Little Red Wolf Original - 10

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#11 of Little Red Wolf

Little Red Wolf - 10 - Cast Out

Arthur was sitting in his leafy cage in his full man-wolf form. His legs were crossed, his eyes were closed, and he was breathing deeply. Scarlett was led to him by two of the horse hoofed centaurs and a mighty green giant. When she reached the cage she knelt before it and watched him. He looked so peaceful and she did not want to disturb him. He was unlike any man she had ever met, and he was hers.

"Is that you, my love?" Arthur asked without opening his eyes.

"Y-yes," she blushed deeply, "how did you..."

"I can smell you," he said as he slowly opened his eyes. "You're different."

"The last few nights have been... eventful," she told him with a look of absolute adoration. He smiled at her and she was glad that she was already on her knees. He was so beautiful. His black fur shone in the moonlight and he seemed to be draining the strength out of her. She feared she might not be able to stand.

The green giant wrapped his hands around the roof of the cage and lifted it into the air. Arthur stood and offered Scarlett his clawed hand. She took it and relied heavily on him for support. Her legs were very wobbly and she fell into his arms as they embraced. She squeezed him tightly and felt the muscles under his skin. Suddenly aware of her desire for him, she was glad that she was a she-wolf. If she reacted the same as males did when excited, the results would have been very embarrassing.

"This way," one of the centaurs told them and he led them to a large fairy circle. "Head into the west to the home of Lord Oberon. He respects strength above all else. Farewell."

Arthur nodded, "Peace be with you, son of the forest mother."

"And also with you," the horse man replied automatically. There was then a shimmer and they were back in the forest.

They walked in silence for a time. The night was beautiful and Scarlett did not want to ruin the moment. She was glowing with pride. She had saved him and now they were free to run away together. Once again the future seemed not to matter. Everything was perfect the way it was.

"Thank you for saving me," he told her eventually.

"You'd have done the same for me," she deflected the compliment.

"I do not know if I would have been successful," he admitted to her. "I have been dealing with those three werewolves for months and I have only managed to kill the two weakest ones. How did you defeat them?"

Scarlett blushed, she did not want to admit her primal weakness. "If I told you all of my secrets you'd grow board of me."

"Behold the mystery that is woman," he said as if quoting a famous line, "so noble in reason, so infinite in faculties! In form and moving, how express and admirable! In action, how like an angel! In apprehension how like a goddess! The beauty of the world, the queen of animals--and yet, to me, all others are as dust. What I behold, before me, is far greater than any I have known."

Scarlett had never been so turned on in all of her life. She stared at him with wide eyes. Had he been working on that during his captivity or had he made it up on the spot? Either way, she had to have him... NOW!

"Very well," he said after a short pause, "I know better than to try to solve the feminine mystery. We should return to Adara's pool. I am sure we will find Puck there."

"I have a better idea," Scarlett told him as she pounced. As Arthur fell to the ground, the she-wolf growled. Scarlett bit him hard and then licked the wound.

"Good idea," he said as he ran his claws through her fur, causing her to growl in a way that sounded very much like purring.

Nature took them both and they attacked each other with animalistic need. Higher and higher their pitch rose. Faster and harder their bodies moved. All was symmetry and all pulsed in pure passion.

As the climax of their mating came to its peak, both werewolves let forth a long howl into the night. It lasted through their climax. They sang as their passions flooded together. It came to an end as their bodied spent themselves and they settled to the forest floor. Their strength spent, they curled up together.

"I needed that," Scarlett purred.

"Me too," Arthur admitted.

"You did?" she said in amusement. "But you're always so controlled."

"It only looks that way," he said as he gave her a squeeze.

Scarlett liked that idea even more. The fact that Arthur felt just as much passion as her under all of that control made him an even bigger mystery. She was discovering there was something about that mystery that excited her.

"FOUND YOU!!!" Scarlett and Arthur leaped apart and stood quickly as Dewdrop's voice announced her presence. "I'm so glad wolves howl," she continued, apparently oblivious to their embarrassment. "I couldn't find you at all! I found your things, and I looked everywhere! Then I heard you howling, like wolfies do, and boom! Found you here!"

"Uhm... thanks," Scarlett said as she tried to hide.

"Dewdrop," Arthur said with one hand covering himself, "do you think you could give us a moment of privacy."

"Oh sure!" She fluttered away and the lovers gave each other sheepish grins. Making love in the wilderness had not been so complicated when the trees were not full of fairy folk watching their every move.


Once a certain amount of their dignity had been collected, the three of them traveled the rest of the way to Adara's home. Adara and Puck were already swimming around in her pond and she invited them in without giving it a thought.

"I'm a little dirty," Scarlett admitted as the horrible thought of all the dirt of the last few days contaminating the pristine waters hung in her mind.

"Oh that's alright, dear," Adara assured her. "After Puck and I finish one of our games this is the first place we go. The river's flow allows the not so nice parts of life to be carried away. It's part of the magic of this place!"

Scarlett did not stop blushing for quite some time. Even after she and Arthur entered into the comforting waters, she still found Puck's smirk to be very nerve wracking.

"So," Puck finally said after Adara finished thanking Scarlett profusely for her help in maintaining her reputation in court, "what did the wise fairy queen decree?"

Scarlett took a deep breath. She really did not want to talk about the politics of the fairy court. "She said she couldn't tolerate us in her lands."

"Yes," Puck snorted, "she does that."

"Often?" Arthur asked.

"Whenever she is made uncomfortable," Puck stated knowingly.

"Oh, Puck," Adara said as she hugged him under the water, "you know you went too far with your escapades."

"Her manner was much more accepting during our courting," Puck said defensively. "She does not understand the nature of her own heart. It is tragic how she hides from herself."

"So," Scarlett said hesitantly, "you and... the queen?"

"Softly and sweetly," Puck admitted with a grin. "She loves to be powerful and needs a man who can bend both with and against her. Once she drops the mask she is a force of nature, both wild and afraid. Also... she likes it when I-"

"Oh no, stop stop STOP!" Scarlett half shouted through clenched teeth. "I really don't want to hear it."

"Oh, yes you do," Puck teased her. "You're just not supposed to want to know, thats all."

"No really," Scarlett told him seriously, "I don't want to know."

"She likes to be tied up," Puck told her with a perfectly strait face.

"Puck!" Adara batted him on the head as she giggled helplessly.

"Well, why do you think she surrounds herself with ivy and vines?" Puck continued. Scarlett was both fascinated and annoyed that Puck had been correct about her secret interest. She was very curious but her upbringing had taught her not to ask about such things. "I became most concerned when she decided upon vines with thorns."

"Oh my," Arthur gasped dramatically. "How ever did you survive?"

"I finished her off with her favorite toy and escaped to flaunt another day." Everyone stared at Puck intently for a moment. "What? Did you think I would tell you what her favorite toy is!?"

"Why not?" Scarlett giggled, "You've already told us everything else."

"Not I haven't," Puck grinned, "besides, the secrets of my trade allow me great success because so few know of them."

The laughter they shared felt good and when it ended there was a space of quiet that allowed them all to relax. The waters really were wonderfully soothing. Adara began to talk about the fact that she could breath under the water, part of being a water nymph, and her home was actually under the gravel. She then went into some complicated explanation of how only she could ever go there but Scarlett lost interest and decided to just enjoy the moment.

There was time enough to learn these things. They were out of danger, for now, and their adventures were just beginning. She wondered where their journeys would take them. She wondered what new friends they would make. Would they ever find a place to truly call home? Maybe they would simply form a pack and move from place to place. None of that seemed very important, but it was all terribly exciting.

"Do you know where King Oberon lives?" Arthur finally asked Puck.

"Ah, King Oberon..." Puck smiled broadly. "The flagons, the feasts, the music... Despite the food the proper mood is at times a bit crude but still I conclude when I need to brood I can always seclude to a space in the nude."

"In the nude?" Adara asked with a grin.

"Sorry," Puck said with a grin, "I ran out of 'oods.'"

There was laughter and then Arthur asked, "Queen Titania recommended we go there."

"I will take you," Puck promised. "There is a lack of women to attend, but the dwarves more than make up for that."

"Their ale is that good?" Scarlett asked in amusement.

"That and their beards, they tickle."

"W-what?" Scarlett's brain broke.

"Oh Puck!" Adara giggled, "Must you sleep with everyone?"

"Madam I protest," he said in mock indignation. "I never sleep with trolls. They're a little on the large side. The goblins are adventurous but their oder tends to offend, so typically it's just the dwarves."

"So, the dwarven women have beards?" Scarlett asked, hoping her initial thought had been incorrect.

"Some do," Puck explained, "but most shave."

Little Red Wolf Original - 09

**Little Red Wolf - 09 - Control** **Hands become claws** **feet become paws** **the animal grows inside** **Within Red furs** **the lunatic stirs** **the hunger of the mind** **Passion and lust** **sex and trust** the wolf it does...

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Little Red Wolf Original - 08

**Little Red Wolf - 08 - Alpha** **Two wolves ran through the woods as nature sang of life and death. Their path took them northeast where they easily took down a sleepy deer. The male wolf stood guard as the hungry she-wolf fed. He knew she...

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Little Red Wolf Original - 07

**Little Red Wolf - 07 - Nature's Way** **The journey into the east took Scarlett farther away from the place of her birth. Every step she took sent her farther from safety and closer to danger. There was excitement in this, but terror was also...

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