Reindeer Games, pt. 2

Story by poiupoiu on SoFurry

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#2 of Reindeer Games

-- NOTE: Like most of my stories, this involves some heavy ball-busting, so if you don't appreciate the thought of Vixen socking Blitzen in the groin, you probably want to read something else. --

Aaaand here's the rest. Enjoy, you twisted people, and Merry Christmas :P

In his drugged state, Blitzen was more than happy to go with the flow, his eyes half-lidded as his mystery assailant guided him towards a low metal platform in the middle of the room. Lazily, he turned his head, trying to catch a glimpse of whoever it was behind him. "Vuh...Vixen?"

"You got it, stud." The doe pressed herself up against the buck's muscled back, her head resting on his shoulder. "You ready to have some fun?"

Blitzen let out a chuckle that turned into a moan as the doe gave his cock a few slow strokes. "Y-yeah," he replied weakly, head swimming. "What are...where are we?"

"My room," lied the female, rolling her eyes. "Here, take a seat."

The buck was reluctant to move away from the nude doe, but gently Vixen turned him around and sat him down on the edge of the metal platform. It was only about a foot and a half off the ground, and Blitzen shivered at the chill of the metal surface against his bare rump. "Then is this...your bed?" he asked curiously. He tried looking up at the female, but found that his eyes were unable to rise any higher than Vixen's hips.

The doe smirked down at the mesmerized male, delicately pushing down against his chest and guiding him to a reclined position. "Sure it is. Lie down and hold still, alright?"

Blitzen didn't resist, stretching out on the platform as Vixen took a seat beside him. As the female bent over him and pulled his wrists up above his head, he took a moment to admire the healthy jiggle of her breasts, but he glanced upwards when he heard a quiet click. "Handcuffs?" The buck giggled. "You''re kinky."

Vixen chuckled in reply. "You don't know the half of it." Carefully she finished securing his wrists above his head, leaving enough slack to keep the male comfortable but ensuring he didn't have much room to wriggle. Then she slid down his body, making sure to secure his ankles as well. Those legs could kick, after all, just as hard as her own two legs could.

Blitzen's erection had flagged a bit after the doe had ceased her stroking, but the sight of the female crouched down between his legs soon had him thick and throbbing once more. After hearing another click, however, the buck became curious. "What are we...what are you gonna do?" he asked, idly wondering why Vixen's muzzle wasn't already wrapped around his length.

"Well, Blitzen," she replied, securing the lock around his other ankle and looking up, "we're going to do something very important. Do you remember the question you asked me at the party a few weeks back?"

The buck opened his mouth for a moment, then paused, then opened his mouth once more -- then paused again, frowning. ""

"You asked me how the bucks keep their antlers through December." She smiled, reaching up between his legs and hefting his sac for a moment, rolling his plump spuds between her fingers. "Because normally, males lose their antlers by then -- you know, because of hormones."

"Mmgh...right." Blitzen didn't particularly care what the doe was saying, as long as she kept fondling his junk. His cock twitched in anticipation of her soft touch, her wet tongue, her tight sex...

"Well, the way we save your antlers is by stopping the hormones. And they way we stop the hormones is with a bit of...physical therapy, I guess you could call it." Vixen smiled. "Which is why you're here."

"Mmm?" the buck said absently, clearly paying no attention.

Vixen just chuckled, watching the male's eyes trace up and down her athletic form. "I can see you're not following me, Blitzen." The female straightened up from her crouching position, letting his nuts slip from her fingers and stepping up between the buck's spread legs. "In that case, maybe I should demonstrate. It works like this."

The male watched in some confusion as the doe raised one leg, her toned calf hovering in the air for a short moment before her hoof came thundering down squarely atop his ballsac.

The pain was so sharp and so sudden that it actually took Blitzen a moment to react -- but when he did, his entire body spasmed, his mouth opening in a shrill cry of agony. "My balls!" the buck squealed, all arousal and grogginess forgotten as his testicles were trampled underfoot. "G-get off! You're standing on my balls!"

"Yeah, that's the idea, dear." The nude Vixen smiled down at him, her weight continuing to bear down on the male's naked jewels, crushing them between her hoof and the cold metal platform. "The reason you lose your antlers is due to hormones -- testosterone, mostly. And one of my jobs here at the Pole is to stop that from happening, by whatever means necessary." She increased the pressure for a moment, feeling the twin orbs flatten, then reinflate as she let up a bit. "Which is why I get to spend a week ballbusting all the bucks on Santa's squad, making sure you'll still have a rack come Christmas Eve."

Blitzen felt pretty sure that there were several significant flaws in the doe's logic -- but with his spunk-makers squashed agonizingly flat and his voice rising in pitch, he was hardly in the position to make a coherent argument. "Y-you can't do this!" he screeched, hips jerking wildly in an effort to dislodge his attacker.

"Oh, we can and we do." The doe grinned. "In fact, in the old days they used to just castrate the men entirely, but I've always preferred a more...hands-on approach. So you can thank me for that." She peered down at the two tortured spheres bulging outwards beneath just a fraction of her weight. "I mean, this method takes a little longer than just lopping 'em off, but I think it's more fun for everyone involved. Certainly for me. Speaking of which, it's time to turn up the pressure a bit..."

Blitzen's body shook as the female shifted more of her weight forward onto his plump balls, the rubbery orbs flattening slowly beneath her hoof. "" he gasped, unable to finish the thought.

"See?" Vixen said sweely, smiling down at the quivering male. "It's not so bad, is it? You just gotta let me bash these things up for a little while, and then you'll be all set." Nonchalantly she stepped up on to the platform, taking her rear foot off the ground entirely and resting all of her weight on the buck's twin spunkmakers. "We just gotta make sure the insides of your balls here are nice and liquified, y'know?"

An agonized moan began in the back of the reindeer's throat, slowly rising in pitch and volume until it was a full-on squeal. Blitzen fought desperately to get free, seeking any escape from the horrible pressure on the most sensitive part of his anatomy, but it was no use -- the female just continued to grin down at him, her hoof digging unforgivingly into his buckhood. The male fought just to stay conscious as the agony engulfed him, his tortured testicles now significantly distorted beneath the female's weight. His abdomen rippled in agony as his hefty spuds were turned against him, his source of strength suddenly turned into a source of pain.

At least Vixen seemed to be enjoying herself. The doe adjusted her balance carefully, making sure her victim's orbs were unable to squirm to safety. Gently she bounced atop the two trapped testes, feeling the once-firm plums gradually become softer and squishier, until the poor spheres seemed ready to pop. Reluctantly she put her other foot down, taking some weight off of Blitzen's malehood.

"Alright, that oughta be just about enough." The female lifted her hoof, nudging the buck's swollen gonads and resisting the urge to deliver a playful kick. "Although...maybe one more stomp for good measure. What do you think?"

It took Blitzen a moment to gather the wits necessary to respond -- the pain radiating from his groin wiped out any other thoughts from his brain. "N-no!" he choked desperately, gazing fearfully up at the nude doe grinning down at him. The doe who'd seemed so sweet just a few minutes ago... "Please, no, no more--"

"Aww, come on -- don't be such a spoilsport. I thought everybody enjoyed a good holiday nutcracker." Vixen peered down at the male's battered sac. "Then again, it's not really your decision anyway, so..."

Blitzen let out something akin to a squawk as the doe slammed her foot down between his legs once more, pounding his gonads to the very edge of rupture. Every ounce of instinct told the male to curl up into the fetal position, to clutch his aching pair in his hands -- anything to protect his balls from further abuse. His chest rippled with the effort, but his restraints held strong, leaving the buck fully exposed as his heavy nuts were flattened like pancakes.

Vixen knew the male was reaching her limits, though, and she stopped short of causing any more permanent harm. Once again the female lifted her foot away, leaving the buck gasping for breath, his tenderized testicles resting on the cold metal table, the two round nuggets radiating waves of nausea through his body. She watched the male shake for a moment before taking a seat beside him, brushing her fingers through his fur and tracing a path up along the reindeer's inner thigh until she reached her destination. She hefted Blitzen's sack in one hand, examining his bruised fruit. "See? Once you crush 'em real good, they get nice and soft, and then you can do whatever you want. Easier to break 'em that way." The female gave his left plum a strong squeeze, earning a shrill cry from the male as his nut rearranged itself around her fingers. "It took me a couple of years to figure that out. You're lucky -- the process is a lot more efficient now."

"Oh god," Blitzen sobbed. It was all the male could do not to break down, to pass out or to panic. He found himself caught between the physical horror of his abuse and the psychological horror of seeing his buckhood manipulated like putty in the doe's hands. He'd been so proud of his endowment before today, but now he was starting to reconsider. To think, he'd believed that Vixen was leading him in here for a quick fuck -- now it seemed unlikely that he'd ever be able to bust a nut again. Vixen'd probably bust 'em first.

"Anyway," the doe continued, probing Blitzen's right nut and earning another squeal in response, "I think we're mostly done here -- I don't wanna turn these things to mush, after all. Just gotta clear out the pipes and you'll be all set."

The buck was mostly incoherent by this point, or he might have actually enjoyed what came next. Vixen repositioned herself at the foot of the platform, kneeling between the male's legs to give herself easy access to his equipment. She wasted no time in getting to work, wrapping one hand around Blitzen's limp length, the other encircling his battered balls. Quickly she stroked his member, the pole thickening even as her light squeezes below earned more tortured moans from the buck. Years of practice had honed the female's skills, and soon the buck was throbbing in her grip, despite the agony still churning in his gut.

But just as the buck reached the point of no return, his mangled marbles ready to surrender their load to the terrible female, she stopped. Even through the haze of pain and the lingering fog of being drugged, Blitzen let out a whine of want, his nuts aching for an entirely different reason as he teetered on the very edge of orgasm.

Vixen looked down at the male's twitching length with a mix of amusement and pity. "Heh...sorry about this, stud, but I've really gotta make sure they're empty," she said, climbing to her feet once more. The female stepped forward, lifting one leg high into the air...then brought it down onto his spunk-makers with shattering force.

Blitzen kept his wits long enough to see the doe's calf splattered with the first blast of his seed before his eyes rolled back into his head and the room went dark for a second time.

"Excuse me -- Vixen, dear? He's coming to."

"Ah, wonderful. I was wondering how long it'd take -- he took it pretty rough."

A giggle. "Don't they all?"

"Heh, true." A pause. "Actually, Mrs. C, would you mind stepping out for a minute? I'd like to talk to him one-on-one."

"Of course, dearie. I'll leave you two alone -- just call if you need anything."

"Will do."

For a long time, the only thing Blitzen had been able to hear was the sound of his own agonized moaning, but that sound was suddenly joined by the creak of a door opening. Hesitantly the male cracked one eye open, his gaze settling on a fine, feminine pair of hips. In any other circumstance, he'd be thrilled to see a nice, curvy female on approach -- but the buck knew the swing of those hips far too well.

"Oh god, not you," croaked Blitzen, his head falling back and his eyes sliding shut again in resignation.

Vixen usually tried to leave her sadistic tendencies behind once the actual nut-cracking was over -- but despite herself, the doe had to grin. Any other time of year, the bucks were the very picture of confidence...but here, lying naked in a hospital bed, his legs spread wide and his testicles swollen to the size of oranges, Blitzen was hardly an intimidating sight.

"I'm here to help, silly," replied the female, stepping closer to the buck. "Now come on, quit your whining." Gently Vixen lay her hand on Blitzen's shoulder, giving the strong muscle a reassuring squeeze. "It was just a couple of stomps to the balls -- you'll be fine in a day or two. I mean, they're still in one piece, aren't they?"

The feminine touch made Blitzen shiver. "But they're ruined," groaned the male. Even now, his poor eggs felt like they had been scrambled from the inside out.

Vixen snorted in response. "Believe me, honey, if I wanted 'em ruined I could've pounded 'em into plum pudding. No, they still work -- or they will, anyway, given a month or two to heal. By the spring you'll be as horny as any other buck on the Pole. It's just a bit of birth control -- you'll shoot blanks for a little while, and then you'll be as good as ever. Santa has me do it to the males every year."

That news wasn't much consolation to Blitzen. The buck just groaned and closed his eyes, trying to ignore the terrible nausea radiating outwards from his groin.

"Anyway," continued Vixen, "you've got the day off, so rest up and feel better. Tomorrow I want you back at practice -- I don't care how much it hurts to have those things bouncing between your legs." To emphasize her words she delivered a playful slap to the hefty orbs, hitting the buck's balls with an audible thwack. "Understood?"

Blitzen choked out a gasp at the unexpected blow, his hips jerking in pain before his knees drew inward and his hands moved to cover the traumatized orbs. "Oh god," he moaned, curling up into a ball. "Oh, my fucking balls..."

Vixen watching the male writhe for a moment, looking down with satisfaction on the thoroughly ballbusted male. "Glad we understand each other. I'll see you tomorrow, then." The female turned to exit, but stopped at the door, taking one last look back at the newest reindeer on the team. She grinned. "Oh, and hey -- Merry Christmas, kid."

The buck just let out another agonized groan, clutching his broken balls in his fingers.

Reindeer Games, pt. 1

'Tis the season to jingle some bells... -- **NOTE:** Like most of my stories, this involves some heavy ball-busting, so if you don't appreciate the thought of Vixen socking Blitzen in the groin, you probably want to read...

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A Routine Procedure

THE USUAL WARNING: this is a story about ballbusting, i.e. smacking around a pair of testicles. If you'd rather read some good ol' fashioned Poke-smut, try [this](%5C)! So: I've got another story for you! It's not the next chapter of Dragon...

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Kayla on the Warpath

-- WARNING: IF YOU DON'T LIKE BALLBUSTING, YOU WON'T LIKE THIS -- This is a cleaned-up version of an abandoned storyline from a time long, long ago, back when Kayla (the orca female in Dragon Slaying and Pain, Personified) was much more of a tribal...

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