Little Red Wolf Original - 07

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#8 of Little Red Wolf

Little Red Wolf - 07 - Nature's Way

The journey into the east took Scarlett farther away from the place of her birth. Every step she took sent her farther from safety and closer to danger. There was excitement in this, but terror was also her traveling companion. Of all the conflicting emotions she felt, though, it was embarrassment that was causing her the most discomfort.

Dewdrop was chatting away about what might occur. What if the werewolves tried to kill her on site. What if one of the werewolves was female? What if they were just too strong for her? The pixie agreed that Scarlett had a good shot at becoming the pack's alpha female. What would she actually have to do to make her plan work, though? Could she go through with it? She had never been interested in sex, or companionship, and now she was suddenly attracted to males in a very primal way.

She did not want to betray Arthur. He had already been betrayed once by love. Her fairytale prince deserved her faithfulness. Unfortunately, no matter how she felt about the situation, Luna was doing things to her body that were also affecting her mind. She had felt shivers of pleasure from being wild. She had attacked and almost killed Puck. His blood had been sweeter than syrup and warm like mother's milk. She was excited by the smell and desire of other males. She was no longer certain of what she was becoming.

She could not give up, though. Her family had always told her she would never amount to anything and going back home as a normal boring human was not a pleasant thought. As she saw it, going home to mom and dad was not an option. She would rather die. She needed to make a new life among the Fae and this task was the next step. Win or lose she needed to be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to move forward.

Scarlett and Dewdrop had been walking for a couple of hours when the she-wolf's newly developed nose twitched. Scarlett could smell the wolves and she knew they were like her mate, large and powerful. As she focused on their musk she smelled something else that both frightened and excited her. She did not fully understand the scent but it was something dark, angry, and violent. This thing was reeking off of them and it caused Scarlett to stop in her tracks.

"Scarlett?" Dewdrop asked, "Are you alright?"

"I... I need to go on alone from here," Scarlett told her little companion.

"But I need to watch you," protested the pixie.

"It's too dangerous," Scarlett said and then she took several deep breaths. The scent was very close now and she needed to be alone with it. "Dewdrop, whatever's happening to me is dangerous. Can you hide?"

"I can do better than hide," Dewdrop suddenly faded from sight, "be good."

"Don't let me know you're there," Scarlett told the wind. She then focused on her situation. She told herself that she was alone with the brutes. There was nobody else watching.

Her body had been shifting little-by-little for the past couple of hours. She felt it was time to separate herself from her human failings. Only an animal could do what needed to be done. Her humanity was a weakness.

Reluctantly, Scarlett stripped off the remaining bits of her clothing and put them in a bush with her tools. These things had protected her, as a mortal, but she had to move past them. Moving to all fours she closed her eyes and focused on the night. She allowed Luna to fill her and immediately a shiver of change ran through her.

Muscles began to lengthen, thicken, and become larger. Her first layer of fur was soon covered by a second which thickened into a glossy coat that was mostly red accept for white fur that covered her chest and stomach. Her face pushed forward and a wolf's muzzle formed. Pads grew on her feet as the tendons tightened and stretched. At the base of her spine, her tail bone pushed out. Fur immediately sprouted and it began to wag with excitement. Her back arched as the wild rushed through her veins. As her parts finished sliding into place her body twitched as an overly stimulated climax rippled through her.

Several moments of quiet passed. Scarlett could still remember who she was and why she was here. She let out a breath of relief... she was still herself.

With several careful movements she crept forward on all fours. Her arms were longer and the lower part of her hind legs were shifted backwards for more speed. She tested her balance and found she could walk on two legs or four. For the moment, she felt the need to be closer to nature, so she chose four.

The moonlit clearing contained three male werewolves who had recently brought down a large deer. The two smaller ones growled and nipped at each other savagely as the larger one kept them in line with the occasional stern look. Scarlett could smell the power of the larger one and felt an uncanny desire to win his affections.

She shook the thought from her mind but she could not shake the desire from her body. As she watched them from cover, her inner wolf began to pulse and whine. Her human reasoning then remembered her need to kill them. Her wolf's mind tried to reject this idea but she redirected her fire and began to piece together how to hunt these rivals.

The males sensed her presence and began stalking toward her. With an aggressive leap, Scarlett burst out of the bushes and growled. She then flexed her muscles and stretched. The males saw how strong and healthy she was. She was not prey, she was a potential mate. The two smaller males began to back away from the larger male and he stalked up to the newly arrived she-wolf.

She noted the males were on all fours so she stayed crouched as well. Being down at their level made it more likely for them to accept her. This would make it easier to manipulate them. Scarlett suddenly began to think of her sister, Velora. The manipulation of men had been her specialty and Scarlett was now taking her sister's methods and using them herself. It made her feel low, dirty, and powerful.

She began to strut in a way that made the smaller males whine. The larger male was finally only inches away and he was taking in her scent. Scarlett put her nose to his fur and breathed deep the arousing musk of this powerful male. He would sire strong pups. He would tear the throats of his enemies. He would ravage her in ways that would cause her to lose her mind in blissful rapture.

Scarlett jerked her head away from him in an effort to rein in her inner wolf. As her will redirected her desire, she stalked toward the other two. They took tentative steps back but were unable to resist her. Her desire to be filled with the might of a male was affecting all of them but these males did not impress her the way the other did. As long as she focused on them she could maintain control.

She sniffed one male and then the other. They were strong but no match for the alpha. She would need to turn them both against the leader. She licked one on the nose and then nuzzled the second. Leaning her muzzle between one of the male's legs, she licked his erect desire, causing him to whimper with confusion and pleasure.

Scarlett felt a rush of control surge through her veins. Her movements became more graceful and more aggressive. She teased their bodies and flicked her tail. She kept herself between the two of them, always giving one attention while displaying her backside to the other. Soon they were both wrapped around her curves.

An explosive burst of fury knocked the two smaller males back. The alpha had decided to reassert his dominance. He roared and clawed at the ground as he flexed and tried to impress his superiority upon the female. The other two males were shaken and unsure of what to do. Scarlett bristled at the larger male and growled at him threateningly. As she hoped the two weaker males rushed to her side and prepared to work together to do battle.

It occurred to Scarlett, as they all snarled and postured, that her two males were waiting for her to lead them into battle. That was not her original plan but she decided it would have to do. With savage intent she lunged at the larger male. She clawed and snapped, trying to tear at his vital organs. Her claws did not seem to land properly. The wounds she caused were not deep enough. The great alpha slammed her to the ground and then the other two were upon him.

Scarlett was unable to follow the next few seconds of combat, as she recovered her senses, but it was loud, violent, and full of blood.

One of the males dove in and latched his teeth around the larger wolf's throat. The two of them tumbled to the ground and rolled through several bushes and a large rock. The second male then pounced on the alpha's back. The smaller males raked their claws along their opponent's ribs while their jaws held on with savage determination.

Flinging himself into a boulder, the alpha managed to dislodge the male on his back. His mighty arms then broke the dangerous jaws at his throat and tore them away. Bones snapped as a huge claws smashed the sternum. With sickening ruthlessness, the alpha stomped on the smaller wolf's body and tore the heart from his victim's chest. Raising his trophy into the air he let out a victorious howl.

The other male shivered but Scarlett tackled the victor from behind. She locked her legs around his torso and began clawing at his hide. The larger male thrashed about in an attempt to dislodge her. The surviving male found courage in her fearlessness and tried to attack the alpha's groin.

The superior combatant shifted his lower body, causing the incoming jaws to latch onto his thigh. The smaller werewolves tore fur and flesh. It seemed like the alpha might go down until he flung all of his weight upon Scarlett. This knocked the wind out of her body and she was stunned.

The smaller male used this opportunity to strike at the exposed abdomen. Blood from the cut spilled onto the grass. Great claws then seized the smaller male and drove him into the ground. Then with all of his fading strength, the alpha slammed him into a tree. The werewolf's bones shattered with the tree as blood shot out of his mouth. The body went limp and broke into several pieces from repeated blows.

Scarlett tried to rise to her feet but the great werewolf pounced onto her back and pinned her with his jaws. The smells of sweat, blood, and power filled her with a perverse desire to be conquered by this male. She trembled as he slid along her back and scratched her sides with his claws. He bit her neck causing shock waves to spiral through her. She wanted him.

Scarlett began to whimper. She pushed her hind end up toward him and offered herself. He released his jaws and she did not fight. Lowering his muzzle to her offering, he tasted her deeply. The she-wolf clawed the ground while his tongue explored. She wanted all of him but his current attentions were already having a desired effect. Her muscled contracted and clenched down as he lapped her with great care.

The male stepped away from the female. She turned to face him with disappointment apparent in her eyes. The first rays of daylight struck them both and neither was able to focus on much for a few moments.

Their torsos shrank as their bodies rounded. Arms shortened and lost a great deal of muscle mass. The rear legs thinned and shifted forward as tendons pulled them into place. Clawed hands shrank and became smooth, padded, paws as Scarlett's breasts retracted into the body. Her nipples descended and four new ones appeared, forming two lines down her stomach. Her neck shifted and pulled her head back so that it was natural to look up. When at last the changes finished the rays of the morning sun lit the features of two wolves. One red, one gray, both wild.

Little Red Wolf Original - 06

**Little Red Wolf - 06 - Hunger and Fear** **Scarlett rushed south through the woods as fast as her strength and skill allowed. Leaves dropped off of her skirt as the magic that held them together faded. She gave this knowledge only the briefest...

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Little Red Wolf Original - 05

**Little Red Wolf - 05 - Seeing the Seelie** **Adara, as it turned out, was a member of the Seelie court with enough pull to walk Scarlett and Arthur directly into the glade where the queen was currently holding court. Puck could not go with, due...

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Little Red Wolf Original - 04

**Little Red Wolf - 04 - Neighbors** **While Arthur busied himself, trying to make some cloths out of the deer hides he had been collecting, Scarlett decided to go out and explore her new "territory." Securing her weapons to her belt, she made...

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