Scooby Story Chap 5

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#5 of Scooby



Oh standard disclaimer these characters are the property Hanna Barbera etc etc ...

Scooby story.... Case of the Hillbiiies Ghost

Scooby story Hillbillies ghost

Chap 5

Daphne awoke choking, rolling over she gagged spitting onto the rough stone floor. "Here child drink this... it will help you recover from the sickness caused by the gas." A soft kindly voice assured her as a small cup was pressed into her hands. Without pausing to think about it, Daphne took a long drink. Finding the drink almost sickeningly sweet, as she swallowed it down. A warmth running through her body, and almost at once she began feeling better. It was only then that she looked up at her unknown benefaction. And gasped in shock, over her stood the oldest man she had ever seen. Withered and gray his wrinkled old skin was almost translucent, dark spidery veins clearly visible beneath it. His wispy hair and beard were pure white and hung down to his belt. And his water blue eyes were clouded almost completely white by heavy cataracts. Still his face had a kindly... if slightly creepy appearance.

"Ummmm who are you?" Daphne asked softly as she sat up, noticing for the first time her skirt was hiked up. And of course her purple panties had been removed by her, former captors. Quickly she pulled her skirt down, self conscious now that she was obviously in polite company.

"Oh dear me, where are my manners." The old man chuckled good natured as he watches Daphne straighten her clothing. "We have not been introduced... my name is John Cornelius Jenkins." The old man explained as he hobbled over to a big chair and slowly sat down. "And what might yer name be girl."

"I'm Daphne... Daphne Blake." The pretty red head replied, as she rubbed the grogginess from her eye's. "Are... are you the one who... who rescued me?"

"Ahaha nice ta meetcha Miss Daphne Blake." The old man answered and then his brow furrowed for an instant. "Rescued you... Me... oh no that was my grandson Deveraux." The old man explained, as he picked up a old heavily leather bound book and pulled on a thick set of spectacles.

"And where is he?" Daphne asked, as she stood up a bit unsteadily and looked around the surprising large room. The stone cavern was obviously hand carved from the plain gray rock. And was surprisingly well lit by a massive old candle Chandler, the room was cluttered with tables and piles of ancient looking books.

"Dev is out keeping an eye on them trespassers, that had you." The old man Jenkins explained absently, as he studied the text before him. "He'll be back soon... normally their just stealing my gold." The old man explained, as he reached out and took a cup from the nearby table top drinking slowly. "You can wait here, or if ya like in his room is just down the hallway. Turn right as ya go out the door, it's the third door down on the left. "I'm sorry if I'm poor company, been alone to long with jest my family I guess. But when Dev gets back... I'm sure he can keep you more entertained." The old man mumbled, as the pretty young red head wandered out of the room. As she left, the old man stood up shaking off his feebleness and strolling purposely to the far end of the vast cavernous room. Slipping through a hidden door that seemed to swing open all on it's own as he approached.

Daphne strolled down the dimly lit hallway, to the bedroom door. It was some kind of dark beautifully carved wood, lifting the old hand wort-iron latch. The small candle lit room beyond was strange, the walls were lined with shelves. Upon which old books and small sculpted stone figurines shared space with interesting stones and strange goblets. There was no furniture in the room instead the floor was covered with hundreds of cushions and pillows. "Zowey... bedroom I guess the whole room is one big bed." Daphne exclaimed as she found a comfortable spot and lowered herself onto the cushions.


"Scoob... ol' buddy ol' pal... it looks like this is it." Shaggy whimpered, as the pair of them backed farther and farther out onto a stone ledge over a huge deep tunnel. "Like... like I love you Scoob." The tall lanky teenager admitted as the pair huddled together on the shafts edge. Even as the frightening zombie stomped towards them, intent on pushing them over the edge.

"Ri love rou toooooo." Scooby howled as he turned towards the zombie, growling and snarling as aggressively as he could. But it was plain this was all frightened bluster, and the horror-able creature shambled towards them. Laughing in cruel amusement, as the pair teetered in the edge of the shaft.

"Hold fiend!" A powerful voice bellowed, as the big burly red headed hillbilly leaped between them. Brandishing his fetish to ward off supernatural evil, Cameron advanced toward the seemingly confused zombie. "Back... back you evil..." Cameron snarled, as the zombie stepped up and battered the fetish out of his hand. "Wha..." The startled red head grunted, as the zombie whipped something out of his pocket. And smashed the long shiny blue barrel of a huge old revolver, against the side of the hillbillies head with a resounding 'Crunch'. Cameron staggered backwards, his eyes rolling but still on his feet. As the zombie pressed forward, shoving the addled hillbilly back into the cringing pair. The three of them colliding, and then with a started yelp they were pushed over the edge. And then they fell screaming into the black abyss, that dropped hundreds of feet into the curling underground river below. Their screams echoing and reechoing through the vast cavern, horrifyingly for a long moment. As a stunned Freddie watched in horror, as he and Larena came racing out of the tunnel just as Shaggy, Scooby and Cameron vanished over the edge.

"Shagg... Scooby." Freddy screamed as he staggered to a stop stunned, and truly terrified for the first time in all of his adventures. The zombie spun around at the sound of that scream, thrusting his long barreled revolver towards the pair. He yanked the trigger 'BOOM' the bullet crack just beside of Freddie's head, ricocheting loudly of the stone wall.

"Watch out Fred." Larena screamed yanking him backwards, as the Zombie fired a flurry of wild shots.

"Ohoooo..." The tall blonde moaned sharply as a bullet burned across his shoulder. "Oh my god... oh my god... Shaggy and Scooby are dead." Freddy babbled as Larena pulled him down the tunnels, twisting and turning first left and then right over and over again. Desperate now to loose themselves, as the armed and dangerous zombie reloaded and chased after.


"Uhuhuhuuu." The short chubby girl moaned loudly as she orgasmed for the third time. As the big silvery gray Great Dane atop her, giggled goofily as he reached his own powerful canine climax. The huge dangling dog balls drawing up, as that massive organ spasming and releasing copious amounts of slimy canine cum deep inside of her. "Oho oho Scooby Dum." Velma panted weakly as the big dog slammed into a few more times, before pulling out and sliding off of her back. "Ummm could... could you help me find my glass's." She begged, as the not so dumb Great Dane smirkingly took the folded up glass's out from under his silly hat.

"Rere you go Relma." Scooby Dum answered gloatingly, as he pressed them into her hand's. The chubby girl took those glass's, unfolding them and putting them on. Even as the big dog jumped away in fear, as a zombie stepped out from around the corner.

"Oh there it is..." Velma exclaimed picking up the scrap of paper, that had fallen off the big dogs paw. "This looks like a rental agreement..."

"Relp Rombie!" The big Great Dane squealed, turning and running away as the leering zombie approached the still kneeling Velma from behind. Pausing to pick up her plain cotton panties, that had fallen completely off during the rutting. Lifting them to his nose to sniff them, his lewd grin widening even more. As he moved up, and pushed her back down on to all fours.

"Hey... now wait a minute." Velma protested, thinking it was Scooby Dum wanting a second go. But as she rolled over into a sitting position, she saw that it was one of the ragged filthy zombies. Who had a long and very unzombie looking cock, jutting out of his ragged trousers. "EEEEKKKK NO!" She screamed throwing a hard kick, burying her clunky brown shoe hard between his legs.

"UUUUUUUUU..." The zombies long pale face took on a comical look of surprise and agony, as he clutched at his bruise plums. Staggering backwards and falling to his knee's, as Velma sprang to her feet. Throwing another quick kick into those cupped hands, as she raced by and down the hall. Just then 'BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM' a series of loud booms echoed through the tunnels. Grabbing his radio the zombie keyed the mic, and moaned into the radio. "Dammit Steve what the hell are you doin'?"

"We got more snoopers down here." The radio crackled, as an out of breath voice exclaimed wildly.

"Ya I know... saw four of them come down myself. Chasing a girl and a big dog... right now." He moaned still cradling and rubbing his bruised testicles gingerly.

"I pushed three of them down the shaft... but two more ran away." Steve's anxious voice babbled wildly, and he race down a distant tunnel. "I winged one of them, but they ran into the lower tunnels." Suddenly that wheezing voice paused, as what Tom had said registered. "Was she a pretty girl."

"Pretty enough when she was down on all fours." The first zombie snorted, as he climbed to his feet stuffing Velma's panties into a pocket. "What three of them, damn we better call the boss... this is getting out of hand. We can't drown a dozen people without it looking really suspicious."

"Well if those two run down the wrong tunnels, and into the poison gas no one would ever know what happened to them."

"Good point... I'll try to herd these two down there and we'll let the fumes gett'em."


Velma shivered as a warm breeze blow up her skirt, making the slimy wetness oozing down her inner thighs feel icy cold. She felt even more highly ashamed as she felt that, even while her sex tingled in the afterglow of orgasm. Not only had she let Scooby Dum fuck her... but she'd been caught doing it. And had lost her panties to a Zombie, whose raging pink erection had proved he was just some horny guy in a mask. Some horny guy who had just watched her engage in bestiality, and thought he was going to get sloppy seconds. This mystery was not turning out like normal at all... at least not for her. It was Daphne that was usually involved in these kinds of things, Velma rarely even got felt up. Now here she was panty-less and running away from horny zombies. With what felt like about a gallon of canine cum splashing around her inside, and running down her short thick legs.

As ahead of her the fast fleeing Scooby Dum turned a sharp corner, instantly there was the sound of a collision. Falling bodies, grunts of pain and softly muttered curses before a loud voice exclaimed.

"Scooby Dum is that you?"


"What in the world..."

"Re'rere Running from Rombies..."

"The zombie try to kill you? Wait why is your..." Larena started, as she noticed the big gray Great Danes enormous cock still dangling out of its sheath. Velma had just came running around the corner, and skidded to a halt just in front of the pile. Larena, Freddie and Scooby Dum were just picking themselves up off the front. As Velma appeared a very wild eye Freddie looked up at her and babbled.

"Shaggy and Scooby are dead... I saw them thrown off a cliff. I got them killed Velma... I think Daphne's dead to..." The clearly panicked blonde rambled, as Velma spotting the slash of red on the shoulder of his white shirt.

"Fred your hurt." The chubby Velma exclaimed, as she looked through the rip in his shirt. Even as Larena started at the silvery liquid trailers snaking down Velma's leg's. Making big wet spot's on the chubby girls thick orange knee high socks.

"Bullet wound... he tried to shoot us..." Freddie babbled quickly, as Velma took out a handkerchief and tied it around that weeping wound. Even as she felt Larena lift her short skirt, and chuckle lewdly at seeing Velma's naked dripping crotch.

"I see you've found out what Scooby Dum does best."

"Reah... oh Reah... heheh." The big Great Dane laughed goofily, while Velma blushed as she realized Larena knew. And it seemed was admitting that she herself had indulged in that kind of thing herself.

"No Fred I'm sure that she's ok." Velma comforted, herself very uncomfortable... as she tugged that bandage tighter. "And you know Shagg and Scoob... they've got more lives than a bag of cat."

"But... but I saw him throw them over the edge..." Freddie struggled... as he looked around frightened, scared more than had ever been before. But Velma hushed him down gently, as she thought things over rapidly.

"First things first we're going to need a trap... those zombies obviously aren't real zombies." Velma explained, as this statement make Fred perk up a bit. "But they are clearly more dangerous than what we're use to, I think this call's for something a bit more nasty than usual."


"Like we're alive Scoob... Hahah!" Shaggy laughed crazily for a second as he lay on the narrow ledge trembling.

"Reah arive." Scooby agreed, pouncing on the lanky youth and licking his face wildly.

"Heheh come on Scoob..." Shaggy protested weakly, as he parted his lip's and let that long slick tongue invade his mouth.

"It was a close thing..." Cameron panted, as he looked at his bleeding finger tip's. Half the finger nails on his right hand ripped out, from gripping desperately at the rocky cliff face. Which still had not save the three of them, which was why the big red head was so confused. "Ammm was it you guy's who got us over here onto this ledge?"

"What... like no we thought it was you who saved us... after that zombie pushed us over the edge."

"That was no Zombie..." Cameron growled harshly, as he rubbed the bloody cut along the side of his head. "First off my ward didn't effect it... and second zombies don't carry police revolvers."

"And it is a very strong ward..." A soft lyrical voice said pleasantly, making the three of them look up startled. A dozen yards away a small strongly build young man sat on a big rock. "I'd heal that wound for you." The young newcomer offered softly, as he sat motionless watching them. "But your magik won't let me get any nearer to you..."

"Wha... I don't see why it would..." Cameron started, as he struggled to his his feet taking a step towards the youth. At once the young man sprang up and stepped backwards, his feet making loud 'Click Clacks' on the stone floor. Shaggy, Scooby and the big red headed hillbilly starred shocked at the newcomer. As they realized that what they had taken for ragged gray trousers, was in fact shaggy gray fur. His long sleek leg's were twisted and bent like an animals, his feet were in fact two flinty black cloven hooves. That thick gray fur covered those legs and his genitals, which were more like Scooby's than Shaggy or Cameron's. Although it was even larger than the Great Dane's enormous canine junk. While tiny horns could be seen sticking up out of his bushy hair, while his pale chest was bare and almost hairless.

"Like Zoinks..." Shaggy exclaimed, as he and Scooby starred longingly at the Goat boy's hefty sheath and ball's. Even the big red headed hillbillies eyes were glued to those massive genitals. As a gently knowing smile played across the Goat boy's soft mobile lip's.

"I'm Deveraux... but grandpa just calls me Dev most of the time."

"Yer a Satyr..." Cameron accused weakly, as his fought to pull his eyes away from those huge genitals. Unable to help noticing, that the cute Goat boy's cock was beginning to slide out of that furry sheath.

"SS... Satyr." Shaggy stammered as he could help from licking his lip's, the newcomers scent making him feel very excited. "But like that's impossible... Satyr's aren't real... that's gotta be some kinda kookie costume."

"Your best friend is a dog who talks and walks around on his hind legs... and I'm the one that is not real?" The handsome young Goat boy asked sounding amused, by this conversations. "This is no costume..." Dev chuckled gesturing down to his furry leg's, noting once again the trio's eyes lingered on his swiftly engorging cock. "Your welcomed to come and feel for yourself."

"Ralking Rog?" Scooby asked, looking around as if he didn't know what Dev was talking about. Even as he edged closer sniffing at the Satyr's bulging cock and ball's.

"Hehehe..." Shaggy chuckled as he thought about that, and watched Scooby's reaction. "Well ol' buddy ol' pal... that's our kinda invitation." Shaggy admitted as he looked over at the obviously conflicted Cameron. "Like come on we both know you want to..." He urged reaching up to pull the magically warding fetish over the big hillbillies head. "Like the zombies aren't real... so you really don't need it anyway." Before Cameron could protest or stop him, Shaggy tugged it off and tossed it over the edge of the shaft.

"I'm not sure you should hav... have done tha... that Shagg." Cameron stuttered as the full power of Dev's masculine scent came to bare on his senses. As the Satyr sat there spread legged, the trio crawled over to him. All three of them growing more and more aroused the closer they came to him. Dev lifted Cameron's bloody hand, placing each finger into his mouth suckling on it gently. Even as Cameron and Shaggy's heads pressed between those furry legs, licking and kissing the Satyr's huge ball's. And taking turns suckling on the red tip, as more and more of that huge animal like penis thrust out of Dev's sheath.

As the Satyr pulled Cameron's fingers from his mouth each one was heal, even the torn nails had grown back. Cameron lifted his head to stare at those healed fingers, as Dev leaned forwards and began licking that bloody wound on the side of Cameron's head. While Scooby shoved his way in and began to lick where the big hillbilly had left off. Cameron's big blunt face took on a look of dazed pleasure, as those soft lip's pressed to his damaged flesh. A flash of heat past from those soft lip's, radiating out from around that wound. And then the pain and nagging headache the big red head hadn't really noticed vanished. And a thrill of pleasure raced through him, as those soft plump lip's moved down. Finding his own bearded ones, hot wet lip's pressing passionately to his own. The sweet smell of clover filling his nose, as the salty taste of male fluids were strong on Dev's tongue. The big red head starring into the huge black hour glass shaped pupils of those goatish eye's, sinking into the depths of their mutual lust. Cameron was hardly aware of nimble hands undressing him, or furry paws fondling his big hairy body.

So lost in that endless seeming kiss, his big rough hands sliding all over that hot naked body. Until at last the Satyr's small wry body rolled him over onto his back. Cameron suddenly found his thick powerful leg's hoisted up over the Satyr's broad shoulders. The big red head stared at that huge red cock, as it jutted out between his hefty thigh's. Rubbing sensuously again his our fat erection, that was dwarfed by than mighty throbbing Goat cock. Suddenly pale skinny thigh's straddled his big bearded red head, looking up he saw Shaggy smiling down at him.

"Like how about I suck you off... while he's inside." Shaggy volunteered, leaning forwards over the big hillbillies hairy muscle gut, and taking that fat cock into his mouth.

"Ummmmmm." Cameron moaned as he felt Shaggy's mouth engulf his rock hard erection. Even as Dev's mighty cock spread his own pale ass cheek's, Cameron relaxed his sphincters as much as he could. However the Satyr's massive organ still hurt him more than a bit when it was pushed slowly inside. Clearly this wasn't Dev's first anal experience, and even more clearly it wasn't Shaggy's first time sucking cock. Both of them were expert at what they we're doing, which was a first time experience for Cameron. It was hard to find good lovers in the small homophobic Mt community. Cameron's head lolled back leaving him looking up at Shaggy's long uncut cock, which was throbbing and oozing excitedly. As the teenager sucked on Cameron's on bigger cock, reaching up the big red head tugged that uncut beauty over to his own mouth. Sucking it deep into his throat with practiced ease, making Shaggy moan softly as he breath quickened. Cameron had already sucked this dick once, but was able to get much more detail this time looking straight up at it.

And then suddenly, a huge brown and black spotted shape draped it's self over Shaggy's pale naked butt. As Cameron starred up at that huge red rocket dangling just behind Shaggy's butt cheeks. Shaggy whimpered softly on Cameron's fat prick, as that huge red canine bone stabbed at his loins. Reaching around one of the teenagers skinny thighs, Cameron grasped than huge wet organ and guided it to it's place. With a swift lustful lunge Scooby buried his cock into Shaggy's rectum, the lanky teen hardly showing any discomfort. Obviously it was an act that had happened many many times in the past, for the human's anus to have gotten so use to it.

"Ri Ritch!" Scooby moaned as he thrust with a wild frenzied lust into his best pal's quivering pucker. Shaggy moaning louder and more breathlessly around Cameron's thick erection, as his own pleasure grew more and more intense. From that huge hard canid bone slamming into his prostate, and Cameron's hot mouth suckling more and more lustfully. As his mind replayed when it had been him on Scooby's massive rut stick. Even as Dev's even larger one ploughed the hillbillies grasping squeezing anus just as lustfully if somewhat slower...

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