Amy - Chapter 1

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Author's note: I'm new and still figuring everything out. Bear with me! Also, this story includes...well pretty much entirely consists of cub porn, so if that's not what you came here looking for, click the 'back' button quick!

Chapter 1: School

The young wolf pup squirmed in her seat, feeling a line of sweat run down her back. This was only Amy's second heat, and she didn't think she'd ever get used to it. The classroom seemed stiflingly hot - and filled with scents, as well. Most of her fellow students, not yet sexually mature as she was, smelled sour from their run outside during gym; but the odor of Mr. Ericson, their teacher and a well-dressed fox, was especially pungent and distracting. He passed by her seat as he continued to lecture; she tried to pay attention, but his scent seemed to go straight from her nose to her loins, making her squirm again, involuntarily seeking stimulation.

Her sensitive lips brushed against the thick fabric cradling her needy young pussy, cushioning it from the cold metal barrier that her new underwear primarily consisted of. Her parents were embarrassed by her condition, 9 being a very young age to go into heat; although older girls got time off from school during their heat, they were too ashamed of her to explain the situation to the principal so that she could as well, and instead her mother had locked this metal device over her privates to minimize the smell and keep her from rubbing off during school. It left her asshole exposed, but she couldn't pee with it on; with school being six hours long, there had been a few close calls when she nearly wet herself on the bus home.

Fortunately this wasn't going to be one of those days. Her eyes checked the clock frequently, though, still anxious to leave, already thinking of going home where she could removed the uncomfortable underwear. Just the idea of her overheated pussy being free of its metal cage was enough to get her hips moving again. She found a particular angle that gave her the barest bit of friction against her engorged clit, and had to bite her knuckles to keep from whimpering, no longer paying the barest bit of attention to the lecture.

Mr. Ericson had certainly noted Amy's distraction, and the reason; the underwear might be enough to keep the smell down such that the other children didn't notice it, but he knew the smell of a girl in heat well enough. He watched with amusement and some arousal as her squirming became more frantic; the girl had obviously forgotten where she was, bowing to the demands of her body. Her knee-high skirt - longer than the other girls in class wore, but still rather short in his opinion - was hiking up her thighs as she shifted in her seat, attracting the attention of the boy next to her. Mr. Ericson decided he should spare her the embarrassment, and stepped closer to her desk again. "Amy?"

It was almost a minute before Amy realized her name was being called. She looked up and blushed sharply. "S-sorry, what?" she stammered out; by now most of the class was staring. Mr. Ericson stood rather close to her, his scent overwhelming her again.

"I want you to stay after class to speak with me," he said now that he had her attention. She nodded quickly, flushing and ducking her head as some of the other students jeered at her for being in trouble. Luckily, the bell rang just then, and the other students were more than happy to leave, pouring out into the hall; Mr. Ericson shut the door behind them. Amy remained in her seat nervously. Once the hallways began to clear, Mr. Ericson walked over to Amy's desk again, sitting on the flat surface and looking down at her.

"You weren't paying attention in class today."

Amy's ears drooped, her tail tucking under her seat. "Sorry," she murmured. "I - I wasn't feeling well."

"Is that so?" he asked, feigning concern and leaning a bit closer. Despite her distress at being lectured, Amy began to feel his smell affecting her again, and his closeness as well. Her nipples perked under her shirt, barely budding breasts as yet unrestrained, rubbing directly against the rough fabric of her shirt. She flushed and nodded quickly, her eyes focused on her desk, paws clutching the edges of her seat now to resist the urge to fold her arms over her chest.

"Well, if you weren't feeling well, you should have gone to the nurse. We can't have you getting the other students sick," Mr. Ericson lectured firmly. Amy nodded quickly again. After that he couldn't think of any excuse to delay her longer, to his chagrin; he could see the effect he was having on her, her erect nipples not having escaped his notice. He sighed. "Well, I suppose I'd better let you go so you don't miss your bus." Amy nodded eagerly again, resembling a blushing bobble-head doll now, and jumped out of her seat.

"Wait a second," he said suddenly, and she paused again. "Yes, Mr. Ericson?" He hesitated for only a moment before licking his thumb. "You have something on your shirt," he informed her before boldly swiping his thumb across one of her stiff nipples.

Amy's eyes flew wide open as the rough touch sent sparks through her body. When they faded she realized she was still standing there like an idiot, staring at Mr. Ericson - and she was also aware of the almost painfully needy throb in her pussy, reminding her she wanted desperately to get home. "Seeyoutomorrow!" she managed to sputter before sprinting out of the room and down the hallway.

Amy - Chapter 2

_Again, beware the cub porn._ **Chapter 2 - At Home** Amy just managed to catch the bus, sighing with relief as she slid into a seat. It wasn't her usual, but it would do; she was against a window, so she could turn to look...

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