A Few Weeks After

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#3 of Sinnoh

It's been awhile since I've updated, six months, but w/e. Anyway, reviews would be nice but, again, w/e h. Yes, tacked on sex scenes are bad but... w/e haha. Okay, any suggestions that aren't crazy would be nice, but w/e. xP Thanks for reading if you do read it.

"It's been awhile, huh?" Ralph looked over at his best friend, Monferno. The fiery monkey had evolved just a few weeks ago, the young trainer still had the battle with Roark etched into his head. Of course, he wouldn't have been able to take down the Gym Leader without the help of his new friend, Luxio. The three had been inseparable since, well, not like he and Monferno already weren't best of buddies. Ralph looked over his shoulder towards Luxio, he really did look a lot like a lion, a small mane of its dark, tough fur had began to etch itself around his head, there was even a plucky tuft on the top of his head that stuck up almost comically. The yellow stripes on his front legs looked as if they glowed with energy, Ralph smiled at that.

The trainer was as happy as he could be, he had two great pokemon that were not only good at battling and got along but they also were his friends. Really, the only thing that worried him was the forest that they had to go through before getting to Eterna City. A particular kid of Floaroma Town didn't help with his tales of a creepy abandoned mansion nestled somewhere inside, the story of a flying fridge, a crazy mower and a demonic toaster oven were only icing on the cake. Still, he had to get to Eterna City, one way or the other, he trusted in Monferno and Luxio just as much as they trusted him.

"See, I told you it would be best if we left in the morning, that way we won't spend more than two days in that forest if we don't get distracted." Ralph spoke over his shoulder, back to his pokemon who trotted a little groggily behind him.

"Lux!" Luxio responded back obediently, the energetic look on his face the opposite of that on Monferno's.

The day was pleasant, a comfortable breeze blew across the day, it was as if the normally cold weather of Sinnoh took the day off. "Man, they really didn't lie when they said that flowers were their thing, huh?" Ralph responded to the blooming field that they trekked through.

"Mon... " Monferno purred dreamily as the scent of the flowers began to overpower his senses. If Ralph saw the expression that Monferno had then he surely would have chuckled as Luxio had already. With a field like this so close it was almost hard to believe the scary stories that they had heard about Eterna Forest. It wasn't until the field ended and they stepped into a small, rocky canyon did the fear return. The forest was maybe a mile away but they were already trudging into the mist that grew from somewhere within the forest.

"O-Okay, it's getting hard to see, lets walk closer together... "Ralph lied, getting creeped out, the warm feeling of earlier had transformed to a soft chill. As Luxio and Monferno trotted next to Ralph's sides, the fire type's tail grew longer, the flame on the end was lit bright. Their hearts beat the same rhythm until something concealed by the mist flopped a wet sound, the rhythm of their hearts waited just a mere second before they thumped out of control.

"What was that? Where is it!"

"Mon! Monferno!"


A shadowy figure scampered about infront of the trio, its nose was pointed towards the sky, it looked as if it was sniffing for something. It continued flopping about, it froze for a second, then it pointed its head in the direction of the three, they froze in response. It came closer, Monferno ready to protect Ralph.

"Bui!" The mysterious pokemon smiled and hopped up and down.

"It's a... Buizel?" Ralph asked to no one in particular, "And here I thought... " He trailed off, noticing that the new pokemon, despite looking very happy, had a burn on it's chest. "Are you alright?"

"Bui! Bui!" The Buizel hopped up and down once more, it turned around now, looking back towards the trainer, signaling him to follow before trotting forward.

"He-hey, wait!" Ralph called out "You're hurt, just gimme a moment!" He chased after the pokemon. Both Luxio and Monferno looked at eachother and sighed, following the chase.

When they finally caught up to the Buizel it was right infront of the tree line that signaled the beginning of Eterna Forest. Panting, Ralph bent down and propped his arms on his knees, "Wait... Just wait... " he heaved.

"Bui! Bui~zel!" The Buizel looked impatient with Ralph and his friends, though, he did look tired himself, too.

"We've been walking all day and I know that you're tired too, it won't hurt to take a small break."

"Bu-Bui... " It sighed dejectedly and turned around, ready to abandon his new hope for another one.

"Mon, Monferno." Ralph's Pokemon interrupted, stopping the Buizel.

"Bui... "

After about five minutes of this, Buizel calmed down, slumping his back against a tree, the look on his face still looked unsure. Ralph scooted over closer to Monferno, they were sitting on the floor, getting ready to continue, "Is he going to be alright?"

"Mon, Ferno," he said rather easily.

Ralph chuckled, "I still wish you could speak English," he patted him on the back.

Five minutes later, they began their walk into the forest. The mist was much thicker than it was outside, it hid a faint smell of smoke. The Buizel padded infront of the group, his nose pointed up in the air. Despite that, he looked as if he'd been in the forest before, the shadows that sometimes stalked them behind trees were ignored by the sea weasel. They continued onward into the forest, jumping over ledges, and trudging over puddles to Monferno's dismay, the grass grew wild and into thick bushes the longer time passed. It wasn't until the night sky and moon light were completely blocked out by the tree branches and leafs overhead that they stopped. Buizel was panting heavily now, the burn getting to him.

"Hey, let me take a look at you, you're hurt."

"Bui!" The pokemon huffed and jerked himself away from Ralph.

"I guess he doesn't trust me yet... he still is a wild pokemon after all" Ralph thought to himself, still, he knew he had to do something about that burn. He pondered to himself more, "He's tired, if I catch him then I can treat the burn, I'm sure he'll be pissed though... " Without thinking anymore, he reached into his backpack and palmed a pokeball. He had to wait until the Buizel wasn't looking before trying anything funny, and lucky him, the pokemon turned its back on him that second. Raising his arm, pokeball in hand, his own pokemon watched steadily as he threw it. The familiar bright, red light engulfed the Buizel as his eyes widened once he realized what was going on, it was too late. The ball closed itself, trapping Buizel inside, when it landed on the floor it trembled for a second before turning calm. "Sorry, but it's the only way I could calm you down, I'll let you go once we're done." He sighed and looked back at Luxio and Monferno, "Ready for bed?"

Inside of his tent and dressed in only his boxers and overshirt, Ralph sighed again, he looked at Buizel's pokeball, feeling bad about pulling that trick on him, but it was for the best. He turned over on his side, towards Monferno who was resting next to him. He wasn't surprised that his pokemon was still awake, but what made him blush was the smile that Monferno was giving him. Ralph was pulled forward into a hug, as if he was being comforted about his decision with Buizel. The smaller being held his head just below his jaw and squeezed his arms around him. Monferno was much warmer than the night, making Ralph shiver as he wrapped his own arms around the others back.

They remained like this for awhile, just enjoying their own company until Ralph was pushed onto his back, Monferno moving so that he was straddled onto his chest. Fingers moved to caress Ralph's hair, the fire type moved closer so that his knees were on each side of the trainer's head. Inbetween Monferno's legs was his balls and sheath, they were a black color, much darker in comparison to the orange and yellow colors his body. It was obvious to Ralph on what he wanted, bringing his head forward, he licked at the end of the furry tube, his tongue played with the entrance for a quick moment before snaking itself inside. The natural lubricants inside mixed with his saliva, only coaxing the member inside to grow closer to it's full length. Ralph had to sit up a bit more so that he could lick the inside of the sheath, and when he did he had to look up at his friends face. Monferno's mouth was half open, his tongue lolled out with a string of saliva forming at a corner of his lips. Chuckling lightly to himself, Ralph continued rubbing his tongue against the inner walls of the sheath, the dark red head began to peek out, forcing the tongue out.

With Monferno's thick member poking out of its sheath, Ralph moved his lips to kiss at the underside, just below the head. This received a panting moan from Monferno who only brought his hand to caress the boy's head, thanking him for the use of his mouth. It wasn't too difficult for Ralph to fit the twitching member into his mouth, it was thick but it wasn't as long as his own. The precum that Monferno couldn't seem to stop leaking also helped, though, it was already slick with saliva. Ralph's hands went to cup Monferno's behind, squeezing and spreading the cheeks apart as he began to bob his head along the length of the cock.

When he could feel Monferno begin to hump in unison with the bobbing he knew that he didn't have long to last. The dark furred balls tightened against his body, he curled his toes and scrunched his face as he felt a wave of pleasure wave through his body and tremble as he came into Ralph's mouth. Cum oozed out of the thick erection, practically force feeding itself down Ralph's throat. The thick globs stopped filling the boy's mouth after only a few seconds, Monferno's body growing limp after he was done. The trainer quickly tried to swallow all of the cum, it had a salty, musky taste, but it wasn't all too salty, it was just indescribable. He looked up again at Monferno, dick still stuffed into his mouth, the look on his face was more tranquil than before, his only movements were the soft pants that escaped from his mouth and nostrils.

Ralph smacked his lips after sliding the member out of his mouth, he couldn't shake the sticky feeling out. If there was one thing that bothered him from sucking his pokemon empty it was the aftertaste of cum that lingered in the back of his mouth. He sighed, laying on his back again, Monferno leaned forward and pressed a kiss onto his lips, a kiss that Ralph was more than happy enough to return. While the teen explored a particularly deep part of Monferno's mouth, feet began to rub at the tent in Ralph's tight boxers. Tempted to call it a night, Ralph let the monkey do as he pleased.

The lips lifted off of his mouth, a bridge of saliva snapped as Monferno turned around, sitting on Ralph's chest as his feet fumbled with the bulge even more. Hands moved down, peeling the elastic of the boxers up and pushing the boxers down to his knees. His member was poking up towards Monferno, the foreskin still covering the head. Using his toes, the pokemon held Ralph's hard cock and pushed down, forcing the skin to slide down and tuck underneath the folds of the head. His left foot moved down to the base of the length as he fit the erection between his middle and left toe on his other foot. He pumped up and down, it only took about a minute for his toe to be soaked in precum that oozed out of the tip. Monferno curled his toes, squeezing the member between them and his foot while he learned forward a bit further, far enough to where he could palm both of Ralph's balls and squeeze them gently.

That was about it for Ralph, the combined feet and hands pressing onto him threw him over. With a grunt, he curled his toes too and arched his back, cum sprayed out from between Monferno's toes and onto his chest. Ralph's body slumped back onto the floor as the other happily licking the cum off of his own toes along with the rest of the mess. After he was done, he turned over and rested atop of Ralph, chest to chest. The only sound they could hear was their breathing and the rustling of the leafs outside. "It's getting too late, we should have been asleep awhile ago too... " Raph sighed, not really meaning the words he spoke.

Monferno only purred back while Ralph pulled him into a hug, not regretting a moment that he'd spent with him.

Two Days After

It's been awhile since I've updated, a long time. xP Well yeah, this is my second time writing something like this so don't go easy on reviews and don't mind correcting any mistakes you see. Yeah, adult stuff starts happening in this chapter so stop...

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Yeah, I don't own Pokemon or any of it's characters and settings in this story. This chapter has just about no sexual things going on but the next chapter will have plenty of M/M situations so if you're not old enough press back on your browser or the...

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