Dragon Slaying: snippet from Opal's ending

Story by poiupoiu on SoFurry

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I figure I owe y'all some writing, and since it's been forever-and-a-half since I last updated Dragon Slaying, I figured I'd give you a snippet with P'oiu and Lia. This is an excerpt from the version of the ending where P'oiu picks Opal (who wants to save both his balls) rather than Lia (who wants to pop one so they can become mates). Lia is rather miffed at this choice, as you might expect, and so she has a few things to say (and do) to P'oiu before she peaces out forever.

(By the way: I know I've been terribly slow with the final bit of Lia's ending to Dragon Slaying. I promise I am working on it, and I promise it's awesome. I still don't know when I'll post it, but hopefully sooner rather than later. In the meantime, hopefully this is a good substitute, and hopefully you enjoy P'oiu/Lia busting as much as I do :P)

Story below -- it picks up roughly from Chapter 12, if you've forgotten the background. If you like Dragon Slaying, please let me know what you think! I'm trying to get motivated with these characters again, and it helps to know that people enjoy P'oiu and Lia and Opal and Kayla. Heck, I'd love to write a sequel series about P'oiu and Lia's married life, if there's interest :P

"I just have one thing left to say to you, so listen up."

Lia accentuated her remark the best way she knew how: by bringing her foot crashing down between my legs. I let out a long, high-pitched moan as the female focused her attention on my left nut, setting her heel on top of the poor sphere and bearing down with what felt like a thousand pounds.

That alone was enough to make my eyes water -- but then the dragoness spun on her heel, and my brain just about exploded. I hardly managed a quiet squeak as Lia pivoted on my tortured testicle, scrambling its contents even further. I tried to shoot a pleading glance towards Opal, but the frog was just watching Lia, a hint of a smile playing across her lips. Didn't she care that my spunk-makers were being squashed into pancakes? I had picked Opal in the hopes of saving my spuds, but hell, too much more of this and Lia might just burst my ball anyway.

"P'oiu? P'oiu!" The female was none too happy with my wandering gaze. "Look at me, damn it."

My nervous system squealed in protest as the dragoness delivered another brutal ballstomp, my left orb distorting further from the force of the blow. Despite the pain I forced my gaze forward, obeying her command in the hope of earning some mercy from the female. Apparently that heel-spin on my bloated ball had actually served a purpose -- Lia had in fact spun 180 degrees, turning around in order to show off her backside. And god, what a display. Now she was bent over, flaunting the smooth-scaled ruby-red behind that I had been worshipping for the past week.

Lia looked back at me from between her legs. Her generous breasts hung down in front of her, but the female had folded an arm across her chest, holding her tits back so that she could stare me straight in the eye. "See this?" The dragoness slapped her own rear, her tail raised high. "You see this ass?"

In fact, it was difficult to look at anything but Lia's ass -- it seemed like my entire field of vision was filled with the female's luscious derriere. Weakly I groaned, my stlll-stiff member throbbing at the sight even as the dragoness ground my testicle into the floor like a discarded cigarette. "Y-...yes," I croaked, my stomach churning as my gonad was flattened to its rubbery limits. Oh, my poor unborn children...

The dragoness scowled back at me. "Well, I hope you get a look at it, because you know what? You will never, ever get to tap this. You're gonna spend the rest of your life alone, wishing you could find some dragoness tail, fantasizing about the week you spent lusting after that smoking hot chick named Lia. Meanwhile I'll be somewhere out there, quite happy, getting fucked silly every night by some other dragon who's got the balls to be my mate."

Somehow I doubted that any future mate of hers would survive their courtship without getting his plums pounded into pulp, but I held my tongue -- not that I could have formed a full sentence if I'd wanted to. The agony in my groin continued to grow, multiplying with each passing second. I was convinced I could feel something breaking, or cracking, or splitting open.

But if Lia felt one of my dragonmakers starting to rupture beneath her foot, she didn't show it. "You know, I can't believe I ever liked you. You spend half the time ogling me, and the other half of the time complaining that I give you blue balls. Not to mention the time that you felt me up while I slept and then blew your wad all over me."

"I'm sorry!" I gasped. My legs twitched with each subtle shift of the female's weight, my gonad rearranging itself in a vain attempt to squirt out from under her heel.

"Sorry isn't good enough, P'oiu." The dragoness twisted her foot a few degrees, earning another shrill squeal as she flattened my nut by another few millimeters. "I should have left you tied to a tree with your legs spread and a sign saying 'scramble my eggs'. Or maybe just brought you back home and made your sac my personal punching bag. Whatever. It doesn't matter. Now I guess you'll just spend the rest of your life alone, jerking off for some cum-thirsty frog slut who's half your size." She looked over at Opal. "No offense."

"None taken," the frog replied, rolling her eyes.

"Point is, you'll never get any dragoness tail ever again. I'm telling every female I know to kick your balls into your throat on sight." Lia snorted angrily. "I'd pop your scaly nuts myself, if I could, but at least I know you'll never get to use your dragonmakers with an actual dragoness."

I wanted to point out that I'd already used my dragonmakers on her, but that didn't seem wise with one of those dragonmakers currently compressed to the bursting point.

"So again: take a good look." She slapped her ass once more, the firm flesh rippling slightly from the blow. I felt my member twitch in appreciation. "You better burn this into your memory, because this is as close as you'll ever get to fucking a dragoness. Ever. Again!"

The last of the air rushed from my lungs as her other heel came thundering down into the center of my right nut, the spunk-filled orb ballooning outwards beneath her weight. All the air in my lungs rushed out at once, my hips bucking off the ground, my gut exploding with an impossible wave of nausea, my cock throbbing and firing a mighty spurt of pre that splashed across the female's backside. I squealed in agony and tried to cover up, to remove Lia's foot from my poor nuts before she could grind them into peanut butter, but the chains around my wrists and ankles held strong, leaving me spread and exposed as the dragoness brought down her full weight on the scaly orbs.

Lia felt the splash of liquid across her behind and blinked. For a moment, I feared for my dragonhood...but then to my surprise, she broke into a smirk. "Heh...well, I guess that's as close as you'll ever get, anyway." She twisted her heels sharply once more, grinding my jewels further into the floor.

The shriek I gave would have put an operatic soprano to shame. It felt like someone had shoved my plums in a blender and set it on "liquefy". Even as she lifted her heels and stepped away, I half-believed that my gonads had been reduced to a gooey paste. Only when my flattened balls began to reinflate, sending a horrible wave of nausea into my stomach, did I come to the conclusion that I'd survived intact.

"Done?" asked Opal, watching calmly.

"Almost." The dragoness scowled down at me. "A few more kicks for the road."

Her foot slammed up between my legs with the force of a freight train, crushing my aching pair up into my pelvis. Before I even had time to process the pain, she had unleashed a second kick; this time my left nut slipped free, but my right nut was caught squarely by the top of her foot, pounded paper-thin in an instant. For a split second, the poor orb squished outwards between her toeclaws like a water balloon, abandoning any semblance of its usual shape in an attempt to escape the terrible pressure, but it remained trapped in place until Lia pulled her foot back. Then the mangled sphere flopped back down into my sac, and an earth-shattering agony exploded in my brain.

When she kicked for a third time -- delivering the exact same blow, this time to my left nut -- I realized that she must have had a lot of practice. My squealing climbed yet another octave as my ball flattened across the top of her foot, a blow that by all rights should have left me as half a dragon. Dimly I wondered how many dragons she had kicked into sterility while perfecting her technique, and I almost felt the urge to ask until she pounded my jewels for a fourth time, her breasts bouncing with the force of the impact.

On the fifth strike, though, my twitching, contorting body finally scored a small victory. As Lia's foot hammered into my spuds, my body strained desperately to cover up and protect itself, every muscle struggling against my restraints...and then suddenly, my right arm was free! I hadn't managed to break the chain, but I had managed to rip it from the ground where it had been anchored. Instinctively my hand shot towards my groin, desperate to pry the female's foot away and clutch my battered balls, even if that would do nothing to soothe their apocalyptic ache.

To my pleasant surprise, Lia immediately stepped back, pulling her foot away sharply . To my unpleasant surprise, the loose end of the chain came whipping around, with a sizable chunk of the stone floor still attached to it, and smashed into my ballsac, utterly pulverizing its contents.

I froze. My freed hand trembled in mid-air, my mouth opening and closing silently as my brain sought some way to express the impossible levels of agony that were flooding my body.

Opal looked shocked, but Lia just laughed out loud, her face lighting up with a genuine smile. "Hahaha! Wow. You don't even need a girl's help to scramble your eggs, do you?"

All I could manage in response was a high-pitched whine. My hand shook as it slowly moved towards my groin, still trying to protect whatever was left of my balls.

The dragoness beat me there, nudging the chunk of rock aside with her foot. Casually she brought her foot down on top of my nutsac -- more of a step than a stomp, but even if my jewels hadn't been trampled into pancakes, it would have been enough to make me squeak. As it was, I froze again, letting out a tortured, guttural moan.

"Quit your whining," the female replied, rolling my nuts beneath her foot...or at least, attempting to do so. The two nuggets were anything but round at this point. "Don't worry, they're both intact. I don't know how, but they are." She frowned. "I swear, if they weren't so squishy I'd think your balls were made out of steel."

That good news was enough motivation to shake me out of my stupor. Weakly I grasped at Lia's ankle, trying to pry her foot from my balls. "Please," I croaked, my voice as high-pitched as a female hatchling.

Lia looked up and met my eye. "Fine. Goodbye, P'oiu."

My gut exploded in fresh pain as the dragoness gave me one more parting stomp, mashing my dragonmakers into the stone floor before pulling her foot away. Immediately I clutched at my mangled testicles, cupping the two swollen, misshapen lumps in my claws, confirming for myself that I was still in one piece.

I was too busy moaning in agony and cradling my much-abused spuds to appreciate one last look at Lia, her hips swaying seductively as she made her way to the exit.

Big Mac Gets Around (pt. i)

I'm a little ashamed of myself for writing clopfic when there's so much legitimately good MLP fanfic out there (see: Paradise or Fallout: Equestria), but I've tried to keep this playful and clever, if not exactly clean. This is the first half --...

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Decisions, Decisions, pt. 1

**\*\*\* THE USUAL WARNING: this story contains a lot of talk about ballbusting and even ballpopping, so if that squicks you out, you'll probably want to read something else. \*\*\*** Y'know, I _really_ wanted to post this final chapter all...

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Reindeer Games, pt. 2

-- **NOTE:** Like most of my stories, this involves some heavy ball-busting, so if you don't appreciate the thought of Vixen socking Blitzen in the groin, you probably want to read something else. -- Aaaand here's the rest....

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