cock humping his ass gave in and splurted a heavy glob of cum onto Ralph. The next squirts eventually dribbled between his cheeks and even further down onto his balls.

Tired and content, Monferno slid down and sat back. Ralph moved over to his side, keeping his leg lifted to keep the cum from dampening the tent's floor. With one hand, Monferno scooped his cum from his trainer's rump. Ralph just watched. He hesitated when the cum splattered hand offered itself to him. It would be rude to blow it off, maybe. Guiding his pokemon's hand with one of his own, he lapped and licked it clean. He had to groan when he felt his softening and sensative erection was given a thorough cleaning by Monferno.

"That was... different."

Monferno gave Ralph an enquiring look.

"No, I mean, I liked it." He slung his arm around Monferno's shoulders before placing a quick kiss on his cheek. The redness that flushed across his friend's face almost made him regret kissing him, even if it was only one to the cheek. But so what, right? They'd both explored eachother's bodies until the other came so why was a kiss such a big deal? It was wrong, maybe.

Their search for Gabite the next day went slow. Maybe it was the recently built Cycling Road above Route 208 that caused their search to come up empty, who knew. The sun shining bright directly above the duo of Monferno and Ralph signaled the middle of the day.

"It's too hot, huh?" Ralph swiped the sweat from his forehead as he sat on a heavy boulder.

Monferno hummed a response, leaning back against the same boulder comfortably. The cold temperature had began to rise the farther they traveled east into Sinnoh, it was something Monferno and the few odd Ponyta they had encountered took joy in.

"I know that Gabite prefer caves, but the pokedex says they're found here on Route 206... " He was beginning to question the devices accuracy and at the same time Prof. Rowan's intelligence. "I guess we can only keep on looking, right?"

And time moved on without them. Luck, finally after hours, shone on them. "Okay, this looks promising, sorta." He stood at the entrance of a cave, Monferno not quite at his heel. The hole was small enough to fit one person at a time, or one Ralph and Monferno. "It's a good thing your tail's on fire, huh Monferno?" He snickered at the pokemon's sigh.

Taking lead, Monferno raised his tail high as if it was a lantern, the light produced danced across the smooth walls. The passage grew wider and taller the further they traveled into the earth. Water drops echoed in the foreboding darkness as the faint sound of a deeper river grew louder. The winding path lead to a fork, one which the daring duo shrugged off as they took the right path. It quickly became apparent that they were lost after a few of these forks.

"We were supposed to go left at the last split, not straight." Ralph groaned. Their mission had turned from capturing a Gabite to finding their way out of the wayward cave. "Hrm, what?" Monferno made a sudden stop.

The dim light flickered into the still darkness ahead. Waiting a second, Ralph opened his mouth to question the meaning of the sudden stop but Monferno snarled under his breath before he could even blink. Light flickered ahead, something reflecting Monferno's flame back at them. Whatever it was suddenly stopped in it's tracks and stood there. The next step it took brought it into the spotlight.

The Gabite held a curious stare, its arms heavy with random, but shiny, objects. The curiosity grew to wonder which then turned into anger. The junk it was carrying sprinkled onto the floor as it gave chase before either group knew what was happening.

Ralph and Monferno, losing all of his earlier courage, turned and ran in the opposite direction of the wild pokemon. Standing brave before the dragon in the dark was probably what most other trainers would have done, this one was different. An agitated screech echoed across the tunnel as the Gabite came closer to the two. Monferno was lucky to be leading the way, his speed definitely a notch higher than Ralph's. It only took a few moments before the gap between the two began to grow noticeably wider.

"Wah-wait!" He called for Monferno above the Gabite's roars.

It would be a lie to say that Monferno quickly thought if he should leave Ralph behind, even if it was only for a second. Grunting, he came sliding to a stop in the assumption that he would have to battle the dragon.

Unfortunately, Ralph wasn't able to brake as smoothly nor did he have the intention of confronting their predator.


His chest thumped into the back of Monferno's head, the fire on the tail narrowly singeing Ralph's right sleeve. Tumbling, they both slid across the rocky wall. There was an undeniable ripping sound and then clatter. The supplies and pokeballs that came spilling out of the backpack would have been enough to anger anyone, the situation was slightly different when a dragon was chasing you, however.

This was it, they were toast. It might have helped if Ralph had called out another pokemon earlier, something as simple as a click. The Gabite, still a number of feet away, didn't stop him from reaching for his belt either way. Before his fingers could feel the pokeball's familiar surface, though, there was another loud crash. The insides of Ralph's backpack from earlier met the Gabite and introduced it to the rocky floor below.

The enraged creature immediately thrashed about, further scattering the items on the floor. Its sharp tail fin swiped Ralph across his left forearm, his hand just an inch away from Buizel's pokeball then. The warm and wet sensation that came from the wound the next second clearly not a good sign. The panicking Ralph kicked his legs, scurrying away from the Gabite before he dared to call out another pokemon. The fire on Monferno's tail began growing dimmer as it became apparent their earlier tumble had gotten the best of him.

The Gabite found the floor with its right foot as darkness began to blind Ralph.

The hidden force that operates for the good or bad in life is called luck. It was something that had, up to the last second, worked against Ralph. Sure, the Gabite had fallen to the floor along with him but what did that matter now that it was about to stand again and he had wasted the extra seconds gained? Luck, even despite the doomed situation, could change everything.

It was hard to see in the dimming light. Ralph wouldn't notice it until later, but the Gabite's left foot stepped on a pokeball with a click, a much needed click. The tunnel flashed a brighter white light before becoming dark again. The trainers bloody hand squeezed Buizel's pokeball before the other ball on the floor could shake. He sucked in his breath while Gabite shook in the ball. It ticked and clicked about the pebbles on the floor again. The second that the Gabite would shatter the pokeball from inside was the second that Buizel would join the fray. A louder click echoed across the tunnel, however, and silence joined the darkness.

After what seemed like minutes, Ralph dared breath again. Had this faulty-in-a-good-way pokeball just stolen a fight from Buizel? It wasn't too uncommon that a mass produced pokeball playing against the odds won, but... this was weird.

His right hand searched for his injured arm first. It didn't seem too bad besides the blood, maybe it would look worse if he could see it in the light. His right hand, now covered red in blood in the lightless room, reached for Monferno's ball. The knocked out pokemon would be save in there. Next, with his starter in the ball, he reached for Luxio's.

Drowzee Sleep

This is what happens when my internet is out and I'm so bored I get a feeling to write something frisky. The idea in my head was so much better than a Drowzee. xP Basically, a Drowzee hypnotizes human then does adult things with him and that's that....

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Ghost of Old Chateau

I was going to post this later, in like six months j/k, but I wanted to get past this Buizel arc incase I got any other ideas. Well, I tried putting some emotion but I think I failed so laugh away hehe. Sex is at the end for those that don't care, and...

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A Few Weeks After

It's been awhile since I've updated, six months, but w/e. Anyway, reviews would be nice but, again, w/e h. Yes, tacked on sex scenes are bad but... w/e haha. Okay, any suggestions that aren't crazy would be nice, but w/e. xP Thanks for reading if you...

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