Furry Dreams

Story by AshuraK on SoFurry

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#9 of Furry Dreams

A Furry Story

Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga

[Author's Note: As far as endings go, the last chapter sucked, but that's what makes a good story a good story... suckyness.]

"This one looks exactly like the other four we got in the Arizona lab... Docter Adams' facility I believe, sir...' said one of the silent soldiers.

"That's where this one's going too, soldier" replied the muted commander.

And then... another dart hit me, and my vision turned black.

Bumps. All I could feel was bumps as something- a jeep or truck maybe -was driving along. I tried to move, but I was bound. I had opened my eyes but I couldn't see anything. Maybe I was blind. I tried moving a different way. I couldn't get far, but slithering was my only means of movement currently. Bars. Metal bars were blocking my way! No! I was captured by the humans! What was going to happen to me?! I tried opening my mouth to cry out, but I found that my mouth was bound shut, or in a muzzle. I managed to growl, but it was muffled.

"Shut up!" came a voice. I stopped growling, and frantically looked around, but I saw nothing. I moaned, dispite my mouth being bound shut.

"Hey! Shut it, you stupid animal!" said the same voice, while I heard some clanging inside the cage. Then something blunt hit my face hard. A rifle! I tasted blood in my mouth, and checked my fangs with my tongue. All there.

"Helf!" I tried to say.

"You want help?" asked the voice, then he laughed mockingly. "Just shut your mouth, I don't wanna hit you again!"

"Helf!" I tried again. I heard the clanging inside the cage again. Then the rifle hit me again, only this time in the chest. Immediately, my chest seized up, and I tried coughing, but couldn't properly. I just lay there moaning quietly, hoping he wouldn't hit me for that. Then I remembered. One of the soldiers were talking about a lab before I blacked out. It hit me like nothing else had in my life. I began crying, and could feel my lungs ache with each sob. I heard a knocking on the metal. A panel in the side opened up. The light shone through, and stung my glistening eyes.

"Sir, the anthropomorph won't keep quiet, what shall I do?" ask the abusive soldier. A man of old age, turned to the soldier, and asked "what's that noise it's making?"

"I think it's crying, sir... shall I subdue it?" asked the soldier.

"No, just... administer some tranquilizer" the older man replied.

I didn't care anymore. I was having my own life, until these humans had shown up. And now I had nothing. I even knew I was never going to see my child ever born or grow up, or Kacey's for that matter. I was never going to see freedom again. I settled in and continued to silently cry, even as I was stuck with a needle to be administered a tranquilizer. The drug took its effect on my worn out body quick, and I passed out again.

I awoke later, I don't remember how much later though. I wasn't in the vehicle anymore, and I was on a flat surface. Someone was shining a light into my eyes.

"The male anthropomorph is coming around, Docter Adams" said a female. She turned off the light, and let go of my eyelid. As she moved away, I saw a middle-aged man with brown hair approach me. His tag read "Docter Adams".

"You're awake... good" he said leaning over me. "Have you performed a physical yet, Docter Suko?"

"Not yet, Docter Adams" said the female docter. She looked young dispite her title in this... place. Her eyes were similiar to an emerald's shine, but Sam was better looking. Either way, I felt listless, but I felt as though I needed to move. But I was being held in by some restraints on my wrists and ankles. I struggled just a bit, and heard that same soldier's voice as he too approached.

"Don't even think about it" he snapped.

"I'll be in my study with my children, you attend to this, Docter Suko... and inform me of anything different that we don't already know about the other anthropomorphs" Docter Adams said opening the room's doors.

"Please step away, soldier... I can handle this, infact step outside so you won't be in my way" said Docter Suko. The soldier nodded, and smirked at me walking out of the room, while the docter had her back turned.

"Damnable military" she said looking over her shoulder as she put on some examination gloves. "They may look tough, but they're just dumb brutes when it comes to science."

I just lay there listening to her gripe. I hadn't even noticed the binds still on my mouth, until she took them off.

"I'm taking these off so you can tell me if anything hurts when I examine it, so don't you go trying to bite me, okay?" she said. I blinked and looked at her, as she grabbed some scissors and cut away my clothing. After removing my shirt, she put the rags into a waste bin, and put down the scissors.

"Remember if anything hurts when I touch it, tell me, okay?" she reminded me. I nodded just a little. She pressed pretty much all of my chest, and when she touched my side, I moaned and winced.

"Feels like a bruised rib... what did this to you?" she asked. I jerked my head towards the door as I didn't want to talk. The soldier was still out there keeping guard, and she looked at him, and looked back at me with a frown.

"I'm sorry he did that to you... like I said, the military in this facility, especially him, are brutes" she comforted me. She pulled out her stethiscope, and listened to my heart.

"Your heart rate is very fast, try calming down, it's going to be alright" she said. How could I?! I was in the process of being examined for admitance to a lab!

She wrote down everything she found out on a chart, and then grabbed the scissors again.

"Now for the bottom half" the docter said, cutting away my shorts and boxers. I was now more unprotected than ever. I was being examined for admitance to a lab, while being naked on a lab table.

"There we go" she said disposing of my cut-up shorts into the rags bin.

The docter then pressed on my waist checking for anything there.

"Anything?" she asked. I remained silent, and she continued.

She parted the big patch of fur that covered my groin, and I began to worry, and so began to whine all liony.

"No worries, I'll be careful of your genitals" she whispered smiling. Even though there was a female touching me down there, there was no response. That was until she wondered out loud what my gender was, and tried a closer look. As soon as she gently pulled some skin away frome my sheath, I growled low.

"Oh stop it" she frowned. I stopped, but my lip continued twitching.

"Male, and-" she said feeling my sac, which made my lip twitch more in aggravation. "Good reproductive health." I should be. I just fathered two cubs.

"Now for the head" she said stripping off the gloves for some new ones. My lip stopped twitching, but I was still miffed.

"Open up" she said. I didn't.

"Please" she added. I snapped at her, and she backed up frowning.

"I don't think you or I want that idiot in here, so behave" she said forcefully but kindly, while jerking her thumb to the soldier. I opened my mouth for her. That soldier was not gonna get near me again... I wouldn't let him next time.

"All the teeth are there, all fangs, no discoloration, and breath smells... well, normal" the docter sighed. She wrote more onto the chart, and walked over to the doors to hand the chart to the soldier.

"Give this to Docter Adams please" she said, taking off her examination gloves, and tossing them into a sanitary bin. The soldier took the chart, and walked down the hall. Then she pressed a button on the wall, and spoke into a device.

"Charts are done, Docter Adams, the soldier is coming with them to your office" she said.

"Good, good... any problems?" he asked over the intercom.

"None, in fact, this one seems to be the most behaved out of the other four."

"This one might show promise then, Docter Suko."

"Shall I begin secondary testing?"

"I just got the chart... let's see here... subject is 'male'... go right on ahead."

"Alright, Docter Adams, I will."

"It's a good thing this one's male, the last one we examined was a female, and that one broke several bones of Docter Walter's while you were gone that day."

"Come again?"

"While you were gone last week, we did seconary testing on the younger females... one of them broke several bones of Docter Walter's while she was unrestrained."

"Let's hope all goes well compared to my close encounter with the first one."

"Let me know how it goes, Docter Suko."

"Will do, Docter Adams."

She let go of the button, and went over to another set of switches. After she pushed those, the lights became a little brighter, as the metal blinds on the windows clanged shut. She took out a set of key cards attached to her retractable keychain. She swiped one of them through an access panel near the door, and it locked.

"Secondary testing is something that was a new part to the studies of your kind, the 'Furries', after we learned a great deal of your kind and their habits" she said, walking towards me. She pushed a few switches and the restaints came off of my wrists and ankles.

I was confused. Why let me go, but seal up the room?

"You know it would be helpful if you said something" she said pulling herself up to sit on the examination table.

"What's... what's going on? Why am I here? What is all this about?" I asked.

"I cannot tell you that... I'm not allowed to, but I'm here to help you and your kind out" she said.

"Help? Help me by releasing me, and the others you have here!" I said, pulling myself away from her.

"I'll tell you what... I'll see what I can do for you, as you've shown the best progress out of the others, but only after you gain our trust" the docter said.

"Oh? You'll help me... right" I frowned.

"I'm serious, and even then I just thought about it... your stay here will not be long, nor will the other's stay here... think of this as a road bump in the path of life... we're just here to help society" she explained.

"And the war?" I said cocking an eyebrow.

"After all the tests, the war will be over."

"Uh... I don't-"

"Trust me... it will be over, I don't know how, but Docter Adams knows... anyways, this is taking too long, what do you say? You going to help us out?"

"Uh... sure, then I get my freedom."

"Absolutely... but first, our trust and the testing, then the freedom."

We shook hands, signifying the deal.

"May I ask something else?" I asked.

"Depends" Docter Suko replied.

"What is secondary testing?"

She got off of the table, and pulled off her lab coat, and set it on the other table. Then she looked back at me, and stepped closer.

"Secondary testing is the forming of trust, but some of the others don't want this forming of trust, and therefore have failed some secondary testing, to be more precise... it's-" she said, drawing close to me, and putting her arms around me in a stomach hug, which was lower than I normally take my hugs from strangers. "Getting to know one another. It's the study of trust as well as how each species of your kind respond to... well, niceness."

Finally, something I completely understood, rather than just getting a general idea. I smiled as it didn't seem so bad, and hugged her in return.

"See?" she said smiling. "You're making progress already."

"So that's it?" I asked. The docter let go, and leaned against a non-examination table.

"That was just one of many" she said, crossing her legs, and writing a brief remark on a nearby chart I hadn't seen until now.

"You do things that test a society's cultures and customs? Why not just ask us? I'd tell you" I said to her. She smiled faintly.

"Not all of your kind are as willing nor the same as other anthropomorphs... and besides... Docter Adams has plans for all your kind as well as forfilling the dreams of the internet fans of your kind... you know, the desire to change from human to 'Furry'? Many of those humans want it so bad, they'd give anything."

"What's he got in store for us?"

"Just experiments... he's a man of science... I hear there's a few human test subjects here that want to be 'Furry' just like you."

"Ju-just like me?..."

"Well... 'Furry'... not exactly like you."

Docter Suko moved closer again.

"Back to the secondary testing... if you don't mind" she said politely. I obliged her, and nodded.

"There are other gestures that we would like to cover" the docter cocked her head a little at me.

"Like?" I asked. She held out her hand.

"As far as caring goes, humans and 'Furries' alike... hug... but what of introductions?"

I took her hand in mine, and shook it. We shook hands, and she leaned back to write another note.

"Next... what about other physical gestures?" she asked.

I thought for a moment. It hadn't occured what we Furries really do any different than humans. And I told her just that.

"We Furries do nothing really different than humans do... we give 'high fives', we wave hello, we blow kisses, and we do pretty much everything just as you would" I explained. She smiled, and leaned back to write more.

"There are other gestures I have heard of... like pouncing... murring... thrumming... tons of those enigmatic gestures" she smiled.

"Well" I said a little embarassed. I chuckled a little.

"I'm ready... show me a pounce" she suggested. I gave a quick laugh, and suggested to her as well.

"You sure? I am... a little... heavy" I said.

'Go on, and do it" she smirked nicely.

"You'll want to move that chair behind you" I said smiling sheepishly. And she did so. Before she turned around, I pounced her, and down she came. I pounced her just right, so a new person like her wasn't hurt in the process. She smiled big, and laughed.

"That's a pounce? I enjoyed that... it seemed very comedic and warming... not to mention surprising, but I do worry of humans un-aware of this pouncing gesture...it seems it might hurt strangers... anyways, what is it for?" the docter explained and asked.

"Pouncing is not really for strangers... it is... a... way to show to enthusiam to another that you care for as a friend or more... I think" I recalled as though this was something taught to us.

"I see."

"What next?"

"I'm not sure, what other gestures are there that I've listed or not listed?"

"There's... murring!" And then I murred.

"Oh, my... that sounds very pleasing to the ear... what about... thrumming?"

"Thrumming? That's something I cannot do, because that would be like a human trying to purr exactly, and I mean exactly like any feline... we warm-blooded Furries, do not do it as we cannot, or we just do it badly."

"So what is thrumming?"

"It's like a-" I thought as hard as I could. And then it hit me. "It's like... the same sound a Rancor makes... that gurgle-like humming... I think."

"Oh" was her quick reply. "What are murring and thrumming for?"

"Both are for showing happiness or enjoyment, or even... pleasure" I explained my best.

"I see" she looked impressed.

"Any others come to mind?" I asked. She looked at the chart behind us on the table whilst we were on the ground still.

"Could I get the-" she started, but I unknowingly interupted her.

"What about other greetings? Or shows of emotion?" I suggested. I was beginning to enjoy this testing for some reason.

"Like?" she cocked her head to the side.

"Like? Uh... um..." I stumbled, then I got one.

"Licks!" I said then licking her cheek once. She looked shocked at first, like she'd seen a ghost and was pissed at the same time, then the docter laughed, and gave me a light hug-like squeeze.

"Licks... got it... anymore?" Docter Suko asked. It was beginning to get tougher. What else could I show this human? Most of the things I've already done, are common everyday greetings and shows of emotion.

'I'm... not sure of what else... what do... you know of?" I inquiered.

"Clarify something for me, will you?" the docter said.

"Shoot" I said.

"Are there... 'things'... that internet 'Furries' do as far as greetings or gestures that real 'Furries' do not?"

"I've heard that the internet Furries are capable of sitting on another Furry's head, but that's not really nice or painless... or relatively comfortable for either Furry... and then there's-"

"Hold on!" she said, getting up from underneath me, smiling. Docter Suko retrieved the chart, and jotted down all of the notes. After a minute or so, she sat it back down, and thought. She looked very deep in thought, and chewed on her pen tip. I got up and stood next to her.

"What's holding you up? I want to tell you more" I said eagerly.

"Let's change the topic... and only if you are willing to do so today" the female docter suggested to me.

"Why stop?" I asked.

"We've covered quite a lot... so... do you want to continue?"

"Yeah... I'd like to."

"Besides... you've shown more progress than the other ones... I'm impressed."


"So.. secondary testing point two?"


The docter sat on the examination table again, and turned to me.

"What's the next topic?" I asked getting ready like it was a game.

"The next topic is on... what your kind call, and what we've been going by, as 'yiff'... 'yiffing', and... the other term, 'yiffy'..." she said in one breath. She must have been preparing for it, building up all that courage to break "The Barrier".

Furry Dreams

A Furry Story Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga [Author's Note: I'm sorry for the delay on this story, but the laptop I use had a small malfunction that left it unusable for about four months. Needless to say, I hope you all enjoy this chapter.] ...

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Furry Dreams

A Furry Story Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga [Author's Note: Not as many responces to the last chapter, but I'm hoping maybe this one will be better than the last, as good as previous chapters.] Kacey murred, and under the table began to...

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Furry Dreams

A Furry Story Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga [Author's Note: Thank you all for your ideas, and Nexus for his drawing. I now give you the next chapter in "Furry Dreams".] So to say we had achieved something that night. We all just...

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