Amy - Chapter 3

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Author's Note: First of all, a big appology to all the readers I left frustrated by taking so long to follow up on this story! I certainly didn't intend at the time to take so long in continuing it! I doubt these two chapters will be worth the year+ wait, but here they are anyways :P

Also, as per last two chapters, cub porn! Turn back!

Amy slept uneasily that night, her lustful state giving way to fevered dreams. A deep, male voice permeated her sleep, imagined large hands touching her alternatively roughly and gently. Morning found her idly rubbing herself in her sleep, waking herself with one of her own quiet moans.

Immediately embarrassed to have woken with a hand in her panties, Amy darted from her bed and ran to the bathroom, showering quickly, keeping the water cold in an attempt to cool her body and the fire burning in her belly. As usual, breakfast was a rushed affair, her parents both having work to get to and wanting to avoid their daughter as much as possible in her embarrassing condition. Her mother acknowledged it only enough to check to be sure Amy was wearing her scent-dampening metal underpants before leaving as quickly as possible.

Amy lingered a bit over breakfast once she was alone, tempted to just stay home and avoid the humiliation of going to school only to drift off in her fantasies again; the school would call, but she could erase the message before her parents got home...

The rumble of the school bus passing her house interrupted her thoughts. She bolted from her seat, realizing that if she didn't hurry, she would miss the bus altogether! All thoughts of staying home vanished as she snatched up her bookbag and ran out the door. The protective metal shorts dug into her thighs, however, slowing her down. She reached the bus stop just as the bus pulled away.

Amy growled in frustration, grabbing a rock off the ground and lobbing it at the back of the bus. Ordinarily, missing the bus wouldn't be so troubling to her; the hormones and frustration of being in unsated heat made even little annoyances difficult for her to handle gracefully. She huffed and began walking towards the school.

She arrived almost ten minutes late, trying to sneak to her seat as Mr. Ericson walked the room, collecting homework. He spotted her as usual, but said nothing, a single raised eyebrow making her squirm a bit in her seat with embarrassment. It was only as he reached her that Amy realized her situation was even worse: she hadn't finished her homework last night, or even started it! She slunk down a bit in her seat, giving Mr. Ericson a sheepish look - and, unintentionally, an ideal view of her budding breasts, pressed as they were now against the top of her desk.

"No homework, Amy?" he asked mildly. When she confirmed with a quick shake of her head, he patted her shoulder lightly, watching as the gentle contact and sudden closeness of his body made her flush in response. "See me before lunch. We'll have a talk."

Amy nodded, looking down at her desk now and scratching at it with one stubby claw as he walked back to the front of the room. Her heart was beating much too quickly now, both nervous about getting in trouble, and as a response to being so close to the older man. Sharp pinpricks of arousal sparked in her gut as his scent lingered around her.

She spent the remainder of the morning in a state of anxiety, wondering how she would explain her inability to complete a simple math assignment to Mr. Ericson. This was only punctuated by the occasional rush of arousal when he walked near her, occasionally brushing his paw lightly across her shoulder or back; by the time lunchtime came, she was in a confused state that could have been anticipation or panic, her heartbeat throbbing both in her ears and her swollen pussy.

She waited for the rest of the class to leave before approaching Mr. Ericson's desk. He stood by the door until the last student left, then closed and locked it before joining Amy at the large desk. The perfect height for him to lean against, which he took advantage of, standing near to her rather than sitting down behind it.

"Now, Amy, you're generally a very good student," he began with an air of concern, watching her ears droop with shame. "So it worries me when you miss assignments several days in a row like this." He waited a moment for a response, but she seemed unsure of what he was looking for, so he continued. "You've been distracted in class, as well." At this her face flushed, making him smile a bit to himself; easily able to imagine what she must be thinking of - whatever young fantasies had been occupying her while she was sitting in his class, glassy-eyed and clearly an instant away from rubbing herself off on her plastic chair.

"I'm sorry," she whined quietly after a moment, after realizing he'd paused again. He nodded a bit.

"I'm sure you are. But I'm concerned, you understand." He paused again, for effect this time. "Your classmates may be too young to understand, but it's obvious to me, as an adult canine myself, that you're in heat. Now, Amy, that's nothing to be ashamed of," he chided her as her ears immediately flushed a deep red before pressing against the top of her head. "All girls go through it, you know. It's part of becoming a woman."

"They...They do?" Amy stuttered out, surprised.

Mr. Ericson raised an eyebrow. "Your parents didn't tell you?" Amy shook her head. "Well, I suppose I'll have to, then. Come here," he said gently, guiding her around behind his desk and sitting down in his chair. She stood in front of him uncertainly, hands bunching in her skirt a bit, as if she could hide her heat that way, like a man might cover himself while naked.

Mr. Ericson ignored this, reaching down to his own pants instead and opening the fly. It was easy to guide his already semi-erect cock out. This appendage immediately caught Amy's eye as she stared at it curiously; it was easy to spot when the scent of it hit her, as her cheeks pinked again and one of her feet shifted on the floor, thighs rubbing together; he imagined the shiver of pleasure running through her.

"This is my cock. Most men have one like it," he explained gently, stroking himself to full hardness as he spoke. "When you're in heat, it means you're ready to mate. That means a man puts his cock inside of you."

Amy's eyes widened at this, although they were still focused on the hardening cock in front of her. "Inside me...where?" she asked tentatively.

"If you explore your body a bit more, I'm sure you'll find it," Mr. Ericson assured her, smiling. "I would show you myself, but I can tell from your smell that your parents put you in a chastity belt." Amy nodded, clearly trying to contain the squirm and quiet whimper at the idea of Mr. Ericson touching her privates, her hands bunching tighter in the folds of her knee-length skirt in an attempt to contain her desire.

"Since we can't explore your body right now...would you like to explore mine?" Mr. Ericson suggested, unsurprised by the eager nod she gave after a short hesitation. "Go on then." He took his own paw away from his cock, leaving it for her. "Just don't scrape it with your claws."

He leaned back a bit in his chair, watching as Amy reached out tentatively and brushed the pads of her fingers over his erect cock. She flushed when it throbbed under her fingers, then leaned in closer, not seeming to realize she was doing so, bending over a bit and spreading her legs, tail twitching upwards as if trying to invite his cock in, not realizing it was presently at the wrong end.

The gentle touches were almost teasing, but the unexpected twists of pleasure as she touched places of him often neglected in his own masturbation made the slow exploration worth it. His eyes soon slid closed as he absorbed the sensations, giving in to him; it had been awhile since anybody had touched him there.

He was just beginning to grow impatient with her slow movements, creeping closer to the edge, when he was taken completely by surprise by the gentle touch of her small tongue to the slit of his cock, her small paw taking a firmer grip at the base to hold it still as she tasted his precum. This was enough to send him over the edge, unintentionally shooting on her face with a moan as pleasure overcame him.

Amy squealed a bit in surprise as the organ in her hands suddenly came to life, tensing and squirting in her face. She pulled back immediately, afraid at first that she had hurt Mr. Ericson, but she was quickly distracted from her fears as the smell of his come overcame her. Knees weak with need, she slid down to sit on the floor against his desk, eagerly licking the fluid from her face and paw, shivering with the desire burning and throbbing inside her.

It was several moments before she became aware of Mr. Ericson watching her. She looked up, immediately flushing with embarrassment, but eyes still dark with arousal, even the sensation of the cool desk behind her pressing her shirt against her fur making her crave his touch. A moment later he leaned in to clean her face gently with a wet towel, and she leaned into it, whimpering quietly with need.

"I think you should go home for today. I'll tell the nurse you got can walk home, right?" Mr. Ericson asked. She nodded reluctantly, not really wanting to leave him. He helped her up gently, then pressed something into her hands - a magazine, maybe, or a comic book. She didn't look to see. "Put this in your backpack. Look at it when you get home," Mr. Ericson instructed her. She nodded, still fighting disappointment at having to leave him and his amazing scent, and his large but gentle hands. She did as told, though, going to get her backpack and putting the magazine in, then hurrying out of the school.

Amy - Chapter 4

_This chapter is much shorter than Chapter 3, yes. I couldn't find a better way to break it. Sorry! Hopefully it's just as satisfying. And no, this is not necessarily the end of the story._ _Beware cub porn ahead!_ It wasn't until Amy was...

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Amy - Chapter 2

_Again, beware the cub porn._ **Chapter 2 - At Home** Amy just managed to catch the bus, sighing with relief as she slid into a seat. It wasn't her usual, but it would do; she was against a window, so she could turn to look...

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Amy - Chapter 1

_Author's note: I'm new and still figuring everything out. Bear with me! Also, this story includes...well pretty much entirely consists of cub porn, so if that's not what you came here looking for, click the 'back' button quick!_ **Chapter 1:...

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