Little Red Wolf Original - 04

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Little Red Wolf

Little Red Wolf - 04 - Neighbors

While Arthur busied himself, trying to make some cloths out of the deer hides he had been collecting, Scarlett decided to go out and explore her new "territory." Securing her weapons to her belt, she made sure to notice the sights and smells that seemed different. The birds sounded sweeter and more distinct. The bugs buzzed in dozens of different tones. There was a harmony to it all that she had never noticed before and it filled her with joy.

Scarlett began wondering what it would be like to be a werewolf. Would her instincts overrun her and make her wild? She had lost control of herself when she was with Arthur the previous night and the experience both excited and scared her. Would she hurt Arthur next time? Maybe she would do his bidding because, according to her parents, that was the "natural order" of things? These questions would have to be thought of later because there was a scream and some unpleasant laughter to check out first.

With her bow notched and at the ready, Scarlett dashed through the woods in search of the struggle. When she saw a clearing coming up she skidded to a halt and scanned it from the concealment of the wood line.

The clearing contained a beautiful pond which the local stream ran through. This kept the water clear of all those horrible things one can get from drinking stagnate water. Around the pond were some rocks and trees but against one of the rocks was a monster and a maiden. The monster had the upper body of a man and the lower body of a goat. His victim was a young woman who was beautiful, naked, pined down, and being raped by him.

The sight and smell of the scene caused Scarlett to bristle and tremble. She rose the bow, took aim at the back of his neck, and was frustrated that she could not hold her hands steady. With a huff she leaned, closed one eye, and loosed the arrow into the monster's right leg. It was not where she was aiming but the creature howled in pain, removed himself from his victim, and leaped around a bit until he found a rock to hide behind.

With a second arrow already notched, Scarlett moved out from behind her hiding place and began to circle the wounded creature, ready to finish him.

"NO!" The naked woman rushed between Scarlett and the goat-man, holding out her arms in an attempt to shield him with her body. Scarlett felt herself blush a bit as the woman made no attempts at modesty. Upon closer inspection, though, Scarlett noted that the woman had pointed ears, silvery blue eyes, and an impossibly lean figure. It was almost like the woman had been drawn by an artist and then brought to life.

"Please," she begged, "do not hurt him. Please..."

Scarlett's eyes narrowed, "Why not? It looked like he was hurting you."

"Yes, but... well..." the woman blushed, "I... wanted him to."

Scarlett raised an eyebrow as she relaxed her draw on the bow. She heard a mirthful laugh from the creature hiding behind the rock and a playful, mischievous voice that made her want to punch him in the face. "I'm sorry, my dear, but let me be clear the wrong idea is yours I fear." He poked his head out and scratched one of his little goat horns. "As we made merry our voices did carry."

"Making merry?" Scarlett looked between the two of them. The strange young woman was blushing but still was very naked.

"Yes," the goat man continued as his manhood relaxed and pulled itself up and back into his body. "Last day it was a rescue, today a ravage, and tomorrow... well... the day was to be an enchanting play of 'seduce the mortal' but I might say this wound does slow me, a touch I feel gray... Perhaps the day is not so dark. A mortal is here and full of spark! Your beauty, your spirit, the strength of your will, all blaze with your passion, my role you should fill!"

"WHAT!?!" Scarlett instinctively jumped back a little.

"Fear not," the goat man continued, "Adara's as skilled with women as with men."

"Puck," the naked woman scolded, "do not tease her. She is not comfortable with this." She touched the arrow and it glowed slightly. The head came free and the wound healed instantly. "Please go and fetch my robe." Puck opened his mouth to say more but the woman put up one finger and he was silent. She then turned to Scarlett and handed her back her arrow. "I apologize, we have been very rude. My name is Adara and this is Puck."

"I'm... Scarlett," she said trying not to stare too much at Adara's naked body. She was thankful when Puck came back and slipped the robe over the young woman's shoulders.

"May I ask what you are doing out in this area?" Adara asked as she smoothed her chestnut hair.

Scarlett was noticing that the way Adara spoke was similar to the way Arthur spoke and it made her jealous. "I'm new to this area, but it's part of my territory now so-"

"Oh?" Puck interrupted her, "Did you bring a flag to claim the land?"

"Puck," Adara scolded him, "be polite to our new neighbor." Puck bit his lips but nodded. Adara then turned to Scarlett and stared at her intently for a moment. "Oh, you poor dear," she finally said, "you have been bitten by a moon wolf."

"How can you tell?" Scarlett asked becoming genuinely interested.

"For one you can gaze upon the lovely Adara and not feint dead away," Puck said in a polite tone. Scarlett looked very confused so Adara clarified.

"Scarlett, I am a water nymph. When mortals cast their gaze upon my naked flesh, they often die from my beauty."

"The cloak of the moon guards your gaze form the curtain of death," Puck said with a smile. "But that curtain shall also create a hunger for flesh, and soon you will relish in death."

"That is only if she chooses to," Adara said seriously. "Scarlett, I can save you from the moon wolf's madness, but you will have to trust me."

"Madness?" Scarlett wondered what other things "Luna's Blessing" had in store for her.

"Yes, the moon wolves in these lands are all savage beasts. They rape, eat, and kill those who travel through the woods at night."

"Generally in that order," Puck added.

"Arthur's not like that," Scarlett said defensively. Before they could ask she added, "Arthur is... the moon wolf who changed me. He told me he does not fully-"

"TOLD?" Puck interrupted again. "This moon beast did speak?"

"Yes," Scarlett said with a grin of victory, "Arthur is a perfect gentleman and he talks very properly, just like Adara."

A moment of silence fell between them as Puck and Adara exchanged looks. "I have never seen such a thing," Adara finally said.

"Perhaps proper introductions are in order?" Puck offered to Adara. "We could bring them a gift."

"That sounds like a marvelous idea," Adara agreed. The nymph stepped to the edge of the pond, put her right hand out in front of her, and closed her eyes. There was a glow of magic that surrounded her and a bottle of blue fluid rose form the pond and floated to her hand. "Now we have a proper gift. Please lead on, young Scarlett."


As the trio reached the lair, Scarlett told the others to wait outside while she checked on Arthur. Just as she expected, Arthur was not having much luck constructing clothing for himself. He had succeeded only in tearing up three separate deer skins in his attempt.

"You should cover yourself, dear," Scarlett told him with an amused look, "we have company."

"WHAT?" Arthur shouted and looked around for a rock to defend himself with.

Scarlett giggled, "It's okay, they're nice people." She helped him tie a deer skin around his waist, then returned to the entrance, and showed their guests in. "This is Lady Adara, a water nymph, and this is her..."

"Consort," Puck said.

"Yes," Scarlett continued, "her consort, Puck. He is a... uhm..."

"A satyr," Arthur said with a smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you both," he said with a slight bow.

"So," Puck staid in a refined but slightly mocking tone, "how long have you sung at the moon?"

Adara gave him a warning look while Scarlett smirked. "Twelve years," Arthur answered without sounding the slightest bit offended.

"And you can still speak in complete sentences?" Puck asked.

"It is a... recently reacquired ability," Arthur smiled and then clarified. "When Luna blessed me, I became a wolf. The man-beast form is only something I take on the night of a full moon. I would then return to the form of a wolf and thus I did not need skills like talking and dressing. I only became human again this morning."

"Interesting," Adara marveled, "I wonder how this has happened." Arthur gave her a questioning look so she continued. "Most of the moon wolves become very feral when they change. They hunt and kill everything they come across. I have never heard of one returning to human form once they go through their first change. There must be something special about you."

Arthur smiled at the compliment. "It might have something to do with the way I became what I am. I was not the survivor of a werewolf attack. I prayed to Luna and received her blessing."

"That is much like the story of the first one," Adara said. "He was the first moon wolf and he was a very good man. Luna blessed him and he kept his senses. Once he was no longer human he was invited to the Sidhe court and participated in Fae politics for a time. Eventually he lost himself to the woods and his humanity faded. After many centuries the feral moon wolves began to appear."

Arthur looked thoughtful, "If the gift was passed in a loving manner while I was not yet mad, do you think the person would also be able to keep their senses."

"I have no idea," Adara said honestly.

"The heart of the man determines his fate," Puck said as everyone became thoughtful. "From person-to-person curses change. They're always more than a little strange, but there is still a fast exchange of things that happen when curses do range. Light and dark can change your fate they leave their mark they change your gait. It's up to you and your fair heart, to be good and true or foul and tart."

"Please, dear," Adara said gently, "lets not discuss philosophy just yet."

"Well I don't plan on going mad," Scarlett said in a determined tone. "Arthur will just have to watch over me for a time." As she said this she took Arthur's hand. He squeezed it reassuringly.

"Oh," Puck grinned, "Nocturnal adventure has changed a curse to a blessing of sorts for better or worse." Both of them blushed and looked at the floor. Puck began to laugh heartily while Adara shook her head and smiled. "Today and tomorrow will be okay. Love in, love out, you'll find a way."

"That's not all you always say on the topic," Adara teased. She then handed her gift to Scarlett. "This will give you some time to think about your future. If you drink this elixir before your final change then you will be cured and resistant to Luna's... blessing. If you decide not to drink it in time... well... it cures many other things as well."

"A handy treasure it is indeed," Puck chimed in. "Have it about when you are in need."

"Are you telling me Scarlett can still remain human?" Arthur spoke very seriously when asking this question and Adara nodded. A sad smile passed between them causing Scarlett to become flush with emotion.

"What if I don't want to be human?"

"Then you'd be a cursed fool," Puck responded harshly.

"Puck!" Adara scolded but Puck did not back down.

"Our world is not for the weak nor the rashness of youth!" Puck was so forcefully that no one interrupted him. "The King and the Queen will make you their pawn. Loss of humanity leaves freedom forgone! The world to you may be boring and plain but it protects you from those whom would sully your name."

"That is my choice, not yours!" Scarlett shot back.

"Your choice!? Pah!" Puck was beginning to pace. "You're too young to know better!"

"Well, I've already made my decision!" Scarlett said with rebellion in her voice. "No one makes decisions for me any more! I'm my own person!"

"You'll be sorry when you're hunted by the world." Puck looked distant for a moment then breathed deeply. Adara placed a consoling hand on his shoulder. There was a look in her eyes that said she knew a great many things that Scarlett did not.

"Who's hunting you Puck?" Scarlett asked a little more gently.

"Oh... everyone." Scarlett gave him a slightly more stern look but he did not budge. It was obvious he had little more to say on the matter. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence. Puck looked into Adara's eyes and she kissed him gently. He then glanced at Scarlett who's eyes asked a very predictable question.

"My tale is long and bittersweet," he told her plainly. "I've loved and lost and felt defeat."

"Do not be so overly dramatic," Adara said with a touch of mirth to her voice. "There are some who do not share what you took. It is your desire for candy that got you into this mess."

"Yes... well," Puck scratched his goat horns, "I'm a satyr! It is what I do!"

Scarlett smiled at them, "And I'm a stubborn human, it's what I do."

"It's not that simple," Puck looked concerned. "Moon Wolves have enemies both near and far you will be hunted wherever you are."

"Then we should plead our case early," Arthur stated authoritatively. "You mentioned the nobles and their court. We should go to them before they think we are dangerous."

Another pause as his words settled.

"That is a very dangerous idea," Adara said. "The court is full of politics. Politics are not always predictable.

"I've played politician once," Arthur said with a sad smile. "I can play their game."

Scarlett looked at Arthur for a moment and wondered what that meant. "What is the sildy court?" Scarlett finally asked when it became clear that no one was going to explain.

Puck smiled, "The Seelie court is a silly court with lights and pretty things. The Unseelie are less pretty and live under the land like kings."

"The Seelie are the light fairies and the Unseelie are of the dark," Adara explained. "They meet in their own courts but the Sidhe court is a type of neutral territory. A place where both can meet."

"Sidhe is what the nobles call us," Puck added.

"So the Fae are just as divided as we?" asked Arthur.

"That depends on how you look at it," Puck said with a grin.

"To the Seelie court then?" Arthur asked.

Scarlett shook her head and finally sighed, "Nothing ventured nothing gained."

"Nothing gained nothing lost," Puck added. They exchanged mischievous looks but Adara held her look of concern.

"I will make the arrangements," Adara said in a manner most serious, then she looked at Arthur. "We should find you something more... presentable to where.

Little Red Wolf Original - 03

Little Red Wolf - 03 - Feeling the Beast Sunlight penetrated the darkness of the den under the old oak, causing delicate fingers of light to dance across the room and gently caress two forms. This light brought Scarlett's world back into focus,...

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Little Red Wolf Original - 02

Little Red Wolf - 02 - Finding the Beast Deep in the heart of the forest was a great oak tree that was as gnarled as a dozen knobby knees. Beneath the tree's great roots was a small cave that was nearly invisible to the outside observer. Within,...

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Little Red Wolf Original - 01

Little Red Wolf - 01 - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Scarlett never was a very good little girl. She was named after the color of her hair and the shade her face turned when her emotions ran wild. When faced with fear her emerald green eyes...

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